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NPD Sales Results for October 2007


jetjevons said:
I agree. Sony couldn't really think they'd get away with that.

I'm fairly sure Sony didn't expect the NPD to release their numbers this month. At least, that's what i suspect.
gkrykewy said:
Holy shit! PS3 will likely not even hit 300k in November.

yes it will! black friday and the ramp up to Christmas

But then I read the US economy is dont doing so well so maybe people wont want to spend on a $400 console, that once you've bought games and stuff ends up being $500.
Gary Whitta said:
I'd definitely like to hear some thoughts on why this is. Universally acclaimed game, established franchise, userbase hungry for quality exclusive titles... and yet it flops. Why?

I had a thought, but everyone thinks I'm wrong. I think it's the same userbase as the 360's give or take 100,000. Viva Pinata had a similar reception critically and commercially. And also, if it IS the same userbase, then RC had to compete, still, with Halo 3 and all the other multiplatform games.


Gary Whitta said:
I'd definitely like to hear some thoughts on why this is. Universally acclaimed game, established franchise, userbase hungry for quality exclusive titles... and yet it flops. Why?
Maybe more credence should be placed on the "most of the PS3 userbase are actually early hardware adopters using it mainly as a BlueRay player" theory? I know it's true for several of my co-workers anyway...
DeaconKnowledge said:
Halo 3 is pushing a good amount of software, but it's definitely not pushing the hardware we all thought it would 6 months ago. Far from it, in fact.


Opinions were greatly split on that, there was no "we all." And a fuckton of people weren't calling it to do as well as it did last month. And it only went down by 15k per week this month.
ccbfan said:
I was amazed at the Wii GH3 numbers at first but it turned out that was not including the standalone version for the 360 and PS2. So it turns out both almost doubled Wii's numbers. But hey 360's GH3 only doubling Wii's GH3 numbers is a hell a lot better then what 360 MAdden did to Wii Madden.

Not a fair comparison since the Wii had no prior version of GH on the console, so naturally the lowest price of entry would be much higher than the other ones (Not to mention no compatibility with past games so that's a knock against it's value) The Wii verison should be compared to the other guitar bundled versions in which case, it has done very well!

BTW good to see Phantom Hourglass stay on such good form! and hey, Orange Box isn't doing too shabby either!

:lol @ Sony's spin, I hope that the price drop works I don't want to see them become completely irrelevant in the western world! (Japan seems to show a smigin of hope for a come back at least though!)

Good sales for 360 as well, but the Halo 3 effect isn't as strong as what many people predicted (Just as I said it wouldn't be!)
The 80k number for PS3s in that time period isn't that hard to believe. Remember, the 80 gigs dropped in price by $100 back on October 18th. From Amazon sales charts, the 80 gig units are more popular than the 40 gig ones, and have been ever since the 40 gigs launch.

For that reason, I don't know how much the release of the 40 gig unit would boost PS3 sales when the 80 gig units already had a price drop.

I think the lack of BC is hurting 40 gig sales in comparison to 80 gig sales.


Junior Member
Tideas said:
What I'm saying is, 74k is pretty good for a 2 weeks sales on a 2 million console. Until we see how well it does in November, it's not all gloom and doom for Ratchet.

I agree with that. It is hopefully going to be one of those games that continues to sell, and it helps that there is nothing else quite like it on the PS3 right now.
Tideas said:
What I'm saying is, 74k is pretty good for a 2 weeks sales on a 2 million console. Until we see how well it does in November, it's not all gloom and doom for Ratchet.
I've heard this a couple of times now... do people really think 74K in two weeks for the launch of such a heralded game is anything other than a nightmare scenario?


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Gary Whitta said:
I'd definitely like to hear some thoughts on why this is. Universally acclaimed game, established franchise, userbase hungry for quality exclusive titles... and yet it flops. Why?

Explanation, I haven't bought a PS3 yet. Once I buy it we will see a sea change for the PS3.

Expect massive sales in November.
schuelma said:
re: Sony's email being a mistake..I thought it must be initially, but I actually think its the truth.

If the PS3 really did 75K the week of Oct 29th, then its sales would be well above 120K. So either Sony lied about the 75K figure last night, or misrepresented what consoles went into that number.
I'm pretty sure they were talking about shipped figures, ie they sold 75k units to retailers for stock
XiaNaphryz said:
Maybe more credence should be placed on the "most of the PS3 userbase are actually early hardware adopters using it mainly as a BlueRay player" theory? I know it's true for several of my co-workers anyway...

I think mine is more accurate, but I have some bias towards my own hypotheses.


Darkman M said:
I thought last months press conferences had 360 and Wii both over 13 million wordwide?

Both of those numbers were shipped. The graph is estimated sold to customers. That was also only through Sept. 30, whereas the graph is through Nov. 3.


GhaleonEB said:
Let's assume for a minute that PS2 sales were flat to October those two weeks, at 46,000 units (184k / 4).

That means of the 175k Sony Playstations sold in the two weeks after the $400 SKU came out, 92k were PS2 units - only 83k were PS3, in the two weeks after it came out. That's a TERRIBLE start to the $400 model. 0_0

Wait a minute, didn't Sony in the original statement say they were selling 30-40k consoles a week before the pricedrop.
So assuming PS2 was selling 46k a week, does this mean that PS3 was selling........negative numbers :lol
There has to be some mistake.
XiaNaphryz said:
Maybe more credence should be placed on the "most of the PS3 userbase are actually early hardware adopters using it mainly as a BlueRay player" theory? I know it's true for several of my co-workers anyway...
That's certainly true for me. I mean I'll happily use it for games when the games I want come (downloading Uncharted demo ATM). I was semi-interested in Ratchet but then Mario came along and clobbered it and I can't see myself ever going back to TOD after the glory of Galaxy.


