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NPD Sales Results for September 2007


Not an asshole.
Grecco said:
Ill give you most of that. But i never once saw a magazine add for Metroid. Ive seen tons for Eternal Sonata, Warhawk, Stranglehold, Blue Dragon, and other sort of err bombs.

I recall seeing a MP3 ad in a mainstream mag, don't remember which though, plus Nintendo has their own PR mag called Nintendo Power, which helps.


Mgoblue201 said:
I'm not gonna pretend that the marketing for MP3 was exceptional, but people put way too much focus on it. Just because a game doesn't sell as well as fans hope doesn't mean it was poorly marketed, and just because a game sells great doesn't mean that it's because of marketing. Nintendo spent money on a decent Echoes ad campaign, and at the end of the day it probably wasn't worth the effort, as it sold half as much as Prime. Metroid has its own fanbase who buy the game, and I don't think focusing beyond that is really all that productive for Nintendo. Corruption had an ad campaign, it wasn't all that great, but I don't think it really cost Nintendo many sales at all.
Yes, it did, but that's okay, because Retro wasn't going to be making more Prime games regardless.


360 deals the knockout blow to the PS3 in the USA. Game over.

I hope Sony keeps their first parties strong or else I'm looking at a $500 backwards compatible machine sitting in my entertainment rack.


Can someone answer my question about how well "big name" titles sold on the 360 when its userbase was the same as the PS3's? The low numbers for some highly anticipated PS3titles seem to suggest that many people might have bought PS3s just for blu-ray playback.
crbowen said:
Didn't the 360 move a million units when Gears was released? But that was around the holidays, I think.

Frillen said:
Yeah, it was in November.

511K Xbox 360s sold last November with the release of Gears and the traditional holiday month boost, 1.1 million sold in December.

Over 1/2 a million in a non-holiday month is pretty damn special for both the 360 and the Wii, and great for the industry in general.


Super Member
VALIS said:
360 deals the knockout blow to the PS3 in the USA. Game over.

I hope Sony keeps their first parties strong or else I'm looking at a $500 backwards compatible machine sitting in my entertainment rack.

I wouldn't worry at all. Not even the N64 had a Metal Gear Solid or Final Fantasy. :(

Sony getting better at first-party is probably the best thing to come from their setbacks.


MisterHero said:
Nintendo Power always has the exclusives on Metroid Prime 3 and other games in general. It will be the same for Smash in the next issue.

Im talking print adds, which have nothing to do with exclusives. Nintendo spent very litle on marketing Metroid. Hell Bioshock had a bigger marketing push than Metroid did.

Would it have made a difference? Who knows, Metroid is still gonna sell better than Prime 1 anyways but make no mistake Nintendos treatment of the game compared to something like Smash was inexcusable. I hope whatever Retro makes next time gets more of an effort from Nintendo to market it.
VALIS said:
360 deals the knockout blow to the PS3 in the USA. Game over.

I hope Sony keeps their first parties strong or else I'm looking at a $500 backwards compatible machine sitting in my entertainment rack.

Do what other PS3 owners do and justify your purchase through means of destruction! Jk, but seriously sell it for whatever you can get it for asap and use that money towards a Wii or 360. If you wait too long, like I did with selling my dreamcast, you won't get much for it.


Mgoblue201 said:
I'm not gonna pretend that the marketing for MP3 was exceptional, but people put way too much focus on it.
its one of the few quality titles on the system, that actually deserve good sales, not some shit like wii play or mp8. are they wrong to?


Has this been posted?


According to NPD data, September 2007 was a strong month for the PlayStation brand, which showed a 13% increase in total retail dollars generated year-over-year in the US with total sales of $337 million for the month.
PS3 continues to maintain an overall increase in sales, with 119K units sold at retail for the month. Also, with the new $399 40GB PLAYSTATION 3 SKU hitting store shelves on November 2nd, a new $499 price point for the 80GB model effective immediately, and highly anticipated titles available this holiday, such as Racthet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Folklore, and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, the PS3 is poised for very strong performance through the holiday season and into 2008.
The PSP had a great month, selling 285K units for the month. Success at retail is due to the release of the new slimmer and lighter PSP in North America which includes video-out capabilities for $169, the success of the Star Wars and Daxter Entertainment Packs, and the release of great titles such as Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow.
PS2 sales remained very strong for the month of September, selling 215K units, making it one of the best-selling consoles on the market.

Is the official PR from Sony :lol ? They can't even spell the names of their games :lol ...

PS3 continues to maintain an overall increase in sales

What a lie. Needs more Tretton.


im confused, didn't eternal sonata launch before all this? I didn't expect it to tear up the charts but no data on it? Medal of honor?


