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NPD Sales Results for October 2009

Apoc29 said:
Sorry, it's pages old, but I had to quote it. Combining my love for the Simpsons with my love for NPD drama. :lol <3

My thoughts:

- Wii better than expected. Might be looking to much at Media Create threads. (Perhaps NoA should too, as a warning for things to come)
- NDS keeps on trucking. No record sales, but impressive non the less
- PS3 does well, but perhaps a bit lower than expected (?)
- X360 down because PS3 is up. They cancel each other out, and there's no gain in HD hardware sales compared to last year.
- PS2 will never ever ever die. Jesus christ!
- PSP took quite a hit. PSPgo launched, but we all knew it would bomb hard

Deserved sales for uncharted. Impressive for FF DS. the "Wii" titles going strong. Oaw for Forza 3 :/, the racing genre is down the gutter.
Narcosis said:
That chalkboard on page 1 was lame, but the ensuing posts by it;s creator are awesome. I say we make a new chalkboard with the names of famous GAF Sony fanboys who are perma'd crossed out and enemyglider next on the list

I like this idea.
pulga said:
King Wii is back with a vengeance. Even DS got owned.
I don't know if I'd call being down 300k YoY after a price drop "back with a vengence", but at least it got a boost for the month, and probably the rest of the holiday season.


My thoughts on this months NPD thread:
* I was expecting Uncharted 2 to do better (above 700K) but I'm glad it got first place. Such a great game.
* The Wii did better than I expected and PS3 did worse than I expected.
* Borderlands is the best selling 360 game? lol
* That new chalkboard is lame.
* PSP Go = worst Sony idea ever


GPsych said:
While I agree that Haze was never mentioned as a PS3 savior, Lair was expected to be HUGE up until a couple of weeks before its release when the reviews came out. I remember when I got my PS3 at launch and everyone was freaking out at how "amazing" Lair would be because it would be in "True HD."
I still remember the first EGM reviews that was like a 1000-2000 post thread. Some pretty big meltdowns.


:enemyglider: said:
No, just realize that the PS3 launched later. And is selling faster. Late 2010/early 2011 will likely see PS3 > 360 sales WW.
Not if MSFT will make another price cut before 2011.


Junior Member
outunderthestars said:
Nice name calling. He called it a total failure as a games machine. But it simply isn't.

How isn't it selling? Over the last few months almost 1/3rd of the top 30 game sales in Japan have been psp games. The system should finish the year with over 55 million units sold LTD world wide.

The DS sells 450K units in a month, but only has one game in the top ten, and yet nobody says that it is a software failure.

People on the board see the top ten, and assume that nothing is sold below that level. Publishers continue to make games for the system, so they must be seeing some return on their investments, otherwise they'd simply stop making games for it.

Why would we be discussing Japanese sales in an NPD thread? Furthermore, why do you compare PSP's Japanese sales to NA sales of the DS as some base for the PSP's success in North America?

You're all over the place. Pack it in.
  • Uncharted 2 deserved to sell even more than that. Yes, more.
  • Borderlands definitely the upset hit. I expected good sales but not that good. Congrats Gearbox!
  • Wow at NBA 2K10. That surprised me.
  • Re: Forza 3 . . . I think the Racer market is just over saturated with great titles. (PGR 3, PGR 4, Forza 2, Midnight CLub, Grid, Fuel, Dirt, many NFS titles, etc.
  • Have rhythm games jumped the shark?
  • No Gay Tony? The 2K side of Take-Two is walking all over the Rockstar side.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Segata Sanshiro said:
There's no way to prove otherwise, but I really can't imagine Sony went to all the trouble of doing a considerable hardware redesign and pushed it with marketing on the expectation that it would fail. It just doesn't make sense at all.
Sadly, I agree.

Speevy said:
NPD Chalkboard Gif Results for November 2009
I'm just sad because Enemy Glider won't answer my post :( He ignored it three times!

