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NPD Sales Results for October 2009


beelzebozo said:
what's really great is the people most likely to yammer on and on about "fanboys" are typically the most insane weird fans themselves

what's that old saying? "he who smelt it dealt it?"

Pretty much. Its always the same people too. Fanboys have a way of recognizing their own kind. Although I don't think there is anything wrong with being a fanboy, trolling on the other hand....
I'm kind of surprised that the PS3 didn't sell a bit more with all the buzz and momentum happening. It'll certainly continue to do strongly into the first month or two of next year, though. I think it will start to permanently eat into the 360 sales. With price parity now, I think the attitude that so many were predicting before this gen got going (Playstation brand loyalty carrying the PS3) is actually coming to fruition.

Good to see Uncharted at the top. And Gearbox has to be feeling pretty damn good -- they've planted their own flag pretty firmly now.

It'll be interesting to see what MS does the first half of next year. The ball's in their court. Will they have anything interesting in store to bridge the gap between Xmas and Natal? Something more imaginative than a couple of bundles...


Opiate said:
I don't see how anyone can fault Sony for their system's prices. That really has not been their problem throughout this generation -- Sony has priced their systems at bleeding edge price levels.

Their system's prices are in line with the specs (well, the PS3 was anyway), but I don't know why people then act like Sony didn't pick those themselves. They designed the hardware, they designed the price point.
gogojira said:
Sad, indeed. :( And I'm guilty of not picking it up. But I will in time, I swear!
I'm not going to lie, I found the game slightly disappointing. Don't get me wrong, it's a decent game, but nowhere near as good as WayForward's Contra revival.

creamsugar said:
Less than GTA.

It deserved much better than that. There go my hopes of more obscure 2D revivals at retail.


Jealous Bastard
RadarScope1 said:
I'm kind of surprised that the PS3 didn't sell a bit more with all the buzz and momentum happening. It'll certainly continue to do strongly into the first month or two of next year, though. I think it will start to permanently eat into the 360 sales. With price parity now, I think the attitude that so many were predicting before this gen got going (Playstation brand loyalty carrying the PS3) is actually coming to fruition.

this is very unscientific of me, but i perceive, at least among the people i know and in my area, "xbox" is just as synonymous with gaming as "playstation" as a brand. do you think the latter is still that much stronger than the former? i'm not so sure about that.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
speculawyer said:

You know what? I've been checking his post history and saw a noticeable change in posting style and platform preference since the end of September (he looked pretty pro-MS prior to that). Is it just me?

CrushDance said:
Double ouch.
gkrykewy said:
Man, Bloomberg trolling Wii with the headline. I mean, really :lol

Nevermind the fact that they were.. what.. 20% shy of outselling their two competitors combined? Jedi mind tricks.

I don't think Bloomberg gives a shit about the console War.

In competition with itself, Wii 2009 is doing very poorly against Wii 2008.

creamsugar said:
Less than GTA.

Which GTA?


polyh3dron said:
Holy fuck Brutal Legend bombed... Who were all those people saying it would outsell Uncharted 2?

PS3 had a great month.

Honestly, as it should have. It's a game with great dialogue, and interesting concept, and the Time Schafer cache (if he has any left after this) - but beyond that, it is mediocre GAME. I wish it wasn't but it was.


formerly cjelly
bathala said:
Borderlands sent to die :lol

Crow its wats for dinner
The co-op helped the game snowball in a very short space of time.

It was amazing watching my friends list go from 1-2 people playing it, to suddenly 20 odd people playing, all in parties with other folks playing it, as well.


Everybody is happy to pile on the PSP Go, and fair enough. The data I want to see we'll never get, like attach rate and PSN sales in general since the launch. Nature of the beast, I suppose.
Thats just Borderlands PC number is just retail. So it doesnt include Steam or any other digital. The monthly npd numbers don't include digital.
Glad to see Borderlands did okay. How did the PS3 version chart?

Any word on the PC version?

I would like to think that they broke a million sold already.
Jocchan said:
The one that sold XXXX.


