We're in a campaign, possibly the first in decades, perhaps ever, where there's a candidate actually talking about the deeper issues, not just one position vaguely to the left or right of a superficial issue as has been the case for years.
Bernie is the very definition about someone not talking about deeper issues. "Break up the banks!" and "get money out of politics!" aren't exactly examples of deep, nuanced policy - and when Bernie is called out on his proposals and asked to expand on them even a little bit from his stump speeches, he completely fails. About the only person on the national stage with a more shallow understanding of how the world works is Donald Trump, and nobody should want to be compared to Donald Trump.
Sanders represents at least a nugget of hope that the masses can begin to understand and protest against this rot and perhaps one day elect someone who can have the power to change it. The system being so rigged it will never voluntarily change itself. Hilary Clinton will never make any real strides to do anything to change this besides lip service.
If the system were *really* rigged then Bernie wouldn't have been allowed to run as a Democrat in the first place. For once, can't Bernie's supporters blame their failures on their candidate and not some conspiracy theory, the media, the oligarchy, or some other shadowy powers that be? Believe it or not, lots of people just aren't feeling the Bern, and it's not because we're some kind of mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging low-information voters.
We're dealing with bigger issues here, real issues for a change and Clinton IS the establishment figure here.
Bernie has been in national politics for decades. That's the very definition of 'establishment' - at least Donald Trump can walk the walk when it comes to his non-establishment bonafides. He's no better (or no worse) than any other politician - he just has a fanbase that's bought hook, line and sinker into the personality cult based on a bunch of promises that sound good on paper to college students, but are completely unrealistic in the real world.
Hilary is the candidate who will be nothing but a war monger, who will support the further erosion of your privacy as you get told again and again that you are under threat from terrorism, or China, or Russia... the same old fear tactics used to keep you in your place.
And Bernie has spent the last decade in office funneling billions of dollars in sweet, sweet pork to his home state in order to build one of the biggest boondoggle weapons of war in American history. Some pacifist. On top of that, what I fear more than terrorism is gun violence, and considering how long Bernie spent in bed with the NRA, I'd say he's done more to enable legitimate fear than anyone.
I find it odd how so many on here are taking such a hardline view against Bernie for this one statement.
His one statement is (at a minimum) implicit support for this type of 'revolutionary' behavior. He's essentially saying 'violence is bad,
but...' and that 'but' is where his entire statement falls flat on its face. He needs to outright condemn the actions of his extremist supporters, not give them a 'wink wink, nudge nudge' non-statement that does nothing but further embolden those man-children to escalate their threatening behavior.
We're all pawns in a sad game rigged against us from the start. Any attempt to usurp that quickly gets trodden down again from the entire establishment apparatus. Yay.
I used to think these kinds of things too, but then I grew up. Yeah, there's some bad shit happening out there, but to decide that only one politician in the entire world can magically sidestep the entire evil establishment and the horrible oligarchy to usher in his uniquely correct solutions to everything that's wrong in the world is lunacy. I'm just sad that so many people have bought into it and decided that the ends justify the means when it comes to electing an otherwise unpopular Senator from a tiny state into a position he's woefully unprepared for.
By every metric (delegates, votes, states), Bernie has lost this primary, and by a wide margin. His message just isn't resonating with people, and that's not just because the evil corporate media told us all what to think. His supporters need to accept that fact and not try to drag down the entire system - if they think shit is bad now, just think what a world with President Trump in charge of the big red button would be like.