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NPD Sales Results for September 2007


crbowen said:
3rd parties on Wii are trying to be Nintendo and are trying to make Nintendo games. They see Nintendo's initial success and try to rush to the market and capitalize on it. Carnival Games, EA's casual line, etc. 3rd parties need to realize they aren't Nintendo and come up with something original.
They don't even have to be original. They just have to be good.


indie85 said:
this is more like winding down after a hard days work, it doesnt get me angry in the slightest, it means nothing.

you're doing a whole lot of damage control for 'nothing'....

and tears.


KeithFranklin said:
PS3 may very well drop to below 100K in October. 1 less week, rumors of another price drop for a couple of weeks, $399 system announced 2 weeks before end of the month. Unless there is a demand for the 80GB unit people are going to hold off until November.

Ratchet and Clank also releases at the end of the month, so it's a very dire situation.


Lefty42o said:
so what would you call it when a game comes out and the hardware numbers spike and infact almost double?

thew point is did ms sell more hardware cause of halo 3? looks like it. yes it could have done better. alot of things could happen. but your posts on the matter are baffling cause if the 500,000 was not from halo 3 than maybe the 360 has started selling at wii levels.

i personally feel the spike was cause of halo 3 but if you want to say the 360 is now selling on its own at wii levels fine by me 2:D
I totally agree, the spike is from Halo 3, but if we were to follow an upward trend in the interest for Halo and the 'xbox' system we should expect an even bigger spike than from Halo2, no? Price comparisons, and month comparisons aside as there are other equally, arguably larger factors in favour for halo3's side and yet here we are.


flinging feces ---->
Weren't there rumors that if the PS3 performed consistently poorly at retail (as it has been), certain publishers would withdraw PS3 releases from their product repertoire?

What's funny is that it seems to be the complete opposite; more and more publishers are showing their support for the console. Lost Planet PS3 is only one of many titles that demonstrates this continued interest in the hardware despite its lackluster performance in the marketplace.
gcfan2k5 said:
GH3 will probably sell the most on the PS2 followed closely by Wii/360 or 360/Wii.

Rock Band will sell the most on 360, by far.
I would put serious money on the 360 version of GH3 (standalone and bundle) significantly outselling the Wii version.


GarthVaderUK said:
Last month was the month of the 360 price cut, so numbers for that month are higher than usual.
September NPD accounts for 11(?) days of Halo 3 sales, I'm sure the game and the hardware is still selling well through October, and will receive another boost in November (with an even larger boost in December, as usual).

Well if you count the full 550k, then it's still only 15% of Halo 3 purchasers that also purchased a console.


jetjevons said:
Riiight. Because there were how many original I.P. million+ sellers on Xbox? :lol

Halo 1
Splinter Cell
Project Gotham Racing
Ghost Recon 1
Star Wars Battlefront 1
True Crime
Max Payne

Im sure quite a few others that i cant remember right now (i havent played an XBOX1 game since 2004)


Frillen said:
Again, you people do realize that titles outside of the top 10 also sell, right? It's pretty much impossible to make any "big" software sales comments when you only get the top 10.

I also wish we had more than top 10, but what we know is that 11 is less than 139k (or equal). Out from this, is there any games that was released that was expected to sell more than this?


Junior Member
indie85 said:
Well done on being an idiot, Im not talking about how many xtards got suckered in, its system sales we're talking about. How many consoles Halo3 pushed, must be the biggest publicity blizt ever seen right, best game ever and all, surely should push more systems than its predecessor?

Comparing November console sales to September sales is beyond retarded.


indie85 said:
I totally agree, the spike is from Halo 3, but if we were to follow an upward trend in the interest for Halo and the 'xbox' system we should expect an even bigger spike than from Halo2, no? Price comparisons, and month comparisons aside as there are other equally, arguably larger factors in favour for halo3's side and yet here we are.

regardless of it you think it should have been better the question was did halo 3 move hardware.

short answer is yes. anything else is spin or damage control when in the end its not needed.
gcfan2k5 said:
Halo 1
Splinter Cell
Project Gotham Racing
Ghost Recon 1
Star Wars Battlefront 1
True Crime
Max Payne

Im sure quite a few others that i cant remember right now (i havent played an XBOX1 game since 2004)

Here's one: Fable.
gcfan2k5 said:
Halo 1
Splinter Cell
Project Gotham Racing
Ghost Recon 1
Star Wars Battlefront 1
True Crime
Max Payne

Im sure quite a few others that i cant remember right now (i havent played an XBOX1 game since 2004)

I wouldn't exactly call any Star Wars games new IP's, definitely not Max Payne.




