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NPD Sales Results for September 2007


Gaborn said:
According to Wikipedia (not always reliable but better than nothing) Wii has 8 million selling games (as of July), 360 has 12, PS3 has 2. Considering the 360 had a year's head start and the PS3... didn't the Wii compares pretty favorably.
That list is missing quite a few games


Agent Icebeezy said:

Actually I'm hopeful that mass effect will sell at least 2 million units, because im sure its going to be a fine game, coming from bioware and all. The grim reality though, is that western RPG games sell like shit and thats not going to change anytime soon (oblivion isnt at 2 million LTD yet across all platforms i dont think, and its the best selling one in recent memory)
CreatureX3 said:
Don't forget to subtract how much MS loses on each console. Oh and subtract the insanely huge marketing budget for Halo 3 as well. MS already added all the numbers, why do you think they had to sell Bungie? :lol
LOL, are you serious???

Halo 3 had a 10 million marketing budget. From all indications, MS makes a profit on each 360 sold now.

And 3.3 million units sold * $70 average price (3 SKUs) = $231 million, in the first 12 days on sale.

So subtract $30 million of development costs + $10 million marketing budget + $4 million in packaging/shipping for the first 3.3 million units, and you are left with about $187 million in profits, after just the first 11 days.

Halo 3 copies sold now are even more profitable, as you have already taken out the development and marketing costs from the equation.


Lefty42o said:
i think cod 4 could be a contender as well. that game is sweet. played the 360 beta and pc demo.

but i will likely be buying all three games anyway :D

Yeah, damn I forgot that game! How could I? :S It's actually my most wanted game besides Galaxy.


Expected mega high sales for the 360, but the Wii holding on like that is incredible, especially considering that the software sales don't really match.

I feel like Skate is probably a disspointment for EA, decent but low sales. The game is probably a franchise investment though, so Skate 2 is guaranteed and probably will sell better.

Metroid Prime 3 and Heavenly Sword are also likely disappointments for their respective publishers.

Good legs for Bioshock considering it's Halo month.


gcfan2k5 said:
Actually I'm hopeful that mass effect will sell at least 2 million units, because im sure its going to be a fine game, coming from bioware and all. The grim reality though, is that western RPG games sell like shit and thats not going to change anytime soon (oblivion isnt at 2 million LTD yet across all platforms i dont think, and its the best selling one in recent memory)

but its more than just another western rpg. infact it looks and plays alot like a shooter.

something alot of rpg guys been blasting it for.


Jirotrom said:
what you just now told me confirms what i've been trying to tell you:lol :lol

No, i mean bundles for NEXT holiday... 2008 not this holiday. NEXT year microsoft doesnt have a whole lot in terms of first party offerings that ive been able to see.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Yay, go Wii60! But like others said, if MS can barely edge out the Wii when their biggest game drops, what's gonna happen in November with Galaxy? The only thing holding Wii back at that point will be supply constraints...


Frillen said:
Yeah, damn I forgot that game! How could I? :S It's actually my most wanted game besides Galaxy.

i know. i am also hyped for assassins creed. so novemeber will be very expensive for myself.


gcfan2k5 said:
No, i mean bundles for NEXT holiday... 2008 not this holiday. NEXT year microsoft doesnt have a whole lot in terms of first party offerings that ive been able to see.

MS has done this on purpose silly. Why focus on tomorrow when u can bask in glory today.



Wow. Honestly though, Sony knew the numbers would be bad, which is why they've dropped the price yet again. If the latest price drop doesn't help, look for another by next summer, if not earlier. Kudos to Microsoft and especially Nintendo for keeping it close.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Oh wow - I totally forgot about NPD Day!

Congrats to MS for the 360 for coming out on top above all the competition as I expected - well deserved thanks to Halo 3 (Reggie, what do you say about this, even before the holidays?)

And the Wii? For it to sell this much without software really shows that the US loves the price more than the games...

PS3? Well, damn.

Said it a few times before, and I'll say it again - huge, well-deserved congrats to Bungie for the success - 3.3 mil! Hard work, love and care put into a quality title over 3 years, and reaping what they sowed - love it! :D

P.S.: the thread title sucks - "claimed Sony's spot"? The hell? It didn't come in last...
I think Sony should pull the PS3 and focus on PS4. Then again I've been thinking that ever since they announced it would be 599 USD. That was a bad idea. You just can't recover from that. You will see proof of that with next months numbers even with the new $399 PS3. Even though the GCN picked up steam on the software end and even dropped to $99 after just 2 and a half years in its life span, it still didn't result in sales.


Lefty42o said:
but its more than just another western rpg. infact it looks and plays alot like a shooter.

something alot of rpg guys been blasting it for.

Looking and playing like a shooter isnt going to help it when it has to compete with Call of Duty 4.... And im sure it will turn out fine, unless of course they were rushed like they were with KOTOR, or rushed themselves like they did with Jade Empire (my two least favorite bioware titles, for various reasons)


Talk about kicking someone when they're down...

"The $130 "Halo 3: Legendary Edition" alone sold twice as many units as the top title for PS3 "Heavenly Sword" (SCE); the helmet is mightier than the sword."

From the MS response to the numbers.


