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NPD Sales Results for September 2007


schuelma said:
I'll ask the same damn question I've asked for the last 3 pages.

Tell me what 3rd party game deserves to sell a million copies world wide.


Shouldn't you be asking why no 3rd party games have sold a million worldwide since launch?

Grecco said:
Sounds like both bombed. But hey 360 sells software.
Just because they weren't top 10, they bombed?

360 has sold the most software of ANY system in 2007, including Wii, PS2, and DS.

So, yeah, 360 does sell software.
larvi said:
Well Wii Sports has moved over 1millon units in Japan where it isn't a pack-in so I can't see how that wouldn't be counted either way. As for not counting WiiPlay which contains hardware you could also say the same for games like DDR and Guitar Hero which wouldn't sell as well if they didn't have the bundled hardware.

What kind of ass backwards logic is this? Those games come with custom controllers that can only be used for those games. If anything, they're a HARDER sell.

WiiPlay is practically a $10 game that comes with a standard Wii controller that can be used for anything.

Jumpman23 said:
FIXED. :lol

Don't feed the Anihawks?


schuelma said:
If GH3 Wii does well in October will that mean anything? Or will there be a new excuse as to why that "doesn't count"?
The excuse will be that the 360 version outsold it, which it will. I agree that all the exceptions are annoying. First games party developed games don't count, first party published games don't count, third party remakes don't count, third party games released at launch don't count, third party games with Nintendo mascots don't count, minigame compilations don't count... software doesn't sell on the Wii because it doesn't exist!


Of All Trades said:
So two launch titles and a discount port of one of the greatest and likely most expensive games of all time (which hasn't actually cracked 1M yet)?
any third party titles actually worth buying though?


Won't stop picking the right nation
Sharp said:
Still yes, because MP3 was not designed quite like the typical Metroid game. I think the FPS elements, and the fact that a lot of the backtracking was stripped out, could have made it a reasonably big success if it had been advertised properly. Not that I want that to happen or support the linearization of Metroid, but from a marketability standpoint it's a pretty unfortunate missed opportunity. Besides, the Metroid fanbase is large enough that it could have a shitty marketing campaign and still sell reasonably well. Which it did.
This really isn't the kind of place to talk about gameplay, but Corruption had no chance to appeal to any casual FPS fan that wasn't already into Metroid. Despite the control scheme, Corruption didn't have that much more of a focus on combat than the other two Primes did. Yeah sure there were some precise targets, but the enemies weren't smarter. It still didn't trump the exploration element of the game. In fact, one could argue that the combat is more Metroid oriented in Corruption. No more contrived beam switching like in Prime. They don't force combat down your throat to the detriment of exploration like in Echoes. The few FPS qualities Corruption does have aren't the point of the game like it would be in an FPS. FPS games are primarily about combat. Forward progress is marked by eliminating clusters of enemies (with a focus on AI hopefully) using a vast arsenal of guns and weapons. Most of the time you don't even have to engage in combat in Corruption, and when you do, the focus isn't on eliminating enemies: it's on completing an objective with enemies as a nuisance. Your beam is your main weapon. The enemies aren't terribly smart.

Technically, all Metroid games are linear in one sense of the word (with the exception of the first). Unless you sequence break, there is one set path for you to go down in order to complete the game. It does create an open ended world to explore, which certainly gives you a sense that the world really is non linear. Corruption didn't remove backtracking. You still have to go back and forth plenty of times (I shouldn't have to name them all). What Corruption does is make the path more obvious. Where as in Prime you have this huge world and might not always know where to go, Corruption tends to make things more obvious by making all other paths closed off due to not having the item needed (although there are plenty of exceptions). That is not the same thing as you're saying.

But Corruption as its heart is not conducive for the casual market. It relies on heavy atmosphere, level design, boss battles that are more puzzle oriented, and combat that isn't exactly of the FPS breed. It can be argued that Corruption is easier to figure out for a casual because it has been streamlined a bit, but Metroid can't hide what it is. If people want a more casual experience, there are a hundred shooters that are better designed for that. Metroid Prime got some casual exposure. It didn't stick. The series just isn't built for that, and it's too late to really do anything about that now. Unless Corruption truly betrayed the Metroid lineage (which it didn't do), then there was no hope for it to reach beyond its hardcore audience either. And that's okay. That's how the series should be.
Sony's Batshit crazy spin said:
According to NPD data, September 2007 was a strong month for the PlayStation brand, which showed a 13% increase in total retail dollars generated year-over-year in the US with total sales of $337 million for the month.
Sony, you gotta retire that one . . . GAFFers are mocking that one hours before you. The 2nd page of posts already had "Playstation family wins again."

