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NPD Sales Results for October 2015 [Up1: Xbox #1]


now we're going to be left with overall sales not just worse than the last generation, but the generation preceding it too.

What did the N64 and PS1 stop at according to NPD?

I think Halo 5 also will help Xbone in november.

Maybe for the 5 days prior to Black Ops 3. Even Halo 3 was down to 400k in its second month (October), even though it sold 3.3M in the two weeks prior. There's a chance that Halo doesn't even chart next month.
Halo has been on PC before so I don't think it would be that big of a deal either way. I think they should get the next Halo as a launch game. On it's own I don't see how another Halo can make an impact but combine it with the hype for a console launch and then it could make a splash.

That was how I played Halo 1 and 2. They were fun and interesting campaigns and I would like to see where the story goes. But I'm not willing to buy an Xbone to find out. I think bringing the series back to PC can bring in a lot of new fans. I know it came out this month but, do we know how well Tomb Raider did? We know how well Fallout 4 did, on PC at least, but I haven't heard anything on TR. It is one of my favorite franchises but I think the exclusivity deal and releasing on the same day as Fallout really hurt it.

Game Guru

The debt analogy isn't that great because correct me if I'm wrong but the Wii generated more profit than the entire Playstation and Xbox divisions since their inception. Also, in the 80s after the Atari crash someone could have said home consoles were a fad. It turns out it was the implementation was the problem rather than the concept. We may find in the future a better/sustainable implementation of motion controls succeeding at some point.

Not really, the North American Video Game Crash was very much limited to North America. Japan and Europe were unaffected, hence why a Japanese company was able to come into North America and pick up the pieces. Meanwhile, most everyone has stepped away from dedicated motion controllers after the failure of the Wii U and the disaster of XB1 Kinect. It's like how television manufacturers have stepped away from focusing on 3D after a number of them failed on the market.


Maybe for the 5 days prior to Black Ops 3. Even Halo 3 was down to 400k in its second month (October), even though it sold 3.3M in the two weeks prior. There's a chance that Halo doesn't even chart next month.

Now that's an exaggeration if ever I've seen one. I really, really doubt that.


What did the N64 and PS1 stop at according to NPD?

Maybe for the 5 days prior to Black Ops 3. Even Halo 3 was down to 400k in its second month (October), even though it sold 3.3M in the two weeks prior. There's a chance that Halo doesn't even chart next month.

I think it will and will be in third.
Now that's an exaggeration if ever I've seen one. I really, really doubt that.

Totally!! It's going to be #1!! Everything will be #1!! Novembers going to be great for this, Xbox, Splatoon, Uncharted, COD, Fallout, Yoshi, everyone! Everyone will be #1!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get blindingly drunk.

Love you guys! All of you!! Yay!!


Maybe for the 5 days prior to Black Ops 3. Even Halo 3 was down to 400k in its second month (October), even though it sold 3.3M in the two weeks prior. There's a chance that Halo doesn't even chart next month.

Ehhh... I think it will chart. Too many Black Friday deals for it not to. Not expecting top 5 though.


Look at the state of this thread, and remember the thread about MS's PR following the NPD results.

Now, just imagine the threads if last year's situation in November happens to be reversed? (PS4 1.2-1.3m, XB1 800-900k)

It could be glorious (not the result itself, but the threads)


Halo Reach: 3,300,000 / 17 days = 194,118

Halo 5 Guardians: 940,000 / 5 days = 188,000

I guess it could be true when you add in digital. I still expected Halo 5 to do more though.

This is more responding to the guy you responded to but we all know the sales in the first 5 days will be way more than those other 12 days. So the average is sorta misleading.


This is more responding to the guy you responded to but we all know the sales in the first 5 days will be way more than those other 12 days. So the average is sorta misleading.

No, I definitely agree and I meant that when I said "I still expected more"; I should have said that in detail in my post though.


It'll likely be 8th. The black Friday deals will keep the sports titles high with cod and bf taking the top 2 slots.

I could see Fallout 4 taking second, based on how strong the PC sales have been, and looking at the (mostly digital) PC to (mostly retail) console breakdown for similar games. Battlefront could take #2, but I think it will need to be over 3M at the minimum to do so. I don't see how Fallout 4 fails to at least come close to matching Skyrim's 2.8M debut with close to twice the initial shipment and a stronger start on PC.
I could see Fallout 4 taking second, based on how strong the PC sales have been, and looking at the (mostly digital) PC to (mostly retail) console breakdown for similar games. Battlefront could take #2, but I think it will need to be over 3M at the minimum to do so. I don't see how Fallout 4 fails to at least come close to matching Skyrim's 2.8M debut with close to twice the initial shipment and a stronger start on PC.

