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NPD Sales Results for September 2009


What does this mean for the PSP rebranding effort? Honestly, why even finish making games like Parasite Eve, etc? I mean, Christ... shut it down...


I don't understand how the economics of PSP games work...
Why do companies continue to make decent quality PSP games despite mediocre sales (especially when compared to every other platform)?
Does Sony heavily subsidize the development costs?


AniHawk said:
I blame sipowicz


i will say anihawk, im glad you turned me on to that game. it was cool playing through it with my little brother

but still man, you saw what a terrible job they did with the reveal and the "hype". you saw the price and the developer. you know there's nowt to do in the game once you complete the short story mode and get the comics


AnIco said:
It's over for Microsoft, period. Microsoft lost their last ace, and that's the end of the 360's hopes and dreams.

It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for 360. Microsoft has nothing left, nothing they can reveal tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively invest in a 360. Except if they want to play Bungie's titles. Which will also come to the PS3 anyway once their Halo contract is up at some point.

The age of Microsoft in the US is done.

wut :lol


y'all should be ashamed
lawblob said:
What does this mean for the PSP rebranding effort? Honestly, why even finish games like Parasite Eve, etc? I mean, Christ...
Eh, too early to tell with just two days of data.

But I bet publishers like Ubisoft with some hi-end PSP titles coming (Assassins Creed 2) aren't too happy right now.

Road said:
Downloading their games, obviously.
I like the double meaning of this post. :lol


If those PSP numbers are legit... I don't even know what to say. Its not a viable gaming platform, period. PSPGo has to be the biggest trainwreck since... I don't even know what.
Sipowicz said:

expected and deserved

Actually, while it was expected to bomb, Dead Space Extraction is actually a great game and a must-have for true fans of the Dead Space franchise.

The sad thing is that it seems there aren't that many Dead Space fans after all.

DMeisterJ said:
PSP has no ability to sell software. Pack it in Sony, PSP2 here we come!

No, see, actually this is a reason why there shouldn't be a PSP2. Why would you want to develop for it?


yoopoo said:
I rented Dead Space Extraction...its worth playing, but not worth buying.

Is PSP Go counted in this NPD?

Accordingto Tretton the PSP GO is counted and caused a 300% week over week increase which means it sold anywhere between 75,000-100,000


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Grecco said:
Holy shit. Racers are dead.

I'm not sure tbh, is this a problem with the PSP software or the PSP itself ?, I'm tempted to say the PSP tbh because it's had some great software recently and what with all the new developer interest in the PSP recently I'm afraid a lot of them are going to be put off by these kinds of figures.

<stares at my PSP2000 while tears rolls down my cheek>


chubigans said:
Eh, too early to tell with just two days of data.

But I bet publishers like Ubisoft with some hi-end PSP titles coming (Assassins Creed 2) aren't too happy right now.

I like the double meaning of this post. :lol

I wonder if some of the backdoor shenanigans that went on meant developers would be compensated if the games failed to meet expectations.
Amir0x said:
holy fuck.

test failed, Wii audience!

Game was actually really good

As far as "core games" go, I'd say that's a wrap for the Wii. At least for on-rails spinoffs, which could end up being a good thing (not that Extraction sucks, far from it).


Dragona Akehi said:
Motorstorm Arctic Edge <3k

that's disgraceful. motorstorm is class

i cant believe crappy gt outsold it

yoopoo said:
I rented Dead Space Extraction...its worth playing, but not worth buying.

yep. 50 bucks is a rip for a short arcade game with no replay value. it has a few problems too


Htown said:
I bought it because it looks good, but I gotta say, kinda glad.

Make a full adventure next time. Don't bring that spinoff crap.

ALTERNATIVE POST: Dead Space is not Resident Evil, so Extraction was never going to sell as well as Umbrella Chronicles.

I don't see how you can classify Dead Space Extraction as anything other than a "full adventure."

I don't know what the hell is wrong with gamers when good light gun games get shitted on. Dead Space 2 will be on PS360, just like Dead Space 1 is. Dead Space Extraction is an expansion of the universe which serves to enrich the first game, as well as take advantage of the truly unique strengths of the Wii. Don't see how that is somehow less a game, shit.

It is extremely fun.


Jackson said:
How many times before people realize M rated games don't fly on Wii? :lol
Resident Evil's been doin pretty okay for Capcom thus far.

HOTD was solid as well, as far as I remember.

Maybe an M rating is okay as long as you have an established and popular franchise, which Dead Space is apparently not.


beast786 said:

lawblob said:
If those PSP numbers are legit... I don't even know what to say. Its not a viable gaming platform, period. PSPGo has to be the biggest trainwreck since... I don't even know what.

I'm not Anihawk. :p

Htown said:


Muramasa numbers are actually pretty good.

Nickodamus said:
Ask the folks in the CFW thread... They might be playing, but they ain't BUYING games outside of very few examples, that's for sure.

Oh look at that. Ain't it precious.


Nickodamus said:
Ask the folks in the CFW thread... They might be playing, but they ain't BUYING games outside of very few examples, that's for sure.

Yea, I can see that with old psps but not the newer ones. Thing is still selling somewhat.


AnIco said:
Wow those GT numbers are horrible. But it's a portable version that wasn't well received. People are waiting for GT5 for their sim experiences.

Forza 3 numbers are going to be downright awful next month. I hope Microsoft doesn't get rid of Turn 10 like they did Ensemble studios. Ensemble's Halo Wars sold like 700+k in the US, great sales, and Microsoft ditched them for whatever reason. Forza 3 will do much worse than Halo Wars and probably cost a whole lot more to produce.

WTF is wrong with you. A GT game sales bad and you turn it around on a game that has not even released yet.
igotnewsuper8 systemWRONG! said:
Not surprising. I'm not trying to troll here, but is ODST the first big 360 exclusive this year?
Halo Wars
EDIT: Beaten, but in Febrauary there was also GTA: Lost and the Damned, Star Ocean 4, and Onechambara: Bikini Samurai Squad!


Hardcore handled gaming....not so hot. It's probably one of the reasons why Microsoft is hesitant with that market.
Jackson said:
200k isn't flying, it's barely breaking even.

Given that it was Suda51's best selling game of all time, I'd have to classify that as more than 'breaking even'. It may not have been a world beater, but they through a party to celebrate its sales, and greenlit a sequel.


Htown said:
Resident Evil's been doin pretty okay for Capcom thus far.

HOTD was solid as well, as far as I remember.

Maybe an M rating is okay as long as you have an established and popular franchise, which Dead Space is apparently not.[/QUOTE ]

I'll give you RE4, but it's RE4 lol... HOTD again 200k = broke even, not succeeding

lordoftherink said:
What's that mean for Scribblenauts?

What do you mean?
Jackson said:
200k isn't flying, it's barely breaking even.

"Hookers and blow" confirmed to be part of budgetary expenses.

Seriously though NHM sales were "so good" that they threw a party in Japan over its US sales. Try again.


Grecco said:
I think in general racers are moving down. Doesnt hold well for Forza 3 or GT5

Yeah everyone talks about the oversaturation of music games but the same thing probably applies to racing games at this point. Of course the FPS genre continues to thrive for some reason.
In a few years all we will have is hundreds of FPS games with RPG elements, character customization, and 4 player co-op.
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