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NPD Sales Results for September 2007

schuelma said:
I wouldn't count out second place worldwide just yet. 360 is dead in Japan and not doing very hot in Europe. I think Sony can still put up somewhat of a fight worldwide.
I've never shared the optimism about some magical second wind that the platform will see sometime in the '08. It sounds like total wish-thinking to me.
In NA though? It's over.
Pretty much.


Super Member
StevieP said:
Nintards, XBots, and the SDF are equally retarded. If anything, I've seen a slight increase of anger from Sony fans over the summer, but that's just natural when your platform of choice is relegated to being in last.

I take exception to that. :p

If you have a problem with someone shouldn't you try to handle it directly?


Lefty42o said:
in the long run yes. but out the door i see it getting beat out by other games comming out the same month.

thats how nintendo software always sells unless its pokemon :D

It is going to sell big out the door.

The SMG release situation and the MP3 release situation are quite different.

1. Mario has always been a much, much, much bigger franchise than Metroid
2. Mario is being released in November, which is part of holiday sales period, where sales ramp up across the board.
3. SMG has gotten much more mainstream and videogame press coverage than MP3 did, and the hype builds with each batch of info and news. Nintendo may have no had a long lead up to Mp3 in coverage, but SMG certainly has had more lead-up.
4. Mario is the defining franchise of its type. Prime has been segmented from the start, due to the FP viewpoint with Adventure/Action gameplay.


MightyHedgehog said:
It was clear a while back that Sony wasn't going to be in the running for first place worldwide. It was clear to me that they weren't going to be in the running for second place worldwide. I think the snowball effect that usually occurs is well on its way now. And I still contend that you'll be seeing software cancellations for PS3 starting soon.

i doubt that. at least not till we see how 2008 plays out. i believe you will see more 360 exclusives as its software sells show a game can sell good on the console.

but i doubt any announced ps3 titles get canceled.

though i could be totally wrong here too :lol


granted congrats to wii... I dont see why people keep buying this.

Then it hits me, most people are casual gamers and there are more of them than us hardcore guys.

A post earlier said , I am shocked at the ps3 number. wtf is there to be shocked about.

" I think the PS3 does suffer because of this, I bought a 360 while I was waiting for the PS3 to come out in the UK, but now I dont see any need to buy a PS3 as originally planned, i'm sure there are gamers out there who have both consoles but buy 360 games because of achievements and their full friends list " Posted earlier.

My thoughts exactly. but I did buy a ps3 3 days ago. Picked up a couple of games. but While shopping, you can clearly tell, there are not many games. a handful at best. the ones i want...I already have on 360...so..Ill wait.

The pricedrop will help Sony, if not, my new ps3 will just become a fancy mp3 player.:lol


AirBrian said:
1) The scary thing about the Wii is that it still doesn't have a real killer app yet IMO (outside of WiiSports). I don't even want to imagine the sales when Mario or Smash Bros. comes out. Or WiiFit.

Spoiler: sales won't change one bit when Galaxy comes out. The Wii is already sold out everywhere and Nintendo refuses to manufacture more systems.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
MightyHedgehog said:
I've never shared the optimism about some magical second wind that the platform will see sometime in the '08. It sounds like total wish-thinking to me.

Pretty much.

Well, I think PS3 will eventually do decent in Europe. I don't think it will beat the Wii, but 360 has left the door really wide open.

And in Japan there are still enough good games coming out to have the PS3 at least be viable.


gcfan2k5 said:
Mass Effect isnt going to put up the numbers everyone thinks it will.... KOTOR only sold as well as it did because it was star wars, and star wars was absolutely gigantic back in 2003 because of the new trilogy being in full force. RPG games hardly ever push big numbers in the US.

Microsoft will milk halo3 for all eternity if it can get away with it, third parties or no... and i dont think with the absolutely stunning attach rate 360 has, that its going to be a problem.
I know... this is the issue. Why would microsoft keep promoting Halo3 to push Mass effect down even further?


I asked but noone answered my question.
How many PS3s have been purchased in North America.
Those Heavenly Sword numbers are disgusting.
Such a great game deserves better numbers.

And Microsoft ain't dropping the price again this year. Unless the PS3 starts giving them compo,then they'll react. I don't think they care that much of the Wii. The 360 on its own is amassing great numbers as the userbase continues to grow. I'm sure 3rd parties are happy as well since it justifies the support towards next gen. gaming.

Back to Microsoft though - they must be making money within the Home and Entertainment division nowdays,well excluding the Zune ofcourse. They've kept the 360 up at a high selling point for almsot two years and software sales continue to be strong. This month with Halo3 is amazing for a title that has sold for only 5 days of the remaining month.
Halo 3 sold 3.3 million copies in its first, what 10 days of sales in the US??

Has the PS3 sold 3.3 million of software in the US, all titles combined, since launch???


Not an asshole.
I don't know a single person that bought a 360 because of Halo 3. SEE, THAT MEANS REGGIE WAS RIGHT?!!!!