Fallout may take the number 2 spot .

I can see that happening, but I'm betting on the star wars brand. Movie hype will likely push this title to very high numbers. A month like this, coming in 3rd is nothing to feel bad about. FO and BF could switch places though.


No, I definitely agree and I meant that when I said "I still expected more"; I should have said that in detail in my post though.

Yeah i understood, I knew you knew. Was really responding to the other guy but your post had the numbers and the average.


I can see that happening, but I'm betting on the star wars brand. Movie hype will likely push this title to very high numbers. A month like this, coming in 3rd is nothing to feel bad about. FO and BF could switch places though.

I think Battlefront will be #1 in December, regardless of whether it is #2 or #3 this month. There are going to be a ton of 10-15 year olds who see the movie and then want to get their hands on the game. Seems like the perfect Christmas gaming gift for that demo.


You know what!?! Sure! Everything in the console space is doing great! Xboxes and sonys and nintendos, all great! Whatever your favorite franchise is? It's mine too! And it's doing better than ever and they're going to keep making more forever and ever and we are all going to live forever so we can play them all!

And you know what else, Internet? Those games and boxes that make you a grumpy sourpuss? I don't like those either. And they're terrible and everyone who likes them are terrible and they're all going to fail and fall into a big sad pit where they will cry forever. No jellybeans for them!

So, see? Everything's great! Yay everyone!

Yay this cheers me up! Everything is gonna be AWESOME.

Totally!! It's going to be #1!! Everything will be #1!! Novembers going to be great for this, Xbox, Splatoon, Uncharted, COD, Fallout, Yoshi, everyone! Everyone will be #1!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get blindingly drunk.

Love you guys! All of you!! Yay!!

I might join you on that soon!
I hope some aren't expecting crazy high sales for Uncharted 4 in its first month and overreact badly to say 700k for example which is what U3 did. Uncharted has been one those games that releases somewhat surprising numbers after a long period of time. it's a huge seller overall but it doesn't smash the first month like Gears of War has done at full price.

Perhaps it will do much more with PS4 in a much better situation in the US and Sony really ramping up the hype machine


Where is this benchmark of 13-15 million coming from? Has any Uncharted even sold through 10 million? If Uncharted 3 did that, there was a lot of reason for it. It was also given as free on PS Plus for a whole year and the MP was free at a point AFAIK.

Uncharted 4 will do just fine if it can sell more than 10 million. I am sure Sony will be more than happy if the game sells/ships 5 million copies in a single quarter for them. It can eventually hit 10 million like DriveClub did despite the horrible numbers in NPD. AFAIK, they were even worse than Forza Horizon 2 yet I doubt Forza Horizon 2 has sold more than 2 million.

Did I miss something?? Is this for real? Source?


I don't see Tomb Raider doing too hot on npd tbh.
I'll be mildly surprised if it charts tbh

CoD, Star Wars and Fallout take top3

Madden FIFA and NBA likely take 3 more

Won't be surprised if Disney Infinity charts with the Black Friday/Xmas shopping season

Halo 5 could still chart as well as AC possibly

Not a lot of room left for RoTR and being on one platform ESp with all the other factors against it


Junior Member
Meanwhile, most everyone has stepped away from dedicated motion controllers after the failure of the Wii U and the disaster of XB1 Kinect. It's like how television manufacturers have stepped away from focusing on 3D after a number of them failed on the market.

This doesn't contradict what I said. People have stepped away from motion controls presently but they may return to them at some point in the future. Apple TV for example was presented with motion controls recently. Motion controls have been used in VR. Another example is Nintendo tried the second screen without success on the Gamecube but they succeeded with it on the DS.


kinect largely drove the xbox brand from 2010-2011, to the point where it was pulling in huge numbers monthly. i'm pretty sure that led to the platform outselling the wii in the end more than the kinds of people who really like gears of war judgment. it seems weird to discount the wii's audience but acknowledge the 360's overall success in one breath. so are we supposed to not count parts of the xbox either because part of its brand died pretty hard when xb1 launched too. are we supposed to not compare the 3ds to psp because the vita is a huge failure compared to its predecessor. just let me know what you arbitrarily decide what counts in the dedicated market, please.

