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NPD Sales Results for October 2007


Those PGR4 numbers are depressing. That game came too soon, when almost nobody cared, with little improvement.


The WII sold over 500,000 with no real big title other than Guitar Hero 3; that is amazing. Even though I love Zack and Wiki as well as Victorious Boxers (Hajime no Ippo!!!), I recognize that they're still too niche for the US to fully embrace. Hopefully Capcom sees enough demand later for a Phoenix Wright type resurgence. Mario Galaxy is excellent, and other titles such as Resident Evil and Fire Emblem are doing well ratings wise; I easily see a repeat next month around the same numbers.

The DS is my number 2 played system right now. I'm buying two to three games a month for it recently with no hope of slowing down. Contra 4 with Contra and Super C included?! God bless Konami
(enough so that Hard Corps gets released on VC).

The 360's sales though are kind of in line with what I thought it would be though. Higher than normal post-Halo but nowhere near last months numbers. I actually expect it to do around 390K this month since the Halo buzz has really died down and no other game has that kind of press. I look forward to Mass Effect, yet it is an RPG for the 360 and those haven't performed favorably.

The PS2 continues onward as great viable system to have with hundreds of good titles. Now that Fire Pro Wrestling ( a title I thought would never come out here on the PS2) and Neo Geo titles and collections have come out, I hope that next year all niche titles get full approval from Sony. After all, Chaos Wars and Persona were.

The PSP has redeemed itself in my eyes this year with all the great games that have been coming out recently. It was a dust collector until this summer. A bunch of RPGs including FFT, Castlevania and Silent Hill have done wonders for system play time with me. I hope the trend continues like this throughout next year after Crisis Core and GoW.

PS3....what more needs to be said. I bought my 60 GB system in March because of the mention that the Emotion Engine was going away in newer models. To date I have exactly 2 games for it: Folklore and Eye of Judgment. Multi-console titles generally go to my 360 than PS3. The system has enormous potential but the price and lack of must have games are killing it right now. I'll probably get Heavenly Sword after a price drop, as well as Assassins Creed, Ratchet and Uncharted.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I think maybe in one of the threads about those commercials? Anyway, I think people had a lot invested in brand loyalty but realistically, a $400 console by either MS or Sony ends up selling pretty much the same. Regardless of what it used to be priced at. It's speculated it did 46k did someone say?

Right, that's the mark I think Sony needs to hit. ~500k in November. I have no idea how back-loaded November typically is, so they may still hit that. But from as a straight up number, I was surprised.

Anyhoo, back to October. Decent debut for the Orange Box; I'm hoping it has legs this holiday. And Halo 3 would be a monster debut month for any other title, much less second.
kaiwing said:
The 360's sales though are kind of in line with what I thought it would be though. Higher than normal post-Halo but nowhere near last months numbers. I actually expect it to do around 390K this month since the Halo buzz has really died down and no other game has that kind of press. I look forward to Mass Effect, yet it is an RPG for the 360 and those haven't performed favorably.

5 wk to 4 wk. It only dropped an average 15k or something...
schuelma said:
Uhh..I think Sony just admitted that their numbers from last night includes PS2:


"The price cut and new model helped Sony increase sales of all consoles including the older PlayStation 2 to 100,000 units in the week ended Nov. 11, spokeswoman Kimberly Otzman said in an e-mail.
Well that puts things in a new light. Including PS2 sales in a PR like that is pretty disingenuous.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
JaY P. said:
Is it just me or are Wii software sales low compared to their hardware numbers? I wonder if this is due to the fact that most Wiis sold at the moment are being held as Christmas presents. Heck, the store I work at I would say that half are buying 2 or 3 Wiis at a time as Christmas presents. I have a feeling that once the giftees get their Wiis, software sales are going to get a huge boost. But I don't know if they'll reach 360 attach rate levels.

Anyone else working in retail care to comment on this thought?

While your statement may have some validity, I would also look at it with some skepticism. The Wii has good softtware attachment rate, but it isn't the games that should be selling.

