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"LOL, from what I've heard about KOTOR, it wasn't very good... clunky battle system, plain graphics (I've seen the box), and not to mention it's Star Wars (which I detest... 3 old movies, that, while good for their time, have been through the pop culture grinder, and 2 horrible movies)."

Some sources say that KOTOR was shit because it wasn't on a Nintendo system. Did you know that?


Junior Member
Yeah, Fable should do 500k+

KotOR will never sell as much as the original ... i'd say 300k

Star Ocean 3?! Probably around 250k


djtiesto said:
LOL, from what I've heard about KOTOR, it wasn't very good... clunky battle system, plain graphics (I've seen the box), and not to mention it's Star Wars (which I detest... 3 old movies, that, while good for their time, have been through the pop culture grinder, and 2 horrible movies). I highly doubt much of anything is gonna top TOS this year, RPG wise... well aside from SO3... It's good to see TOS sell over 100,000, but it's gotta do better than that... hopefully Namco has pressed some more copies, but it seems like word of mouth is really carrying this game. Unfortunately, it wasn't hyped very much to begin with...

Eh? It won GOTY from many credible publications. Its BioWare, they dont know how to make bad games

ToS is sitting at 85% on Gamerankings, KOTOR II and Fable have a good chance at topping that.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example

I have the PC version of KOTOR. Its very good as far as Star Wars games go (its probably the best one) but I really don't think it deserved a lot of the praise it got. I didn't mind the graphics at all. They were good enough. My beef was that I thought it was kind of boring and the battle system could have been better. I made it to Korriban and I stopped playing it there. I may go back and try to finish it soon though. Solid game overall? From a design standpoint, compared to whats out there, yes. GOTY? No.

On the other hand I've been having a blast playing TOS lately. The battle system is a heck of a lot of fun. Its easily the best one I've seen in an RPG since FFX. The graphics, music, and overall presentation are also top notch. I've played maybe 5-7 hours of it so far which isn't a whole lot but what I've played has me hooked. I've already had more fun playing this than I did playing KOTOR. GOTY? Again, the answer is no. But it sure is a lot of fun.


JC10001 said:
I have the PC version of KOTOR. Its very good as far as Star Wars games go (its probably the best one) but I really don't think it deserved a lot of the praise it got. I didn't mind the graphics at all. They were good enough. My beef was that I thought it was kind of boring and the battle system could have been better. I made it to Korriban and I stopped playing it there.

I suggest you finish it. Was Korriban your first/2nd/last planet after Dantooine?

Its very good as far as Star Wars games go

I disagree with that statement. Play early 90s star wars game. If you compare Kotor to those, it's better than average, but Tie Fighter is still the mother of all star wars games.


I haven't played ToS yet, and judging from the reviews I doubt it's half as good as KOTOR, but I can vouch for KOTOR being hella overrated. Standards were set low when it won those GOTY awards.


Once you hit 25 hrs, it goes downhill from there. Collete and Loyyd are going to drive you fucking crazy

KOTOR is my personal game of this generation. I loved the battle system, the story, character progression, being able to decide the fate of inferior life forms. Resolving fueds, solving murders, learning more about each characters past, custimizing my lightsabers, reading journals of fallen Jedi's and being in complete control of my destiny. Complete control. It was breath of fresh air, i only played JRPGs up until then.


NWO said:
The only place that Xbox and PS2 are on the same level is in MS press releases and people need to learn that in reality the PS2 is miles ahead of the Xbox. Doesn't it have over 50 million in the US?

You're off by just a LITTLE...

PS2: 24,128,000


thorns said:
Totals for Top 15:

GC: 676,300
XB: 1,233,994
PS2: 1,920,971

but is not really fair to ps2 since their 15th best selling game would be like 6th on the gc list..

I dunno, maybe it's just me but whenever I look at these lists I just tend to ignore the sports games. They have little bearing on how good the actual games are, and will sell no matter what just because of the popularity of the sport. The same can be said of licences such as Shrek, Spiderman and Harry Potter. If you remove these games from the list and leave just the "pure" games, I find that a much more interesting picture.

If you remove ESPN and NCAA, you take 915k from PS2 and 650k from X-Box, bringing XB and GC down to about 650k and PS2 at 1M.

I'd say that over the course of a year, at least a third of PS2 and XB sales could be attributed to sports games. Madden next month will make this point even more so.

Then you look to Power Pro Baseball, and Winning Eleven in Japan. Seems Konami and EA have this end of the market tied up.

Maybe it's just me, but I think that's kinda sad.
" If you remove these games from the list and leave just the "pure" games, I find that a much more interesting picture."

What exactly is a "pure" game?

Dave Long

sonycowboy said:
This game, unfortunately, will be quickly forgotten in the Madden hype. It will not sell well at Christmas. It will be a very, very big stretch to hit 1 million, but even having the possibility is unbelievable.

