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NPD Sales Results for October 2007


LukeSmith said:
There shouldn't have ever been a doubt of what those numbers meant. GAF should know better.
I think most of the clearer thinking gaffers were drowned out by the screeching of certain members of a particular rabid fanbase...

JaY P.

Hcoregamer00 said:
While your statement may have some validity, I would also look at it with some skepticism. The Wii has good softtware attachment rate, but it isn't the games that should be selling.

If Mario Galaxy and Resident Evil both show up on the charts I would be very happy, because those games are pretty good (and they would be games I would buy if I had a Wii). From what I hear, RE is selling well and Mario Galaxy is selling insanely well.

Until then, take that wii play out of there and spend that money on Zack and Wiki, geez.

Yeah, given the quality of Galaxy one would think it's going to sell gangbusters. Sadly, hardly anyone in the mainstream knew of SMG until about a week ago when the advertisements began. I tried to push galaxy pre-orders on every Wii transaction I made and only managed to get 2 people to go for it.

But anecdotal evidence is telling me that there will be a software boost after the holidays. Like I said in my initial post, most of the people buying are holding them as gifts. Interestingly, all these people doing their early holiday shopping are constantly asking for Wii-play simply because it comes with the extra controller - Wii-play is going to have consistent 200k numbers until they take the controller out. As for Z&W, my store did not stock it =(.

On R&C I think the biggest reason why it's not selling is because it isn't mature enough for the casual PS3 crowd. Even though I recommend it to people wanting a new PS3 game, they seem to brush it off as 'kiddy.' This gave me the impression that it is the PS3 fanbase that is less likely to embrace un-realistic games which does not bode well for LBP.

Only time will tell.
AdmiralViscen said:

Opinions were greatly split on that, there was no "we all." And a fuckton of people weren't calling it to do as well as it did last month. And it only went down by 15k per week this month.
"We" is obviously a generalization, Viscen.

And to reprise the argument we were having about this last month, Just under 800k systems on 3.7 million software sales? If that doesn't say that the average Halo fan already had a 360 I don't know what does, especially considering that we cannot assume everybody who bought the console in the last 2 months did so for Halo.

Halo 3 is still a system seller, but it wasn't going to be the breakthrough that a lot of people here predicted it would.

You said "It's September" when I last pointed this out. So now October has rolled in. Do you expect this to peak next month? Because i'm not seein it.
This is almost like a sport, am i right?

Xbox 360


A few comments:

R&C - I don't know exactly why the sales are so poor but it deserves better. It's by far the best unique PS3 offering so far. Nothing on 360 like it.

PG4 - It's all been said but it's been my experience that PGR is a pretty hardcore demographic game anyway. It was released too close to Forza and amongst a flood of quality software titles in numbers that are rarely seen. I mean, if somebody is going to buy 1 game, most will buy H3, not PGR4. I think PGR3 did well mainly due to it's launch game status.

PS3 3rd Parties - Hope I don't get banned for saying so but Sony will have to hand out MASSIVE moneyhats to make it worth it for 3rd parties to be TRULY PS3 exclusive. I mean, If I'm Hideo Kojima and I'm looking at these figures, I know what I'd be thinking. IF MGS4 were released simultaneously on both platforms, I wonder what the sales figures would be like. IMO the US X360 fanbase would eat it up. It'll sell well to PS3 owners too but the difference in install base is so staggering at this point, how much money would Sony have to pay to make it worthwhile? (Although the money was probably agreed on long ago, I wonder if anyone has regrets?)

Not bashing anything, just positing some logical thoughts. I like my PS3.
Maxwell House said:
The Bloomberg statement says:

Consoles means PS2 and PS3, not PSP. PSP isn't a console.

If PS2 sold its usual 30-40k consoles that week, that means Sony sold 60-70k PS3s. I don't see what is hard to believe about that.

I don't know. If we're going to analyze that deep, why say all and not "both"?


good credit (by proxy)
Regardless of console sales, I still think it is, and will be smarter as a 3rd party to make games for 360 than Wii, if you're not doing multiplatform. PS3 lol, maybe the pricedrop will help.
Hcoregamer00 said:
This is NeoGAF, this is the same forum that has hundreds of posts on this "Surfer Girl" person and "her" baseless speculation.

If the person's name was Surfer Dude, it wouldn't have made it past five posts.
XiaNaphryz said:
I think most of the clearer thinking gaffers were drowned out by the screeching of certain members of a particular rabid fanbase...