If Mario Galaxy and Resident Evil both show up on the charts I would be very happy, because those games are pretty good (and they would be games I would buy if I had a Wii). From what I hear, RE is selling well and Mario Galaxy is selling insanely well.

Until then, take that wii play out of there and spend that money on Zack and Wiki, geez.


I was amazed at the Wii GH3 numbers at first but it turned out that was not including the standalone version for the 360 and PS2. So it turns out both almost doubled Wii's numbers. But hey 360's GH3 only doubling Wii's GH3 numbers is a hell a lot better then what 360 MAdden did to Wii Madden.

Absolutely sick Wii numbers. Wii's going to destroy all consoles in hardware. Software is still disappointing as usual though. Sure GH3 sold pretty well but it still got almost doubled by both the 360 and the Ps2 versions. Maybe I'm just expecting too much but some reason its weird to see the hardware leader have GCN rate software sales. (Heck at least its not getting DC like sales like the PS3.)

360 again have decent hardware and dominating software. Every week its more and more apparent who the PS2 software heir apparent is in North America.

PS3 is crap as usually but then they do have the "waiting for announced price drop" excuse. Lets see how they do next week. Software is pathetic like usually. Its seems more and moree obvious that people that own the PS3 either use it to play Blu-ray or also owns a 360.

Good news for FFT. Square must be pretty happy with this cash in. Expect more FF ports on the PSP. Man these handhelds are pretty much the only thing keeping Japanese 3rd parties going.


JoshuaJSlone said:
It doesn't seem like PS3 sold Guitar Hero 3 that much worse than its competitors; it's just that they've sold so much less hardware that a similar tie ratio doesn't do much. We're basically in a hardware situation where it's X360 7.0 million, Wii 5.1 million, PS3 2.0 million.

Which actually, makes me notice that this month the X360 is no longer a majority of the current-gen console userbase in the US; just a plurality.

GH3 sales are fine. Problem was with RC - sure it is true that RC never started well for PS2 just because of the nature of the game, but in mid Oct, it was big guns for PS3 that got rated really really well, so it should have sold more than its old PS2 parts that were part of strong lineup of PS2 games.

We will see what happens with RC during holidays, it should be perfect gift for kiddies unless Sony packs up :lol .


Comics, serious business!
Seriously, what the fuck with PS3 software. Ratchet & Clank, one of the most impressive games this generation, sells like shit. WTF.


PS3 GH3 bombed? There is really no way it could have sold more on that userbase if the ultra casual and hot Wii pushed GH3 just under 300k.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
re: Sony's email being a mistake..I thought it must be initially, but I actually think its the truth.

If the PS3 really did 75K the week of Oct 29th, then its sales would be well above 120K. So either Sony lied about the 75K figure last night, or misrepresented what consoles went into that number.
spwolf said:
GH3 sales are fine. Problem was with RC - sure it is true that RC never started well for PS2 just because of the nature of the game, but in mid Oct, it was big guns for PS3 that got rated really really well, so it should have sold more than its old PS2 parts that were part of strong lineup of PS2 games.

We will see what happens with RC during holidays, it should be perfect gift for kiddies unless Sony packs up :lol .

Kid games didn't move that well for the 360 when it was $400. I just don't think that price range is well suited for that sort of game.


RSTEIN said:
Seriously, what the fuck with PS3 software. Ratchet & Clank, one of the most impressive games this generation, sells like shit. WTF.

I dont know :( poor Ratchet, they work hard on it too.


I would bang a hot farmer!
jamesinclair said:
Thats alot of GH3 units that need recalling.

Also, thats alot of missed revenue for DLC.
Maybe third parties should start pressuring Nintendo for an official HDD so they can in the future.
Forgotten Ancient said:
Last month was 5 week???

The Wii outsold the 360's Halo month on a weekly average?

If so...I'm even more amazed by the Wii's figures. God Damn

Yeah, it's staggering. If anyone had any doubt they've won this gen, they should stop. They outclass every competitor and STILL sell for assloads on eBay. The demand is literally unprecedented.


