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NPD Sales Results for October 2007


schuelma said:
Then Sony lied in their PR. They said sales for the week of Oc. 29 were 75K.

Thats what they shipped. Why don't people understand that Sony is not tracking consumer sales?


Roxas said:
man what else can Sony do? They drop the price, the games start rolling out, and they are still getting fucked :(

1. The price isn't low enough. 2. The games aren't "rolling out". When I have a 360 and the only exclusives that I see in the immediate future that are worth my while are Ratchet and Uncharted with MGS4 being a looooong way off, I don't really care about all those multi-platform titles. I have a 360. I'll just play Rock Band, Assassins Creed, etc. on my 360.

That 1 year jump really, really worked for M$. It gave them time to gather a hardcore install base that wanted a next-gen console immediately, and when you have a larger install base who are now seeing comparable graphics on a system they already own, there's almost no need to buy a PS3. Especially when they're still as expensive as they are. I'm not going to throw down 400 bucks for a PS3 w/o backwards compatibility either, especially when there aren't many games I want on it. Because honestly, with the 360's lineup right now does anyone really NEED to play any of the PS3 exclusive titles? I've already got my hands more than full with Halo 3, COD4, Madden, Orange Box, VF5 Online... and soon I'm going to have Rock Band and Mass Effect. The list goes on. Sony needs more AAA exclusives. Period.

mysticstylez said:
You are joking right?

I believe it. With the ridiculous numbers the Wii is posting, developers are moving resources to the Wii. Give it some time, and we're going to see some good titles on the machine. The installed base is going to be way too hard to ignore. See- Guitar Hero 3 Wii.
TheKurgan said:
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3) 74,500 !!!

You got to be f'n kidding me. Ratchet and Clank is one of the biggest and best titles to hit the PS3 this year. If Ratchet can't sell how is a new IP like Uncharted going to fair? I guess the PS3 really is a Blu-Ray player first and a game console a distant second. Sad times for Playstation gamers...

How is it a sad time for Playstation Gamers they are getting some awesome games, it's more like sad times for Sony.

mr stroke

Roxas said:
man what else can Sony do? They drop the price, the games start rolling out, and they are still getting fucked :(

I wouldn't call WarHawk,Ratchet or Drakes system sellers, I don't think anyone bought a ps2 for Ratchet, and even if its out of Sony's control they slit there own wrists by not pushing for GT5 and MGS this holiday..other than BR I sitll couldn't imagine someone buying a PS3 over a 360 this holiday being its 50$ less with almost the same games


Roxas said:
man what else can Sony do? They drop the price, the games start rolling out, and they are still getting fucked :(

Drop the price again in time for the release of the MGS 4 model...

Red PS3 (40 GB model)
MGS 4 bundled
MGS 4 Online fully installed on HDD
Release Killzone demo around the time



mysticstylez said:
How is it a sad time for Playstation Gamers they are getting some awesome games, it's more like sad times for Sony.
not many awesome games. They need to do what MS did last year. One or more big games a month.


Kuroyume said:
Drop the price again in time for the release of the MGS 4 model...

Red PS3 (40 GB model)
MGS 4 bundled
MGS 4 Online fully installed on HDD
Release Killzone demo around the time




Spike said:

People have voted with their money, and the Wii is winning. The third parties are shooting themselves in the foot for not jumping on board earlier. By mid-late next year, there will be alot of "hardcore" games on the Wii.
We'll see how US Galaxy sales go. If Japanese sales are any indication, the people pushing the Wii into the lead are only interested in Wii Sports. Core game devs are probably pretty happy with the great software sales on the 360. Publishers will want Wii games sure, but will they finance core games or casual oriented games?
Kuroyume said:
Drop the price again in time for the release of the MGS 4 model...

Red PS3 (40 GB model)
MGS 4 bundled
MGS 4 Online fully installed on HDD
Release Killzone demo around the time


You can`t keep dropping the price. They already did once ahead of schedule. Eventually you just end up guaranteeing a loss over the whole generation
Arsenal said:
Thats what they shipped. Why don't people understand that Sony is not tracking consumer sales?
Because saying we shipped more units in the week a new SKU is getting released wouldn't make any sense?
Fredescu said:
We'll see how US Galaxy sales go. If Japanese sales are any indication, the people pushing the Wii into the lead are only interested in Wii Sports. Core game devs are probably pretty happy with the great software sales on the 360. Publishers will want Wii games sure, but will they finance core games or casual oriented games?

I agree with you as far as third parties, but there's no way Mario Galaxy won't do well here.

Wii third party chanters need to just come to grips with the fact that their console will be exactly what Nintendo said it would be: A great second console.

Go get PS3 or 360, people.
Fredescu said:
We'll see how US Galaxy sales go. If Japanese sales are any indication, the people pushing the Wii into the lead are only interested in Wii Sports. Core game devs are probably pretty happy with the great software sales on the 360. Publishers will want Wii games sure, but will they finance core games or casual oriented games?