DeaconKnowledge said:
"We" is obviously a generalization, Viscen.

And to reprise the argument we were having about this last month, Just under 800k systems on 3.7 million software sales? If that doesn't say that the average Halo fan already had a 360 I don't know what does, especially considering that we cannot assume everybody who bought the console in the last 2 months did so for Halo.

Halo 3 is still a system seller, but it wasn't going to be the breakthrough that a lot of people here predicted it would.

You said "It's September" when I last pointed this out. So now October has rolled in. Do you expect this to peak next month? Because i'm not seein it.

A generalization of what? It indicated some kind of majority opinion, no? Predictions for the Halo boost ranged from "everyone who likes Halo already has a 360" to "360 will skyrocket past Wii."

As it is, 360 sales doubled over last year for one month, then increased by like 60% in the second month with only a 15k/week drop in sales. Halo 3 is going to take a big shit on Halo 2's sales, which indicates that a lot of new people are getting into it.

I would not be surprsied to see 360 at 650-700k next month, and well over a million (instead of just clearin it)( in December. A pretty great increase, there.

And yes, I expect sales to increase again next month. It's November. Duh.


Maxwell House said:
The Bloomberg statement says:

Consoles means PS2 and PS3, not PSP. PSP isn't a console.

If PS2 sold its usual 40-50k consoles that week, that means Sony sold 50-60k PS3s. I don't see what is hard to believe about that.

You know, given that the week ending the 11th is the first 40GB week, those numbers are a complete abortion. I change my prediction - 250k for November.


Green Shinobi said:
Why the hell are so many people buying the Wii?

You guys need to let your grandmas know that they're killing your hobby! Killing it!

My brother's an investment banker.. his girlfriend is in corporate sales. They've never had a video game system on their own. He's got 2 50"+ HDTVs.. both outfitted with Wii's. He'd never even consider getting anything else -- they're not really his thing. Trust me, it isn't just grannies buying them.
Shepherd said:
Sep 2006 260,000
Oct 2006 220,000

Sep 2007 528,000
Oct 2007 366,000

Seems like Halo 3 is pushing Hardware to me.

A lot of people thought Halo 3 would be able to put the 360 on top from release through Christmas. It's all relative. Obviously it's provided a boost, and more than any other single game in a long while, with the possible exception of the bundled Wii Sports.


XiaNaphryz said:
Do you have certain people already ignored or something? ;)

There are some stupids comments sure, but they were almost ignored and there are nothing compared to another months where the interesting discussion was impossible to follow :lol
Timedog said:
Regardless of console sales, I still think it is, and will be smarter as a 3rd party to make games for 360 than Wii, if you're not doing multiplatform.

Depends which third party you are. I'm not sure Midway would agree with you, for instance.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's a sad day when you come to realize there's little to no honor left with certain video game conglomerates anymore.



Leonsito said:
There are some stupids comments sure, but they were almost ignored and there are nothing compared to another months where the interesting discussion was impossible to follow :lol

:lol dude people have to be careful this time


C4Lukins said:
I think they were pretty much taking an average of weekly sales since launch. Sony PR is a magical beast that should not be analyzed in a common sense sort of fashion.

I guess you are right. Analysing their pr-numbers makes my head spin.:lol :lol


Timedog said:
Regardless of console sales, I still think it is, and will be smarter as a 3rd party to make games for 360 than Wii, if you're not doing multiplatform. PS3 lol, maybe the pricedrop will help.

yes, especially if you look at AC6 sales. That will definetly make them do it.

I think it was already said that there will be a lot less 3rd party exclusives this gen and seems right from the sales.


LukeSmith said:
There shouldn't have ever been a doubt of what those numbers meant. GAF should know better.
At the time I stopped reading the thread about it, it was blatantly obvious. I guess it got lost under a pile of new posts.


Bish loves my games!
Gary Whitta said:
I'd definitely like to hear some thoughts on why this is. Universally acclaimed game, established franchise, userbase hungry for quality exclusive titles... and yet it flops. Why?

PS3 owner's average age is what? Does that demographic like games that are perceived as "teh kiddy" (even though I don't think Ratchet is). I can't believe someone hasn't released a dark, gritty bald space marine vs aliens gory shooter for PS3.

It's like Kameo all over again (only with a much, much better game).
spwolf said:
yes, especially if you look at AC6 sales. That will definetly make them do it.

