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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]

Halo 4 still sold less than Halo 3 despite a biger install based to work with. Initially it sold more due to the installed base but then word got out and it did not sell more than Halo 3. Also Halo 5 will be just as terrible as Halo 4 .

Yah I'm not saying it's as big as it was but it's still a pretty big hit. I think MCC would've Rose a few spots on that top 10 list if the game wasn't broken out of the gate.


It's not that simple. PS4 still did really good numbers at $399.99. It's a conscious trade-off; they have higher profit margins but less units, and still retain overall lead in US by 750-800k.

Yea, I'm impressed Sony came close to the million mark at $399.

Super impressive, considering the XB1 was $70 cheaper + games.

Though I fully expect an official PS4 price cut going into their 3rd holiday season next year.

Sonic is officially dead or is just a Wii U/3DS problem?

Make it a PS4 exclusive, give it to Studio Japan (or Media Molecule) and enjoy the ensuing Sonic renaissance.


Sonic is officially dead or is just a Wii U/3DS problem?

i don't know how it does well on the xb1 or ps4 when it's struggling on the 3ds. maybe a toys to life game will do it. maybe just hunkering down and making a fucking good game like colors or generations would do it too.
Sonic is officially dead or is just a Wii U/3DS problem?

I think its a combination of the game and the system. I think the franchise is being mishandled big time though. With how bad Boom is I would not attribute it all the WiiU, not for a performance that atrocious.


hedgehog bomba U ~ 25k, the other platform is lower


holy fucking hell
The Good: I leave for 3 hours to play some DA:I and come back to see that 7-10k difference estimate was completely off. I was sorta hoping, not going to lie...relieved to see for Microsoft. I mean could you imagine seeling that many units with that amazing of a deal and still barely scraping by your foe? I would of been flustered beyond belief if I was MS.

The Bad: I now have to read the 45 pages I missed...I just gotta.

The good (again): I'll do so as I continue my first watch of the Wire.
7-10k difference?! wut?

Why was CBOAT banned?

Other insiders said he was wrong real difference seems to be in the hundreds of thousands which makes more sense with 1.2 million Xbox Ones sold in the US.

Some people think he might have been saying the life to date gap was 710k which it might be if Xbox gained a few hundred thousand on PS this month. That seems like a bit of a stretch as he never corrected himself after it was clearly perceived as the Nov total gap.
From a competition standpoint.

Looking at historical November sales for NPD, PS4 sales are up there among the stronger ones.

Dude, the competition is what matters.

Taking the numbersi n their historical perspective is meaningless. What matters is the situation as it exists now.

To do otherwise, would just be looking at things in a vacuum.

This console generation is very different sales-wise than previous ones. Previous generations were a slow burn. This one was on fire from day 1.
Time for Sony to put LBP out to pasture.

People seriously need to buy Dragon Age

No way, LBP3 fixed the physics and introduced a ton of great stuff that a 4th can expand on. They just need to market it better and not release it up against every other AAA game of the fall.

But yeah people definitely need to be buying Dragon Age. I'll be grabbing it around Christmas time, can't wait


That's bad, but I want it so this might mean prices will drop quickly.

Holy shit...
I didn't think sales would be good, but that is hilariously bad. Why did the unity bundle sell so well though? Did they just want the console?

XBO + AC U + AC IV was cheaper than XBO without game.
There was a SO bundle but limited and seems like game bombed so hard.


Make it a PS4 exclusive, give it to Studio Japan (or Media Molecule) and enjoy the ensuing Sonic renaissance.

oh dear god no.

i love media molecule and think tearaway is a tremendous game but they should probably not work on sonic.

why is everyone's solution to a problem 'make sony do it!' sony's first parties are not equipped to handle everything. their audience doesn't buy everything either, especially family games.


Junior Member
The Good: I leave for 3 hours to play some DA:I and come back to see that 7-10k difference estimate was completely off. I was sorta hoping, not going to lie...relieved to see for Microsoft. I mean could you imagine seeling that many units with that amazing of a deal and still barely scraping by your foe? I would of been flustered beyond belief if I was MS.

The Bad: I now have to read the 45 pages I missed...I just gotta.

The good (again): I'll do so as I continue my first run of watching the wire.

The PIE-Bomb was dropped in page 47 or 48 I think, it is were jaws dropped and the whole thread caught fire.


If you go back and look at my post I said about half and then followed it by saying 400-500k.

I didn't know how much exactly ps4 was ahead exactly I just knew it was about a million.

