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NPD Sales Results for September 2007

schuelma said:
Seriously? I mean, I realize I'm probably kind of out of touch with the 360 market..but Mass Effect is going to do Gears of War numbers?

Maybe not lifetime, but it'll certainly have a much easier time topping the first month.

The 360 userbase in NA is nearly 3x larger than it was when Gears launched.

MS will almost certainly be pushing it just as hard. The reviews (if Game Informer is to be trusted) will be solid. The graphics are amazing. I just don't see how it doesn't given how every successful game on the 360 just jumps out of the gates (except GH2), and the 360 might be over 700k in November (which the OG Xbox did when Halo 2 was out).

Grecco said:
You honestly beleive a multiplataform game will somehow give Microsoft a bigger rub than its biggest console exclusive ever? Probably the best selling game of this gen? Really? I know GTA hype will be big, but it wont help Microsoft as much as Halo will. Period.

GTA4 being on the PS3, given the current state of software sale disparity with the two consoles, is becoming borderline insignificant. It's damn sure not going to sell 1:1, or even 2:1, between the two systems, and it's not going to sell hardware right down the middle either.

avatar299 said:
Just like Bioshock, and The Darkness, and crackdown, Lost Planet.

Mass Effect has the interest ofthe hardcore 360 gamer, they type of gamer who bought all of those games above day one.

It doesn't have the joe schmoo gamer that plays only Halo, Madden and Splinter Cell on his machine.

So are we calling Bioshock a flop now? Or Crackdown? Or Lost Planet?


Bioshock (thus far) is the 'worst' selling of the 3, and it's over 650k in 6 weeks, which is probably more than its predecessors combined sales, and nearly 300k more than Metroid Prime 3. There's spin, and there's just burying your head in the sand.


KeithFranklin said:
Huh...You saying 70% of the Wii library doesnt use the Wiimote.
I'm saying anyone who bought wii play expecting to go home and play all their games is an idiot. Most games require a nunckuk, which is an extra 40 bones.

This idea that people are just returning wii play or buying it for a cheap wiimote is overblown.
KeithFranklin said:
We dont know this. This new customer segment is a total unknown. All we know is the huge traditional Nintendo fan base that has flocked to the Wii will certainly pick up SMG. The new customer segment we dont know.
We do know oone thing. They fucking love Mario. MP8 proves that.
Gahiggidy said:
Nintendo sold 27M units in software the first 6 months of this year. How much did Microsoft well?
You are talking worldwide. Come on. You know as well as the rest of us that MS doesn't have a presence in Japan.

And the rest of us were talking US sales, since this is an NPD thread.


avatar299 said:
I'm saying anyone who bought wii play expecting to go home and play all their games is an idiot. Most games require a nunckuk, which is an extra 40 bones.

This idea that people are just returning wii play or buying it for a cheap wiimote is overblown.
We do know oone thing. They fucking love Mario. MP8 proves that.

How many local multiplayer games use the nunchuk? The only one I can think of is Wii Sports boxing, which never ever gets played at my house because it, uh, uses the nunchuk.
Maxwell House said:
You are talking worldwide. Come on. You know as well as the rest of us that MS doesn't have a presence in Japan.

And the rest of us were talking US sales, since this is an NPD thread.
That's Gahhigiddy's point.



Brashnir said:
How many local multiplayer games use the nunchuk? The only one I can think of is Wii Sports boxing, which never ever gets played at my house because it, uh, uses the nunchuk.
Strikers too, but yeah it's not that many.
avatar299 said:
I'm saying anyone who bought wii play expecting to go home and play all their games is an idiot. Most games require a nunckuk, which is an extra 40 bones.

This idea that people are just returning wii play or buying it for a cheap wiimote is overblown.
We do know oone thing. They fucking love Mario. MP8 proves that.

So your saying this new customer segment will gladly purchase a total crap game like Wii Play (60% on GameRankings), but wont purchase better 3rd party games. Then people come in these threads and say well Nintendo titles (see WiiPlay) sell well on the Wii because they are quality titles and 3rd party titles are crap.

What a joke.

As for Mario Party 8. You have 2 things going for it. The traditional Nintendo gamer and the new casual gamer that seems to really like mini-games.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
AstroLad said:
If you convert the systems in terms of DOLLARS SPENT (hint: companies care about DOLLARS), 360 beat the Wii by a FUCKTON of units. Close to double the units. Love the wiifitter damage control though. :lol
And yet still Nintendo walks away with a higher net profit.

You lose.
KeithFranklin said:
So your saying this new customer segment will gladly purchase a total crap game like Wii Play (60% on GameRankings), but wont purchase better 3rd party games. Then people come in these threads and say well Nintendo titles (see WiiPlay) sell well on the Wii because they are quality titles and 3rd party titles are crap.

What a joke.
I thought it's been widely established that Wii Play doesn't really count as a "game".


Awesome NPD numbers. I'm a Wii60 owner so I'm very happy with the numbers.

Somehow the NPD days aren't as exciting as March-June 07 timeframe. I guess the surprise of nintendo winning, and ps3 losing is wearing off. I still look forward to it every month.