Sony's Batshit crazy spin said:
PS3 continues to maintain an overall increase in sales, with 119K units sold at retail for the month.
"PS3 continues to maintain an overall increase in sales"?!? :lol Basically, you could say that if you sold one ("1") PS3 in the month. That's a classic Sony! Bravo!! :lol

Sony's Batshit crazy spin said:
Also, with the new $399 40GB PLAYSTATION 3 SKU hitting store shelves on November 2nd, a new $499 price point for the 80GB model effective immediately, and highly anticipated titles available this holiday, such as Racthet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Folklore, and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, the PS3 is poised for very strong performance through the holiday season and into 2008.
Uh . . . most of those titles hit the store shelves already and they are not setting the world on fire. Well, at least HS broke into the Top 10 (I bought one of them). I'll buy uncharted too.

Sony's Batshit crazy spin said:
PS2 sales remained very strong for the month of September, selling 215K units, making it one of the best-selling consoles on the market.
You might want to stop talking about the PS2 . . . you are about to become the first console maker to have it's successor console be outsold by its predecessor a year after the successor console's release.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
OldJadedGamer said:
Wait, are you saying that Nintendo sold 27M units of software on the Wii only in the US (remember, this is an NPD thread) in the first 6 months of this year? With what... Paper Mario? I find this very hard to believe.
Worldwide... 27 Million. In the US alone... 14 Million.


Wait, people actually think this is as good as gets for the 360? Haha, all one has to do is look back at last December's 1.1 million 360's sold @$399.

Bundles, plus retail deals, lower price, Halo 3 and the rest, this Christmas is going to be massive for the 360 and Wii and it will be all about a race of stock to keep up. Nintendo better be stacking em come December.
Grecco said:
if it wasnt on the Ps3

Looking at these numbers...how does this sentence come out of your mouth?

MS seems to have the US and European markets pretty well figured out in terms of timing software releases, timing announcements (with the exception of the Elite), and in terms of advertisement, specifically throwing their ad muscle behind games that will make a return on the investment.

Honestly, after what Gears of War did to Final Fantasy XII last year, I'm going to say it wouldn't be out of the question if Mass Effect posted a bigger first month than Super Mario Galaxy.

Oh yeah, and where's Phoenix Down? His Heavenly Sword > Bioshock prediction has to be the biggest ownage this month right?
dirtmonkey37 said:
Midway poured a large sum of money into that title. It's sad that its figures are "solid [but not] spectacular."

Shouldn't Midway be bankrupt by now? They've been losing money for many years. I guess Sumner Redstone is keeping them alive.


schuelma said:
If GH3 Wii does well in October will that mean anything? Or will there be a new excuse as to why that "doesn't count"?
Their will be.

Though honestly I think GHIII is going to under performed next to the PS2, maybe even 360 version.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Honestly, after what Gears of War did to Final Fantasy XII last year, I'm going to say it wouldn't be out of the question if Mass Effect posted a bigger first month than Super Mario Galaxy.

I don't think there is any chance of this.

Even those non gamers buying the Wii for Wii Sports know and love Mario. Tis gonna be huge.


speculawyer said:
Sony, you gotta retire that one . . . GAFFers are mocking that one hours before you. The 2nd page of posts already had "Playstation family wins again."

"PS3 continues to maintain an overall increase in sales"?!? :lol Basically, you could say that if you sold one ("1") PS3 in the month. That's a classic Sony! Bravo!! :lol

Uh . . . most of those titles hit the store shelves already and they are not setting the world on fire. Well, at least HS broke into the Top 10 (I bought one of them). I'll buy uncharted too.

You might want to stop talking about the PS2 . . . you are about to become the first console maker to have it's successor console be outsold by its predecessor a year after the successor console's release.

I called that last one last winter. I actually predicted that to be the case all the way until at least fiscal 08 (March next year).


avatar299 said:
Their will be.

Though honestly I think GHIII is going to under performed next to the PS2, maybe even 360 version.
GHIII is going to be a monster, that's all I know. Activision should easily sell over two million copies of it combined next NPD, unless the fact that it comes out so late in the month hampers its sales.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
bry-bry said:
Again, how are we defining what deserves to sell? The guidelines seem to be pretty narrow here.

A quality third party effort.

Name them


Sho_Nuff82 said:
Looking at these numbers...how does this sentence come out of your mouth?
You honestly beleive a multiplataform game will somehow give Microsoft a bigger rub than its biggest console exclusive ever? Probably the best selling game of this gen? Really? I know GTA hype will be big, but it wont help Microsoft as much as Halo will. Period.

Honestly, after what Gears of War did to Final Fantasy XII last year, I'm going to say it wouldn't be out of the question if Mass Effect posted a bigger first month than Super Mario Galaxy.



FieryBalrog said:
What kind of ass backwards logic is this? Those games come with custom controllers that can only be used for those games. If anything, they're a HARDER sell.

WiiPlay is practically a $10 game that comes with a standard Wii controller that can be used for anything.
Except 70% of the library
schuelma said:
I don't think there is any chance of this.