Ok, fair enough. It was a nice prediction, I was thinking the difference would be < 200k.


People seriously need to buy Dragon Age

One can only hope it has a better December. I know there is a 99% chance I am getting it for the holidays so there is no reason for me to buy it now. Not sure how many others are in that situation, but releasing close to the holidays has its ups and downs.


Sad to see MCC dropping in the NPD, but that's what happens when you release a shoddy product. Definitely would've been much better off delaying it, it needed it. "For a brick, it sold pretty good" is a very apt phrase here.

Mikey Jr.

I'm not gonna make excuses for Sony, because MS deserved to win for sure. Having said that, Sony's holiday games were shit tier.

1. I always said LPB3 was not gonna move jack shit. It's not made by MM, and honestly doesn't look like a generational leap forward. It straight up looked like a slightly nicer looking PS3 game.

2. Driveclub was just plagued with bad press regarding the launch issues which went on for weeks. Disregarding the online, the game also reviewed like hot mehhhhhhhh. Forza Horizon 2 blew it out of the fucking water in terms of scores.

3. Sony released their bundle 2 weeks later than when GTA V got released. The fuck?

4. MS had Sunset which was a true exclusive, they had Halo which despite having issues, was still Halo, and probably moved systems.

5. Dat Ass Creed Unity bundle for $329

Honestly, Sony gave MS Nov on a silver platter. Everything extra that MS did was just icing on the cake. Sony was in a bad position in the Holidays. They took a beating for sure, but I think they'll be ok now. 2015 looks pretty damn good for PS4. They really shouldn't have any bad holidays going forward now.


i don't know how it does well on the xb1 or ps4 when it's struggling on the 3ds. maybe a toys to life game will do it. maybe just hunkering down and making a fucking good game like colors or generations would do it too.

It won't do better on any platform. It needs to be retired IMO (with LBP). Need to move on. Out with the old and in with the new - there's so much good stuff out right now.


Other insiders said he was wrong real difference seems to be in the hundreds of thousands which makes more sense with 1.2 million Xbox Ones sold in the US.
Not just other insiders. We know from official sources that XB1 and PS4 combined sales are less than 2.1 million and XB1 sold more than 1.2 million.

It's pretty obvious what he wanted people to believe and he had plenty of time to correct people.
That's bad, but I want it so this might mean prices will drop quickly :p
Can't pay full price for it...

Holy shit...
I didn't think sales would be good, but that is hilariously bad. Why did the unity bundle sell so well though? Did they just want the console?

As a new owner of an XBO, yes, I just wanted the console. Hell I even lost my Unity download card and couldn't care less. I strongly dislike the AC series.


People saying that Sony needs to respond are failing to see the big picture:

1) Sony still has a strong lead over MS worldwide (remember, we were around 14M PS4s vs around 7-8M XOnes...MS may have won the US/UK by 400k, but that's not world wide sales). They would factor that into any decision regarding permanent price drops.

2) Sony still had a strong month of sales

3) No company will make a knee-jerk reaction to 1 month sales results...look at how long it took MS. With that said, we don't know what MS has planned in regards to their price after the holidays (especially if we assume they're taking a loss at these prices).

I'm glad that MS had strong numbers for November, it's good for the industry to be competitive.


Man he is about as reliable and transparent as thuways tweets. Nothing objective to see here.

It's wasn't always this way. For some reason his reliability went off a cliff approximately a year ago. If you were a long time GAFer, you knew how accurate he used to be. He listed like a billion super specific details about 360 prior to its announcement before anyone else back in the day and was right about every point; he previously leaked direct gif footage from a game that wasn't even announced yet back when it was a Sony game (Remember Me); he was right about a lot of aspects leading up to XBO announcement.

Curiously after that point, his reliability started going downhill until the last few major major misses with Titanfall and this month NPD.

Someone got him good now :p


oh dear god no.

i love media molecule and think tearaway is a tremendous game but they should probably not work on sonic.

why is everyone's solution to a problem 'make sony do it!' sony's first parties are not equipped to handle everything. their audience doesn't buy everything either, especially family games.

To be honest, I just want to see what Studio Japan in particular can come up with an exclusive Sonic game.

It would look gorgeous, no doubt.

No way, LBP3 fixed the physics and introduced a ton of great stuff that a 4th can expand on. They just need to market it better and not release it up against every other AAA game of the fall.

Where does the LBP franchise go from here though?

They can never do anything technically groundbreaking because it will shackled by cross-gen due to BC issues with user generated content.
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