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NPD Sales Results for October 2007


LukeSmith said:
Or C. when they arrive they sell on the lead platform and then their exclusivity wears out and they fizzle on the second console. See: GRAW, Oblivion, (did VF5 do better in its first month on PS3 than it did on 360 or is that next month?) Multiplatform titles that arrive on a console first, to the consumer are exclusive to that platform till its available elsewhere. MGS last gen sold significantly better on PS2 than it did on Xbox, right? But it's still hailed as a key exclusive in the last gen. See, it's inconsistent.
VF5 was released October 30th... there is no way it would post.


TSA said:
Well, even if the final # is right, 500,000 in two months? Wii version Twilight Princess sold twice as many, and factor in GCN, and it was like 1.5 million sold through 2006 of Twilight Princess. So now Nintendo gets to think through...hmm...TP sold well in the west, but bomber here, but PH sold awesome here in Japan, but it's not selling like hotcakes in the west. but I guess, meh, maybe it will break 1m by year's end here, too. That's better than The Minish Cap, at least.

Problem solved. Thanks for explaining that.

Phantom Hourglass sold very well for a handheld Zelda game in the US. With the upcoming holiday season, it will likely sell better than it did in Japan, which was very top heavy (the game didn't even reach non game status ffs).


So in Japan this week:
~56,000 units for PS3
PS3 outsells 360 by 9.6:1 and Wii by 1.6:1

Just thought I'd bring that info over.

I wanna add, just to put this into context, it is the numbers reflecting the PS3 price drop and the release of the white model. Sales boost given those factors are expected. The following weeks will be interesting to see if the momentum is kept.

Edit: also, it is CLEAR PS3 will see a boost in the us after a price drop. Marketing 101. Anyone remembers GameCube pricedrop and how it catapulted the system to No. 1 for a month? the real question is whether such a move can sustain higher sales in the long run, and that will be relative to good games that sell. It is a well known fact in Marketing Pricecuts to increase sales have a temporary effect.
CrisKre said:
I wanna add, just to put this in context, it is the numbers reflecting the PS3 price drop and the release of the white model. Sales boost given those factors are expected. The following weeks will be interesting to see if the momentum is kept.

not to mention the hit game releasing


Gary Whitta said:
Gotta be worth considering at this point. It's easy to love your wife when she's young and hot and making you happy (PS2), but after a few years when she lets herself go and just sits around all day doing nothing and draining your bank account (PS3) any man will of course be tempted to start looking elsewhere for some sweet lovin'.
Yeah but they have spent so much time building this ps3 engine. I don't see them throwing most of it away to make a good multi-platform engine.

Sony is real big trouble...i don't think they can afford another price drop this year....


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
TSA said:
Well, even if the final # is right, 500,000 in two months? Wii version Twilight Princess sold twice as many, and factor in GCN, and it was like 1.5 million sold through 2006 of Twilight Princess. So now Nintendo gets to think through...hmm...TP sold well in the west, but bomber here, but PH sold awesome here in Japan, but it's not selling like hotcakes in the west. but I guess, meh, maybe it will break 1m by year's end here, too. That's better than The Minish Cap, at least.

I touched upon this a bit earlier. It seems PH will cap out at 2 million (at the very most). TP will have around 6 million I figure by the end of its life. I don't think Nintendo's dumb enough to ingore an extra 4 million sales regardless of how bad it does in Japan.


mysticstylez said:
Sure Resistance sold 2 million copies, but you gotta agree that it was mostly cause it was a launch title. Now before you rape me, I know its a great game, I want it when I get my PS3. However I would bet the farm that if it was released now, it wouldn't sell 2million units.

Word of mouth sales. It was released around the same time of a massively over-hyped game, so it took time for people to realize how great of a game it is. The media is mainly to be blamed for that though. I'm not saying overall sales of software and hardware isn't partly because of Sony, but a part of it is definetly because of the media trying to put a fork into Sony for whatever reason. Resistance is still the measuring stick for how polished and overall quality a FPS game should be offline and online. Especially how the largest name in console FPS can't hold a candle to it. But the name and hype pushed it to the heavens.