Even those non gamers buying the Wii for Wii Sports know and love Mario. Tis gonna be huge.

Is it going to go over 1 million in the first month? Because I think that's what Mass Effect is going to do, easily, in its first week.
LukeSmith said:

:lol :lol :lol

credibility +1000


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Is it going to go over 1 million in the first month? Because I think that's what Mass Effect is going to do, easily, in its first week.

Seriously? I mean, I realize I'm probably kind of out of touch with the 360 market..but Mass Effect is going to do Gears of War numbers?
schuelma said:
I don't think there is any chance of this.

Even those non gamers buying the Wii for Wii Sports know and love Mario. Tis gonna be huge.

How do you know this? I assume you also believe that everyone thay buys a Wii for Wii Fit will also be hungering for Brawl.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Is it going to go over 1 million in the first month? Because I think that's what Mass Effect is going to do, easily, in its first week.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
KeithFranklin said:
How do you know this? I assume you also believe that everyone thay buys a Wii for Wii Fit will also be hungering for Brawl.

Come on..its Mario for christs sake. Mario is mainstream. Wii owners not really into gaming will know Mario. They will buy Mario.
Fredescu said:
The excuse will be that the 360 version outsold it, which it will. I agree that all the exceptions are annoying. First games party developed games don't count, first party published games don't count, third party remakes don't count, third party games released at launch don't count, third party games with Nintendo mascots don't count, minigame compilations don't count... software doesn't sell on the Wii because it doesn't exist!
Quote me on this but the Wii version will be the best selling GH III.
schuelma said:
Come on..its Mario for christs sake. Mario is mainstream. Wii owners not really into gaming will know Mario. They will buy Mario.

We dont know this. This new customer segment is a total unknown. All we know is the huge traditional Nintendo fan base that has flocked to the Wii will certainly pick up SMG. The new customer segment we dont know.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
Is it going to go over 1 million in the first month? Because I think that's what Mass Effect is going to do, easily, in its first week.
Just like Bioshock, and The Darkness, and crackdown, Lost Planet.

Mass Effect has the interest ofthe hardcore 360 gamer, they type of gamer who bought all of those games above day one.

It doesn't have the joe schmoo gamer that plays only Halo, Madden and Splinter Cell on his machine.


speculawyer said:
*merciless dismantling of Sony PR

Bravo. :lol

I got the impression they didn't want to talk about the actual sales much. It's all about the future. My little conspiracy theory is that they announced the price drop and 40 GB bundle - the latter nearly two weeks early - on NPD day to bury the news. I couldn't come up with another reason they'd announce it so early.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
KeithFranklin said:
We dont know this. This new customer segment is a total unknown. All we know is the huge traditional Nintendo fan base that has flocked to the Wii will certainly pick up SMG. The new customer segment we dont know.
What else are they going to get?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
KeithFranklin said:
We dont know this. This new customer segment is a total unknown. All we know is the huge traditional Nintendo fan base that has flocked to the Wii will certainly pick up SMG. The new customer segment we dont know.

Ok, but if any traditional title would appeal to a casual gamer, its Mario, agreed?


KeithFranklin said:
Huh...You saying 70% of the Wii library doesnt use the Wiimote.

I'm guessing he's trying to bring GCN games and VC games into the conversation. Either way its a pretty stupid comparison since the Wii controller actually comes with the console and is its primary controller. Heck its so stupid that I'm starting to wonder if he's being sarcastic or not. But with GAF you never know.


Celebration Halo 3 sells 3.3 million in half a month :) Bring out the .gifs gaf!

Anyone wanna put bill gates and Master Chief heads on these two?



My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Maxwell House said:
Of course not worldwide. I was talking US. MS has no presence in Japan, so worldwide, it would be 3 territories vs 2. :lol
But Xbox came out a year earlier. Hows that fair? You wanna bet the 360 2006 software sales versus Wii 2007?


titiklabingapat said:
Quote me on this but the Wii version will be the best selling GH III.
If it is I will, but if it isn't I won't, lest someone dig up the time I predicted Boogie would outsell Zelda TP.
Hey, it was before we got any impressions!
schuelma said:
Ok, but if any traditional title would appeal to a casual gamer, its Mario, agreed?

Supposedly these new casual gamers are not the same casual gamers that have been around for years. These are the new soccer moms and grandmas and grandpas. They may have no clue what a Mario game is or what a platformer is.
I reckon Bioshock is alot more accessible than Mass Effect and had alot more hype going for it and still relatively underperformed in relation to it's hype/AAA status(kind like the first Prime and it's sequels).

Mass Effect is an RPG hybrid that have relatively underperformed on the console but the action part could be it's saving grace.
KeithFranklin said:
Supposedly these new casual gamers are not the same casual gamers that have been around for years. These are the new soccer moms and grandmas and grandpas. They may have no clue what a Mario game is or what a platformer is.

Chances are, they grew up when Mario burst into the scene.
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