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Nvidia announces the GTX 980 Ti | $650 £550 €605

Typically, EVGA only allows you to go up in "class," so 970 -> 980 = OK, but not 770 2GB -> 770 4GB.


So I've never bought a reference card before...

Are we talking about like a 10% difference between this and a bigger one? is it just stock overclock is higher and something I could potentially reach? (Never o/c a video card before)


Junior Member
microcenter is charging $720 for the EVGA SC while newegg has it for $680, is either newegg made a mistake on pricing or microcenter are greedy bastards



So I've never bought a reference card before...

Are we talking about like a 10% difference between this and a bigger one? is it just stock overclock is higher and something I could potentially reach? (Never o/c a video card before)

Contact them and find out. A while ago I ask if my reference 980 can step up to a Titan X. They said I'm only qualify to step up to 980 ACX, but not the Titan series.


First off, your arbitrary "this is what I think the price/performance situation should be, and if it isn't the graphics cards makers are RIPPING YOU OFF" is silly. Clearly, there is a market for these high-end cards at their current price/performance ratio.
What performance? there is no performance of worth relative to what you pay. In any case I just think we're going in circles, my point has been made.

GearDraxon said:
Secondly, bringing up the "$3k Titan Z" doesn't make sense, as it's A) currently ~$1500, B) old tech, and C) was known as *terrible* value for gaming when it released. Just because Nvidia sold a halo card for way too much doesn't mean the whole market is suspect.
Yes, I had to bring it up because it's yet another overpriced product that significantly underperforms and under-delivers for it's price point. In any case the 295 X2 is still running a train on it and it has gone down in price as well. Btw it is Nvidia that is the chief suspect for these underperforming GPU's relative to their insane prices, not the entire industry.

GearDraxon said:
Thirdly, anyone trying to do what you are asking for isn't looking for a single card, they're going SLI. A pair of 980ti's will get close to Crysis 4k@60 maxed, for $1300 (especially if overclocked.)

Lastly, at least one site believes that your $650 for Crysis 3 1440p@60 maxed is doable -
Yes 60fps with no AA at all, there's also the 53fps at 1440p, what is it you're hiding. What is up with this cropped picture anyway, it's lacking valid information.

In any case, I believe the new AMD Single GPU will be able to max out Crysis 3 going by bits and pieces on the internet.

Here's me not hiding any info.This is how the 295 X2 performed in Crysis 3 at 1440p with FXAA, at least it has AA and goes up to 72fps, you can get one for about $650 as well. Please note it's performance at 4K with FXAA, higher than that of the 980ti at 2560*1600. So I'm done here and I've supported all my claims with evidence so far, so take care for now.

Damn this card is amazingly well priced.

I really wonder if AMD's new card is going to be like the 9700 from years ago and just humiliate Nvidia.
It's looking likely. Price to performance is something AMD always had over Nvidia, with AMD ushering the new Vram technology with it's new generation card, it looks like it will finally get a good grip in the GPU market and bring some balance back to the PC GPU scene.

Dictator said:
Um, I had a 1600X1200 monitor in like 2001.
No matter, you have a Titan, how many people do? Most people had 1024*768 crt's then.

Dictator said:
Secondly, what I am saying is true. Your anecdotal evidence that "an 8800 Ultra ran a train on it" doesn't mean diddly squat. You are wanting Crysis 3 to run @ 4K 60 with MSAA @ 60fps, when the highest end card at release couldn't even manage 1080p 60 with MSAA off. I just extrapolated your wishes to a previous historical example.
I provided proof and here you go about "my anecdotal evidence", admit when you're wrong. You're straight out lying, the 7800Gtx run Doom 3 with aplomb just one year later. Later cards run it even better. At least, even if you deny the benchmarks, at least let logic make sense of it.

Dictator said:
I am sorry reality does not align with your "concern" in a pc GPU thread.
I have no personal concern if anyone is stubborn enough to keep spending exorbitant amounts of cash on products that's clearly not worth it, (gauging lower priced products that perform much better in comparison). If it is, that persons want to continue to support such products, so be it, it's really their money. I think this is pretty clear cut logic, but what do I know, buy a car that goes 300mph for 150k or buy a car that goes 200mph at 300k. I just find it would be better for the industry If persons realized that advancements in the GPU market will only be stifled by supporting such products.

