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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]

If you go back and look at my post I said about half and then followed it by saying 400-500k.

I didn't know how much exactly ps4 was ahead exactly I just knew it was about a million.

I'm just a bit irked that there were some "Jomjom where you at now?" "Post if you're OK" type posts right after the cboat post.

My hats off to you Jomjom you nailed it bro.
So, it's safe to say that

1) Assassin's Creed was a next-gen system seller
2) HD Remakes still don't sell shit compared to their original releases. Halo and GTA can be added to the pile, even with their healthy sales.
3) Sonic is dead. Finally.

What was CBOAT's Titanfall prediction again?

He said the final game would run at 720p. The beta came out at a slightly higher resolution. The devs said the final game would run at that resolution. He said the final game would run at 720p again, basically calling the devs bullshit artists. He got banned.


People saying that Sony needs to respond are failing to see the big picture:

1) Sony still has a strong lead over MS worldwide (remember, we were around 14M PS4s vs around 7-8M XOnes...MS may have won the US/UK by 400k, but that's not world wide sales). They would factor that into any decision regarding permanent price drops.

2) Sony still had a strong month of sales

3) No company will make a knee-jerk reaction to 1 month sales results...look at how long it took MS. With that said, we don't know what MS has planned in regards to their price after the holidays (especially if we assume they're taking a loss at these prices).

I'm glad that MS had strong numbers for November, it's good for the industry to be competitive.
I agree. Sony is fine and has surprised themselves so far. They are running on fumes right now with no need to find a gas station at all.


you thought I was grossly overestimating too when I said gap closer to 350k-400k two weeks ago

i served you gentle, friendly crow earlier in the topic. Will you take a small spoonful of it, as a joke? :D

Definitely. I'm happy it did better than I expected since the sooner that people jump onto current gen, the sooner that current gen only games (instead of cross gen) will be made.


Dude, the competition is what matters.

Taking the numbersi n their historical perspective is meaningless. What matters is the situation as it exists now.

To do otherwise, would just be looking at things in a vacuum.

This console generation is very different sales-wise than previous ones. Previous generations were a slow burn. This one was on fire from day 1.

Okay, so to avoid the viewing of the situation in a vacuum, you think we should ignore history and focus solely on this one month that supports your weak argument? And you claim this generation is so different? Isn't that historical perspective? And what's this slow burn you're talking about? Ever heard of the Wii?


Guy at work was telling me how he beat this game without ever seeing a glitch and that people were making the glitches up to make Ubisoft look bad. lol

That particular bug was from the closed beta on the Xbox One. Framedrops are currently the major issue with the game.

The game had plenty of genuine bugs at launch, you don't need to post that bullshit gif.


Guy at work was telling me how he beat this game without ever seeing a glitch and that people were making the glitches up to make Ubisoft look bad. lol

Yeah that bug was from the pre alpha. I don't doubt your coworker's story though. Some people either don't notice that shit or are lucky enough to avoid them.


Sony will be fine with their 2015 lineup. Especially with Bloodborne and The Order coming out when X1 has nothing coming

Wouldn't be surprised by a holiday 2015 price drop with Uncharted 4 coming out


That particular bug was from the closed beta on the Xbox One. Framedrops are currently the major issue with the game.

Ah. Yeah he was like "the game is super smooth I dunno what everyone is talking about. My favorite in the series best storyline in a game in a long time blah blah blah" and then started trying to spoil Dragon Age for me so I left.

*currently waiting for UPS to show up so I can play it*


It's not that simple. PS4 still did really good numbers at $399.99. It's a conscious trade-off; they have higher profit margins but less units, and still retain overall lead in US by 750-800k (I think XBO is going to gap PS4 in December by 250k, reducing that further to around 500-550k gap in US). Whereas this is a gaining period for XBO, massive surge, but at a hit to their profit margin on a per unit basis. They sold enough to offset the profit margin decrease, and gained back some lost marketshare in US. For Microsoft the strategy was brilliantly successful.

But due to PS4 still doing well, it means potentially PS4 can maintain its higher price point for a longer period of time and still have a very big strategic impact when it also drops to $349.99, gaining back some of the territory it lost in November.