I love you, man.

i think that's the incorrect conclusion. people weren't attracted to motion controls because they were motion controls. people didn't buy move like they did the wii remote or kinect, because sony's designers didn't really grasp what people were after. people wanted accessible, easy to understand gameplay and at an affordable price. nintendo and microsoft put that in their platforms from the start. and it was something parents wanted because it wasn't a shootbang thing or at the very least it was something that could be done as a family.

motion controls then became an industry standard. every company aside from microsoft now has it standard as part of the controls in their system. it's part of every major mobile device too, along with touch screens. if you look at wii sports, brain age, nintendogs, wii fit, udraw, and kinect as part of this rise in accessible, novel, and different kinds of games, then mobile is the continuation of that. more, mobile rose just about the same time interest in the wii and kinect waned. the real takeaway here is that a major former segment of the dedicated gaming market left, along with several others, almost all at once. now we're going to be left with overall sales not just worse than the last generation, but the generation preceding it too.

i know people like to think this is a 'consoles are dying!' narrative but it's really more that the dedicated market is in danger of becoming irrelevant in the industry. on its current path, it appears that it's the only logical conclusion.


What did the N64 and PS1 stop at according to NPD?

Previous gen to PS360/Wii was PS2/XBX/GCN.

Xbox One had a pretty crappy October last year and ended up having a tremendous Nov-Dec. PS4's October sales last year were, in part, due to the Destiny effect which gave the console a pretty sizable boost. This year PS4 had the price cut, but honestly there was zero software to move hardware.

I honestly don't think October's sales are overall bad or somehow indicate that the following months will be lackluster.

In fact, I think Nov-Dec this year is going to be really good for both platforms given the pricing and multiplatform software that will seriously push hardware. Fallout 4 and CoD have done incredibly well, that will certainly carry over into Nov Hardware numbers.
Ah, gotcha. Yeah, PSX/N64 had gaming as a growing but still fairly niche hobby. PS2 with a DVD player really opened it up to the masses, though.

That is far from the true .
PS1 sold around 20 -25 million in the USA how is that niche .

Also i don't expect PS4\X1 going to reach 360\PS3 numbers in USA .
There is less reason to own both consoles and both having paid MP also a big factor .


That is far from the true .
PS1 sold around 20 -25 million in the USA how is that niche .

I don't think it's niche, but Anihawk's number seems fairly comparable to what the PS3 sold last gen. Given that PS1 was by far the market leader, and PS3 was by far the #3 console in the US, it's obvious that the market expanded a lot since that point (now we are going the other way).

Donny (or whoever else has the data), what were the final NPD numbers for the PS2, GCN, and Xbox? I remember seeing a 50M announcement for the PS2, but I don't remember if that was shipped or sold through.


Can someone provide an update on the consoles as they appear to be selling for November?
On Amazon monthly for Nov

#14: PS4 COD bundle
#17: PS4 UC bundle
#22: PS4 BF le bundle
#23: PS4 BF bundle
#28: XB1 F4 bundle
#37: XB1 GeoW bundle
#56: XB1 Madden bundle
#57: XB1 Holiday bundle

The hourly has been even stronger for PS4 bundles lately than that, and if you add the (possibly) massive pre orders... Unless Black Friday somehow switches things around it's pretty much forecasting a severe beatdown in November atm.


It is expected to chart so you will have find something else to gloat about.

I can see something like this:

- COD 3 / Fallout 4
- Fallout 4 / COD 3
- Halo 5
- Random sports game #1
- Tomb Raider
- Random sports game #2
- Random sports game #3
- Pokemon
- Battlefront
- Destiny whatever

Tomb Raider scores pretty well I think. It will be released also on 360.


I don't think it's niche, but Anihawk's number seems fairly comparable to what the PS3 sold last gen. Given that PS1 was by far the market leader, and PS3 was by far the #3 console in the US, it's obvious that the market expanded a lot since that point (now we are going the other way).

Donny (or whoever else has the data), what were the final NPD numbers for the PS2, GCN, and Xbox? I remember seeing a 50M announcement for the PS2, but I don't remember if that was shipped or sold through.

50m+ (ps2), 13m (gc), and 16m (xb) i believe.

basically combined it was about 80m+. it as definitely that if you include dreamcast too.


I can see something like this:

- COD 3 / Fallout 4
- Fallout 4 / COD 3
- Halo 5
- Random sports game #1
- Tomb Raider
- Random sports game #2
- Random sports game #3
- Pokemon
- Battlefront
- Destiny whatever

Tomb Raider scores pretty well I think. It will be released also on 360.

Battlefront at 9? You kidding right?


I can see something like this:

- COD 3 / Fallout 4
- Fallout 4 / COD 3
- Halo 5
- Random sports game #1
- Tomb Raider
- Random sports game #2
- Random sports game #3
- Pokemon
- Battlefront
- Destiny whatever

Tomb Raider scores pretty well I think. It will be released also on 360.

Battlefront at #9? What the hell are you smoking?
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