I think if it got a fair shake and released now, it would sell faster than it did actually. Especially that people can make actual comparisions to products released and see that the game is packed with quality, features, and fun. Besides the amount of features and polish it has that compares it favorably to the competition, it also has the luxury of Dedicated Servers, which pushes it to a higher tier.
TSA said:
Well, even if the final # is right, 500,000 in two months? Wii version Twilight Princess sold twice as many, and factor in GCN, and it was like 1.5 million sold through 2006 of Twilight Princess. So now Nintendo gets to think through...hmm...TP sold well in the west, but bomber here, but PH sold awesome here in Japan, but it's not selling like hotcakes in the west. but I guess, meh, maybe it will break 1m by year's end here, too. That's better than The Minish Cap, at least.

Problem solved. Thanks for explaining that.

TSA, stick to reviewing Zelda, your sales analysis are terrible.


so... does anyone think insomniac just MIGHT go multi-plat? I mean R+C was such a great game, definitely deserves better than that shit, it might not even out now... even after the holidays and european sales.

I think ANYTHING can happen. Id guess some of this companies at some point must consider 360 development as a viable option.... but im sure also Sony is great to work with.. so who knows?

I think before that well see Factor 5 on wii though...
J-Rzez said:
Word of mouth sales. It was released around the same time of a massively over-hyped game, so it took time for people to realize how great of a game it is. The media is mainly to be blamed for that though. I'm not saying overall sales of software and hardware isn't partly because of Sony, but a part of it is definetly because of the media trying to put a fork into Sony for whatever reason. Resistance is still the measuring stick for how polished and overall quality a FPS game should be offline and online. Especially how the largest name in console FPS can't hold a candle to it. But the name and hype pushed it to the heavens.

I think if it got a fair shake and released now, it would sell faster than it did actually. Especially that people can make actual comparisions to products released and see that the game is packed with quality, features, and fun. Besides the amount of features and polish it has that compares it favorably to the competition, it also has the luxury of Dedicated Servers, which pushes it to a higher tier.

I'm not denying any of the games quality, but it's extremely hard to gauge the sales of a sequel to a launch game.

Just look at PGR4, PGR3 sold better its first month, mainly cause it was a launch game and had no real competition. Whereas PGR4 was released during a shitstorm of great games.


well, seeing as how Ratchet and Clank can't even do 100K, I guess PS3 owners don't buy the decent games that release after all. Maybe MGS4 and FF13 are the only games that can truly make a dent.

PGR4...ouch...despite all the shit the game takes I really enjoyed 3 and was hoping 4 would be a hit.


when is my burrito
Grecco said:
Well a guy got banned for posting NPD on the Media Create. You basically did the same thing. Just saying.

Those weren't NPD numbers. Those were supposedly MC numbers posted without a source. We all thought it was a joke/fake post, hence the ban.

We later learned they were just the sum of the October sales in Japan.

Robert R1

As long Sony (or MS or Nintendo) is paying the dev to develop the game as an exclusive, they might not care about sales too much. This all depends on how the contract is written.

If you're asking for a studio to make you an exclusive with a personal guarantee meaning if royalties from sales don't hit X amount, they will be compensated the difference, they'll be fine with that. If you're asking to make you an exclusive without a PG and you're hoping to recoup your costs and turn a hefty profit, you'd look at the software sales data for ROI scenarios.

In this case, no smart studio is going to take that risk with the PS3 so Sony will be paying handsomely for exclusives. Infact, this puts the developer in a good bargaining spot, not Sony.


when is my burrito
Jirotrom said:
VF5 was released October 30th... there is no way it would post.

Officially, so did Ratchet. The only people who knew it was out before that were message board posters.


Draft said:
You think so? Hmm. Maybe they could license tech from a competent multiplat developer like Infinity Ward.

They're a company of pride in their work. I'm not going to knock IW as they're are really quality dev house, but they're not at Insomniacs level. Why would someone like them want to do something "good enough" when they're known to be some of the best there is? Ratchet's one of the most impressive games I've seen to date this gen, and it's overall more impressive than CoD4.