Gigglepoo said:
Spoiler: sales won't change one bit when Galaxy comes out. The Wii is already sold out everywhere and Nintendo refuses to manufacture more systems.
Nintendo can't be this stupid? Right? Right?

(Yeah, you're probably right.)


StevieP said:
Halo 3 uses a tweaked version of the same engine as the other 2 titles? Though, I'm sure you mean re-texturing Halo 1 & 2? I don't think there's really a point in that. People will just be playing Halo 3 for a long time.

Nintards, XBots, and the SDF are equally retarded. If anything, I've seen a slight increase of anger from Sony fans over the summer, but that's just natural when your platform of choice is relegated to being in last.

Halo3 using a tweaked version of the Halo 1 engine is true in a way, but there have been absolutely massive changes in terms of lighting and even geometry, all of which would greatly benefit the first two games. A Halo Anthology bundle next holiday coupled with another price drop would keep them competitive, and tons of halo fans would buy said anthology separately just to have updated versions of the previous games.


gcfan2k5 said:
Mass Effect isnt going to put up the numbers everyone thinks it will.... KOTOR only sold as well as it did because it was star wars, and star wars was absolutely gigantic back in 2003 because of the new trilogy being in full force. RPG games hardly ever push big numbers in the US.

Microsoft will milk halo3 for all eternity if it can get away with it, third parties or no... and i dont think with the absolutely stunning attach rate 360 has, that its going to be a problem.

just like bioshock would sale poorly?

mass effect will sell big time. specially with the type of marketing planned for it and the over all hype.

plus what game on the 360 doesn't at least sell good. the software sales on the 360 are as baffling as the wii sales. games on the 360 just sell. and the wii just sells and prints money. :D

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
gcfan2k5 said:
Mass Effect isnt going to put up the numbers everyone thinks it will.... KOTOR only sold as well as it did because it was star wars, and star wars was absolutely gigantic back in 2003 because of the new trilogy being in full force. RPG games hardly ever push big numbers in the US.

Microsoft will milk halo3 for all eternity if it can get away with it, third parties or no... and i dont think with the absolutely stunning attach rate 360 has, that its going to be a problem.

All of this sounds like hopeful thoughts.

How is working with Microsoft? You’ve worked with them before, and you’ve done a lot of different projects with different groups.

Ray Muzyka: I have nothing but good thing to say about them. They really do care about the games developed for the system that they want to be showcases. They want them to be stand-out titles, and they’re doing everything they can to support us. They contribute resources on the dev side to help us get the max out of the hardware. The marketing and PR folks are working hard to maximize the outreach, and that’s going to ramp up really big in just a short period. The fans are going to start seeing more assets and cool stuff. I think they’re a great publisher. The good thing about being first-party is that you have the commitment from the hardware manufacturer themselves to maximize the return on the game.

You look at what they did for Gears of War last year, and they’re planning a sort of similar thing for Mass Effect this year, and it’s great to be part of that.


John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Woa, I'm really late to this.

Anyway, as I said last month, I'll say it again... Prime 3 is pretty dissapointing.

Even after a full (large) month of sales, it still fails to deliver. Bummer.


Lefty42o said:
i doubt that. at least not till we see how 2008 plays out. i believe you will see more 360 exclusives as its software sells show a game can sell good on the console.

but i doubt any announced ps3 titles get canceled.

though i could be totally wrong here too :lol

Well, technically we already had MH3 which was originally announced as an exclusive PS3 game cancelled and moved to the Wii. It doesn't mean that titles will continue to outright migrate like that, but it already HAS happened.


Ho-ly shit at 3.3 million for Halo 3.

And hot damn at the Wii's sales. Jesus Christ.

(I can't see SMG doing all that much to drive Wii sales, but I'm expecting Wii Fit to send that thing into the stratosphere. Fuck me, what a bizarre generation this is!)
John Harker said:
Woa, I'm really late to this.

Anyway, as I said last month, I'll say it again... Prime 3 is pretty dissapointing.

Even after a full (large) month of sales, it still fails to deliver. Bummer.

Why aren't Wii owners buying the best game to come out on the system in SEVERAL MONTHS? Before I got MP3 my last Wii purchase was SPM.


Not an asshole.
AirBrian said:
Nintendo can't be this stupid? Right? Right?

(Yeah, you're probably right.)

They should make a seperate Wii package that replaces Wii Sports with SMG and make it dark blue or black or something.

It should say on the box: for the hardcore only
The PSP Slim's boost is pretty good: from 38k to 57k per week. Now if they just firmware-fix the half-screen video-out, I for one will buy more games.

Where's Carnival Games for Wii? I thought it was supposed to be selling so well, good demographic fit, all that jazz.
GhaleonEB said:
Question. If the attach rate of Halo 3 to ongoing sales remains high, will you concede it's selling to new owners, or will you say it's just selling to the 51% as of now that don't own it?

