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NPD Sales Results for October 2009


elrechazao said:
Wow at the ps3 sales. That's not the regular ps3/360 sales ratio for multiplats. 4 to 1? As someone said, that seems to be directly related to the 360's social aspect. All of my friends are playing it, buy! etc.
That and the fact that PS3 owners were too busy playing other games.


elrechazao said:
Wow at the ps3 sales. That's not the regular ps3/360 sales ratio for multiplats. 4 to 1? As someone said, that seems to be directly related to the 360's social aspect. All of my friends are playing it, buy! etc.

nah normally it's much closer than that, unless there's a lot of special content.


elrechazao said:
That's not the regular ps3/360 sales ratio for multiplats. 4 to 1? As someone said, that seems to be directly related to the 360's social aspect. All of my friends are playing it, buy! etc.
More likely due to the fact that Uncharted 2 took away a big portion of the hardcore $ on Ps3.


Death Prophet
Giolon said:
You know what's awesome? Owning all three consoles so you don't have to care about all this assinine "my console's better than yours" bullshit and asshattery. STFU about what console is better and just enjoy the great games.
Wait... you want me to actually play these games?

That sounds boring.
Ulairi said:
I cannot wait for 4 Guys 1up for David Ellis to tell us that the toy fad is over, it's been 3 years and that's about as long as a fad last. The Wii is done, it is down yoy!!!

How I miss the fad meme.

Console warriors should have their favorite failed memes Aldo Rained into their avatars.


I have to say that PSP looks to be on its way out. PSP Go did nothing, its sales are declining, I think it's done for in the US. I guess it's time for Sony to get a new portable going.
Giolon said:
You know what's awesome? Owning all three consoles so you don't have to care about all this assinine "my console's better than yours" bullshit and asshattery. STFU about what console is better and just enjoy the great games. Funny graphics are funny. Don't get butthurt over it.

There's nothing better than getting the best PC games on steam deals patiently with the click of a button as I play my new Wii game while chatting with friends on Xbl about my first experience with RE2 on my BC PS3.

These guys are looking ridiculous.



sparkle this bitch
OldJadedGamer said:
NPD doesn't count bundled sales.
Normal tallies people quote from the company seem too. Either GTP and Forza 2 manage to sell 3Million+ in Japan/Europe. Or it was bundled to hell in all regions. Almost all racers are. So It's quite hard to get the real numbers sold since they seem to be the most popular genre to bundle.

Probably the best example this gen was Motorstorm, where it was something like 3+ million "sales" thanks to bundles. Sequel came out and bombed hard. So it sure as hell isn't reflective on the series either.


:enemyglider: said:

Somnid said:
I have to say that PSP looks to be on its way out. PSP Go did nothing, its sales are declining, I think it's done for in the US. I guess it's time for Sony to get a new portable going.

if sony releases another portable i hope they have the good sense to release it at a decent pricepoint.


lawblob said:
My understanding was that BL didn't have too high of a budget, and hence didn't need to sell a lot to be profitable?

Anyone know about its budget?
At least $15 million (most likely $21 million if EA paid the additional $7 million they wanted from Activision) based on the Activision lawsuit.


matmanx1 said:
Why are we surprised at Borderlands performance on the PS3? Uncharted 2 and Demon's Souls both released just before it and are (by most metrics) better games. Most of the die hard PS3 folks I know bought both of those games and were still busy with them when Borderlands hit.

I bought all 3 and have spent roughly equal time with all of them.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Incase anyones interested, GT5P opened to 224K back in April 08.

However, it had somewhere between 2 and 3 weeks. (And online sales)

Doesn't look so bad for Forza that way. (or does it..)
lowrider007 said:
What I don't get is why people can't understand why others may like or prefer a particular piece of hardware over another, I really like the PS3 from an architectural standpoint, (not the company behind it), is that really so bad ?, why do have to be forced into liking each system equally ?, I prefer the PS3 over the 360 and probably always will, I shouldn't have to feel bad about that tbh, like I shouldn't have to feel bad about preferring a certain model of sports car over another.

You don't have to like each system equally, and I can certainly understand how some people "love" one system more than another. It's natural to develop feelings for your preferred console and want to defend its honor like you would a girlfriend. You don't have to feel bad about it. If you do, then you should examine why that is.

The problem is that when you cop to this on the board, or you let this preference obviously color your posts, everything you say is viewed by many others through a "this guy's a fanboy" filter and is disregarded, mocked, or argued as a result. Its the price you pay.

I try to stay as platform neutral as possible while voicing my honest opinions but that's just me. I enjoy all the systems.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
With regards to the PSP Go sales, does anyone think that Sony expected it break any sales records ?,it may not be getting DS numbers but it always to trundle along still respectively, I don't think that 174k is that bad really.


WickedLaharl said:
if sony releases another portable i hope they have the good sense to release it at a decent pricepoint.

with something new, more than what a PSP can do... and some games excluding ports


WickedLaharl said:
if sony releases another portable i hope they have the good sense to release it at a decent pricepoint.

if there is another handheld released this is going to rank up there with the genesis/32x/ segacd/ saturn hardware revision cycle.