:enemyglider: said:
You'd be first on the list of names yet to be crossed out if we ever made a nintendo one!
Now that was just cold.
:enemyglider: said:
The 360 is the last place console when time adjusted since launch. And pretty soon that year headstart won't even matter. Will you say it needs saving then?
Going by it's monthly sales (for North America at least since this is an NPD thread) it has only been recently since the PS3 topped it. But ignoring that, both this month and last month's NPD indicates it has generated the largest sales for the industry for the month. Which isn't exactly a condition of a console that will need saving.
I don't get why Borderlands is so LOLworthy? NBA 2K10 maybe. Sort of sad tears of LOLing but Borderlands is pretty much universally agreed on as rad, isn't it?
Segata Sanshiro said:
There's no way to prove otherwise, but I really can't imagine Sony went to all the trouble of doing a considerable hardware redesign and pushed it with marketing on the expectation that it would fail. It just doesn't make sense at all.
Do you really think Sony thought they would launch this thing for 250 with little marketing and that it would sell well? Sony has some purpose with the PSPgo I just dont know what it is. Maybe its to test the waters for a digital device. Maybe its to make a small but easy profit. Nobody knows except the higher ups at Sony who decided to launch this thing the way they did. They couldnt have expected it to be a big hit though.
fernoca said:
To be fair, he was replying to:

..don't see how being a "failure as a game machine" is related to sales...the same way "fun" is not related to sales neither.

If ithe other poster said:

..though stretching a bit, that is way more related to sales.

Anyway, is too bad about the sales..
There are quite a few great games on it..yet, the userbase is really segmented:
-The ones that just buy random games
-The ones that don't buy games because of custom firmware
-The ones that don't buy games, because custom firwmare is not allowing them to play new games

Is really weird how Sony on one hand is starting to do many great things with the PS3, including the price drop..yet,with the PSP they started right this year with new games and bundles....yet, release a new model to raise it's price and segment the userbase even more.

Thank you. I am not saying that the PSP platform is healthy in the US, I just fail to see how it can be considered a "total failure" for not putting alot of games in the top ten. Hell, the DS averages 500K + a month and usually has maybe one game in the top ten every month. The handheld marketplace is a wider market with a slower burn it seems.

That said, has anyone seen the retail space allocated to the PSP these days? Does seem like Sony really needs someone to come in and reinvigorate the platform in the US.

jeremy1456 said:
Why would we be discussing Japanese sales in an NPD thread? Furthermore, why do you compare PSP's Japanese sales to NA sales of the DS as some base for the PSP's success in North America?

You're all over the place. Pack it in.

Yea, that reply was a bit of a rambling mess. :) I should have made it in chalk board form.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
:enemyglider: said:
No, just realize that the PS3 launched later. And is selling faster. Late 2010/early 2011 will likely see PS3 > 360 sales WW.
Hard to be sure on this.
In late 07/early 08 the PS3 was gaining on the 360, but by the end of the year the 360 had sold more.

So really, we have no idea what's going to happen.
Forza 3 at 175k seems pretty damn low

I'm not trying to troll or anything, but there's no way in hell GT5 is gonna sell sub 200k it's first month in NPD.


yellowjacket25 said:
Do you really think Sony thought they would launch this thing for 250 with little marketing and that it would sell well? Sony has some purpose with the PSPgo I just dont know what it is. Maybe its to test the waters for a digital device. Maybe its to make a small but easy profit. Nobody knows except the higher ups at Sony who decided to launch this thing the way they did. They couldnt have expected it to be a big hit though.

Arguing they must have some plan and we just don't understand it seems weak. Couldn't you argue the PS3 not selling well for years was all part of their plan?


BenjaminBirdie said:
I don't get why Borderlands is so LOLworthy? NBA 2K10 maybe. Sort of sad tears of LOLing but Borderlands is pretty much universally agreed on as rad, isn't it?

I was thinking the same thing. Im' not sure why people find it so comical that the game sold well. FPS + loot + 4 player co-op + good reviews. Why should this game not sell well?

Why For?

Just noticed enemyglider has been waiting for this months NPDs to vent his pent up rage.