And, onto another point though. Would anyone here doubt for one minute if CoD4 was concentrated on one hardware platform that it would've came out better? Multiplatform gaming is a dulling point on the quality of games. I own both machines, and would rather devs put FULL attention into a game than splitting that up amongst 2 teams. I don't doubt for a minute that corners are cut on both machines so they don't do one thing vastly better than the other. The most we saw from the 2 CoD's is one has better textures up close, the other has a cleaner/sharper quality elsewhere. Surprisingly, the machine that's weaker with textures also happens to have the MOST IMPRESSIVE textured game on consoles to date coming tomorrow for example.


listen to the mad man
LukeSmith said:
Or C. when they arrive they sell on the lead platform and then their exclusivity wears out and they fizzle on the second console. See: GRAW, Oblivion, (did VF5 do better in its first month on PS3 than it did on 360 or is that next month?) Multiplatform titles that arrive on a console first, to the consumer are exclusive to that platform till its available elsewhere. MGS last gen sold significantly better on PS2 than it did on Xbox, right? But it's still hailed as a key exclusive in the last gen. See, it's inconsistent.

If you add games that were released on one platform and then posted later (GRAW, Oblivion, etc)... Absolutely nothing changes. You still only have three third-party "exclusives" that have broke the top ten in the last year.

Admittedly I'm sure if there was full NPD data back to November 2005, I think there would be some third-party exclusives in the top 10... but going based only on the fully available fully legal November 2006 onwards data, nothing changes even if you apply the GRAW/Oblivion/VF5 definition.

GRAW2, Call of Duty 3, and Def Jam: Icon were both fully multiplatform, right?
DeaconKnowledge said:
"We" is obviously a generalization, Viscen.

And to reprise the argument we were having about this last month, Just under 800k systems on 3.7 million software sales? If that doesn't say that the average Halo fan already had a 360 I don't know what does, especially considering that we cannot assume everybody who bought the console in the last 2 months did so for Halo.

Halo 3 is still a system seller, but it wasn't going to be the breakthrough that a lot of people here predicted it would.

You said "It's September" when I last pointed this out. So now October has rolled in. Do you expect this to peak next month? Because i'm not seein it.

Weekly sales are still 25k higher than they were the month of the price drop.

Halo 3 is moving 360s, that much is obvious.

I still remember Odysseus' ridiculous prediction (back in August) that the 360 would sell 250k this month - I'm sure yours was in the same ballpark.


J-Rzez said:
They're a company of pride in their work. I'm not going to knock IW as they're are really quality dev house, but they're not at Insomniacs level. Why would someone like them want to do something "good enough" when they're known to be some of the best there is? Ratchet's one of the most impressive games I've seen to date this gen, and it's overall more impressive than CoD4.

And, onto another point though. Would anyone here doubt for one minute if CoD4 was concentrated on one hardware platform that it would've came out better? Multiplatform gaming is a dulling point on the quality of games. I own both machines, and would rather devs put FULL attention into a game than splitting that up amongst 2 teams. I don't doubt for a minute that corners are cut on both machines so they don't do one thing vastly better than the other. The most we saw from the 2 CoD's is one has better textures up close, the other has a cleaner/sharper quality elsewhere. Surprisingly, the machine that's weaker with textures also happens to have the MOST IMPRESSIVE textured game on consoles to date coming tomorrow for example.
But I mean can you imagine them working on more powerful hardware? I bet you'd say WOW.


RSTEIN said:
I'm like really pissed here... I don't even own a fuckin PS3! Jesus! WTF! Buy software people! WTF are you PS3 console owners smoking? YOU DON'T BUY RATCHET & MOTHERFUCKIN CLANK?

It was fun to beat on Sony here and there but now it's sad... this is getting into harming the industry territory.

I hope things turn around.

Harming the industry? WTF are you talking about?

