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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]




You know maybe I'm just too much of a believer or naive or w/e but something still seems off about CBOAT's comment in this topic. I don't think he directly meant the gap between PS4/Xbox One for November 2014 sales, I think he meant something else. I also think there was something off about Titanfall's resolution, there could have been a last minute change or something. His history going back is just too accurate.
As much as it probably deserves it (being my favorite shooter series and going up against a remake), FC4 > MCC is blowing my mind right now.

343 really, really screwed up.

Halo 5 had better be handing out handjobs with preorders.
Sony needs a drop to 349 starting in December and keep it take way till next November where it drops to 299, they will still make a profit even with 349

And why is that? Genuinely asking. Is it that big of a deal to be outsold for a few months in a single territory. They are still going to maintain a lead worldwide and will take the profit with them. They have a strong lineup for 2015, and MS does not have a whole lot on deck for the early part of 2015. I'd say the only company that needs to do anything with regards to price is MS needs to keep the price at $349.

Sony I think has had a plan all along for when they will drop the price and this is not going to affect that. Big whoop, they are now "only" ahead by 700-800k units in the US now, and at years end will still likely have over a 500k lead in the US. All the while growing their market share worldwide. So again why do they NEED to do anything, but stick to their plan that has clearly been working out great for them?
Like I said, if you're some newbie to GAF you can think that way. I however understand

1. Human error
2. Things change
3. Once good sources can turn bad

Cboat was the king of all insiders right up until and a bit after XBO unveiling. Then things went awry, so it's been a little over a year now. I agree given his recent track record there's no longer any reason to take his statements at face value, but I also find it a bit distasteful people just pick him apart like crows now that his source came apart for a year. We all wanted his information greedily when it was right, and then suddenly we hate him when his source goes sour.

I think we just need a bit more perspective. He predicted so many things so remarkably accurate over the years that a this height no one touched him, save maybe that one time ntkrnl had that single epic leak. And that was ONE leak.

Call it a pet peeve, but people love to gang up on someone when they can no longer defend themselves, and I do think cboat as a person more than contributed to the value of GAF over the years with his insanely accurate inside information. He no longer has the crown due to his source clearly going sour in the last year, and he rightfully got banned for this slip up, but there's no reason to blacken his whole record for it. The dude was legit, more legit than any other insider for the longest time.

This is true.


How do we know they still had a positive margin? I'd imagine that prior to the price cut, the Xbox was selling with a small margin. Knocking $50 off, and then bundling so many games with out would have hit their margin hard. It was an effect $150 taken off the price. Which is massive without any hardware revisions.

It wouldn't surprise me if MS would have been happy to sell at a loss for these two key months just to drive up marketshare, game sales and brand momentum. The price cut is only temporary which should say that MS don't think that price is sustainable.

This month would be a huge success for MS at clawing back marketshare, but at a cost to their bottom line. From a financial point of view, Sony sticking to their $399 price would have seen good returns for them. The revenue from Playstation is too important to Sony to sell the PS4 at a loss.

We don't know for sure of course, but I don't imagine they would have gouged this much if they didn't feel they could stretch some profit out of it.

We'll never know definitively until their quarterly reports though.
So how did Dragon Age Inquisition do? Is probably my GOTY would be disappointed if it did. Similarly, did we have get any indication how Sunset Overdrive performed?
Definitely giving the X1 a nice healthy margin of victory in my december predictions lol. With no real deal on Sony's end, I think ms has december in the bag.


399 to 299 is a 100$ cost reduction in start of it's 3rd year in nov 15

Sorry - you're correct as I was looking at another number. That being said - i still don't think $100 happens either. I seriously doubt that msft will go lower than $350 for a while so maintaining price parity will be it.
NPD is such a wild ride.

Good times though. Let's not over react though I think this going to be a flash in the pan for MS. I'm betting in Feb PS will still clearly be King and will continue to grow its lead.


Jesus Christ. 1st place and 40th place. What in the world. Sony might just lose all it's US lead in 2 months. Sony has got to have a special holiday bundle with a price drop or something.