Not an asshole.
Tideas said:
Hey,! Look at the PSP HW!! It's gonna hit 300k!!

Let's hope so!! woot!

Chains of Olympus plus Holiday shopping frenzy pretty much ensures that.

(I think Eternal Sonata is a great game being sold to the completely wrong audience, Tri Crescendo really put themselves on the map with that game in my mind, though)
The Wii may be selling the hardware, but developers are far more interested in selling software - something that the 360 does very well. I'm not convinced that mature games like MP3 are going to do great on the Wii, that aren't developed by Nintendo. And no, don't bring up Red Steel - a big launch title. We can argue over the success of RE4 but at once stuff like No More Heroes starts bombing out the gate...yeah.

If I'm a developer I'm more interested in attach rates, not playing second and third fiddle to Wii Play every month.


perfectchaos007 said:
Do what other PS3 owners do and justify your purchase through means of destruction! Jk, but seriously sell it for whatever you can get it for asap and use that money towards a Wii or 360. If you wait too long, like I did with selling my dreamcast, you won't get much for it.

Heh. I've been loving my 360 since a little past midnight on the day it came out. You'd have to be nuts not to have a 360 right now, and the NPD agrees. :)
Microsoft press release, from majornelson.com:

majornelson.com said:
Xbox 360 Tops Console Sales in September and outsells PS3 5:1

As the holiday season heats up, September 2007 is sure to go down in history as one for the record books. The launch of one of the greatest properties in entertainment history, “Halo 3” (Microsoft Game Studios), was largely responsible for driving the biggest month in US video game history with consumer spending on games reaching an all time high for 2007.

· NPD reported that in the US, Xbox 360 was the #1 console for the month; outselling PS3 5:1

o Xbox 360 sales built upon its growth from last month, showing a 50 percent increase for the month of September selling an average of 105,600 consoles per week. Total sales were more than 528,000 Xbox 360 consoles sold, compared to 501,000 for Wii and 119,000 for PS3.

o PS3 sales posted an average weekly decline of 27 percent.

· Xbox 360 software revenue at retail outsold PS3’s software portfolio 8:1 and Wii’s 4:1, selling 3 times more than both platforms combined.

o For the month of September according to NPD, Xbox 360 software represented 74 percent of total software sales for the next generation market compared to 17 percent for Wii and 9 percent for PS3. Even without the sales of “Halo 3” the Xbox 360 portfolio outsold the PS3 portfolio 2:1.

· Additionally, Xbox 360 is home to the best-selling games with the top-rated next-generation titles. According to the world-wide authority in entertainment reviews, Metacritic, Xbox 360 has 80 titles with a Metacritic review score of 80 or higher compared to just 31 for PS3 and 11 for Wii.

o Newly released title “The Orange Box” (Valve) and the highly anticipated title “Mass Effect” (Microsoft Game Studios) have both generated rankings of 97 and higher according to Metacritic. And not to forget “BioShock” (2KGames) which remains one of the year’s highest rated games.

In spite of the unprecedented success of “Halo 3,” Xbox 360 continued to drive third-party games sales across all platforms. PS3 and Wii had ZERO third party titles in the top ten console title list for the month, while Xbox 360 weighed in with 3. Since November, third party partners have seen their titles hit the top ten 27 times for Xbox 360, compared to 2 for PS3 and 1 for Wii.

Everyone knew “Halo 3” would be big -and it didn’t disappoint- but it wasn’t the only good news for the industry. For the month of September, according to the NPD Group data, Xbox 360 held six spots in the Top Ten Console Games. Led by initial sales of “Halo 3” Xbox 360 software is flying off the shelves. Below is a breakout of title sales from the September NPD data:

· In its first two weeks, the three editions of “Halo 3” placed #1, 2 and 3 overall for console title sales - for a total of more than $225 million in sales in the U.S. with 3.3 million units. Average unit prices were $69 per game. The $130 “Halo 3: Legendary Edition” alone sold twice as many units as the top title for PS3 “Heavenly Sword” (SCE); the helmet is mightier than the sword.

· Proving that Xbox 360 is the new home for sports gamers, “Madden NFL ‘08” (EA) on Xbox 360 was again the leading next gen platform with 173,000 units sold, compared to the PS3 at 62,000 and Wii at 58,000. To date, “Madden NFL ‘08” has sold 1.1 million units on Xbox 360, 87 percent more than other next-gen platforms combined.

