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NPD Sales Results for September 2007


speculawyer said:
You might want to stop talking about the PS2 . . . you are about to become the first console maker to have it's successor console be outsold by its predecessor a year after the successor console's release.
Atari 5200, and I'm guessing the Sega Saturn?
bry-bry said:
Those things don't guarantee big sales, but they make them more likely. And few titles on any platform get all three going in their favor.

But, you're right. Few, if any, Wii 3rd party games have released to all of those conditions.

Chicken and egg thing but most third party companies probably never really had any real infrastructure for supporting the Nintendo console going into this generation. Plus the relative difficulty in porting(because of power, waggle, etc) stigma from the GC ensure the Wii only had a very tiny sliver of that third party support pie from the onset, and most focused on the PS3, and the 360(due to easy porting from the PS3 and one year headstart).


Sho_Nuff82 said:
So are we calling Bioshock a flop now? Or Crackdown? Or Lost Planet?


Bioshock (thus far) is the 'worst' selling of the 3, and it's over 650k in 6 weeks, which is probably more than its predecessors combined sales, and nearly 300k more than Metroid Prime 3. There's spin, and there's just burying your head in the sand.
You quoted what i said. You could atleast read it.

I didn't say any of those games bombed. I disagreed that they were going to sell a million in it's first week.

Bioshock wasn't close to that.
GhaleonEB said:
I got the impression they didn't want to talk about the actual sales much. It's all about the future. My little conspiracy theory is that they announced the price drop and 40 GB bundle - the latter nearly two weeks early - on NPD day to bury the news. I couldn't come up with another reason they'd announce it so early.
Isn't that gonna kill sales for the next two weeks . . . everyone knows a $399 PS3 is on the way, so why should they buy one until then?
speculawyer said:
Isn't that gonna kill sales for the next two weeks . . . everyone knows a $399 PS3 is on the way, so why should they buy one until then?

So they can issue a press release about the %increase in November I suppose. October is going to be a brutal month for the PS3, as slowed sales now will probably cancel out the initial boost of the price drop.

I don't really get why Ratchet was moved up though, it's being sent to die by coming a week before the price drop, very few people are going to be in stores buying PS3s at that time.


titiklabingapat said:
Chicken and egg thing but most third party companies probably never really had any real infrastructure for supporting the Nintendo console going into this generation. Plus the relative difficulty in porting(because of power, waggle, etc) stigma from the GC ensure the Wii only had a very tiny sliver of that third party support pie from the onset, and most focused on the PS3, and the 360(due to easy porting from the PS3 and one year headstart).

I agree with you.

I would also say that demands for big budget games on the Wii are off base considering how Nintendo has trumpeted low development costs as an advantage to 3rd parties. Maybe that will change with games like RE:UC and MH3.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Stinkles said:
No matter which console you are attached to, I think it is safe to say for all of us, that this month's NPD is NOT the result anyone would have predicted two E3s ago.

I would have predicted Halo 3 kicking ass.


beerbelly said:
I think he meant the other drop not long ago. Have we all forgot?

you mean the price drop that was reflected in NPD 2 months ago? Was this guy not expecting sales to taper off?

I mean... Sales look pretty bleak for Sony thats for damn sure but I really dont get his comment of "after a price drop"
radjago said:
Atari 5200, and I'm guessing the Sega Saturn?
OK, you got me. How about "first company with a surviving sucessor that got outsold by its predecessor"? . . . Or maybe that won't work either . . . :lol


The Wii is clearly independant of the gaming market at this point. Seeing as the console what unaffected by Halo 3.

Nintendo should restrict E3/TGS to gamer events and use CES for non-gamer press. Or at least take a stance that they aren't providing expressly gamer oriented product at this point.

Microsoft will slip in the October NPD, image what doom it would be if GTA had come ou this month. The PS3 would be really hurting, I have to imagine the GTA and Halo user bases cross over at some point.

It is nice that two consoles are neck and neck. Although, sadly a victory for the Wii doesn't mean more gamers are buying it...I mean, really? Who's buying Wii's at this point? Idiots? People who don't like software?

I still hold to the thought that there are some Wii owners that still don't know their Wii can play something other than Wii Sports. No lie.


fuck, I forgot that today was NPD day :lol

Insane numbers for DS and Wii :O

It was kind of obvious that 360 would get a bump from Halo 3


Fail out bailed
goomba said:
This month shows why Smash Bros was delayed. Wii doesnt need it to be sold out this christmas.
Its almost as if.... I called it? Yep. Anyone who believed Smash was hitting this year don't know Nintendo.
Did I post that on Gamespot??? prolly. Nevermind... but I was right.:D
I suspect Halo to do REALLY well next month, but SMG to take its seat.
I expect 360 to keep fighting through Christmas, but not get back on top till mid 08.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Indeed. Guys, keep in mind that Halo 3 is the BIGGEST game the X360 had and unlikely there will be another one that will have such an impact.

Gears of War 2 says you are dead wrong.

So lemme get this straight, if PS3 owners aren't buying games, and they aren't buying Blu-ray movies, then who's REALLY buying all these PS3s? :lol


kazinova said:
I still hold to the thought that there are some Wii owners that still don't know their Wii can play something other than Wii Sports. No lie.
I know 2 people who had there wii for months and only have wii play, so I can really see that.


koam said:
Microsoft Price Dropped the month before and launch their biggest gun and just barely passed Nintendo on a dry month. It's good but not great.