Kaplan says Galaxy sales are "crazy good" here in the US.

mr stroke

Kuroyume said:
Drop the price again in time for the release of the MGS 4 model...

Red PS3 (40 GB model)
MGS 4 bundled
MGS 4 Online fully installed on HDD
Release Killzone demo around the time


sounds crazy, but why not at this point right:lol
last ditch effort?


Fredescu said:
We'll see how US Galaxy sales go. If Japanese sales are any indication, the people pushing the Wii into the lead are only interested in Wii Sports. Core game devs are probably pretty happy with the great software sales on the 360. Publishers will want Wii games sure, but will they finance core games or casual oriented games?

I honestly believe that the Nintendo franchises in combination with cheap hardware are going to drive most hardcore gamers to buy the Wii. Titles for this audience will eventually do well, if they're not pieces of shit.


mr stroke said:
sounds crazy, but why not at this point right:lol
last ditch effort?

I agree. Sony's gotta do something. Do an Xbox and pack in 2 games. How about MGS4 and GT5?

Man, I hope this doesnt affect my Sony stock value.


RumFore said:
Damn it! So Ace Combat didn't sell well or did it arrive too late to be counted?

I thought sonycowboy said it did 92.5K

The Innocent X said:
Its in the first post!

I think people are glancing over it as its from the prediction thread and assumed to be predictions. Or maybe that was just me.


AdmiralViscen said:
I agree with you as far as third parties, but there's no way Mario Galaxy won't do well here.
It did "well" in Japan, but it also made a pretty huge statement with regards to the demographics of Wii owners. I'm not saying it's going to bomb.

AceBandage said:
Kaplan says Galaxy sales are "crazy good" here in the US.
That's her job.


Fredescu said:
We'll see how US Galaxy sales go. If Japanese sales are any indication, the people pushing the Wii into the lead are only interested in Wii Sports. Core game devs are probably pretty happy with the great software sales on the 360. Publishers will want Wii games sure, but will they finance core games or casual oriented games?

Perrin suggested they would release numbers "soon" ie before November NPD which tends to happen with games that do really good.


I'll wait till the next NPD to determine how much Sony has sold..all I know is that the 60GB models are flying off the shelf and almost non-existant in certain parts of the US...I want Sony though to concentrate on more in-house games and Exclusives than 3rd party games, cuz it seems that most developers rather develop for MS first and Sony 2nd or last, depending on time and budget, and most gamers are probably going to buy a game for the 360, than PS3 first, no matter..I got next-gen consoles covered, so I won't miss out on anything, but I'd rather see more original IP's from Sony.

mr stroke

mysticstylez said:
Shit they might as well just go out of business if they do that.

what do they have to lose at this point??
Ditch the 5 free movie and pack in MGS4 for 299$??
sounds insane but I couldn't imagine everyone and there mom going out to buy that one


NolbertoS said:
I'll wait till the next NPD to determine how much Sony has sold..all I know is that the 60GB models are flying off the shelf and almost non-existant in certain parts of the US...I want Sony though to concentrate on more in-house games and Exclusives than 3rd party games, cuz it seems that most developers rather develop for MS first and Sony 2nd or last, depending on time and budget, and most gamers are probably going to buy a game for the 360, than PS3 first, no matter..I got next-gen consoles covered, so I won't miss out on anything, but I'd rather see more original IP's from Sony.

But isn't that suggesting Sony adopt a Gamecube approach with the PS3?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Narag said:
I thought sonycowboy said it did 92.5K

I think people are glancing over it as its from the prediction thread and assumed to be predictions. Or maybe that was just me.

Yay for AC6!


Fredescu said:
It did "well" in Japan, but it also made a pretty huge statement with regards to the demographics of Wii owners. I'm not saying it's going to bomb.

That's her job.

It is selling assloads here. 1 million US sales November guaranteed.
Fredescu said:
We'll see how US Galaxy sales go. If Japanese sales are any indication, the people pushing the Wii into the lead are only interested in Wii Sports. Core game devs are probably pretty happy with the great software sales on the 360. Publishers will want Wii games sure, but will they finance core games or casual oriented games?
NA is 3d Mario's strongest territory, Japan was(or is) its weakest.

You also got to remember, NA Wii userbase is far more diverse. TP also did better here compared to Japan, and both Red Steel and RRR both did well.
NolbertoS said:
I'll wait till the next NPD to determine how much Sony has sold..all I know is that the 60GB models are flying off the shelf and almost non-existant in certain parts of the US...I want Sony though to concentrate on more in-house games and Exclusives than 3rd party games, cuz it seems that most developers rather develop for MS first and Sony 2nd or last, depending on time and budget, and most gamers are probably going to buy a game for the 360, than PS3 first, no matter..I got next-gen consoles covered, so I won't miss out on anything, but I'd rather see more original IP's from Sony.