Dictator said:
"Holy shit. The gibberish nonsense is killing me!"
Coming to terms with reality induces gibberish at times.
Don't know if that poster was flinging that insult at me, I normally don't respond to those, but I just want to say it says a lot about such persons and those who support them. Not everything is a war, and btw I started gaming on PC before any other platform, it's what got me into gaming. Good night.
Here's me not hiding any info.This is how the 295 X2 performed in Crysis 3 at 1440p with FXAA, at least it has AA and goes up to 72fps, you can get one for about $650 as well. Please note it's performance at 4K with FXAA, higher than that of the 980ti at 2560*1600. So I'm done here and I've supported all my claims with evidence so far, so take care for now.

It's a fucking dual GPU card. SLI 970s have the same performance at the same price with fewer multi-gpu issues.


Nope. Mostly, it only gets me 40-50 fps at max settings with SLI Titans X. Needs at least 3 cards to hit 4K 60 FPS.

Is this in major cities? I just hooked up my 4k monitor to play it. Max (including AA) + Hairworks I had about 55fps running around in country side, and 50 during some fights. Small OC of +169 / +244.

But gawd does it look amazing in 4k
Surprised? So the games I buy now were made for future GPU's and not for me enjoy to the fullest on my current hardware,(not even the best hardware available when said game is released)? This is absurd. So how many generations of GPU's must I wait on and how much money must I spend in between expecting that I am able to play a game in the best way the developer deemed? Persons have been waiting over two years for Crysis 3, yet not even $3000.00 cards can get them close. My my my, people have no expectations from these cards afterall, is it just a money pit to say you've spent that much. Such logic baffles me to no end.

Would you prefer that developers limit the maximum settings of a game just so people can run them at the toned down max settings? If anything, maximum settings should be exactly that, maxim. No one should be able to max a game when released, as it adds future proofing because one day you will be able to run the max settings, and no one looses that way.


Junior Member
£550? Seems expensive as fuck to me.

Spending half a grand on a GPU seems silly to me.

I would consider buying this at £400 maybe but not a penny more.


Surprised? So the games I buy now were made for future GPU's and not for me enjoy to the fullest on my current hardware,(not even the best hardware available when said game is released)? This is absurd. So how many generations of GPU's must I wait on and how much money must I spend in between expecting that I am able to play a game in the best way the developer deemed? Persons have been waiting over two years for Crysis 3, yet not even $3000.00 cards can get them close. My my my, people have no expectations from these cards afterall, is it just a money pit to say you've spent that much. Such logic baffles me to no end.

1. I don't think people have been clamoring to play replay Crysis 3.
2. You can get 4k@60fps in C3 with Titan X SLI and by extension most likely 980Ti SLI.
3. That's $,2000 or $1,300. Not $3,000.


Ok I got the usage problem fixed by uninstalling everything including afterburner and safe mode drive sweep. This is what I'm getting with 980ti SLI,no overclocks.

Witcher 3 completely maxed settings @ 1440p -
60 min Novigrad square 77 max
75 min Dead Mans Tree 85 max

With a single Titan X I was getting dips of around 45 in the middle of Novigrad square with the avg rate in the high 50's,walking around the city it was low 60's,this is with Hairworks OFF on the Titan!. With the dual 980ti's it never goes below 60 and stays in the high 70's/low 80's walking around the city (Hairworks ON).
Just running around the world with a single Titan X and Hairworks ON I get mid 60's with the rarel dip into the 50's. With the 980ti's it never goes below 75 and is almost always in the 80's.

GTA V maxed with 2x MSAA and TXAA on @ 1440p
63 min driving around with traffic near Michaels house 95 max. It stays in the 80 range most of the time. If I turn off TXAA and MSAA its in the 100's.
Single Titan X would dip into the 50's and stay in the upper 60's with MSAA and TXAA off.


I run @ 4k so if I don't get AMD's new card I'll end up with at least 2 of these. I didn't want to after owning 3 OG Titans but it still looks like 4k gaming needs at least 2 cards (probably 3) for the best experience. 😭


Junior Member
But the graphics...
I blame the consumers. I'm sure they'd purchase this card even if you had to remove a kidney. The Titan's absurd pricing ruined everything IMO. GPU prices are way too inflated.

Those were good times when a high end GPU cost £300-400 MAX. Although truth be told, most GPUs I've owned cost me in the region of £200 and they lasted me years.


