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NPD Sales Results for October 2007


Count Dookkake said:
I have two suggestions for Sony:

1) Institute Opposite Day for the next few months. Whatever "great" ideas they come up with, they should probably do the exact opposite. It couldn't be worse than what they are doing now.

2) Change their name to Sonii.


is this what passes for humor these days?


The Innocent X said:
No, nintendo has non-hardcore gaming as their bread and butter

Oh yes I went there... But its still true

Yes...and the non-hardcore have always been the majority...

If gamers were the majority...we'd be seeing MGS...FF and GT hit atleast 50% of the PS2 install-base...but it never did...because gamers are not the majority...casuals are...:D


itxaka said:
COD4 > Insomniac games IMO (counting than IW games are multiplatform imagine them made up only for one console it will blow out the sun)

It's possible. Who knows? Though Resistance is more impressive than CoD2 which was built solely for that machine. Yeah Resistance had more time under it's belt, but it's just an example. Like I said, I'd like to see what IW can do now concentrating on one machine personally. I could afford that luxury though as I own both machine and could care less which it hits on because I can buy it and enjoy it.

Guy Legend

Also another important thing to consider, the last day of this NPD report was November 3rd (a Saturday). That means the first Sunday advertisements for the 80gb price drop (there were no ads for this in earlier weeks) and the intro of the 40gb PS3 appeared on November 4th, the first day of November's NPD reporting period. Hence that means that really.......the vast majority of the public didn't know about the new PS3 pricepoints even during the final days of this NPD report.
F#A#Oo said:
Yes...and the non-hardcore have always been the majority...

If gamers were the majority...we'd be seeing MGS...FF and GT hit atleast 50% of the PS2 install-base...but it never did...because gamers are not the majority...casuals are...:D

doesnt mean it's "good for the industry" from a GAFers perspective though


I wish all this Nintendomination translated into something for Wii owners. There are still no major AAA third party games on the horizon and Nintendo doesn't seem like it's re-investing some of that mad money their making back into hardcore games.

When the PS2 dominated last gen, PS2 owners got so many awesome games. As a Wii owner looking at the software release list you'd think the Wii was bombing or pulling a gamecube. Because it's still just Nintendo releases that are anything worth while.


I'm surprised so many 360 owners bought the GH3 guitar bundle. I figured most people would just buy the game only and use their GH2 Xplorer controller.


Comics, serious business!
F#A#Oo said:
Harming the industry? WTF are you talking about?

WTF am I talking about? Let me tell you WTF I'm talking about! :D

I'm just saying that a vibrant, healthy, successful Sony is good for the industry. Say what you will about Sony, but they've been an important force in the industry. Excluding this generation, they've been the cornerstone of the industry. They've done tons for the industry, from innovation to marketing - more than anyone in the past 7-8 years (again, excluding this generation).

So... as much as I dislike what Sony does from time to time, it pains me to see titles like Ratchet selling like dogshit. It pains me that a wondrous game like Uncharted may suffer the same fate. The industry needs Sony. Their philosophy towards the industry is pretty different from Microsoft's. They balance each other out nicely.


Sean said:
I'm surprised so many 360 owners bought the GH3 guitar bundle. I figured most people would just buy the game only and use their GH2 Xplorer controller.

I needed a 2nd guitar for co-op.
Akia said:
I wish all this Nintendomination translated into something for Wii owners. There are still no major AAA third party games on the horizon and Nintendo doesn't seem like it's re-investing some of that mad money their making back into hardcore games.

When the PS2 dominated last gen, PS2 owners got so many awesome games. As a Wii owner looking at the software release list you'd think the Wii was bombing or pulling a gamecube. Because it's still just Nintendo releases that are anything worth while.

if you want hardcore games, support a hardcore console. vote with your money


Sean said:
I'm surprised so many 360 owners bought the GH3 guitar bundle. I figured most people would just buy the game only and use their GH2 Xplorer controller.
Having a new guitar as wireless made a big difference.
J-Rzez said:
Word of mouth sales. It was released around the same time of a massively over-hyped game, so it took time for people to realize how great of a game it is. The media is mainly to be blamed for that though. I'm not saying overall sales of software and hardware isn't partly because of Sony, but a part of it is definetly because of the media trying to put a fork into Sony for whatever reason. Resistance is still the measuring stick for how polished and overall quality a FPS game should be offline and online. Especially how the largest name in console FPS can't hold a candle to it. But the name and hype pushed it to the heavens.

I think if it got a fair shake and released now, it would sell faster than it did actually. Especially that people can make actual comparisions to products released and see that the game is packed with quality, features, and fun. Besides the amount of features and polish it has that compares it favorably to the competition, it also has the luxury of Dedicated Servers, which pushes it to a higher tier.
No ellipses :D


I wish all this Nintendomination translated into something for Wii owners. There are still no major AAA third party games on the horizon and Nintendo doesn't seem like it's re-investing some of that mad money their making back into hardcore games.

When the PS2 dominated last gen, PS2 owners got so many awesome games. As a Wii owner looking at the software release list you'd think the Wii was bombing or pulling a gamecube. Because it's still just Nintendo releases that are anything worth while.

