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NPD Sales Results for October 2009


gkrykewy said:
Fight on, brave warrior.

You're wrong, by the way. Haze was hyped because it was an early exclusive, and Lair was hyped for its graphics.

I remember a lot of talk about it being a mature, thinking-man's Halo.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Can't really see MW2 pushing hardware. If you didn't buy the console for CoD2/3/4/5, why now for 6?


I almost want to strangle people saying Uncharted should have done more.

I remember face palming at UC1s numbers when it debuted, it had a terrible first month, and people were trying their damndest to defend its terrible numbers. "B-b-b-but overseas it did ....." It was horrible.

UC2 broke 500 fucking K on the first MONTH and its not even November. Holy fucking shit at the turnaround on this franchise. Its next entry is going to be a freaking blockbuster. BELIEVE that, amazing ND and congrats. Story of the freaking month for me. I was genuinely shocked to see it at number one. The PS3 really has something going in Japan and the US right now. Im not crazy, and calling it a comeback by ANY means. But its on a kick thats for sure. Good game.

creamsugar said:

WOW considering how much hell the DS version got. I expect absolutely NOONE to retract all the nasty stuff they said about DS's ability to sell core games. I expect none of the websites who ran negative DS articles based on the sales of the game to make one about the PSP. And I expect the crazies to try and crouch behind the mysterious download numbers when they arent going to be anywhere near the 70k required to bring this games debut anywhere near the DS's.

Sometimes well made games dont light up the charts. Sometimes (hell most times) ports dont perform all that well. Shits true no matter if its the PSP, DS, Wii, 360 or PS3.

Edit: And another hell fucking YEAH! for ND and Uncharted 2 just for the hell of it.
squicken said:
Uncharted 2 is a great game. But those sales seem low. What did the original Gears sell in 2006 and to what install base?

Gears sold a tad bit over a million in it's first months NPD and the system off the top of my head was way under 10 million since it had just *barely* been out for less than a year. Maybe 6 million in the US? I'm too lazy to look up the exact number of the userbase right now but I'm sure someone can find it.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
OldJadedGamer said:
Gears sold a tad bit over a million in it's first months NPD and the system off the top of my head was way under 10 million since it had just *barely* been out for less than a year. Maybe 6 million in the US? I'm too lazy to look up the exact number of the userbase right now but I'm sure someone can find it.
As far as I am aware, the 360 didn't pass 5m in the US until Halo 3.
Since Halo 3 supposedly had well over 50% attach ratio with 3.3m sales.

Probably way off though.

edit: went and looked it up, 360 was at 6.3m in August 07. Which is about 50% attach.


user_nat said:
Can't really see MW2 pushing hardware. If you didn't buy the console for CoD2/3/4/5, why now for 6?

It might, it might not. But acting as if it's just "CoD6" is just silly. We both know MW2 is no where near the hype of ANY past game in the series.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I am not surprised at Chinatown's sales on either platform. Are people forgetting how much bigger the franchise got when it went 3D? It shouldn't be $39.99 either.

Why For?

Giolon said:
You know what's awesome? Owning all three consoles so you don't have to care about all this assinine "my console's better than yours" bullshit and asshattery. STFU about what console is better and just enjoy the great games. Funny graphics are funny. Don't get butthurt over it.

Deson't work that way on GAF.

You can own as many consoles as you like, if you have a personal preferrence, you're a fanboy.

Sorry bro.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Kifimbo said:
Can you tell us if the DS version outsold it (retail only of course) ?

Of course it did. We'll hear nothing of this from the usual suspects of course.


lawblob said:
Say what? PSP as a platform sold less units the month of the PSPGo's release than the month previous. This isn't respectable; its a complete and total failure of a system re-launch.

I'm pretty sure Sony didn't expect to Go to fly off the shelves. Not with the way they've handled it.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Puncture said:
I almost want to strangle people saying Uncharted should have done more.

I remember face palming at UC1s numbers when it debuted, it had a terrible first month, and people were trying their damndest to defend its terrible numbers. "B-b-b-but overseas it did ....." It was horrible.

UC2 broke 500 fucking K on the first MONTH and its not even November. Holy fucking shit at the turnaround on this franchise. Its next entry is going to be a freaking blockbuster. BELIEVE that, amazing ND and congrats. Story of the freaking month for me. I was genuinely shocked to see it at number one. The PS3 really has something going in Japan and the US right now. Im not crazy, and calling it a comeback by ANY means. But its on a kick thats for sure. Good game.
True. Uncharted 2 had much more hype behind it than the first game, and the multiplayer beta (especially when it went open) surely helped it gain even more popularity. And it deserves its sales, it's an excellent game and I've been playing it almost every day for two freaking months.