Sales trajectories are a loooong game, it's never so simple. I see the way both Microsoft and Sony are aligning themselves strategically, and it is super fascinating. For example Sony has a very stacked first six months of 2015, and a stellar holiday season for 2015 if nothing slips. So if they do combine that lineup with their own price drop, they too could have a quite amazing bounce.

So it's very interesting times ahead if you're into sales analysis.

Yeah good point. A little OT but I have just read that PS4 is THE biggest revenue driver of Sony for last quarter at the Japanese news site. They will be extremely cautions about the price cut IMO.


LOLOLOL. well, well, well.

I checked this earlier when the gap was supposedly only 10k. Lawd. I don't even care about this shit but bless you for the hilarity, GAF. Bless you.

And that Arrow GIF is gold.
Wait, PS4 got bodied THAT bad and the overall lead is basically minimal now?

Microsoft had a great month on the back of their price cuts and giveaway games, but I think it's a little premature to say PS4's overall lead is "basically minimal now". This month put them back to their lead before the Destiny bundle in September. So... still significant.

A great month for MS after a year of losses. Nothing more or less.


I'm gonna make excuses for Sony, because MS deserved to win for sure. Having said that, Sony's holiday games were shit tier.

1. I always said LPB3 was not gonna move jack shit. It's not made by MM, and honestly doesn't look like a generational leap forward. It straight up looked like a slightly nicer looking PS3 game.

2. Driveclub was just plagued with bad press regarding the launch issues which went on for weeks. Disregarding the online, the game also reviewed like hot mehhhhhhhh. Forza Horizon 2 blew it out of the fucking water in terms of scores.

3. Sony released their bundle 2 weeks later than when GTA V got released. The fuck?

4. MS had Sunset which was a true exclusive, they had Halo which despite having issues, was still Halo, and probably moved systems.

5. Dat Ass Creed Unity bundle for $329

Honestly, Sony gave MS Nov on a silver platter. Everything extra that MS did was just icing on the cake. Sony was in a bad position in the Holidays. They took a beating for sure, but I think they'll be ok now. 2015 looks pretty damn good for PS4. They really shouldn't have any bad holidays going forward now.

meh i don't think they would look at it as a beating. those are solid numbers for ps4. MS just earned alot of those sales that were probably going to be for next year by doing the price cut alongside some crazy deals which Sony will get too next year when they drop the price. MS threw everything and the kitchen sink and they were able to get a good extra chunk of sales.


What was CBOAT's Titanfall prediction again?

Said TF final will be 720p and have the low-res textures from the alpha test version, even though the beta was 792p already and had much better textures. He doubled down on his initial 720p/alpha textures claim and got banned for a short while.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Hah, so CBOAT was wrong. Well who would have guessed /s

Sometimes i think the 'insiders' on this website just like taking everyone for a ride with pretending to have info they don't actually have.

Again, good for MS, they brought the heat last month, them winning stands to reason


Junior Member
So has microsoft made a statement about this yet? Because this is a pretty huge month for them.

They have kept it pretty cool IMO. I think its smart. Their PR didn't mention the sales gap which IMO means they are cautious of over reacting after 1 month.

However, if say they continue to close the GAP in the US over the next few months you will start to see them expand their wings regarding sales. I don't expect them to start dropping sales figures until they erase most of the US gap(at least under 200k)


Yeah good point. A little OT but I have just read that PS4 is THE biggest revenue driver of Sony for last quarter at the Japanese news site. They will be extremely cautions about the price cut IMO.

I mean as long as they continue to maintain a dominant footing on the worldwide basis and still sell as great as they did in November NPD, they are not going to rush into cutting the price.

We're still at least 8 or 9 months off from a viable PS4 price cut option I think.

It really depends though on what choice Microsoft makes regarding to price of XBO after these holidays, and where the month-to-month average settles in at once the fireworks are through. 'Cause then Sony can gain back some ground with a crucial software+price cut combo, given all the high profile products Sony is either co-marketing or releasing themselves.
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