Poor Boy and His Blob. I knew Chinatown Wars PSP was gonna bomb (low interest in the DS version, the absolutely anemic PSP thread, the generally shit PSP game sales). but I gigured Boy and his Blob would at least reach 5 digits.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
bmf said:
EDIT: You've spent way too much time on your rotating avatars.
Actually it didn't take that much (everything is drawn by hand over the base Von Karma illustration btw) :D


Liara T'Soni said:
Glad to see Borderlands did okay. How did the PS3 version chart?

Any word on the PC version?

I would like to think that they broke a million sold already.
113 k for PS3 version
15 k for PC version
Woodsy said:
Honestly, as it should have. It's a game with great dialogue, and interesting concept, and the Time Schafer cache (if he has any left after this) - but beyond that, it is mediocre GAME. I wish it wasn't but it was.

I'm actually glad it underperformed. Maybe now we won't get ridiculous comments like "you don't play Tim Schafer games for the gameplay" in the official threads.
I'm expecting that next month 360 will be boosted with the semi exclusive L4D2. It should give it a leg up...unless that fanbase spent their $$$ on MW2 and are avoiding another FPS in the short term.

It'll be interesting to see if Assassins Creed 2 sells big or not.
Warm Machine said:
I'm expecting that next month 360 will be boosted with the semi exclusive L4D2. It should give it a leg up...unless that fanbase spent their $$$ on MW2 and are avoiding another FPS in the short term.

It'll be interesting to see if Creed 2 sells big or not.

wait, Creed 2? Is this a new music game? Because if so, SOLD. Hopefully nickelback will be close behind.
DeaconKnowledge said:
I'm actually glad it underperformed. Maybe now we won't get ridiculous comments like "you don't play Tim Schafer games for the gameplay" in the official threads.
Whatever. The gameplay in Brutal Legend is unfairly maligned. No, it's not as focused or finely tuned as it could have been, but it was generally fun nonetheless. Hell, I would rather cruise around aimlessly in the Deuce than play half of the games this generation.


timetokill said:

On the hardware front, I think the big story of this NPD is that the PS3 is eating into 360 sales far more than most people thought. Last month it wasn't as apparent, due to 360 sales being boosted by ODST and SKU shuffling.


stupei said:
Their system's prices are in line with the specs (well, the PS3 was anyway), but I don't know why people then act like Sony didn't pick those themselves. They designed the hardware, they designed the price point.

Agreed. For the hardware, the price has been fantastic. In fact, it's been so "fantastic" that Sony has lost 5 billion dollars loss leading it in to people's homes.

The problem was the hardware.
cjelly said:
The co-op helped the game snowball in a very short space of time.

It was amazing watching my friends list go from 1-2 people playing it, to suddenly 20 odd people playing, all in parties with other folks playing it, as well.
Yeah, I look forward to the explosion of co-op games in the coming years. I've been surprised that so few games have been co-op . . . I guess it does make them harder to develop but the pay-off for a real good co-op game can be huge sales.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
Whatever. The gameplay in Brutal Legend is unfairly maligned. No, it's not as focused or finely tuned as it could have been, but it was generally fun nonetheless. Hell, I would rather cruise around aimlessly in the Deuce than play half of the games this generation.

That's fine, but at the same time it's stupid to infer that the game is going to do well off of clever writing and celebrity rather than solid game mechanics.

Not saying you did that, but there were a lot of defenders of the game who did.


Live not even on the chart :lol. Sucks when the hate goes mainstream. Too bad, cuz 2k10 is a buggy piece of shit

Wii down but still better than both systems combined with minimal software support and hype. Goddam.

PSP still a joke

Uncharted numbers were decent but not enough for such a great game. Gotta find some way to give it a Lara Croft like appeal, because the game itself is already as good as its gonna get. Gonna have to do something to get some attention from the masses like CoD and Halo
When will people learn to avoid 2K sports? MLB is shit, NBA has turned to shit, NHL is decent but falling behind, and they don't have the NFL license.

People ride EA over Madden, but at least the franchise has taken tangible steps forward.
Liara T'Soni said:
Glad to see Borderlands did okay. How did the PS3 version chart?