Puncture said:
WOW considering how much hell the DS version got. I expect absolutely NOONE to retract all the nasty stuff they said about DS's ability to sell core games. I expect none of the websites who ran negative DS articles based on the sales of the game to make one about the PSP. And I expect the crazies to try and crouch behind the mysterious download numbers when they arent going to be anywhere near the 70k required to bring this games debut anywhere near the DS's.

Sometimes well made games dont light up the charts. Sometimes (hell most times) ports dont perform all that well. Shits true no matter if its the PSP, DS, Wii, 360 or PS3.

Puncture said:
Edit: And another hell fucking YEAH! for ND and Uncharted 2 just for the hell of it.
They deserve it :)


user_nat said:
Can't really see MW2 pushing hardware. If you didn't buy the console for CoD2/3/4/5, why now for 6?
This. Haven't seen much of a change in the MW2 bundles at my local stores, seems stale actually. I'm wondering what effect the ban wave will have though.

1. A fraction of the banned users will go out and buy a new 360.
2. A fraction of the banned users will switch over to PS3.
3. A fraction of the banned users will just play offline and cancel their subscriptions.
4. Potential new customers will go used (and not care about online) and totally screw MS over.
laserbeam said:
Fact is the PSP is a total failure as a game machine.

Well hell, you mean all of that enjoyment I've gotten from my PSP was all a lie????? I'd better get on the phone and call the fifty million or so people that own a PSP as well and let them know we've been had.


omg rite said:
It might, it might not. But acting as if it's just "CoD6" is just silly. We both know MW2 is no where near the hype of ANY past game in the series.

Of course anecdotal evidence will disagree, but by and large, people who buy MW2 are the same who bought W@W and/or MW1. If they're buying the LE bundle, then yeah, but it's not like MW2 is selling to an audience that did not play MW1. The only reason it will sell more than MW1 is because it is more hyped, and therefore will sell more units closer to launch, with less used units being sold.

Only 4 strategies 'push' consoles.

1. New IPs - Gears
2. Price Cuts - Self-explanatory
3. New models/Limited Edition - PS3 Slim, DS Lite, DSi, PSP 2000
4. Games 'jumping' from a generation to another one. - Halo 3, Metal Gear Solid 4

These are the only proven ways to 'push consoles' in a given month. Anything else is purely happenstance.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
DR2K said:
I'm pretty sure Sony didn't expect to Go to fly off the shelves. Not with the way they've handled it.

And I'm sure they didn't expect PS2 sales numbers when they first announced PS3's price tag. :lol

Those sales are a byproduct of a decision, not the reason the decision was made.

Well hell, you mean all of that enjoyment I've gotten from my PSP was all a lie????? I'd better get on the phone and call the fifty million or so people that own a PSP as well and let them know we've been had.

It has plenty of good games but Sony has failed miserably at doing anything to help sell software. How or why anyone thought a $250 that breaks compatibility with much of its own software lineup would be a fix is beyond me.


October 2009 sales data from the NPD Group shows that the music game genre has lost much of its momentum compared to last year. In October 2008 it saw sales of $137 million, but that number is down to $53 million this year. If big names like The Beatles: Rock Band and Guitar Hero 5 are struggling it might not come as a surprise to hear that sales of DJ Hero are a little slow out of the gate. The new $120-$200 game was released on four platforms (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, and PlayStation 2) but only managed to move a little over 122,000 units.
People that did pick up DJ Hero preferred to play it on 360, followed by the PS3, the Wii, and finally the PS2. The regular editions sold better than the Renegade on all platforms, but both the 360 and PS3's Renegade sets sold better than even the standard edition on Wii and PS2.

DJ HERO - 122,000


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Dr. Zoidberg said:
Well, I think there pretty much HAS to be some emotions involved whenever anyone feels the need to strongly defend something. Love, pride, etc. It's not the case for you but I really think it's apparent that some folks have the same emotional response when their platform is trashed as they would if someone posted about their girlfriend, school, or sports team. It IS scary!

If there were no emotional investment I'd hope people wouldn't give a shit.

OK fair-play.

lawblob said:
Say what? PSP as a platform sold less units the month of the PSPGo's release than the month previous. This isn't respectable; its a complete and total failure of a system re-launch.

I don't know perhaps it's just me but I just didn't think that the Go would effect PSP sales in anyway shape or form tbh.
outunderthestars said:
Well hell, you mean all of that enjoyment I've gotten from my PSP was all a lie????? I'd better get on the phone and call the fifty million or so people that own a PSP as well and let them know we've been had.
Gosh, you think he might be talking about it as a sales failure in this sales thread?



