Jocchan said:
Don't be a tool, please.
The problem is not the chalkboard meme, it's doing it right: it's supposed to mock the fanboys and their beliefs.
If the PS3 one is about the various "saviors" fanboys have been clamoring for, a 360 one might have been, say, about the different hardware revisions that were supposed to get rid of the RROD. A Wii one might have been about a hardcore title having success. And so on.
The chalkboard in the first page is simply a trollish attempt at console wars that screams "I'm tired of my beloved console being attacked, eat this you dumb fanboys! And this! And this! And also this, I'm feeling generous tonight!".
LOL @ all the butthurt replies
Not once did I hear about Haze or Lair being a 'PS3 savior'. The PS3 chalkboard was just typical fanboy trolling on GAF.
360 fanboys just got a taste of their own medicine the past few months. They can hope and pray that November will turn the tide around, but even if it evens out in November (or 360 gets a lead), it will only be temporary unless Microsoft continues to pull the $99 Arcade card.
Japan is kicking into high gear, sales wise, amounting to ~120-160k lead over the 360 in that region alone (will be much greater in December when FFXIII releases), in the US the PS3 has a lead of ~70k this month. Wish we had some concrete European numbers, but it wouldn't surprise me if the PS3 outsold the 360 by over 250k in that region. Overall you're probably looking at half a million more PS3s sold than 360s worldwide in the month of October alone. The best 360 can hope for this holiday season is that it'll beat the PS3 in sales in North America for November and December, but unlike years past if the 360 wins it won't be by a whole lot. PS3 keeping pace with 360 in US = 360 getting crushed worldwide.
PS3 will be catching up incredibly fast to the 360's lead. Unless NATAL saves the 360, there's nothing to really stop the increasing YoY declined for the platform.