Rlan said:Forza 3 came out on October 27, 2009, it didn't have a lot of sales time.
So did Little Big Planet and yet it sold 215,000 in four days.
Rlan said:Forza 3 came out on October 27, 2009, it didn't have a lot of sales time.
:enemyglider: said:It'll never overcome the lead in the US. I'm speaking of worldwide sales. Because Sony does business worldwide, maybe Microsoft should consider doing that as well with the gaming division.
BetterJohn Harker said:but most importantly... did DEMON SOULS TOP 100k??
(KHDS is doing really awesome. I should pick it up...)
Moussi said:wow. It's expected that the PS3 is outselling 360 but if this continues then MS needs a price drop fast. :lol
Jocchan said:You just want me to quote your avatar, admit it!
They have really only messed up the price on one device (PS3), and they didnt have much of a choice there as they were already losing so much. I would actually really like to know why they priced the PSPgo so high. We all know it doesnt cost nearly that much to make. Why did a group of people at Sony collectively decide that was a good price? There may be an interesting answer. Or they may be idiots, nobody really knows.stupei said:How can anyone at this point have faith in Sony's pricing strategy? How?
John Harker said:but most importantly... did DEMON SOULS TOP 100k??
(KHDS is doing really awesome. I should pick it up...)
Don't understand this school of thought. What is normalcy? 360 > PS3? Sure, that can and will happen again. PS3 returning to pre-slim, pre-price drop levels? Not a chance.Jtyettis said:Normalcy will be here sooner than you think.
Bitter PS3 fanboy trying to get revenge?Megadragon15 said:(xbox 360 chalkboard pic)
I'm still trying to figure out what the point of this picture was for. Can anyone explain?
Amen to thatcreamsugar said:
Chumly said:Youve only posted on this forum ~100 times over the course of 4 years how would you know if they were hyped up or not??
O wait your someones joke alt account. Is your main perma-banned?
Actually, I think a lot of this has to do with regular releases of varying sim-ish racing games every year now. There's just more competition for the racing fan who, in the past, has had fewer big choices on a given platform and had to pick up the same one or two big racing titles everyone else did resulting in massive racing behemoths dominating the scene for years. Nowadays, there's a greater spread of specialized racers so that those people who would normally be scooped up into the big title can now go for just the sort of racer they want.Warm Machine said:The entire racing genre has essentially dried up in North America. NFS games used to do 1 million units in a month and now can't break 200k. Car culture within gamers is quickly dissapearing, just like skateboarding went away.
As nice as that game is, it is still racing cars around a track and we've been doing that pretty well for around 10 years. The returns had to diminish sooner or later.
It is time for a wider net to be cast over racing/driving game design.
Jtyettis said:Oh I see, this is a WW sales age thread. In that case lets utilize those shipments figures which haven't changed a bit plus or minus as of now since the day before the PS3 even hit the market.
Check the post above yoursoutunderthestars said:I really want to know this as well!
Jocchan said:I'll be asking you straight then: are you saying I am a 360 fanboy that wanted to rile up Sony fans?:enemyglider: said:What exactly do you want me to answer? The original chalkboard WAS fanboy fodder. That's not to say that it wasn't funny...it was. It got the sony fans riled up. Job well done. Kept it going for years even! Bravo.
Are you claiming the original chalkboard was somehow a legitimate representation of something? Because for most titles on that list I never really heard about them being hyped up as saviors, just good games (well...outside of Haze/Lair). They were only hyped up as saviors AFTER THEY BOMBED by those trying to be all "lolz ps3 sales".
So far you've attacked me, Benjamin Birdie, Deacon Knowledge and Jyettis. Am I missing anyone here?:enemyglider: said:And recently Jtyettis tears. Gotta say I'm really liking the last one!
Moussi said:wow. It's expected that the PS3 is outselling 360 but if this continues then MS needs a price drop fast. :lol
John Harker said:but most importantly... did DEMON SOULS TOP 100k??
:lolWhy For? said:A challenger approaches
:enemyglider: said:It'll never overcome the lead in the US. I'm speaking of worldwide sales. Because Sony does business worldwide, maybe Microsoft should consider doing that as well with the gaming division.
Next month, be prepared to be surprised that the PS3 doesn't get destroyed by the 360 like in years past (which is what you expect). 360 could do something like 700k and the PS3 could maybe do 600k, but it's never going back to the good old days for you 360 fanboys with the 360 selling 800k and the PS3 doing 300-400k in November.
Jtyettis said:Normalcy wil be here sooner than you think.
Well it has ventured into uncharted territory for a sony game.truly101 said:So no "uncharted" jokes for Uncharted this go around.
Why For? said:While I posted "Well done, deserved" for Uncharted earlier, I CAN see why some would think the numbers are a little low.
I mean, the PS3s American userbase isn't an excuse anymore. Key exclusive titles should be able to push either a mill, or close to it now.