Been a member since basically before the 360 launched and posted more today than at any other time :lol

Let it out bro, let it out. The 360 can be a cruel mistress. :lol


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Segata Sanshiro said:
There's no way to prove otherwise, but I really can't imagine Sony went to all the trouble of doing a considerable hardware redesign and pushed it with marketing on the expectation that it would fail. It just doesn't make sense at all.

In retrospect to be fair I think people are worrying about the wrong thing, I think 'overall' psp sales aren't really a concern, I think that the PSP will just keep soldiering on like the PS2, but the PSP's software sales other-hand...., they are worrying tbh.
Jocchan said:
Sadly, I agree.

I'm just sad because Enemy Glider won't answer my post :( He ignored it three times!

Now that was just cold.

What exactly do you want me to answer? The original chalkboard WAS fanboy fodder. That's not to say that it wasn't funny...it was. It got the sony fans riled up. Job well done. Kept it going for years even! Bravo.

Are you claiming the original chalkboard was somehow a legitimate representation of something? Because for most titles on that list I never really heard about them being hyped up as saviors, just good games (well...outside of Haze/Lair). They were only hyped up as saviors AFTER THEY BOMBED or failed to set the world on fire by those trying to be all "lolz ps3 sales".


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
speculawyer said:
  • Uncharted 2 deserved to sell even more than that. Yes, more.
  • Borderlands definitely the upset hit. I expected good sales but not that good. Congrats Gearbox!
  • Wow at NBA 2K10. That surprised me.
  • Re: Forza 3 . . . I think the Racer market is just over saturated with great titles. (PGR 3, PGR 4, Forza 2, Midnight CLub, Grid, Fuel, Dirt, many NFS titles, etc.
  • Have rhythm games jumped the shark?
1. I agree.
2. Borderlands surprised me. I wasn't sure about the game being able to actually pull decent numbers
3. Its numbers are probably glitched :)D).
4. I doubt that, Forza will still sell a lot and GT5 will probably make a killing.
5. Hopefully this will mean one SKU every two months instead of monthly disc releases.

:enemyglider: said:
What exactly do you want me to answer? The original chalkboard WAS fanboy fodder. That's not to say that it wasn't funny...it was. It got the sony fans riled up. Job well done. Kept it going for years even! Bravo.

Are you claiming the original chalkboard was somehow a legitimate representation of something? Because for most titles on that list I never really heard about them being hyped up as saviors, just good games (well...outside of Haze/Lair). They were only hyped up as saviors AFTER THEY BOMBED by those trying to be all "lolz ps3 sales".
I'll be asking you straight then: are you saying I am a 360 fanboy that wanted to rile up Sony fans?


TunaLover said:
Good job NoA, now you don't need to worry about bring new games for the next 12 months. :lol

And based on the thread about unlocalized Nintendo games you're some kind of asshole if you want more than no games in 12 months.
Forza 3's sales don't surprise me too much even given the few days it had to chart with.

The entire racing genre has essentially dried up in North America. NFS games used to do 1 million units in a month and now can't break 200k. Car culture within gamers is quickly dissapearing, just like skateboarding went away.

As nice as that game is, it is still racing cars around a track and we've been doing that pretty well for around 10 years. The returns had to diminish sooner or later.

It is time for a wider net to be cast over racing/driving game design.


yellowjacket25 said:
Do you really think Sony thought they would launch this thing for 250 with little marketing and that it would sell well? Sony has some purpose with the PSPgo I just dont know what it is.

How can anyone at this point have faith in Sony's pricing strategy? How?

Why For?

:enemyglider: said:
What exactly do you want me to answer? The original chalkboard WAS fanboy fodder. That's not to say that it wasn't funny...it was. It got the sony fans riled up. Job well done. Kept it going for years even! Bravo.

Are you claiming the original chalkboard was somehow a legitimate representation of something? Because for most titles on that list I never really heard about them being hyped up as saviors, just good games (well...outside of Haze/Lair). They were only hyped up as saviors AFTER THEY BOMBED by those trying to be all "lolz ps3 sales".