Any word on the PC version?

I would like to think that they broke a million sold already.

"In third place with 418,000 units was the 360 edition of Borderlands, the all-new action-role-playing game IP from 2K Games and Gearbox software. However, when the game's 113,000 PS3 units and 15,000 PC units are included, the game's sales total 546,000 units--enough to barely top Uncharted 2's haul"


cjelly said:
The co-op helped the game snowball in a very short space of time.

It was amazing watching my friends list go from 1-2 people playing it, to suddenly 20 odd people playing, all in parties with other folks playing it, as well.

That doesn't explain why it was instantly sold out at Best Buy, Future Shop, Wal Mart, EBgames, and of all places Zellers. And by instantly I mean like 2-3 hours as soon as it went on sale. Maybe it had something to do with the $39.99 day one sale that was price matched just about everywhere but still.. even the most hyped up AAA games don't usually sell out that quickly here. It was insane. There was a huge demand for this game day one so I don't really understand why people are trying to say a bunch of the sales are from word of mouth on XBL. Sure that may have had a small effect on it but like I said the day one demand for this game in my area was absolutely huge. I was kind of shocked actually.

Game sold out at my local EBgames 45min after they got the restock!


Good to see Demons Souls do over 100K, although it would still be nice to know the exact number. Probably would've charted if they shipped enough.


Pretty low month all around. Uncharted 2 is a big improvement over Uncharted's sales and will probably keep enough ND guys employed to make Uncharted 3 and Uncharted Wacky Racers.
DeaconKnowledge said:
That's fine, but at the same time it's stupid to infer that the game is going to do well off of clever writing and celebrity rather than solid game mechanics.

Not saying you did that, but there were a lot of defenders of the game who did.
I'd say those opinions were leveled out by people who shit on the game without giving it much of a chance though. No need to wish flat sales on a game just because a couple of fanboys made a specious argument. That's all I'm trying to say.


polyh3dron said:
Holy fuck Brutal Legend bombed... Who were all those people saying it would outsell Uncharted 2?

PS3 had a great month.

I'm sure two guys on a popular podcast had a bet over whether Uncharted 2 would outsell Brutal Legend. Maybe the Bombcast or Rebel FM.... shit, I can't remember.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
I'd say those opinions were leveled out by people who shit on the game without giving it much of a chance though. No need to wish flat sales on a game just because a couple of fanboys made a specious argument. That's all I'm trying to say.

The "glad it bombed" comment was hyperbole to drive a point home. I would never mess with another man's lunch.
Granted, they will have the #1 selling game of November . . . I just noticed that Activision had nothing in the top 10 in October.

TOP-SELLING SOFTWARE SKUs - OCTOBER 2009 (not combined sales)
Title / Publisher / Units**
1) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3) / Sony / 537,000
2) Wii Fit Plus (Wii) / Nintendo / 441,000
3) Borderlands (360) / Take-Two / 418,000
4) Wii Sports Resort w/ Wii Motion Plus (Wii) / Nintendo / 314,000
5) NBA 2K10 (360) / Take-Two / 311,000
6) Halo 3: ODST (360) / Microsoft / 271,000
7) NBA 2K10 (PS3) / Take-Two / 213,000
8) Forza Motorsport 3 (360) / Microsoft / 175,000
9) Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS) / Square Enix / 169,000
10) FIFA Soccer 10 (360) / Electronic Arts / 156,000

And WTF is "358/2 Days" supposed mean?


Archie said:
Fixed. NPD doesn't track digital distribution sales.
Pretty much.

I mean, nobody really knows how much games sell on Steam, for example, but it has to be pretty sweet since pretty much everyone but Microsoft (and a couple smaller companies with their own DD services) is on board.


Tobor said:
Everybody is happy to pile on the PSP Go, and fair enough. The data I want to see we'll never get, like attach rate and PSN sales in general since the launch. Nature of the beast, I suppose.

Only problem with this is that the PSP Go has sold low numbers so far so the number of downloads can't be that high in the first place.
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