Sony has a 700-800k lead right now. MS won't outsell Sony by 800k next month.
Looking at Amazon's PS4 sales, one thing I noticed is that I'm pretty sure that after Cyber Monday they were done with bundles for the console, while places like Gamestop had the bundles for all of Cyber Week and Gamestop still offers the BF bundle + Camera for 399.99 as an online exclusive offer. I wouldn't be surprised if other stores are just cannibalizing Amazon's sale of PS4's for now since Amazon isn't being price competitive for once.


what the fuck is going on

Price sticker shock.

It's potent during holiday seasons.

People are looking for great deals.

MS has put out some incredible ones.

Pretty good, but I see the gap widening again starting next year considering XB1 has pretty much no exclusives coming out in the first half of 2015.

I'm not convinced Bloodborne has that system seller status, it's way too hardcore/niche.

The Order 1886 has a chance, but it is bereft of much hype and proper marketing.

Multiplats like TW3 and Evolve will carry the XB1 till E3, I would suspect.


console with massive worldwide unit sales deficit slashes price for holiday season, wins sales for holiday month

news at 11

Miles X

Jesus Christ. 1st place and 40th place. What in the world. Sony might just lose all it's US lead in 2 months. Sony has got to have a special holiday bundle with a price drop or something.

XB1 is 540k from overtaking PS4 for 2014, that's 140k higher than this month, but then if you look at the Amazon rankings, #1 for XB1 and #40 for PS4 .. 0_o and the fact there are seemingly no PS4 deals, it looks like it might be a close call.

I still expect PS4 to pip XB1 to the post tho.
Persona QT, please Creamgod :3

I think he told us about Q earlier and it was ~55k or so? Ic ant'f ind the post now the thread moves too fast XD

EDIT: was beaten, 48k. That's on the higher end of EO games sales, isn't it? (I know Persona Q isn't an EO game in name but I'd probably expect it to sell like one or maybe better)
Jesus Christ. 1st place and 40th place. What in the world. Sony might just lose all it's US lead in 2 months. Sony has got to have a special holiday bundle with a price drop or something.
Sony's "holiday bundle" is a PS4 with one free game for $399.
Microsoft's bundle is a Xbox One with two games for $349.
Sony's bundle is shit, compared to the MS bundle.


I'm only on page 57 and this thread is already in legendary territory. Shhh.. Don't tell me how it ends, going back to my evening read...


Sony has a 700-800k lead right now. MS won't outsell Sony by 800k next month.

You're right. Maybe they can hold off until January, but then what? If MS wins December they firmly have the momentum now, and the $50 price difference (if they keep it, which they would be crazy not to).


Price sticker shock.

It's potent during holiday seasons.

People are looking for great deals.

MS has put out some incredible ones.

I'm not convinced Bloodborne has that system seller status, it's way too hardcore/niche.

The Order 1886 has a chance, but it is bereft of much hype and proper marketing.

Multiplats like TW3 and Evolve will carry the XB1 till E3, I would suspect.

Do you think TW3 Will sell more on the Xb1 though?
XB1 is 540k from overtaking PS4 for 2014, that's 140k higher than this month, but then if you look at the Amazon rankings, #1 for XB1 and #40 for PS4 .. 0_o and the fact there are seemingly no PS4 deals, it looks like it might be a close call.

I still expect PS4 to pip XB1 to the post tho.

Isn't Sony offering a free game with PS4s at select retailers? (Far Cry 4, NBA 2K15, Destiny, or LBP3)
You're right. Maybe they can hold off until January, but then what? If MS wins December they firmly have the momentum now, and the $50 price difference (if they keep it, which they would be crazy not to).

I'd be shocked if the 349 price doesn't become permanent. But stranger things have happened.


So does this mean momentum for MS, or is it simply a bunch of opportunistic consumers jumping on a ludicrous deal while they can?

Considering the deals that were available, it's not surprising that MS was the top seller, but have these kinds of discounts after only a year on the market ever happened before? They must have been very desperate.
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