I think we are all loosing sight that Wii has only been in the market for ONE year.
The games will come. That is for sure. Truth be told, PS2 big hitters came a lot later in its life cycle. Just give it some time.

PS: Even for the DS, wich has much shorter development cycles games didnt start pouring after the first year on the market. So yeah, lets wait and see. (third party games i mean)


Oblivion said:
I touched upon this a bit earlier. It seems PH will cap out at 2 million (at the very most). TP will have around 6 million I figure by the end of its life. I don't think Nintendo's dumb enough to ingore an extra 4 million sales regardless of how bad it does in Japan.

Two things: First, PH surely cost less than TP. That's a no brainer. Second, Nintendo is also wise enough to understand that PH engine can be use again to create another DS Zelda.
RSTEIN said:
WTF am I talking about? Let me tell you WTF I'm talking about! :D

I'm just saying that a vibrant, healthy, successful Sony is good for the industry. Say what you will about Sony, but they've been an important force in the industry. Excluding this generation, they've been the cornerstone of the industry. They've done tons for the industry, from innovation to marketing - more than anyone in the past 7-8 years (again, excluding this generation).

So... as much as I dislike what Sony does from time to time, it pains me to see titles like Ratchet selling like dogshit. It pains me that a wondrous game like Uncharted may suffer the same fate. The industry needs Sony. Their philosophy towards the industry is pretty different from Microsoft's. They balance each other out nicely.

Replace "Sony" with "Nintendo" and "Microsoft" with "Sony", and this could've been written almost a decade ago. Gaming will survive. Sony's contributions, like Nintendo's, were substantial, but things will progress with or without them.


RSTEIN said:
WTF am I talking about? Let me tell you WTF I'm talking about! :D

I'm just saying that a vibrant, healthy, successful Sony is good for the industry. Say what you will about Sony, but they've been an important force in the industry. Excluding this generation, they've been the cornerstone of the industry. They've done tons for the industry, from innovation to marketing - more than anyone in the past 7-8 years (again, excluding this generation).

So... as much as I dislike what Sony does from time to time, it pains me to see titles like Ratchet selling like dogshit. It pains me that a wondrous game like Uncharted may suffer the same fate. The industry needs Sony. Their philosophy towards the industry is pretty different from Microsoft's. They balance each other out nicely.

What exactly is this philosophy?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Kifimbo said:
Second, Nintendo is also wise enough to understand that PH engine can be use again to create another DS Zelda.

Yeah...and? They could also reuse the same engine from TP (Which I'm sure they will).


The Innocent X said:
doesnt mean it's "good for the industry" from a GAFers perspective though

Why not?

At the most the gaming industry will start to look like the music industry...with real games not being represented in top 10 charts the chart hits will be stuff that has as much lasting appeal as bubble gum.

Real games will still be released and will remain unaffected in philosophy...there will be the odd time that a real game actually becomes a hit...

Basically the similarities are starting to come through and it's only a matter of time.
Halo 3 moved consoles alright but it's probably no Wii Sports. Have to see non-holiday months to see if it can maintain 300k+ sales on a consistent basis.
titiklabingapat said:
Halo 3 moved consoles alright but it's probably no Wii Sports. Have to see non-holiday months to see if it can maintain 300k+ sales on a consistent basis.

Maybe cause Halo 3 wasn't bundled with the system


LukeSmith said:
Or C. when they arrive they sell on the lead platform and then their exclusivity wears out and they fizzle on the second console. See: GRAW, Oblivion, (did VF5 do better in its first month on PS3 than it did on 360 or is that next month?) Multiplatform titles that arrive on a console first, to the consumer are exclusive to that platform till its available elsewhere. MGS last gen sold significantly better on PS2 than it did on Xbox, right? But it's still hailed as a key exclusive in the last gen. See, it's inconsistent.

VF5 is next month. It shipped on Oct 30th.


WTF am I talking about? Let me tell you WTF I'm talking about!

I'm just saying that a vibrant, healthy, successful Sony is good for the industry. Say what you will about Sony, but they've been an important force in the industry. Excluding this generation, they've been the cornerstone of the industry. They've done tons for the industry, from innovation to marketing - more than anyone in the past 7-8 years (again, excluding this generation).

So... as much as I dislike what Sony does from time to time, it pains me to see titles like Ratchet selling like dogshit. It pains me that a wondrous game like Uncharted may suffer the same fate. The industry needs Sony. Their philosophy towards the industry is pretty different from Microsoft's. They balance each other out nicely

what everyone else said. Not to metion it is healthy in any industry to have actual competition and not a giant company with near full control or too far away from the closest competitor. Its Sony's time to rethink many aspects of its business model, and make a comeback if they are resilient enough. Just see nintendo.


man what else can Sony do? They drop the price, the games start rolling out, and they are still getting fucked :(


Count Dookkake said:
I'll translate it for the slow kids...

1) If something doesn't work, try something else.

2) Imitate a winner.