As many have mentioned. Gears of War pushed a mill on a 6 or 5 mill userbase.
I can see why some think Uncharted should have got at least CLOSE to a million copies sold with a userbase of what? 13 mill? 14 mill?
stupei said:How can anyone at this point have faith in Sony's pricing strategy? How?
:enemyglider: said:but it's never going back to the good old days for you 360 fanboys .
:enemyglider: said:This is an NPD thread, which has various discussions:
Star Trek Gifs
World Wide sales discussion
And recently Jtyettis tears. Gotta say I'm really liking the last one!
Tutomos said:What is this normalcy you speak of? This generation has been unpredictable from the start.
The PSP software sales are indeed very, very grim. There are systems that eke out decent sales off the charts, and then there's the PSP.lowrider007 said:In retrospect to be fair I think people are worrying about the wrong thing, I think 'overall' psp sales aren't really a concern, I think that the PSP will just keep soldiering on like the PS2, but the PSP's software sales other-hand...., they are worrying tbh.
November and December are still ahead of us. Everyone needs a price drop, but nobody wants to take the hit.Moussi said:wow. It's expected that the PS3 is outselling 360 but if this continues then MS needs a price drop fast. :lol
actually it's very predictable with Sony and MSFT taking turns doing price cuts and fanboys taking turns spewing garbage.Tutomos said:What is this normalcy you speak of? This generation has been unpredictable from the start.
:enemyglider: said:This is an NPD thread, which has various discussions:
Star Trek Gifs
World Wide sales discussion and how the US fits into the bigger picture.
And recently Jtyettis tears. Gotta say I'm really liking the last one!
WinFonda said:Don't understand this school of thought. What is normalcy? 360 > PS3? Sure, that can and will happen again. PS3 returning to pre-slim, pre-price drop levels? Not a chance.
Knew that PS3 would sale more than X360 at same price point. Thought Microsoft would be crazy to let it happen, but now, I am realizing they are trying to hold on until they can release Natal bundle at same price and/or cheaper. Otherwise, Natal bundle will be more expensive than current. That would not look good at retail. How successful this strategy will be base on how much the PS3 makes up on X360 lead.OldJadedGamer said:Not really. MS's goal is to make money on the hardware and to make sure third parties are continuing to make money by releasing games for the system in turn making them money on royalties. Remember, Sony has stated that they still lose money on each PS3 sold and as someone else pointed out, last gen Nintendo was last place but always made money on the system and always turned a profit.
Videogames are a business and making money is the first priority. First/Second/Third place doesn't matter at the end of the day. Your shareholders only care how much money you make.
:enemyglider: said:What fanboys ever claimed Haze or Lair were PS3 saviors, other than 360 fanboys that kept repeating it ad nauseum to make PS3 fans look bad.
"Lair did 20k! lolllerzzzz the PS3 savior bombed!!
Every time a PS3 exclusive released and the NPDs were reported it was the same crap with the same group of 360 fanboys laughing at the sales and then fabricating the title as another 'failed' savior.
I think you misinterpret PS3 fans getting excited over having quality games with them hyping titles up to be 'saviors'.
That's cute, BenjaminBirdie. Maybe I should have wasted hours in the Forza 3 livery painting it. Would you be impressed then?
Is it 'mean' guys like me that prevent you from getting a PS3? How many thousands of dollars have you spent in your exclusive support of the 360?
Nintendos Wii Sales Fall in U.S. for Eighth Straight Month
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By Adam Satariano and Mariko Yasu
Nov. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Nintendo Co.s Wii console sales fell for the eighth straight month in the U.S., as a 20 percent price reduction failed to lift purchases of the worlds leading video-game platform.
Sales of Kyoto-based Nintendos Wii fell 37 percent to 506,900, those of Sony Corp.s PlayStation 3 rose 70 percent to 320,600, while they dropped 33 percent to 250,000 for Microsoft Corp.s Xbox 360, researcher NPD Group Inc. said yesterday in an e-mailed statement. Industry hardware, software and accessory revenue in the worlds largest video-game market fell 19 percent to $1.07 billion last month.
Video-game industry sales have dropped in seven of the past eight months and are down 13 percent this year through October, NPD said. Nintendo cut the Wii price by $50, to $200 on Sept. 27, to boost sales of the console, which has a 48 percent market share in the U.S.
Investors are getting used to looking at weak numbers for the Wii, Yusuke Tsunoda, an analyst at Tokai Tokyo Securities Co., said by phone today. The Wiis period of expansion is over and investors attention has turned to Nintendos new hardware strategy.
Nintendo dropped 1.3 percent to 23,000 yen as of 10:46 a.m. in Osaka trading, while Sony slid 0.6 percent to 2,540 yen in Tokyo. Microsoft gained 0.8 percent, to close at $29.36 on the Nasdaq Stock Market yesterday.