WTF are you talking about? It already sold through 1 million according to Sega and looking at these numbers and the calendar, that's pretty obviously true! You think sales of it just stopped because Madden came out?!


If you remove ESPN and NCAA, you take 915k from PS2 and 650k from X-Box, bringing XB and GC down to about 650k and PS2 at 1M.
"If you look through these glasses I have, you'll see a much more interesting picture..."


SolidSnakex said:
" If you remove these games from the list and leave just the "pure" games, I find that a much more interesting picture."

What exactly is a "pure" game?

One that sells on the basis of how good it is, and not on the strength of a licence.

Would you say GoldenEye sold well because it was a movie licence or because it was one of the best games ever made?

It sickens me that Madden will sell 3M again this year, when great games like Pikmin 2, Soul Calibur 2, Full Spectrum Warrior, Sonic Games, Mario Games, Zelda Games will struggle to break a million.


and you act like any sports game sells a lot just cause its a sports game

how come nfl fever and sonys 989 football games sold like crap and had to be stoped this year?

how come espn and madden are selling a lot this year? oh thats right, cause they are GOOD, infact, they are better than good, they are both amazing sports games with very little flaws
"Would you say GoldenEye sold well because it was a movie licence or because it was one of the best games ever made?"

Because it was one of the best games ever.

With the sports games you're complaining about? How many of those are bad games? None of them. You might not personally like them but they all get good scores, not because they have licenses but because they're good games. How well would Zelda, Mario ect. sell if they didn't have those names?
Dave Long said:
WTF are you talking about? It already sold through 1 million according to Sega and looking at these numbers and the calendar, that's pretty obviously true! You think sales of it just stopped because Madden came out?!

My response was to someone who said it would hit a million on each system, not combined. I'm sure that it's well over a million at this point when you add both systems.

I don't think it will stop selling, but most games with a huge first month, sell ~30-40% of their lifetime totals in that first month. From that standpoint, it's got a shot at reaching it. However, when you consider how Madden has displaced ESPN at retail (with advertising, wall facings, etc), it will make it tough for ESPN to hit a million on either system.

I'm not trying to diss ESPN at all. They're performance is phemenonal and I don't think the most optimistic SEGA backer would have predicted how well it's done. I just don't think they'll hit a million.


Broshnat said:
You make fair points, but I still find it hard to take sports games seriously I'm afraid.

thats too bad cause the espn and madden series are some of the deepest games you will find and also some of the highest rated across any genre, not just sports


My main gripe is that they sell well year on year. Madden has sold THREE MILLION for the last 3 years now. They don't change that much year-on-year to warrant everyone rushing out and buying the latest version.

Imagine Halo 2001, Halo 2002, Halo 2003, each with different characters, a few new scenarios and slightly better graphics, and each selling a million in 2 weeks or whatever.

Why not have a yearly update pack- for 19.99, that just has all the latest teams / players etc?

Same in Japan. Winning Eleven 5, WE 5 Final Edition, WE 6, WE 6 FE, WE7, WE7 International, WE 8. All selling over 500k.

Why are they so popular???
Just for the sake of argument let's cut out all the licensed stuff. I'm not saying that these can't be good games, but you also have to realize that not every company can make licensed stuff and that ultimately, if the medium is going to keep growing it needs to generate its own IP.

So just looking at the top 15's:

Datawhore said:
3 MARIO VS. DONKEY KONG $1,985,148 64,467
4 SUPER MARIO CLASSIC $1,206,788 62,157
6 POKEMON RUBY $1,965,223 59,267
8 SONIC ADVANCE 3 $1,504,842 50,319
9 POKEMON SAPPHIRE $1,644,748 50,075
10 MARIO BROS 3: MARIO 4 $1,500,329 49,213
12 ZELDA CLASSIC $932,765 48,013
13 MARIO GOLF ADVANCE $1,435,010 46,056
14 MEGA MAN BATTLE4 RED $1,304,644 43,675
15 MEGA MAN BATTLE4 BLUE $1,297,054 43,442

2 TALES OF SYMPHONIA $5,885,317 118,507
3 MEGA MAN ANNIVERSARY $1,550,894 52,089
4 ZELDA: FOUR SWORDS $2,378,094 47,995
5 SUPER SMASH BRO MELEE $1,267,165 43,549
6 SONIC MEGA COLLECTION $688,661 34,579
7 SOUL CALIBUR II $663,323 34,457
9 POKEMON COLOSSEUM $1,352,712 28,971
10 MARIO KART: DOUBLE $1,326,150 26,914
12 SONIC ADVT DX DIR CUT $464,350 24,352
14 LUIGI'S MANSION $391,147 22,653
15 HARVEST MOON:WONDRFUL $876,464 22,069

6 MEGA MAN ANNIVERSARY $1,557,921 52,317
7 RED DEAD REVOLVER $2,026,822 45,669
9 T. CLANCYS PANDORA $2,046,242 42,694*
11 GRAND THEFT AUTO:VICE $938,705 38,996
12 DDRMAX 2 $1,552,474 38,949

4 HALO 2639015 92660
7 SUDEKI 2084791 41917
8 MECH ASSAULT 407453 25400
10 RED DEAD REVOLVER 964944 21434
11 SOUL CALIBUR II 404704 20361
12 CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK 955439 20317*
13 GRAND THEFT AUTO PACK 880679 19822
14 T. CLANCYS PANDORA 957269 19796*
15 MORROWIND:GAME YEAR 441237 19200

...paints a very different picture. To wit: Tales of Symphonia is far and away the best-selling original game of the month (although Halo is still close behind). They also moved nearly that many MMA's (evenly split between GC and PS2).