Paracelsus said:
"You force me to buy another system and actually buy games? I will, but I won't get the system you expect me to! :mad:"

...nah, it's just too convenient to get another 360 and mod it again, in the end it's just the cost of three-four games every time you do it.

Ya, it's cheaper for 360 pirates to just buy a new Arcade and reuse their old harddrive than it would be to buy a PS3 and buy all their games.

The fact that there were 600,000 modded Xbox 360 consoles playing pirated games is the most surprising thing. The 360 is still a software selling beast, but that's getting to almost PC piracy levels.


OldJadedGamer said:
Well that is problem with people who bring up WW sales in an NPD thread. This is an NPD thread and NPD doesn't count bundles.

How much did Forza 2 sell as a standalone game based on NPD numbers? You keep mentioning how bundles are not included in NPD numbers, but have never actually said what those numbers were.

The GT sales numbers on Polyphony digital's website do include bundles (and are shipped numbers on top of that). Out of the four main GT games, the only one I ever saw get heavily bundled in North America was GT3 (bought my PS2 with a bundled GT3 in December 2001). The fact that GT1/2 had fairly flat sales of around 4 million shipped in North America, while GT3 broke 7 million speaks to the power of bundles.
Really happy that Uncharted made a mark. The first game was underrated. I think SONY's new marketing really paid off. Thank god that dumbass comercial from 2007 and 2008 are gone.

Why For?

While I posted "Well done, deserved" for Uncharted earlier, I CAN see why some would think the numbers are a little low.

I mean, the PS3s American userbase isn't an excuse anymore. Key exclusive titles should be able to push either a mill, or close to it now.

As many have mentioned. Gears of War pushed a mill on a 6 or 5 mill userbase.

I can see why some think Uncharted should have got at least CLOSE to a million copies sold with a userbase of what? 13 mill? 14 mill?


Segata Sanshiro said:
Gosh, you think he might be talking about it as a sales failure in this sales thread?


I'm actually starting to suspect that a surprising number of people don't know what NPD actually means.
Blu_LED said:
Yeah because I'm sure you know exactly how many times it was downloaded on the PSStore.

Yes because digital download units sell more than retail units. :lol

Hopefully the iPhone port can rake in some sales. Otherwise they would have been better leaving the game DS exclusive.


:enemyglider: said:

This has to be the biggest "ownage" fail ever.

If you dont understand why the original chalkboard is funny then dont post at all.
kswiston said:
How much did Forza 2 sell as a standalone game based on NPD numbers? You keep mentioning how bundles are not included in NPD numbers, but have never actually said what those numbers were.

The GT sales numbers on Polyphony digital's website do include bundles (and are shipped numbers on top of that). Out of the four main GT games, the only one I ever saw get heavily bundled in North America was GT3 (bought my PS2 with a bundled GT3 in December 2001). The fact that GT1/2 had fairly flat sales of around 4 million shipped in North America, while GT3 broke 7 million speaks to the power of bundles.

Forza 2 sold over 400k in it's first two months in NPD. I haven't tracked down any other numbers from Turn10 or MS because quite frankly I don't care enough. Btw, where are you getting these numbers from unbundled US only sales for the GT series?

Thunder Monkey said:
But what do sales have to do with how much he enjoys his system and games?

Is the point of a NPD thread to discuss how much we enjoy games or to discuss the sales of these games?


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Salmonax said:
Damn - does this mean the franchise is DOA? Either way, it's certain that the music genre is truly dying.
Guitar Hero: Grateful Dead confirmed.
Chumly said:
This has to be the biggest "ownage" fail ever.

If you dont understand why the original chalkboard is funny then dont post at all.

The original chalkboard was teh funny because it was making fun of PS3.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
:enemyglider: said:
The original chalkboard was teh funny because it was making fun of PS3.
Yeah, I believe you really got the point of that picture man!
:enemyglider: said:
The original chalkboard was teh funny because it was making fun of PS3.

Making fun of a system and making fun of the fanboys that support said system are two different things. You'd see this if you weren't the latter.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Gosh, you think he might be talking about it as a sales failure in this sales thread?


Nice name calling. He called it a total failure as a games machine. But it simply isn't.

How isn't it selling? Over the last few months almost 1/3rd of the top 30 game sales in Japan have been psp games. The system should finish the year with over 55 million units sold LTD world wide.

The DS sells 450K units in a month, but only has one game in the top ten, and yet nobody says that it is a software failure.

People on the board see the top ten, and assume that nothing is sold below that level. Publishers continue to make games for the system, so they must be seeing some return on their investments, otherwise they'd simply stop making games for it.
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