Actually all those games WERE hyped as saviours.

Even Haze once it was confirmed to be exclusive to the PS3.

You forget how popular Free Radical were at the time.

The only game on there that wasn't (and I'm not even 100% sure it was on the board) was Heavenly Sword.
jay said:
Arguing they must have some plan and we just don't understand it seems weak. Couldn't you argue the PS3 not selling well for years was all part of their plan?

I agree that its weak but I cant make any other sense out of the PSPgo launch. There may be no plan at all and it really only exists as a premium product that is basically guaranteed to make a profit even if it doesnt sell much. Like I said, im not sure what they were thinking.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
outunderthestars said:
Yea, that reply was a bit of a rambling mess. :) I should have made it in chalk board form.
This reply was better than any chalkboard can ever hope to be.


:enemyglider: said:
The 360 is the last place console when time adjusted since launch. And pretty soon that year headstart won't even matter. Will you say it needs saving then?

Haha time adjusted I like that. When is that gonna happen exactly it would take 3 generations at this rate for the PS3 to overcome the ~7.5 million lead in the US. Next month prepared to be surprised. But then again we have gone through this many, many times. PS3 has a couple of up months and it's like a new beginning all over again. It's not like we haven't been here before. Normalcy wil be here sooner than you think. 70k difference is nothing in the face of 7.5 million.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
but most importantly... did DEMON SOULS TOP 100k??

(KHDS is doing really awesome. I should pick it up...)
Jtyettis said:
Haha time adjusted I like that. When is that gonna happen exactly it would take 3 generations at this rate for the PS3 to overcome the ~7.5 million lead in the US. Next month prepared to be surprised. But then again we have gone through this many, many times. PS3 has a couple of up months and it's like a new beginning all over again. It's not like we haven't been here before. Normalcy wil be here sooner than you think. 70k difference is nothing in the face of 7.5 million.

It'll never overcome the lead in the US. I'm speaking of worldwide sales. Because Sony does business worldwide, maybe Microsoft should consider doing that as well with the gaming division.

Next month, be prepared to be surprised that the PS3 doesn't get destroyed by the 360 like in years past (which is what you expect). 360 could do something like 700k and the PS3 could maybe do 600k, but it's never going back to the good old days for you 360 fanboys with the 360 selling 800k and the PS3 doing 300-400k in November.


:enemyglider: said:
What exactly do you want me to answer? The original chalkboard WAS fanboy fodder. That's not to say that it wasn't funny...it was. It got the sony fans riled up. Job well done. Kept it going for years even! Bravo.

Are you claiming the original chalkboard was somehow a legitimate representation of something? Because for most titles on that list I never really heard about them being hyped up as saviors, just good games (well...outside of Haze/Lair). They were only hyped up as saviors AFTER THEY BOMBED or failed to set the world on fire by those trying to be all "lolz ps3 sales".
Youve only posted on this forum ~100 times over the course of 4 years how would you know if they were hyped up or not??

O wait your someones joke alt account. Is your main perma-banned?


stupei said:
Every month? More like every single sales thread. It's just inevitable that someone busts out, "On GAF, a lot of people apparently like to play sales charts and not games, hur hur!"

zomg its npd day lets talk about japan


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Warm Machine said:
Forza 3's sales don't surprise me too much even given the few days it had to chart with.

The entire racing genre has essentially dried up in North America. NFS games used to do 1 million units in a month and now can't break 200k. Car culture within gamers is quickly dissapearing, just like skateboarding went away.

As nice as that game is, it is still racing cars around a track and we've been doing that pretty well for around 10 years. The returns had to diminish sooner or later.

It is time for a wider net to be cast over racing/driving game design.
Makes you wonder if Natal/Sony thing will help the driving genre.

Since Mario Kart Wii sold 10 billion copies.


Someone tell me if this month's NPD confirms Demon's Souls 2 is coming and will have eight levels and three times as much loot.
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