I think it was already said that there will be a lot less 3rd party exclusives this gen and seems right from the sales.

You could also do Orange Box sales. It was an exclusive in October.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
JaY P. said:
Yeah, given the quality of Galaxy one would think it's going to sell gangbusters. Sadly, hardly anyone in the mainstream knew of SMG until about a week ago when the advertisements began. I tried to push galaxy pre-orders on every Wii transaction I made and only managed to get 2 people to go for it.

But anecdotal evidence is telling me that there will be a software boost after the holidays. Like I said in my initial post, most of the people buying are holding them as gifts. Interestingly, all these people doing their early holiday shopping are constantly asking for Wii-play simply because it comes with the extra controller - Wii-play is going to have consistent 200k numbers until they take the controller out. As for Z&W, my store did not stock it =(.

On R&C I think the biggest reason why it's not selling is because it isn't mature enough for the casual PS3 crowd. Even though I recommend it to people wanting a new PS3 game, they seem to brush it off as 'kiddy.' This gave me the impression that it is the PS3 fanbase that is less likely to embrace un-realistic games which does not bode well for LBP.

Only time will tell.

I am not saying I disagree with you. I was saying that at the moment the games that should be selling are not selling (Zack and Wiki), while games that don't deserve to sell (Wii Play and mario party) are selling like gangbusters.

I am hoping (as you are) that Mario Galaxy and Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles will start creating an adaption in the western market by the core gamer market. The statement that the sales will likely increase by a massive margin has a lot of truth because most of the Wii's getting bought will likely sit under a Christmas Tree and wont be opened for another month and a half.

My point is that higher software sales will be heralded by mario galaxy, a game that energizes the hardcore base. The same base nintendo should have aimed for from the outset to steal MS's thunder.


Wii 519K
Xbox 360 366K
PlayStation 3 121K

So the PS3 was outsold over 3x by the 360 and almost 4.3x by the Wii...
I think the chances of the PS3 not finishing third in America (by the time the first new console is launched) are looking very slim at this point.
To do so, it would actually have to *outsell* one or both of the others consistently at some point, and that seems unlikely.

Guy Legend

sillymonkey321 said:
For Ratchet i'd go with the shared userbase, heavy competition, and the Ratchet demo being a complete borefest. It's really pretty , sure, but jumping back and forth between train rails isn't exaclty going to win over $60 when there are tons of other choices out there.

I'd like to see Sony switch up the 80gb Motorstorm pack into a Ratchet pack next year. It would be a good move to get the game in more hands and show what the PS3 is capable of. Its friendly rating also gives it universal access and appeal.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
MrNibbles said:
$399 60 GB PS3's in January confirmed?

If you can find a 60 gig PS3 by then. I predict that most of them will be snatched up this holiday season with a trickle of them being availiable by January.
Sony's official statement:
October 2007 was a strong month for the PlayStation brand, according to NPD data. Overall the PlayStation brand showed a 39% increase in total retail dollars generated year-over-year in the US with total sales of $353.4 million for the month. Overall, SCEA's console business remains strong with combined sales of PS3 and PS2 for the month of October at $258.5 million in revenue.
More: http://blog.wired.com/games/2007/11/sony-reacts-to.html

Nintendo says no statement this month. Microsoft's is incoming.


Nov is going to be one hell of a month thats for sure

Based on internal data, the company is already seeing a great spike in sales with a 192% lift for the PS3 over the past two weeks. In fact, as reported by Howard Stringer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sony Corporation of America, 100,000 units of the PLAYSTATION 3 were sold at retail just last week.


Hcoregamer00 said:
If you can find a 60 gig PS3 by then. I predict that most of them will be snatched up this holiday season with a trickle of them being availiable by January.
It's hard finding a 60 gig PS3 now, at least going by store websites.

Kobun Heat said:
Sony's official statement:

More: http://blog.wired.com/games/2007/11/sony-reacts-to.html

Nintendo says no statement this month. Microsoft's is incoming.
Well, Nintendo did make a few comments at least on IGN.


I wasn't being sarcastic. I don't know what possible incentive Sony has to keep the PS3 around when its software is selling so poorly.

And believe me, I love the PS3. Awesome system IMO.


Gary Whitta said:
Has PS3 ever had a title in the Top 10?

Hevenly Sword? (How did that do this month btw)

I wasn't being sarcastic. I don't know what possible incentive Sony has to keep the PS3 around when its software is selling so poorly.

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