· Xbox 360 exclusive "BioShock" has sold 641,000 units through the end of September and remains to be on track to sell more than 1 million units. While “Halo 3” and “Madden NFL ‘08” have led the way as the first of a string of titles that are expected to sell more than 1 million units between now and the end of the year.

o As we announced earlier this month Xbox 360 has an unprecedented lineup of titles expected to sell at least a million units worldwide, including new and upcoming releases such as “Call of Duty 4®: Modern Warfare™" (Activision), "Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock" (RedOctane/Activision), "Mass Effect" (Microsoft Game Studios)

· Rounding out the top titles for Xbox 360, “Skate” (EA) came in at #6. The Xbox 360 version of the innovative titles outsold the PS3 version 6:1.

Gamers buy gaming consoles to play games, and Xbox 360 has the best lineup on the market. This, paired with the newly priced points of $349.99 (U.S.) for Xbox 360 and $449.99 (U.S.) for Xbox 360 Elite which includes the addition of two games with every console “Forza Motorsport 2” (Microsoft Game Studios) and “Marvel Ultimate Alliance” (Activision) for a retail savings of more than $100, provides gamers with an unmatched interactive entertainment experience.

They're really driving home the "third parties are only succesful on the 360" message...
Chrange said:
It's been what...three weeks since Halo launched? You still can't buy a copy of the game or a 360 console here unless you happen to show up as soon as the store opens. They don't even have a slot reserved for it in the display anymore, just one of the Legendary helmets in the bottom of the case with a "Halo 3 sold out" sign.

It's in stock almost everywhere I live. Zip Code 92708. I even did 200 miles, and almost every store has copies.

Frillen said:
It's pretty unfair to make any drastic comments about Software sales when we only get the top 10. For all we know, the Wii could potentially have 5+ titles from 11th to 20th place.

I think people really jump the gun here a bit sometimes (stating the obvious I guess).

First off, you can't take anything away from the 360. Obviously they're selling a ton of games.

With that said, even though it's mostly Nintendo's hardware numbers that grab the attention, they're still moving a good amount of software.

Remember last fiscal year their total software sales for the Wii ended up being 65% higher then their original projections. Again, the hardware takes the headlines, but those software numbers are really driving those earnings jumps. Their hardware estimate didn't change last year (technically they came in slightly below the original number), but software was huge for them.

3 months ago they increased Wii software estimates for this fiscal yearfrom 55 million to 72 million. Now obviously that is largely due to an increase in their hardware numbers, but their new numbers also adjusted the tie ratio slightly higher.

So clearly we're missing out on a lot of data if Nintendo is able to dramatically blow through their software estimates last year, and then quietly increase them this year, all while people here are complaining about how software isn't selling on the Wii.

Clearly there is a valuable universe of sales outside of the top 10. And if you think about it, if there wasn't, we wouldn't be getting the top 10 for free.


Super Member
Grecco said:
Im talking print adds, which have nothing to do with exclusives. Nintendo spent very litle on marketing Metroid. Hell Bioshock had a bigger marketing push than Metroid did.

Would it have made a difference? Who knows, Metroid is still gonna sell better than Prime 1 anyways but make no mistake Nintendos treatment of the game compared to something like Smash was inexcusable. I hope whatever Retro makes next time gets more of an effort from Nintendo to market it.

I forgot if this was mentioned, they also did the promotion through WiiConnect24 with the videos and re-releasing Metroid 1 and Super Metroid on VC. I couldn't begin to guess how many of Wii's 10-million audience bothered to check it out though, or even get WiFi for Wii.

As for the bolded, I agree. Retro deserves it, a lot.


Everything is tsundere to me
TheKurgan said:
I won't disagree - most 3rd party games on the Wii are shit. But take a title like Madden (ultimate casual gamer game) it's sales are nonexistant compared to the PS3 or 360 especially when you consider how large Wii's install base is. If 3rd party had a chance on Wii you would should see Madden in the top 10 this month. When EA does it's budget for next year it will put less effort into Wii Sports games in 08 because they don't sell as well as the 360 or PS3 versions. Wii will continue to be the PS2 port machine for 3rd parties.
ummm, wouldn't that be exactly what you DON'T want to do? i mean think about it, if the 360 one is just fine as it is, then why don't they work to improve the Wii one, as it's being made by another team anyway. this way, more people would buy the Wii edition, which will probably end up with a greater ROI anyway.


I feel like I've seen most of the posts in this thread before, not just in other NPD threads but in this one. In fact, even though I'm not going to check, I bet someone has already made this post at least once in this thread. I would go on but eventually the post would actually become unique, and incorrect, which would be a bit of a waste because I spent so much time writing out my argument, so I'll stop here. But you get the general gist of things.