Hmm playing MS defence force here but does that mean MGS did the right thing by letting Bizzarre go?

Maybe they should have let them go after PGR3, idk. Just randomly babbling. Upset about it though, but then again it was wayy to soon :(

Also Ratchet selling like ass, :*( game deserved better, if they're 2nd party what would stop them from jumping in too.

I want to see Uncharted sales, if that bombs too then I see "quicksand" for Sony games too.
Forgotten Ancient said:
Last month was 5 week???

The Wii outsold the 360's Halo month on a weekly average?

If so...I'm even more amazed by the Wii's figures. God Damn
Yes, it did.

129,750 Wii's sold a week on average in October.

105,200 360's sold a week on average in September.


Junior Member
Tideas said:
Wow, like I've been saying, all of you guys have such high expectation for Ratchet when you gotta look at the demographic it's appealing to. No matter how you try to botch it, Ratchet has always appealed to little kids.

To further prove my point, this is the NPD of November 2003, when R & C Going Commando was released.

Top-selling console games for November, 2003:

Rank / Title / Console / Publisher
1 / Mario Kart: Double Dash!! / GC / Nintendo
2 / Medal of Honor Rising Sun / PS2 / EA
3 / Final Fantasy X-2 / PS2 / Square Enix
4 / Grand Theft Auto Double Pack / Xbox / Rockstar
5 / SOCOM II: U.S. Navy Seals / PS2 / SCEA
6 / Need for Speed Underground / PS2 / EA
7 / Tony Hawk’s Underground / PS2 / Activision
8 / True Crime: Streets of LA / PS2 / Activision
9 / Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. / GBA / Nintendo
10 / Madden NFL 2004 / PS2 / EA

I dont know about that. Their marketing has always targetted a teen to adult audience, and everyone I know who is a fan is older, but of course I hang out with very few 10 year old kids. I think it is just the type of game that needs a huge audience to flourish not so much a specific audience. If there were 50 million PS3s out there, it would be doing just fine. It is not a system seller type game for the mainstream, but I bet it does have a broad demographic of fans.
Kuroyume said:

Halo 3 is pushing a good amount of software, but it's definitely not pushing the hardware we all thought it would 6 months ago. Far from it, in fact.


schuelma said:
re: Sony's email being a mistake..I thought it must be initially, but I actually think its the truth.

If the PS3 really did 75K the week of Oct 29th, then its sales would be well above 120K. So either Sony lied about the 75K figure last night, or misrepresented what consoles went into that number.

Precisely. Not even 10 more identical posts from LoudNinja will affect this logic.
RSTEIN said:
Seriously, what the fuck with PS3 software. Ratchet & Clank, one of the most impressive games this generation, sells like shit. WTF.
I'd definitely like to hear some thoughts on why this is. Universally acclaimed game, established franchise, userbase hungry for quality exclusive titles... and yet it flops. Why?
For the Guitar Hero III / 3rd parties don't sell topics:

6.92% of X360 owners bought GHIII
5.68% of Wii owners bought GHIII
5.33% of PS3 owners bought GHIII
1.27% of PS2 owners bought GHIII

edit: beaten


C4Lukins said:
I dont know about that. Their marketing has always targetted a teen to adult audience, and everyone I know who is a fan is older, but of course I hang out with very few 10 year old kids. I think it is just the type of game that needs a huge audience to flourish not so much a specific audience. If there were 50 million PS3s out there, it would be doing just fine. It is not a system seller type game for the mainstream, but I bet it does have a broad demographic of fans.

What I'm saying is, 74k is pretty good for a 2 weeks sales on a 2 million console. Until we see how well it does in November, it's not all gloom and doom for Ratchet.


Junior Member
Oblivion said:
I dunno. I wasn't paying too much attention to the GH3 threads, but I thought most were thinking that it would be around no. 2? (I thought it was gonna do worse, simply by being a game that's on all the systems, and Nintendo not really having any particular advantage).

It turns out you were right. That was just the thought process my mind was going through when I was guessing this months sales. It made sense in my deranged little brain, but I failed miserably.
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