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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


Sony needs a drop to 349 starting in December and keep it take way till next November where it drops to 299, they will still make a profit even with 349

It sold over 800k. That's still one of the highest second November's in history. There is NO reason for Sony to cut the price of the system.


The inaccuracies started before that actually. It was right around Gamescom if I recall correctly.

I wasn't being precise with my number, I just meant we could trace it back to around the time XBO was fully unveiled. He was still right about most of his information even at that point, but quickly things started going off a cliff. Might have been around Gamescom, can't remember his first major prediction slip up but I do remember things started being like half right at times, and then now not right at all.

Someone got him now and is pulling his chain HARD. I am actually very curious to know what changed in cboat's life :p


Ok, wow. I go pound the Steam server for a while and this happens. That has gone from basically a tie to incredible.

The power of severe discounting.


Are people on crack about Sony needing too cut the price? They are still selling well and this holiday push by Microsoft is supposedly temporary.

I honestly do not believe Microsoft's price cut is temporary by any stretch of the imagination. I believe it's a well concerted push to cause an impact in the shortest amount of time. This will follow up by a solid price drop. No console in history has suddenly raised the price after a "temporary" price drop.


You are only as reputable as your last prediction. There was no way an insider with access to this information could have been so far off with his estimates. It is funny how any people worship him on this forum.

Yeah seriously. Hes been continually getting stuff wrong. Why should he be trusted for anything at this point?


I'd be in the dick
That would be an overreaction on Sony's part. They should not do anything until the dust settles in January/February. Once they know what the situation is outside of the holidays, they can react appropriately. If it's a wash that they realistically have all the way till the Holidays of 2015 to plan unless MS makes a move first.

I doubt we'll see Sony do anything until near the release of The Order and Bloodborne and it'll probably just be bundles.


By the end of 2014, XB1 will have potentially more than halved the PS4's lead.

Which took 10 months to build.

Not bad, MS.

Greenberg da god. Primetime!



It's not that simple. PS4 still did really good numbers at $399.99. It's a conscious trade-off; they have higher profit margins but less units, and still retain overall lead in US by 750-800k (I think XBO is going to gap PS4 in December by 250k, reducing that further to around 500-550k gap in US). Whereas this is a gaining period for XBO, massive surge, but at a hit to their profit margin on a per unit basis. They sold enough to offset the profit margin decrease, and gained back some lost marketshare in US. For Microsoft the strategy was brilliantly successful.

But due to PS4 still doing well, it means potentially PS4 can maintain its higher price point for a longer period of time and still have a very big strategic impact when it also drops to $349.99, gaining back some of the territory it lost in November.

Sales trajectories are a loooong game, it's never so simple. I see the way both Microsoft and Sony are aligning themselves strategically, and it is super fascinating. For example Sony has a very stacked first six months of 2015, and a stellar holiday season for 2015 if nothing slips. So if they do combine that lineup with their own price drop, they too could have a quite amazing bounce.

So it's very interesting times ahead if you're into sales analysis.

How do we know they still had a positive margin? I'd imagine that prior to the price cut, the Xbox was selling with a small margin. Knocking $50 off, and then bundling so many games with out would have hit their margin hard. It was an effect $150 taken off the price. Which is massive without any hardware revisions.

It wouldn't surprise me if MS would have been happy to sell at a loss for these two key months just to drive up marketshare, game sales and brand momentum. The price cut is only temporary which should say that MS don't think that price is sustainable.

This month would be a huge success for MS at clawing back marketshare, but at a cost to their bottom line. From a financial point of view, Sony sticking to their $399 price would have seen good returns for them. The revenue from Playstation is too important to Sony to sell the PS4 at a loss.


I think we're starting to see the scenario MS painted of 360 owners who, always were going to upgrade to the Xbone, but were just waiting for that combination of price and games. PS4 got that early bump because the PS4 was already reasonably priced and the PS3 is kind of shite.


People called Romanes they go the house?
I don't mean to be a preacher but I have to ask.

Is it really appropriate to gloat when someone gets banned? :/

People can get invested in their arguments/predictions.

To be fair, though, this 'leak' was pretty egregious.

PS4 price drop is probably incoming around next summer, i'd think. Depends on if that MS lead continues over the next few months.


Wow, so CBOAT was way off?? Or within the ballpark?? Hope Somebodys posts sillohuetted of Sales Numbers. Need numbers to munch on on every NPD thread
By the end of 2014, XB1 will have potentially more than halved the PS4's lead.

Which took 10 months to build.

Not bad, MS.

Pretty good, but I see the gap widening again starting next year considering XB1 has pretty much no exclusives coming out in the first half of 2015.

Wow, so CBOAT was way off?? Or within the ballpark?? Hope Somebodys posts sillohuetted of Sales Numbers. Need numbers to munch on on every NPD thread
The hyperbole needs to end. He was only off by 390k.


cboat indisputably had crazily accurate information up until about a year ago. The question is what happened after that.

People need to know the history of cboat. He deserved the ban for being taken and allowing GAF to go for a ride, but cboat did not get his reputation on thin air. There were dozens upon dozens of super accurate predictions from cboat going right back years and years and years from before Xbox 360 launch.

I sort of feel people like to do the piling on thing after someone is banned and can't defend themselves, but they often do it cruelly and without context. cboat was the king of insiders at one point due to his accuracy.

#freeCBOAT, shit ain't the same without him.
I wasn't being precise with my number, I just meant we could trace it back to around the time XBO was fully unveiled. He was still right about most of his information even at that point, but quickly things started going off a cliff. Might have been around Gamescom, can't remember his first major prediction slip up but I do remember things started being like half right at times, and then now not right at all.

Someone got him now and is pulling his chain HARD. I am actually very curious to know what changed in cboat's life :p

Yeah. His last solid set of info was around E3 2013 pretty much. The info got worse and worse with each post after that, though he did have some big hits (like the PG game which ended up being Scalebound). The Titanfall stuff hit his credibility really hard and now it's pretty much gone with this slip up.


Phat Michael said:
You are only as reputable as your last prediction. There was no way an insider with access to this information could have been so far off with his estimates. It is funny how any people worship him on this forum.

Like I said, if you're some newbie to GAF you can think that way. I however understand

1. Human error
2. Things change
3. Once good sources can turn bad

Cboat was the king of all insiders right up until and a bit after XBO unveiling. Then things went awry, so it's been a little over a year now. I agree given his recent track record there's no longer any reason to take his statements at face value, but I also find it a bit distasteful people just pick him apart like crows now that his source came apart for a year. We all wanted his information greedily when it was right, and then suddenly we hate him when his source goes sour.

I think we just need a bit more perspective. He predicted so many things so remarkably accurate over the years that a this height no one touched him, save maybe that one time ntkrnl had that single epic leak. And that was ONE leak.

Call it a pet peeve, but people love to gang up on someone when they can no longer defend themselves, and I do think cboat as a person more than contributed to the value of GAF over the years with his insanely accurate inside information. He no longer has the crown due to his source clearly going sour in the last year, and he rightfully got banned for this slip up, but there's no reason to blacken his whole record for it. The dude was legit, more legit than any other insider for the longest time.


with the gap in US closing because of competative bundles and pricing by MS. Is anyone taking into account all the good press from PSX for Sony in helping boost sales and momentum for December NPD?

I mean they even like what 13 thousand 20th anniversary PS4's in a matter of an hour or 2.

Can someone answer me this: does NPD count sales from first week of December?

Because I feel there would be a up-kick in sales coming off of PSX?
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