PhoenixDark said:
The Wii may be selling the hardware, but developers are far more interested in selling software - something that the 360 does very well. I'm not convinced that mature games like MP3 are going to do great on the Wii, that aren't developed by Nintendo. And no, don't bring up Red Steel - a big launch title. We can argue over the success of RE4 but at once stuff like No More Heroes starts bombing out the gate...yeah.

If I'm a developer I'm more interested in attach rates, not playing second and third fiddle to Wii Play every month.

But MP3 was developed by Nintendo. RE4 wasnt. So yeah theory debunked.



Gobble Gobble!


Not an asshole.
VALIS said:
Heh. I've been loving my 360 since a little past midnight on the day it came out. You'd have to be nuts not to have a 360 right now, and the NPD agrees. :)

If you like FPSes and Racing Games, that is true.


PhoenixDark said:
We can argue over the success of RE4 but at once stuff like No More Heroes starts bombing out the gate...yeah.
no shit, consumers aren't stupid. nmh != re4, not even close.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
PhoenixDark said:
The Wii may be selling the hardware, but developers are far more interested in selling software - something that the 360 does very well. I'm not convinced that mature games like MP3 are going to do great on the Wii, that aren't developed by Nintendo. And no, don't bring up Red Steel - a big launch title. We can argue over the success of RE4 but at once stuff like No More Heroes starts bombing out the gate...yeah.

If I'm a developer I'm more interested in attach rates, not playing second and third fiddle to Wii Play every month.

Tell me what mature 3rd party Wii game underperformed. Also tell me what mature 3rd party Wii game under performed this month, specifically.


VALIS said:
360 deals the knockout blow to the PS3 in the USA. Game over.

I hope Sony keeps their first parties strong or else I'm looking at a $500 backwards compatible machine sitting in my entertainment rack.

Microsoft threw everything and the kitchen sink into September. These sales don't surprise me at all. With that said, they've already released their biggest title and this is probably the biggest surge in sales a 360 game/console will get this generation (or until Halo 4). I'm surprised the PS3 even broke 100k with the bombshell laden month microsoft had.
Adam Blade said:
Why was besada banned?
Maybe the mods grew tired of his schtick as the board's resident wannabe-psychoanalyst?

I don't get the MP3 numbers? I realize Wii Play is really a grab for an extra controller, but could new Wii purchasers please pick up MP3. Apparently, those already with it aren't going to...at least in large numbers. Encourage better games, please. You don't have to love MP3, but please, lay off the Carnival Games. Rayman II's right around the corner anyway.

GBA: Who are you people? Christ, buy a used DS before that garbage. Unless you're a kid. Then you get a pass for your lame choice, 'cause, you're a kid and stuff.

360: I would have expected a bigger bump from Halo. But still, thatsa lotta consoles, Mario. But, now what?

PS3: Well, it's pretty I guess. Here comes the savior, Ratchet, Sony hopes. Or is it Uncharted. Well, what comes after that?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
goomba said:
Manhunt 2 sales will be telling.

Yeah, an ultra violent, sadistic stealth game should be a measure of mainstream 3rd party success.

Why doesn't RE4 count again?
In spite of the unprecedented success of “Halo 3,” Xbox 360 continued to drive third-party games sales across all platforms. PS3 and Wii had ZERO third party titles in the top ten console title list for the month, while Xbox 360 weighed in with 3. Since November, third party partners have seen their titles hit the top ten 27 times for Xbox 360, compared to 2 for PS3 and 1 for Wii.

That's what developers are looking at


doomed1 said:
ummm, wouldn't that be exactly what you DON'T want to do? i mean think about it, if the 360 one is just fine as it is, then why don't they work to improve the Wii one, as it's being made by another team anyway. this way, more people would buy the Wii edition, which will probably end up with a greater ROI anyway.

If EA wasn't in it to make money then yes it would make more sense to improve the Wii version. But since existing Wii owners don't seem to like 3rd party software why would they put their AAA development team on the underdog. Makes more moeny sense to bet on the proven winner.
Slavik81 said:
How many units can it conceivably sell in 6 weeks? Somehow, I don't think the December NPDs will be 4 million units of Mario Galaxy.
I wouldn't be suprised if it did.

Christmas + the first real (console) Mario game in 11 years + Christmas + the reason most of us have our Wiis...

How many copies of Mario Galaxy can Nintendo put on the shelves?

Look, I hardly think it's a lock -- that's a lot of units to move. What I am saying is it's very possible.

(chump edit to emphasize that I mean no slight against NSMB)
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