Most of the ps3 sales are coming from people who already own a 360 and are finally getting around to picking it up with the slim price drop. All of my friends are starting to pick the system up cause of games like Uncharted. Software sales will still be strong for the 360 over the ps3 and i dont ever see that changing.


Danielsan said:
That and the fact that PS3 owners were too busy playing other games.

and the fact that ps3 has a lower install base. i don't get why some people expect ps3 software numbers equivalent to the 360's at half the user base. Additionally, how many of these new ps3 owners also own a 360 and bought a ps3 for the blu ray and exclusives?


WickedLaharl said:
if sony releases another portable i hope they have the good sense to release it at a decent pricepoint.

A PSP 3000 series at $169 is a decent price point.
shintoki said:
Normal tallies people quote from the company seem too. Either GTP and Forza 2 manage to sell 3Million+ in Japan/Europe. Or it was bundled to hell in all regions. Almost all racers are. So It's quite hard to get the real numbers sold since they seem to be the most popular genre to bundle.

Probably the best example this gen was Motorstorm, where it was something like 3+ million "sales" thanks to bundles. Sequel came out and bombed hard. So it sure as hell isn't reflective on the series either.

Well that is problem with people who bring up WW sales in an NPD thread. This is an NPD thread and NPD doesn't count bundles.

imtehman said:
and the fact that ps3 has a lower install base. i don't get why some people expect ps3 software numbers equivalent to the 360's at half the user base.

When the 360 had half the userbase as the current PS3 does, Gears of War still broke 1 million in it's first month's NPD.
lowrider007 said:
With regards to the PSP Go sales, does anyone think that Sony expected it break any sales records ?,it may not be getting DS numbers but it always to trundle along still respectively, I don't think that 174k is that bad really.

Who said it would break sales records, other than you retconning what everyone was saying about it? I'd say by releasing it, they expected it to sell well. Not decline in sales on its launch.


Nirolak said:
The trick is finding out what the PC numbers are. The game seems to be popping up on Steam a lot, so it's probably actually a fairly relevant number in this case.

I wonder if PC Borderlands beat PS3 Borderlands.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Dr. Zoidberg said:
You don't have to like each system equally, and I can certainly understand how some people "love" one system more than another. It's natural to develop feelings for your preferred console and want to defend its honor like you would a girlfriend. You don't have to feel bad about it. If you do, then you should examine why that is.

The problem is that when you cop to this on the board, or you let this preference obviously color your posts, everything you say is viewed by many others through a "this guy's a fanboy" filter and is disregarded, mocked, or argued as a result. Its the price you pay.

I try to stay as platform neutral as possible while voicing my honest opinions but that's just me. I enjoy all the systems.

Now your being silly, just because someone prefers a system over another it doesn't automatically mean they have 'real' emotions attached to it or would defend it over their GF with all their Honer, that's a stupid assumption and one that is only designed just to try to provoke people.

People can still be objective and have an unbiased opinion will while preferring one console over another, I enjoy all systems also, but I 'prefer' one of them.

boiled goose

good with gravy
lowrider007 said:
With regards to the PSP Go sales, does anyone think that Sony expected it break any sales records ?,it may not be getting DS numbers but it always to trundle along still respectively, I don't think that 174k is that bad really.

it might be the worst launch numbers from a major console manufacturer in history.

has any new hardware or hardware revision done worse in the US?

and 174 is go! plus other psp skus....
on October...


Lets get real here. The first Uncharted sold 117k in November. The second one sold 537K in october.

That is quite the jump.

Also, Xbox gamers love FPS games what is new? I don't see any shocking revelations.
imtehman said:
and the fact that ps3 has a lower install base. i don't get why some people expect ps3 software numbers equivalent to the 360's at half the user base. Additionally, how many of these new ps3 owners also own a 360 and bought a ps3 for the blu ray and exclusives?

How does a game like batman sell the same on the systems? How do games like gears of war sell over a million on half the install base at the time that the ps3 has now? Why are the ratios on other games much better relative to each other?

Cmon man.
OldJadedGamer said:
When the 360 had half the userbase as the current PS3 does, Gears of War still broke 1 million in it's first month's NPD.

But it's not like they've had a lot of alternatives at that time..


lordoftherink said:
I remember the same argument was used for LittleBigPlanet this time last year and Killzone 2 earlier this year. Racing games have taken a hit across the board, just look at last month with NFS: Shift, DiRT 2, and Gran Turismo and Motorstorm PSP. Forza isn't quite as front loaded as the aforementioned PS3 games, but I don't think the sales will be alright given more time. Will it continue to sell? For sure, but I think it will struggle to reach 1 million LTD in NA.

The terrible performance of some of Microsoft's first party console endeavors makes me wonder if any executives over there realize how stupid a decision it was to close Ensemble, a studio that has made nothing but huge successes.
eznark said:
You bought "Snorederlands?"

And why am I not shocked you got it on PS3....

I wonder how many people traded in Gran Turismo PSP the week they bought it? I want that number tracked.

i sold my copy within four hours of opening it. I bought the psp bundle version and really just didn't care for it.
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