This, anyway, is the state of the original properties in the game industry right now. Whatever way you slice it, it's not a pretty sight. But, especially in terms of sheer dollars, ToS did really, really well.

*I'm leaving these on the list because they fall into the grey area where the tail begins to wag the dog, so to speak.


Kobun Heat said:
Just for the sake of argument let's cut out all the licensed stuff. I'm not saying that these can't be good games, but you also have to realize that not every company can make licensed stuff and that ultimately, if the medium is going to keep growing it needs to generate its own IP.

So just looking at the top 15's:

...paints a very different picture. To wit: Tales of Symphonia is far and away the best-selling original game of the month (although Halo is still close behind). They also moved nearly that many MMA's (evenly split between GC and PS2).

This, anyway, is the state of the original properties in the game industry right now. Whatever way you slice it, it's not a pretty sight. But, especially in terms of sheer dollars, ToS did really, really well.

*I'm leaving these on the list because they fall into the grey area where the tail begins to wag the dog, so to speak.

Interesting. In the US it seems gaming today is a license thing for the PS2, less so for the Xbox, and has no bearing on Nintendo systems.

Halo is the Energizer Bunny and SSB:M is Duracell. Anyone have WW totals for both?


We've had this a number of times, but estimates tend to suggest:

Smash Bros
USA 2.5M
Japan 1.5M
Europe 750k

Total 4.75M


USA 3.5M
Japan 50k
Europe 1.25M

Total 4.80M

Pretty close basically.

And again, quite pathetic when u consider Madden sells 3M year on year without fail. Just in the US.
"And again, quite pathetic when u consider Madden sells 3M year on year without fail. Just in the US."

Throw SSBM on the PS2 and lets see how it performs. That's the main reason Madden manages to sell as well as it does.


SolidSnakex said:
"And again, quite pathetic when u consider Madden sells 3M year on year without fail. Just in the US."

Throw SSBM on the PS2 and lets see how it performs. That's the main reason Madden manages to sell as well as it does.

I don't see the mainstream PS2-only owner going ga ga over SSBM. SSBM is not "machur". (Granted, THAT is NOT an issue for most GAFers). But the average schmoe with a gaming diet of GTA, MK, Madden, and Cabela's big game hunting probably won't cozy up to Yoshi licking Pichu, or Peach bonking Bowser with a turnip.

As per Madden, in the US, football is king. Make a good game that lets you direct the football team of your choice and the people will buy. The next paradigm is betting on online football games. you heard it here first.


Chi-Town said:
You're off by just a LITTLE...

PS2: 24,128,000

Damn why did I think the PS2 was doing a lot better than that...maybe I confused it with the worldwide PS2 sales.


sonycowboy said:
My response was to someone who said it would hit a million on each system, not combined. I'm sure that it's well over a million at this point when you add both systems.

I don't think it will stop selling, but most games with a huge first month, sell ~30-40% of their lifetime totals in that first month. From that standpoint, it's got a shot at reaching it. However, when you consider how Madden has displaced ESPN at retail (with advertising, wall facings, etc), it will make it tough for ESPN to hit a million on either system.

I'm not trying to diss ESPN at all. They're performance is phemenonal and I don't think the most optimistic SEGA backer would have predicted how well it's done. I just don't think they'll hit a million.

I wonder how you'll react when you see the September/October numbers, and word-of-mouth about 2k5 has spread big time...

my guess is that both have a good shot at hitting a million by the end of August, don't be surprised, and any domination during the holiday season (Sept-Jan), will just be icing on the cake...


SonicMegaDrive said:
ESPN 2k5 WILL sell over a million copies on each system. Bank it.

and it'll happen sooner than people expect, by the time Thanksgiving/Christmas comes around, good luck keeping these in stock, no matter how many are produced...
efralope said:
I wonder how you'll react when you see the September/October numbers, and word-of-mouth about 2k5 has spread big time...

my guess is that both have a good shot at hitting a million by the end of August, don't be surprised, and any domination during the holiday season (Sept-Jan), will just be icing on the cake...

I'd be happy for Sega & Take-Two. They've been beaten down before and came up with what has turned out to be a brilliant campaign.

I'm just posting that I think it's a longshot.
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