Stopsign said:
I wouldn't exactly call any Star Wars games new IP's, definitely not Max Payne.

First game in their respective series, take out the star wars games if you like. Fable sold well, but didnt sell as well as molyneaux and the hypers were expecting, and as far as the game itself..... it was a total letdown compared to the hype.


Has this been posted?


According to NPD data, September 2007 was a strong month for the PlayStation brand, which showed a 13% increase in total retail dollars generated year-over-year in the US with total sales of $337 million for the month.
PS3 continues to maintain an overall increase in sales, with 119K units sold at retail for the month. Also, with the new $399 40GB PLAYSTATION 3 SKU hitting store shelves on November 2nd, a new $499 price point for the 80GB model effective immediately, and highly anticipated titles available this holiday, such as Racthet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Folklore, and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, the PS3 is poised for very strong performance through the holiday season and into 2008.
The PSP had a great month, selling 285K units for the month. Success at retail is due to the release of the new slimmer and lighter PSP in North America which includes video-out capabilities for $169, the success of the Star Wars and Daxter Entertainment Packs, and the release of great titles such as Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow.
PS2 sales remained very strong for the month of September, selling 215K units, making it one of the best-selling consoles on the market.


Super Member
Frenck said:
Next month it's back to business as usual, but Nintendo fans can't accept that. All the years of torture under Sony's reign have taken their toll and they won't even give us September without their batshit insane spinning.


Bat shit insane spinning... hmmm.

Wii and GBA still killed the 360, and that's not counting the DS! HAHAHA!!!


flinging feces ---->
professor_t said:
Wasn't Stranglehold supposed to be the top seller this holiday season? Who smoked a water bong before coming up with that prediction?

Midway poured a large sum of money into that title. It's sad that its figures are "solid [but not] spectacular."


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
A bit surprising not to see the X360 way out in front given that the biggest game of the generation (in western territories) has just been released on it. Maybe next month?


Kodiak said:
the worldwide synched launch charts for PS3 and 360 make things seem less grim for Sony

Where are you getting the European numbers for such a chart? Oh wait, I know :lol


Kodiak said:
the worldwide synched launch charts for PS3 and 360 make things seem less grim for Sony

thats why people post that chart. the fact is with all 3 consoles on the market its not so pretty for the ps3. and when compared to the wii slightly less pretty for the 360.

alot of that could be gamers waiting to see what the other consoles would be priced at or offered before buying into the 360. or some other reason. but since the launch of the ps3 the 360 has really taken it to the cleaners.

the wii. its selling ungodly. thats all you can say about the wii lol


How well did highly anticipated games sold on the 360 when its userbase was about as big as PS3's? The numbers for Heavenly Sword, Lair, Warhawk, etc. have to be a bit worrying for Sony.


gcfan2k5 said:
First game in their respective series, take out the star wars games if you like. Fable sold well, but didnt sell as well as molyneaux and the hypers were expecting, and as far as the game itself..... it was a total letdown compared to the hype.

once again thats your opinion. alot of us loved it. and are looking forward to fable 2.


everyone laughed at me for saying halo 3 will sell 360's and beat the wii.

i'm looking at you greatdave and odyessey.


Frenck said:
Next month it's back to business as usual, but Nintendo fans can't accept that. All the years of torture under Sony's reign have taken their toll and they won't even give us September without their batshit insane spinning.


Yeah, even though Wii has been kicking all sorts of ass month in and month and still can't catch a break. The Monster Hunter 3 thread being the latest development in that saga of stupidity.
indie85 said:
Well done on being an idiot, Im not talking about how many xtards got suckered in, its system sales we're talking about. How many consoles Halo3 pushed, must be the biggest publicity blizt ever seen right, best game ever and all, surely should push more systems than its predecessor?

Not when the original was a $149 system selling in November. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Wow, $149 system plus holiday sales plus Halo 2 is greater than Halo 3 alone.
gcfan2k5 said:
First game in their respective series, take out the star wars games if you like. Fable sold well, but didnt sell as well as molyneaux and the hypers were expecting, and as far as the game itself..... it was a total letdown compared to the hype.

Fable still was a lot of fun, just wasn't everything Molyneaux was promising us.