Sounds like the Gamecube approach to me, and we all know how that went. If anything third party developers are even MORE likely to continue releasing multi console titles, and they've gotta be reconsidering releasing exclusive titles for the PS3 right now. Square, Konami, and many other developers have to be shitting bricks right now.

But if Sony's math is fair and accurate, next month will be the big coming out party.


P90 said:
But isn't that suggesting Sony adopt a Gamecube approach with the PS3?

Well, I'm sure that's there last resort, but Sony can't always rely on 3rd party exclusives forever, they have to come up with more original IP's if they want to keep on going for next-next-next gen...God of War for example was a great franchise and I see it as an exclusive that alot of people would line up, or camp out and buy on Day 1...I think Sony should try to put more R & D into more IP's to branch out and keep people in line, while expecting some awesome game to come out.
PhoenixDark said:
But if Sony's math is fair and accurate, next month will be the big coming out party.

PS3 sales would have to more than quadruple to beat 360's second November. At the same price point.

And a lot of people said that 360 did shitty last November, and that Gears was failing to push consoles.


PhoenixDark said:
Sounds like the Gamecube approach to me, and we all know how that went. If anything third party developers are even MORE likely to continue releasing multi console titles, and they've gotta be reconsidering releasing exclusive titles for the PS3 right now. Square, Konami, and many other developers have to be shitting bricks right now.

But if Sony's math is fair and accurate, next month will be the big coming out party.

Don't think Square or Konami are too upset because I'm 100% sure that Sony is paying most of the development cost. If not they would announced a multiplatform solution 2 months ago.
So let's see here...

$399 40GB didn't officially release until Nov. 2nd
Ratchet & Clank wasn't widely available at retail until the last week of October

... But October NPD is being used to declare game over for Sony.



Jive Turkey said:
I think I would have bailed out of that back in March.

I should clarify. I have gaming stock via mutual funds. So I hope the fund managers are doing their job. At least I am doing well every quarter.


Golden Darkness said:
According to the prediction thread, it didn't include Limited Edition sales.

So those are real numbers.

Ah, I guess the Halo 3 number is the only wonky one, and that makes sense. I thought more of them didn't match at first glance, but I must have been mixed up. Carry on.
AdmiralViscen said:
PS3 sales would have to more than quadruple to beat 360's second November. At the same price point.

And a lot of people said that 360 did shitty last November, and that Gears was failing to push consoles.

Its got to the stage where if PS3 matched 360 for a month it would be a celebration
MassiveAttack said:
So let's see here...

$399 40GB didn't officially release until Nov. 2nd
Ratchet & Clank wasn't widely available at retail until the last week of October

... But October NPD is being used to declare game over for Sony.


Well, I suppose that's one way to look at it.

-80GB got a price cut halfway through the month, and appears to be selling better than the 40GB version
-Sonycowboy said the 40GB version hit with a thud
-Sony's claims about PS3's sales in that last week of October have been shown to be false, casting November into doubt
-Uh, Ratchet was on sale in October, I bought it. It's a bomb dude, and no one should have expected otherwise. Its demographic doesn't have consoles at this price.
JudgeN said:
Don't think Square or Konami are too upset because I'm 100% sure that Sony is paying most of the development cost. If not they would announced a multiplatform solution 2 months ago.

I doubt that, and wouldn't be surprised if both companies are seriously considering multiconsole strategies for their biggest titles.

AdmiralViscen said:
PS3 sales would have to more than quadruple to beat 360's second November. At the same price point.

And a lot of people said that 360 did shitty last November, and that Gears was failing to push consoles.

Oh I don't expect the PS3 to outsell either the 360 or Wii in November or December, but I would imagine the console will still have a big increase due to the pricecut. But will software sales increase? The PSP is doing well in terms of hardware, but no one is buying games. I'd imagine the PS3 is going to slowly move to that type of position in the coming months.


My opinion? USED.
360 really is a software mover. With the ME and COD4 sales to come, its just amazing what it pushes.


MassiveAttack said:
So let's see here...

$399 40GB didn't officially release until Nov. 2nd
Ratchet & Clank wasn't widely available at retail until the last week of October

... But October NPD is being used to declare game over for Sony.


I see your point, but to make an analogy, the St. Louis Rams winning a game this past week doesn't mean they'll take the Super Bowl.
PhoenixDark said:
Oh I don't expect the PS3 to outsell either the 360 or Wii in November or December, but I would imagine the console will still have a big increase due to the pricecut. But will software sales increase? The PSP is doing well in terms of hardware, but no one is buying games. I'd imagine the PS3 is going to slowly move to that type of position in the coming months.

I'm talking about coming close to matching 360's 511k from November 2006. Most of the people here who didn't already have a 360 were putting it down for being so "low," and now Sony has little to no chance of meeting that low bar.

I dunno what to say about software, I think anything can happen. I think BenjaminBirdie is kind of right in what he's saying about that. And the focus on Blu Ray must be hurting it too. I didn't buy PS3 with the intent to buy tons of games for it, personally.
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