I concede that it's selling to new owners NOW. Halo 3 is obviously pushing systems. But Frankly I expected it to be way more of a juggernaut. There's still time, but considering it already sold 3 million consoles, I'd say the disparity for this month speaks for itself.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Resident Guru said:
Why aren't Wii owners buying the best game to come out on the system in SEVERAL MONTHS? Before I got MP3 my last Wii purchase was SPM.
b/c they don't know the game exists?


Jirotrom said:
I know... this is the issue. Why would microsoft keep promoting Halo3 to push Mass effect down even further?

Because nothing microsoft does for the rest of the year involves halo3 outside of the usual marketing campaign... Mass Effect will be EXTREMELY front loaded, moreso than most games even, the RPG nuts will all grab it right away and everyone else will ignore it no matter how hard MS pushes. They will milk halo3 and halo wars etc etc with bundles because they make more cold hard cash on a halo3 sale than they do on a third party sale.... and 360 owners buy EVERYTHING anyway.


Agent Icebeezy said:
nintendo should never bring up software sales

According to Wikipedia (not always reliable but better than nothing) Wii has 8 million selling games (as of July), 360 has 12, PS3 has 2. Considering the 360 had a year's head start and the PS3... didn't the Wii compares pretty favorably.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Leondexter said:
The PSP Slim's boost is pretty good: from 38k to 57k per week. Now if they just firmware-fix the half-screen video-out, I for one will buy more games.

Where's Carnival Games for Wii? I thought it was supposed to be selling so well, good demographic fit, all that jazz.

Where it should be, selling like shit.


yoopoo said:
I was gonna buy a PS3, but not anymore. I want to be on the winning team, I'll buy a 360.

You realize the Wii's the market leader, right? :lol

A Halo Anthology bundle next holiday coupled with another price drop would keep them competitive, and tons of halo fans would buy said anthology separately just to have updated versions of the previous games.

That's not a bad idea, actually. I'd never pay full price for a Halo game, but if they released an anthology like that under their GFW brand (and obviously Halo 3 will be on PC in a year or so) for $50, and update all the games, and give me actual online play servers, I'd totally buy it.


Unconfirmed Member
Angelus said:
I asked but noone answered my question.
How many PS3s have been purchased in North America.Those Heavenly Sword numbers are disgusting.
Such a great game deserves better numbers.

And Microsoft ain't dropping the price again this year. Unless the PS3 starts giving them compo,then they'll react. I don't think they care that much of the Wii. The 360 on its own is amassing great numbers as the userbase continues to grow. I'm sure 3rd parties are happy as well since it justifies the support towards next gen. gaming.

Back to Microsoft though - they must be making money within the Home and Entertainment division nowdays,well excluding the Zune ofcourse. They've kept the 360 up at a high selling point for almsot two years and software sales continue to be strong. This month with Halo3 is amazing for a title that has sold for only 5 days of the remaining month.

PS3 US LTD: 1,859,804


test_account said:
I know, where have i said its a one sided deal? I just say that for some reason i dislike Nintendo Wii fanboys more than PS3 and 360 fanboys.
I guess its the opposite for me then since I have to wade through the crap that PS3 and 360 fanboys bring to Wii threads. I feel that PS3 and 360 threads are at least bearable.
Gigglepoo said:
Spoiler: sales won't change one bit when Galaxy comes out. The Wii is already sold out everywhere and Nintendo refuses to manufacture more systems.

You act like Nintendo is purposefully not producing enough units...


yoopoo said:
I was gonna buy a PS3, but not anymore. I want to be on the winning team, I'll buy a 360.


Sorry that I had to steal the gif but it works perfectly for my reply.


Maxwell House said:
Halo 3 sold 3.3 million copies in its first, what 10 days of sales in the US??

Has the PS3 sold 3.3 million of software in the US, all titles combined, since launch???

I don't think so:lol
BTW my prediction that the 360 will stay over 250 EVERY month for TWO straight years is still on track


Frillen said:
The grudge match in November will be between Mass Effect and Galaxy.

i think cod 4 could be a contender as well. that game is sweet. played the 360 beta and pc demo.

but i will likely be buying all three games anyway :D


Good LORD at Halo 3. The Xbox 360 sales arent that much of a shock to me, but I definitely wouldnt have guessed Halo would do quite that much. Absolutely amazing.


gcfan2k5 said:
Because nothing microsoft does for the rest of the year involves halo3 outside of the usual marketing campaign... Mass Effect will be EXTREMELY front loaded, moreso than most games even, the RPG nuts will all grab it right away and everyone else will ignore it no matter how hard MS pushes. They will milk halo3 and halo wars etc etc with bundles because they make more cold hard cash on a halo3 sale than they do on a third party sale.... and 360 owners buy EVERYTHING anyway.
what you just now told me confirms what i've been trying to tell you:lol :lol
besada said:
Neehaw? Is that a cross between saying hello in Mandarin and expressing exultation in Redneck?

I don't know. I think I saw it on Conan once. Also, I just watched the "Charlie Goes America On Everyone's Asses" episode of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. So, there's that.
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