Amazing Wii numbers. What happened to Ratchet and Clank. They advertised the hell out of it. It's a great game too oh well.

Didn't think GH3 would find an audience on the Wii, so glad I was wrong there.


koam said:
I'm fairly sure Sony didn't expect the NPD to release their numbers this month. At least, that's what i suspect.
:lol come on.... why would Sony not want npd numbers released.
Shepherd said:
Sept was a 5 week month. Oct was a 4 week month.

sep: sep 2 - oct 6*
oct: oct 7 - nov 3

105k per week in Sept and 91k per week. The 360 did a great job of sustaining its sales after the Halo 3 launch.
Not quite. Halo 3 was released in the last 10-14 days of the 5 week month, with the last two weeks skewing the percentage for September because of massive Halo 3 sales. That means they could have sold the usual in the first 3 weeks then exploding in the last two.


Gary Whitta said:
I've heard this a couple of times now... do people really think 74K in two weeks for the launch of such a heralded game is anything other than a nightmare scenario?

well he is going by the fact that RC was never an first day game - based on previous NPD sales, it really is not. And it still sold several million around the world.

But RC:F was really well rated and didnt have PS3 competition at that time, so yes it should have sold better... how much? dunno.


Junior Member
goompapa said:
Wait a minute, didn't Sony in the original statement say they were selling 30-40k consoles a week before the pricedrop.
So assuming PS2 was selling 46k a week, does this mean that PS3 was selling........negative numbers :lol
There has to be some mistake.

I think they were pretty much taking an average of weekly sales since launch. Sony PR is a magical beast that should not be analyzed in a common sense sort of fashion.


Unconfirmed Member
DeaconKnowledge said:
Halo 3 is pushing a good amount of software, but it's definitely not pushing the hardware we all thought it would 6 months ago. Far from it, in fact.

Sep 2006 260,000
Oct 2006 220,000

Sep 2007 528,000
Oct 2007 366,000

Seems like Halo 3 is pushing Hardware to me.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
The Experiment said:
I almost feel sorry for Sony. PS3 is tanking so hard that they have to add in PS2 numbers to make their PR look nicer.

To be more fair, it would have been more relevant to add the PSP number instead because it comes from the same generation as the PS3.


I'm going to bed, thanks for this thread guys, great conversation and funny responses, no trolling, no loads of hundreds gifs... one of the best NPD threads in months.


For Ratchet i'd go with the shared userbase, heavy competition, and the Ratchet demo being a complete borefest. It's really pretty , sure, but jumping back and forth between train rails isn't exaclty going to win over $60 when there are tons of other choices out there.


Tideas said:
What I'm saying is, 74k is pretty good for a 2 weeks sales on a 2 million console. Until we see how well it does in November, it's not all gloom and doom for Ratchet.

It's still pretty bad considered these things:

1. It's one of Sony's biggest guns this holiday season.
2. 11 days is actually enough to know that it half-bombed.
3. It got beaten by AC6, a mediocre big exclusive title for the 360, which came out the same day.


goompapa said:
Wait a minute, didn't Sony in the original statement say they were selling 30-40k consoles a week before the pricedrop.
So assuming PS2 was selling 46k a week, does this mean that PS3 was selling........negative numbers :lol
There has to be some mistake.

ppl returned a lot of PS3's? :D


Gary Whitta said:
That's certainly true for me. I mean I'll happily use it for games when the games I want come (downloading Uncharted demo ATM). I was semi-interested in Ratchet but then Mario came along and clobbered it and I can't see myself ever going back to TOD after the glory of Galaxy.

The glory of Galaxy won´t ruin TOD for you, it´s still a fantastic game.

I will keep my hope the sales of Ratchet improves for next month because Insomniac deserves it.

mr stroke

R&R said:
Damn PGR4 bombed hard =( Luckily it had pretty good euro sales, so not all is lost...i guess.
proves that MS was smoking somthing when they thought to release this game next to Forza and during the wrong time of the year..

PGR4 in Feb/March 08 would have sold 10-15 times as much
LukeSmith said:
There shouldn't have ever been a doubt of what those numbers meant. GAF should know better.

I think a lot of people saw more of the "Lower Than Before" aspect of the price drop and not the "$399" aspect of it.
BenjaminBirdie said:
The placement of the SKUs is interesting though. If more people bought the guitar bundle, it means those are probably newer 360 users. The standalone PS2 version was selling to an enormous installed base which already had a guitar. It's better news for the 360 that it sold the most guitar bundles.

Cant be said.

I bought the PS2 version with 2 guitars because my original guitar has a dead whammy bar.


Leonsito said:
I'm going to bed, thanks for this thread guys, great conversation and funny responses, no trolling, no loads of hundreds gifs... one of the best NPD threads in months.
Do you have certain people already ignored or something? ;)


The 'H' stands for hentai.
LukeSmith said:
There shouldn't have ever been a doubt of what those numbers meant. GAF should know better.

This is NeoGAF, this is the same forum that has hundreds of posts on this "Surfer Girl" person and "her" baseless speculation.
The Bloomberg statement says:

The price cut and new model helped Sony increase sales of all consoles including the older PlayStation 2 to 100,000 units in the week ended Nov. 11, spokeswoman Kimberly Otzman said in an e-mail.
Consoles means PS2 and PS3, not PSP. PSP isn't a console.

If PS2 sold its usual 40-50k consoles that week, that means Sony sold 50-60k PS3s. I don't see what is hard to believe about that.


goompapa said:
Wait a minute, didn't Sony in the original statement say they were selling 30-40k consoles a week before the pricedrop.
So assuming PS2 was selling 46k a week, does this mean that PS3 was selling........negative numbers :lol
There has to be some mistake.
Oh, there is.
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