Spin spin spin!

avatar299 said:
You quoted what i said. You could atleast read it.

I didn't say any of those games bombed. I disagreed that they were going to sell a million in it's first week.

Bioshock wasn't close to that.
Bioshock didn't come out around Thanksgiving and Christmas time.


Odysseus said:
i'll just pm bishoptl, that should do it.

later, tossers.

You're a good man for trying to honor your bet. Hehe, You seem so willing to walk the plank they might keep you around just for spite. :D


Whipped Spartan said:
two questions,

Can we get a year one sales comparisson for ps3, saturn and gamecube?

Also what does gamestop give on PS3 60gb trade in?

Wow! A little early to be giving in don't you think?


BTW, how did Zelda PHG manage to sell 224k if it was released on Oct. 1st?

I know that the nintendo store sold it a week before, but not any other store

edit: oh yeah, this month's NPD was 5 weeks


It'll be interesting to see how much the upcoming $399 40GB PS3 will improve Sony's situation. They desperately need to turn things around this fall. Hardware and software sales are just pathetic at this point.

I thought Heavenly Sword would do 300k at least. It had a huge marketing campaign, a pre-release demo, pretty solid reviews... It's not like there was any other big PS3 games released either that would've stolen its sales. 139k is very bad for such a huge budget game that was in development all these years.

Stranglehold bombed too, can't be good for Midway - they were counting on this game big time.


Gas Guzzler
Whipped Spartan said:
I am serious about those questions my cousin wants to sell his ps3 and I am really curious about ps3 year one sells compared to saturn and gamecube.

60 GB PS3...your best bet would be to sell it on Ebay. I think you can still get around 400 for it.
Maxwell House said:
Edit: I just looked it up. 360 has sold a little over 45% more software units than Wii this year in the US
Averaging out the beginning of the year through present, X360 has had twice the userbase of Wii. Even now it's 49% ahead of Wii.
Maxwell House said:
360 will win software sale for 2007 hands down among the next gen consoles. It isn't even a close race.
Yep. Its userbase is still greater than Wii and PS3 put together in the States, and may still be by the end of the year.
quest said:
The 360 has been putting games in the top 10 of the NPD since day 1. Look at last year stuff like saints row and dead rising sold great. The 360 has been a monster at selling software since its birth. The Wii has yet to come close to being the software selling platform the 360 is excluding wii play/wii sports.
Top 10 specifically doesn't matter. Wii has a much higher userbase than X360 did last year, and the tie ratio isn't so different that it falls behind. Fewer notable third party games making appearances in the top 10? Yes. Fewer software sales overall? No.
schuelma said:
Ok, this is a valid point. But can't 3rd parties also look at Zelda sales, or RE4 sales, or Super Paper Mario sales? Why just Metroid?
When you look at a lower-selling Nintendo game, it's proof games don't sell on Wii. When you look at a higher-selling Nintendo game, it's proof that only Nintendo games sell on Wii.
castle007 said:
BTW, how did Zelda PHG manage to sell 224k if it was released on Oct. 1st?
NPD doesn't use calendar months, so Zelda had through October 6 to amass that.


I wish we got sales numbers for how well Xbox 360 controllers sold so we could compare with sales of Wii Play. I'm really not sure if we should classify Wii Play as a game, since it's sort of a Wii Controller + added bonus. It would be interesting to see how much the added game influences the controller sales, and to compare with the regular controller sales for the Wii.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Whipped Spartan said:
Can we get a year one sales comparisson for ps3, saturn and gamecube?
theBishop had a thread with a first 10 month GC/PS3 comparison that turned ugly real quick. Yeah it doesn't have all the info you're requesting but it would be a start.
Does NPD ever release an end of year sales chart for software? Because only seeing numbers from the top ten each month tells us nothing really when trying to grasp total sales of a game.

PC Gaijin

PS3 has already sold more in NA than Saturn did in its lifetime. Europe is the same or close to it. But then again, Saturn was an absolute disaster in those markets. I stopped keeping up with the Saturn/PS3 comparison in Japan a few months back, but at the time the PS3 was trailing the Saturn slightly, and given the PS3's sales since it has probably fallen further behind. Japan was Saturn's most successful market though, and I think at this point Sony would be happy if they reach Saturn levels of "success" in Japan (around five and half million units). Although note that even if it sold 5.5 million units the Saturn was ultimately a failure in Japan too (hardware/software sales nosedived in 97-98).


Jive Turkey said:
theBishop had a thread with a first 10 month GC/PS3 comparison that turned ugly real quick. Yeah it doesn't have all the info you're requesting but it would be a start.


"Based on the first 10 months of availability, the troubled PlayStation 3 sold 22 percent less than the Nintendo GameCube for the same period."

"According to the NPD, a firm that tracks North American hardware sales, the PS3 sold 1,742,000 units in its first 10 months of availability compared with 2,120,000 GameCube units."


and here was the GAF thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=195497


AstroLad said:
If you convert the systems in terms of DOLLARS SPENT (hint: companies care about DOLLARS), 360 beat the Wii by a FUCKTON of units. Close to double the units. Love the wiifitter damage control though. :lol
What's a profit margin again?

Halo 3's doing much better than I anticipated, and my expectations were high.
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