Chumly said:
I guess its the opposite for me then since I have to wade through the crap that PS3 and 360 fanboys bring to Wii threads.

Ye, i totally understand. I'm not directly a fanboy, but i do wish that PS3 would "win" just to see people's reaction hehe :p Thats probly why i dislike the Nintendo fanboys more than 360 and PS3 ones, since they usualy are so negative to PS3 and not so much to 360. But.. the chances for PS3 to win seems very slim so i guess i should just get rid of my dislike'tion (dunno the english word hehe) for Nintendo fanboys, or atleast try :)

EDIT: 360 fanboys can be a pain too just to say that hehe :p But atleast here it doesnt seem that bad. On another forum i'm on its worse, atleast what i've noticed. Ah well hehe :)


gcfan2k5 said:
No, i mean bundles for NEXT holiday... 2008 not this holiday. NEXT year microsoft doesnt have a whole lot in terms of first party offerings that ive been able to see.

actually they do. alot just has not been announced casue they were focusing on this holiday. and not just first party but second as well

banjo 3
halo wars
peter jackson project
alan wake
fable 2
splinter cell conviction exclusive
possible gears 2

and at this point i am stopping befor a list war develops. its been the whole theme since e3 that there is nothing for 2008. when just cause nothing has been announced does not mean nothing is in the pipe line. after the holidays we will here more about the later 2008 games.

gcfan2k5 said:
Looking and playing like a shooter isnt going to help it when it has to compete with Call of Duty 4.... And im sure it will turn out fine, unless of course they were rushed like they were with KOTOR, or rushed themselves like they did with Jade Empire (my two least favorite bioware titles, for various reasons)

and the 360 owners will buy both. look at 360 software sells. 4 games in the top 10 even during halo 3. just like the wii always sells xbox 360 games always sell. specially hyped marketed games.


besada said:
Talk about kicking someone when they're down...

"The $130 "Halo 3: Legendary Edition" alone sold twice as many units as the top title for PS3 "Heavenly Sword" (SCE); the helmet is mightier than the sword."

From the MS response to the numbers.

link??? :lol


besada said:
Talk about kicking someone when they're down...

"The $130 "Halo 3: Legendary Edition" alone sold twice as many units as the top title for PS3 "Heavenly Sword" (SCE); the helmet is mightier than the sword."

From the MS response to the numbers.

No Collectors Edition numbers i bet? Hell i returned mine a day later and bought a Legendary Edition.
nothing sucks more than having an idea for a gif but lacking the correct footage to do it.

Anyway, well done Nintendo, you managed to sell 500k consoles and fuck all came out.

I'm starting to wonder how SMG and SSB will do. Nintendo need to get off their asses and do some advertising.

ps yay DS much deserved.
schuelma said:
Well, I think PS3 will eventually do decent in Europe. I don't think it will beat the Wii, but 360 has left the door really wide open.

And in Japan there are still enough good games coming out to have the PS3 at least be viable.
360 is doing better in Europe, especially compared to PS3, than everyone is assuming. 360 has a 2 million unit lead on PS3 over there, and sales for the two consoles on a monthly basis is neck and neck.

I don't see Europe as being a PS3 stronghold this generation.


force push the doodoo rock
I thought people were expecting the 360 to sell a shit load more than the Wii?

It barely beat it?

A bit disappointing if you ask me.


gcfan2k5 said:
I believe that they will have a much weaker lineup next year than they had this year.

Don't stop believing!

Sporsk said:
I thought people were expecting the 360 to sell a shit load more than the Wii?

Would these be the straw people? I mostly remember seeing 360 fans cheer that the box might sell better at all. The numbers it did sell were WAY over most people's predictions.


DeaconKnowledge said:
I concede that it's selling to new owners NOW. Halo 3 is obviously pushing systems. But Frankly I expected it to be way more of a juggernaut. There's still time, but considering it already sold 3 million consoles, I'd say the disparity for this month speaks for itself.
Yeah. I expected it to cause a big spike in 360 sales and sell millions in less than two weeks as well. Disappointton.


Seriously, the game did huge, the 360 did very well, and next month and the holidays are an open book. But for September - it's impressive stuff all around. (PS3 sales aside.)


Lefty42o said:
i know. i am also hyped for assassins creed. so novemeber will be very expensive for myself.

Which brings me over to another thing. How much will Assasins Creed do in November? It could be a potential bomb. Hopefully not though. After the recent impressions it again sounds like a GOTY contender, actually.
Sony would have been better off just sticking at the high price until rumble and a good game was ready. Sales would have been worse but it may have worked out better in the long run, all this scrambling about isn't doing them any favours. And it's going to get worse when the people that buy the 40gb find out about rumble next year.


gcfan2k5 said:
I believe that they will have a much weaker lineup next year than they had this year.

with games like alan wake, gears of war 2 possible, fable 2 ,banjo 3

i say its relative. you make it sound like the old xbox days when there was madden, halo and hey halo 2.

Frillen said:
Which brings me over to another thing. How much will Assasins Creed do in November? It could be a potential bomb. Hopefully not though.

i think it will get overshadowed personally. might have long legs though. could do great on the ps3.
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