Sony was steering the industry down a road which has fcuk all to do with gaming and everything to do with getting their next-generation storage medium in homes and doing all sort of things with the machine which are not gaming related.

Personally I'm glad Nintendo has managed to revive itself...as they have to care about gaming...Sony and MS have other idea's and can go off into different tangents...Nintendo has only gaming. It's their bread and butter...

So hoooray to the only true core gaming hardware maker...Wish SEGA could revive itself also. The games industry needs to have someone competing with Nintendo on a purely gaming platform having MS and Sony trying to direct us away from gaming and into multi-functional needs which they are trying to sell and thank god the consumer is not responding to their products.


mysticstylez said:
I'm not denying any of the games quality, but it's extremely hard to gauge the sales of a sequel to a launch game.

Just look at PGR4, PGR3 sold better its first month, mainly cause it was a launch game and had no real competition. Whereas PGR4 was released during a shitstorm of great games.

Well we'll see when Resistance 2 hits I assume end of next year then. That will be the tell-tale of it's sales power. It's going to have a little more competition overall this time though as Gears 2 will probably make an appearance next fall, as well as Killzone 2. Also, who knows when Zipper's REAL SOCOM will hit.


Brak said:
Sonycowboy said it would be very unlikely that we'll get them.

That's too bad. I like to see how our local market compares to the bigger one to the south. It usually isn't a direct extrapolation.


J-Rzez said:
They're a company of pride in their work. I'm not going to knock IW as they're are really quality dev house, but they're not at Insomniacs level. Why would someone like them want to do something "good enough" when they're known to be some of the best there is? Ratchet's one of the most impressive games I've seen to date this gen, and it's overall more impressive than CoD4.

COD4 > Insomniac games IMO (counting than IW games are multiplatform imagine them made up only for one console it will blow out the sun)



Impressive 360 software sales.

mr stroke

anyone have the #'s on either of the NBA games?? Iam suprised to see Madden sell like crazy and yet no one buys either of the NBA games??
F#A#Oo said:
Personally I'm glad Nintendo has managed to revive itself...as they have to care about gaming...Sony and MS have other idea's and can go off into different tangents...Nintendo has only gaming. It's their bread and butter...

No, nintendo has non-hardcore gaming as their bread and butter

Oh yes I went there... But its still true
I have two suggestions for Sony:

1) Institute Opposite Day for the next few months. Whatever "great" ideas they come up with, they should probably do the exact opposite. It couldn't be worse than what they are doing now.

2) Change their name to Sonii.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Weekly sales are still 25k higher than they were the month of the price drop.

Halo 3 is moving 360s, that much is obvious.

I still remember Odysseus' ridiculous prediction (back in August) that the 360 would sell 250k this month - I'm sure yours was in the same ballpark.
You'd be wrong; see the prediction thread.

I have never once said that Halo 3 wasn't going to push consoles, but that the statement "most people who want Halo 3 already own a 360" was very apt. These sales do nothing but prove my point.

Could we see a gigantic boost in November? Most assuredly. But the way Halo was pitched as a phenomenon around here I would have expected it to push more hardware along with software.


Draft said:
But I mean can you imagine them working on more powerful hardware? I bet you'd say WOW.

I know you're joking around, I hope. But sorry, Uncharted is the most impressive console game I myself, many other fan types, and unbiased have seen. It's not on the 360, and Naughty Dog also went on to say they used about 30% of what the PS3 is really capable of doing. Are you going to doubt them with their pedigree? And Ratchet and Uncharted are the 2 most impressive looking/sounding games I've seen this gen overall. Then there's another spectacle that is GT5:p, where essentially a demo is one of the most impressive looking games shown to the public, and is by far the most impressive looking racer.

I own both machines, and game with many from here on both so people know I have strong opinions of likes and dislikes for both rigs. But if anything, I firmly believe the PS3 has the most power machine out there as within a year of it's release, we're seeing games that eclipse the top offerings on the other machine where it's supposedly easier to program and extract the power from, that's been on the market for longer that devs should have a better handle on...

Anyways, yeah. Time for more A.Creed.
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