I suggest learning about Ives, Piccoli and Feeny's "Barriers to Imitation" or Michael Porter's value chain, competitive forces model, competitive strategies and how to create a strategy


Akia said:
I wish all this Nintendomination translated into something for Wii owners. There are still no major AAA third party games on the horizon and Nintendo doesn't seem like it's re-investing some of that mad money their making back into hardcore games.

When the PS2 dominated last gen, PS2 owners got so many awesome games. As a Wii owner looking at the software release list you'd think the Wii was bombing or pulling a gamecube. Because it's still just Nintendo releases that are anything worth while.

Well when third-party's decide to grow some balls and actually dedicate their best team to a Wii project they will see that people will be enthusiastic about their work. It's hard to be enthusiastic about games that obviously were given a much shorter development period and love then a 360/PS3 version of a game. Look how much multi-platform games for the Wii are stripped down versions of the PS3/360.
beerbelly said:
I suggest learning about Ives, Piccoli and Feeny's "Barriers to Imitation" or Michael Porter's value chain, competitive forces model, competitive strategies and how to create a strategy

That's a good idea. Pass it on to the guys who need help.


So, how should we read the section in the OP labeled "from our prediction thread"? Why are there discrepancies such as the Halo 3 number, but Orange Box numbers match for example? What's happening there exactly?


If Ps3/360 somehow sell the same in nov/dec 2007 and starting next year sales looked like this:

nonholiday months

Nov. months

Dec. months

It would take PS3 until april 2011 to pass 360.
F#A#Oo said:
Why not?

At the most the gaming industry will start to look like the music industry...with real games not being represented in top 10 charts the chart hits will be stuff that has as much lasting appeal as bubble gum.

Real games will still be released and will remain unaffected in philosophy...there will be the odd time that a real game actually becomes a hit...

Basically the similarities are starting to come through and it's only a matter of time.

If the games industry turns out as badly as the music industry, it would be a crying shame.
titiklabingapat said:
So? With all that marketing push, hype and brand saturation, it should'nt matter. What will matter is the 360 hardware sales come January.

Would the Wii be selling as well if Wii Sports wasn't packed in?


The Innocent X said:
if you want hardcore games, support a hardcore console. vote with your money


People have voted with their money, and the Wii is winning. The third parties are shooting themselves in the foot for not jumping on board earlier. By mid-late next year, there will be alot of "hardcore" games on the Wii.
Spike said:

People have voted with their money, and the Wii is winning. The third parties are shooting themselves in the foot for not jumping on board earlier. By mid-late next year, there will be alot of "hardcore" games on the Wii.

Yeah, well enjoy them.


Bebpo said:
Is PS3 software selling worse than PSP software yet?
I dunno. I mean Ratchet had a DEMO that had amazing graphics and good gameplay and should have driven PS3 owners to buy it....but bomba.

Downloadable Demos do not mean anything if the game is supposed to be a system seller. For that you need more press, buzz, adverts, etc.
Count Dookkake said:
I have two suggestions for Sony:

1) Institute Opposite Day for the next few months. Whatever "great" ideas they come up with, they should probably do the exact opposite. It couldn't be worse than what they are doing now.

2) Change their name to Sonii.

Here's a better idea: release games people actually want to play. The biggest problem with the PS3 right now is that there still isn't a must have title. Sony doesn't have a game to compete with Mario or Halo this holiday season. It wasn't Heavenly Sword, and based on these numbers it certainly wasn't R&C. It's the same problem the PSP has had, and many would argue it still has. Next year the Killzones and MGS4s will start showing up, and so will PS3 sales.

The numbers speak for themselves
Spike said:

People have voted with their money, and the Wii is winning. The third parties are shooting themselves in the foot for not jumping on board earlier. By mid-late next year, there will be alot of "hardcore" games on the Wii.

You are joking right?


when is my burrito
2600 said:
So, how should we read the section in the OP labeled "from our prediction thread"? Why are there discrepancies such as the Halo 3 number, but Orange Box numbers match for example? What's happening there exactly?

I'm guessing it's because Legendary and Collector's Editions didn't make the top 10.
2600 said:
So, how should we read the section in the OP labeled "from our prediction thread"? Why are there discrepancies such as the Halo 3 number, but Orange Box numbers match for example? What's happening there exactly?

According to the prediction thread, it didn't include Limited Edition sales.

So those are real numbers.
Roxas said:
man what else can Sony do? They drop the price, the games start rolling out, and they are still getting fucked :(
Start planning next gen. Realize their mistakes, and don't let it happen again.

PS4 will be very much PS3 derived from a hardware standpoint. It will also launch at most of $349. We'll see how this gen plays out, but from the current point, Sony will lose at least 50-75% of their PS2 marketshare.

Disaster of epic proportions.


Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3) 74,500 !!!

You got to be f'n kidding me. Ratchet and Clank is one of the biggest and best titles to hit the PS3 this year. If Ratchet can't sell how is a new IP like Uncharted going to fair? I guess the PS3 really is a Blu-Ray player first and a game console a distant second. Sad times for Playstation gamers...
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