A lack of new hit releases and tough comparisons to last year contributed to the monthly decline, said Todd Mitchell, an analyst with Kaufman Bros. in New York. Nintendo sold 803,000 Wiis in October last year.
Continued Turmoil
The continued economic turmoil, and in particular the troubling unemployment rate, is undoubtedly impacting industry sales, said Anita Frazier, an NPD analyst. If consumers personal outlook continues to erode, they could very well be much more conservative with their holiday shopping this year.
Electronic Arts Inc. Chief Executive Officer John Riccitiello, who made developing games for the Nintendo system a priority, said this week that underperformance of the Wii is a reason the Redwood City, California-based company may miss its profit forecast for the year.
The PlayStation 3 has the momentum this holiday, said Mitchell.
With Nintendos decline, U.S. hardware sales fell 23 percent to $380.7 million, Port Washington, New York-based NPD said. Video-game software sales totaled $572.7 million, down 18 percent from a year earlier. The top-selling games were Sonys Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Nintendos Wii Fit Plus, and Take-Two Interactive Software Incs Borderlands.
November industry sales will likely get a boost from the Nov. 10 release of Activision Blizzard Inc.s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which set a record of 4.7 million sold in 24 hours in North America and the U.K.
To contact the reporter on this story: Adam Satariano in San Francisco at asatariano1@bloomberg.netMariko Yasu in Tokyo at myasu@bloomberg.net.
Last Updated: November 12, 2009 20:51 EST
lowrider007 said:Perhaps they want to keep up the sales of the 3000's as won't they be making more profit from that ?, that's why I said I think the PSPGo was more a push of the portable PSN store than anything, get people to continue purchasing the 3000's with good profitably and also get consumers purchasing more digitally distributed content across all the sku's, plus have the Go on the market as a premium model, this is only an idea though.
I'm willing to believe that they will. I've noticed a decrease in overall interest in the 360 console in my area and more people asking about Playstation 3 and Blu-Ray. PS3 is going to be a hot item this Holiday season regardless of a 360 price-cut (if it happens).OldJadedGamer said:So Sony's numbers will always stay this high even with a 360 price cut?
elrechazao said:Where have you been hiding? You're just what the xbots needed: someone who vindicates every crazy and wild eyed ps3 raving fanboy talking point, all in one package.
Keep going!
gkrykewy said:Man, Bloomberg trolling Wii with the headline. I mean, really :lol
I'd rather live to see tomorrow.beelzebozo said:take a drink for every utterance of the word "fanboy" in this thread.
stupei said:How can anyone at this point have faith in Sony's pricing strategy? How?
jay said:I have a question that may sound like an attack but I assure you is not. People are celebrating Demon's Souls selling over 100k. If that's good then I'm happy because it's a great game. In other threads I've seen people argue that (here comes apples to oranges) NMH could have barely made any profit if any because it only sold around 200k in the states.
Is this a case of people being overexcited for Demon's Souls sales, or a case of people being stupid about NMH's sales? I guess I don't really have any concept of what sales are good - I know it all depends on the game but if 200k for an SD game is not great then 100+k for an HD game should be bad.
kswiston said:Gran Turismo 4's first month NPD sales were ~619k on an install base of something like 25 million consoles (although, like Forza 3, I think GT4 only had 5-6 days of sales in Feb 2005 NPD).
As mentioned earlier, God of War 2 debuted at 830k in March 2007. PS2 install base was over 35 million by then. I can't think of a single first party PS2 game that broke 1m sales in the US during it's first month. Maybe Gran Turismo 3? I can't find numbers for it.
Either way, I don't think that install base has much to do with 360 titles so routinely breaking 750k+ in their first month. 360 users just seem to have more homogenous gaming tastes than has been the case with major consoles in the past. Look at the Wii. Wii titles almost never break 1M+ in their first month (I can think of three off the top of my head: Galaxy, Brawl, and Mario Kart), yet total Wii software sales often beat out total 360 software sales.
Segata Sanshiro said:The PSP software sales are indeed very, very grim. There are systems that eke out decent sales off the charts, and then there's the PSP.
The thing is, we have no way of directly knowing the software effect the PSP Go has had for the PSP. The only way we can even approach the problem is to look at how many Gos have sold and make really awful, rough estimates from there. Insofar as that, PSP Go sales are relevant to PSP software sales estimates, but it's certainly tenuous.
gkrykewy said:What you need to know is that Demon's Souls is a PlayStation 3 exclusive, it's the only game of its type on the console, and is consequently the best game of its genre this generation. See also: Valkyria Chronicles.
Well played on the NBA 2K10 comment. :lolJocchan said:1. I agree.
2. Borderlands surprised me. I wasn't sure about the game being able to actually pull decent numbers
3. Its numbers are probably glitchedD).
4. I doubt that, Forza will still sell a lot and GT5 will probably make a killing.
5. Hopefully this will mean one SKU every two months instead of monthly disc releases.