I'm always late to the party, wtf ?

:lol :lol @ HALO3 won't move hardwares.

:lol :lol @ PS3 sales even decrease after price drop.


Brashnir said:
How many local multiplayer games use the nunchuk? The only one I can think of is Wii Sports boxing, which never ever gets played at my house because it, uh, uses the nunchuk.
Considering many minigames in Mario Party 8 use the nunchuk, I highly doubt it's existence is an unknown to more casual wii gamers.

Let's not even think about the other 80 games in the wii library that use the nunchuk. Besides WiiPlay/Sports most if not all successful wii games use the nunhuk.

If you're buying a wii-mote, you're buying a nunchuk.


schuelma said:
A quality third party effort.

Name them

Is Red Steel a quality 3rd party effort? 'Cause by many accounts it's not. Like I said, the real question is WHY no 3rd party titles have sold extremely well since launch. How the hell do you determine how much a title deserves to sell aside from personal taste?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
bry-bry said:
Is Red Steel a quality 3rd party effort? 'Cause by many accounts it's not. Like I said, the real question is WHY no 3rd party titles have sold extremely well since launch. How the hell do you determine how much a title deserves to sell aside from personal taste?

Well, you could use reviews, advertising budget, development budget.


scoobs said:
Hm? My avatar or .gif?
crop it

Is Red Steel a quality 3rd party effort? 'Cause by many accounts it's not. Like I said, the real question is WHY no 3rd party titles have sold extremely well since launch. How the hell do you determine how much a title deserves to sell aside from personal taste?
have any 3rd party titles received as much marketing as red steel did? $12 mil budget?
Wow big numbers for the 360 and haloz christ well done bungie/ms. Wii selling strong as ever ohh my ps3 after a price drop too ps3 is in trouble in one of its biggest markets aint it but wait the 40 gig no bc will save the day honest.:D


avatar299 said:
I'm saying anyone who bought wii play expecting to go home and play all their games is an idiot. Most games require a nunckuk, which is an extra 40 bones.

This idea that people are just returning wii play or buying it for a cheap wiimote is overblown.
We do know oone thing. They fucking love Mario. MP8 proves that.

Only 1 of the Wii play games requires the nunchuck. Only 1 of the Wii Sports games requires the nunchuck.

Oh.. and Wii nunchucks are $20, not $40

Odysseus said:
what's a guy gotta do around here to get a ban bet enforced? :/

I learned in church that if you're good you go to heaven, but if you're bad you go to a place where the dead believe they're still livin' and they pray for death but death won't come.

Welcome to NeoGAF, enjoy your stay.


Xekrn said:
I'm always late to the party, wtf ?

:lol :lol @ HALO3 won't move hardwares.

:lol :lol @ PS3 sales even decrease after price drop.

:lol PS3 price drop will not be reflected until the NPD we receive in December for November :lol


Late to this thread...



KeithFranklin said:
So your saying this new customer segment will gladly purchase a total crap game like Wii Play (60% on GameRankings), but wont purchase better 3rd party games. Then people come in these threads and say well Nintendo titles (see WiiPlay) sell well on the Wii because they are quality titles and 3rd party titles are crap.

What a joke.

As for Mario Party 8. You have 2 things going for it. The traditional Nintendo gamer and the new casual gamer that seems to really like mini-games.
At 60% Wii Play is still better than many 3rd party efforts. Also as you said a lot of wii owners like mini-games. They don't care about gamerankings, and they don't care about the reviews the game got. it looks, and plays like wii sports. Wii Sports would track identically to Wii Play if it wasn't a pack in.

It's no different from a game being identical to GTA last gen. The game was never as good, but it sold well regardless.

And you're overstating the importance of the traditional Nintendo gamer with mario Party. A lot of Ninty fans disowned the Party series a few years ago, i doubt they all came flying back. Even if they did, New Super Mario bros sold amazingly well on the DS, and that platform has plenty of "non-gamers" Soem I'm sure own a Wii.

You're kidding yourself if you honestly think Mario doesn't have pull with non-gamers.
larvi said:
As for not counting WiiPlay which contains hardware you could also say the same for games like DDR and Guitar Hero which wouldn't sell as well if they didn't have the bundled hardware. Even Halo3 legendary edition sales benefitted from the hardware (helmet) pack-in :lol

Now that is getting pretty creative . . . I think a controller that you can use with all other multi-player games is a bit different than a specialized controller like a dance mat or guitar . . . and very different than a cat helmet. :lol


Microsoft Price Dropped the month before and launch their biggest gun and just barely passed Nintendo on a dry month. It's good but not great.

I have no fucking clue why Nintendo sold so many Wiis. This must be a production increase or something. Metroid was in August and they had shitty 3rd party titles all month long.

Besides Mass Effect, does Microsoft have any big exclusives left for 2007? Nintendo only has Mario since Smash was pushed back.

Poor Sony.


schuelma said:
Well, you could use reviews, advertising budget, development budget.

Those things don't guarantee big sales, but they make them more likely. And few titles on any platform get all three going in their favor.

But, you're right. Few, if any, Wii 3rd party games have released to all of those conditions.

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