To be fair, the fact that there was the name of Star Wars on it probably helped the games along. Kotor would have done more like Jade Empire if it wasn't Star Wars related.
beef3483 said:
Reggie was right, at least so far.

Halo 3, far and away, sold mostly to people who already owned the system. If you account the 300k increase in 360 hardware sales from last month to this month to Halo 3s release, then only around 11 percent of those that bought Halo 3 purchased a system with it.

August also had a great deal of pent up sales.

1. RROD kept people away for awhile until MS announced 3 year warranty.
2. Expected price drop kept people away. It was what 21 months at the same prices. Some people were waiting.

So August got a bump and September would probably have dropped , but Halo 3 pushed sales way way up. Then throw in the great games release for 360 since August (4 games in the above 86% on GameRankings, 3 above 93%) and the 360 base sale number should simply be established at a new higher number. Throw in the holiday bundles with one 90% game and one 83% game and finally the tard pack is now the Xbox 360 Arcade that isnt a tard pack anymore (Should still be $249 though). Last 3 months of the year should be great for the 360.


Lefty42o said:
thats why people post that chart. the fact is with all 3 consoles on the market its not so pretty for the ps3. and when compared to the wii slightly less pretty for the 360.

alot of that could be gamers waiting to see what the other consoles would be priced at or offered before buying into the 360. or some other reason. but since the launch of the ps3 the 360 has really taken it to the cleaners.

the wii. its selling ungodly. thats all you can say about the wii lol

PS3 will probably top out at 30 million sales i think. 360 will hit 50 million, maybe 60.
Wii will probably hit 100 million, tough to say at this point. Personally i think nintendo deserves to win this gen because of all the shit microsoft and sony fanboys dumped all over nintendo and its fans for the last couple of generations. Also, if sony won this time the price of entry for ALL consoles wouldve been absurd from that point on, if Microsoft wins the build quality of all machines will take a nosedive, and the price of entry still goes up compared to previous gens.

Everyone should be thanking nintendo for being in first place, because it doesnt mean the death of hardcore games, it means the survival of a dozen or more companies that would die if trying to support the 360 alone.


Not an asshole.
Lefty42o said:
thats why people post that chart. the fact is with all 3 consoles on the market its not so pretty for the ps3. and when compared to the wii slightly less pretty for the 360.

alot of that could be gamers waiting to see what the other consoles would be priced at or offered before buying into the 360. or some other reason. but since the launch of the ps3 the 360 has really taken it to the cleaners.

the wii. its selling ungodly. thats all you can say about the wii lol

I think a year from now once Sony gets its Killzones and Metal Gears and Gran Turismos out there things will pick up for them just as much as the 360 picked up over the past year.


crbowen said:
3rd parties on Wii are trying to be Nintendo and are trying to make Nintendo games. They see Nintendo's initial success and try to rush to the market and capitalize on it. Carnival Games, EA's casual line, etc. 3rd parties need to realize they aren't Nintendo and come up with something original.

I won't disagree - most 3rd party games on the Wii are shit. But take a title like Madden (ultimate casual gamer game) it's sales are nonexistant compared to the PS3 or 360 especially when you consider how large Wii's install base is. If 3rd party had a chance on Wii you would should see Madden in the top 10 this month. When EA does it's budget for next year it will put less effort into Wii Sports games in 08 because they don't sell as well as the 360 or PS3 versions. Wii will continue to be the PS2 port machine for 3rd parties.


Lefty42o said:
once again thats your opinion. alot of us loved it. and are looking forward to fable 2.

Yes, it is my opinion, and i respect that you and others are looking forward to fable2. I am keeping an eye on it, because it may turn out better than the first, in which case i will buy it.


ari said:
everyone laughed at me for saying halo 3 will sell 360's and beat the wii.

i'm looking at you greatdave and odyessey.

Technically it didn't.

If you add up all Nintendo Software and Hardware sales they still beat out MS by a pretty big margin. MS achieved nothing once again and Halo 3 is a joke compared to expectations, it didn't even move 1 million consoles :lol

Total non-event.


gcfan2k5 said:
Yes, it is my opinion, and i respect that you and others are looking forward to fable2. I am keeping an eye on it, because it may turn out better than the first, in which case i will buy it.

fair enough :D
Frenck said:
Technically it didn't.

If you add up all Nintendo Software and Hardware sales they still beat out MS by a pretty big margin. MS achieved nothing once again and Halo 3 is a joke compared to expectations, it didn't even move 1 million consoles :lol

Total non-event.
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