I run @ 4k so if I don't get AMD's new card I'll end up with at least 2 of these. I didn't want to after owning 3 OG Titans but it still looks like 4k gaming needs at least 2 cards (probably 3) for the best experience. 😭

Two Titan X SLI is the first time 4k has been really enjoyable in my experience. It allows you to crank the settings up while still getting 60fps or very close. 980Ti SLI will be the same way.

2 is great. I would think 3 would get you locked 60 in any game if the game has a SLI profile that is working properly.


Is this in major cities? I just hooked up my 4k monitor to play it. Max (including AA) + Hairworks I had about 55fps running around in country side, and 50 during some fights. Small OC of +169 / +244.

But gawd does it look amazing in 4k

Not necessarily. You just need Roach, the bobbing Griffin's head and a pack of wolves in the same frame to see your framerate plummet. Add crucial INI tweaks like shadow distance scaling, grass distance scaling and grass density and you can bid goodbye to 4K.

Gaaaah about to order one, trying to resist ...

Wut? Weren't you pissed off with Nvidia? Forgiving them already? :p
Two Titan X SLI is the first time 4k has been really enjoyable in my experience. It allows you to crank the settings up while still getting 60fps or very close. 980Ti SLI will be the same way.

2 is great. I would think 3 would get you locked 60 in any game if the game has a SLI profile that is working properly.

4 is overkill then?

is it even possible


Two Titan X SLI is the first time 4k has been really enjoyable in my experience. It allows you to crank the settings up while still getting 60fps or very close. 980Ti SLI will be the same way.

2 is great. I would think 3 would get you locked 60 in any game if the game has a SLI profile that is working properly.

If AMD's new card is limited to 4GB or they sell an 8GB version for $1k I'll have to decide what will be better for 4k gaming. I'm not sure at this point. I know after buying 3 OG Titans I'm not willing to shell out $3k for cards again.


Not necessarily. You just need Roach, the bobbing Griffin's head and a pack of wolves in the same frame to see your framerate plummet. Add crucial INI tweaks like shadow distance scaling, grass distance scaling and grass density and you can bid goodbye to 4K.

Ah ok. I'm rolling with stock Ultra + Hairworks. Looks great as is. I may increase the grass density. Other than that I'll most likely leave it be.

4 is overkill then?

is it even possible

Yes it is. GAFer 30IR has Titan X in Quad-SLI.

If AMD's new card is limited to 4GB or they sell an 8GB version for $1k I'll have to decide what will be better for 4k gaming. I'm not sure at this point. I know after buying 3 OG Titans I'm not willing to shell out $3k for cards again.

I would not be buying 4GB cards if my primary resolution was 4k.


Junior Member
Not necessarily. You just need Roach, the bobbing Griffin's head and a pack of wolves in the same frame to see your framerate plummet. Add crucial INI tweaks like shadow distance scaling, grass distance scaling and grass density and you can bid goodbye to 4K.

Wut? Weren't you pissed off with Nvidia? Forgiving them already? :p

Yeah but this has me pausing, hardwareluxx is reputable. http://www.hardwareluxx.com/index.php/news/hardware/vgacards/35572-computex-amd-fiji-aka-fury-x-slower-than-geforce-gtx-980-ti.html

If the AMD fury is gonna be slower I can't argue with Nvidia.


Unless you want to play at 5K, I'd say it's overkill right now. Given that most games don't even scale well past 2, I'm afraid locked 4K60 at ultra is a year away

3 could def do it IMO. But as you mentioned it all comes down to that profile.


Ah ok. I'm rolling with stock Ultra + Hairworks. Looks great as is. I may increase the grass density. Other than that I'll most likely leave it be.

Yeah each of those tweaks took away a solid 5-10 fps. Got me hyperventilating for a bit. Then I decided to suck it up and settle for 1620p, since the difference from INI tweaks were far greater than lower resolution.


Ah ok. I'm rolling with stock Ultra + Hairworks. Looks great as is. I may increase the grass density. Other than that I'll most likely leave it be.

Yes it is. GAFer 30IR has Titan X in Quad-SLI.

I would not be buying 4GB cards if my primary resolution was 4k.

And that's exactly the problem. I'm not even willing to pay $1k for a videocard anymore (not sure why I did it the first time). $850 would be a stretch, but $650 is probably the limit.


And that's exactly the problem. I'm not even willing to pay $1k for a videocard anymore (not sure why I did it the first time). $850 would be a stretch, but $650 is probably the limit.

Flip the Titans and get some kind of $$ for them. I can imagine that experience is pretty horrible. 3 OG Titans combined with terrible scaling when using 3 cards. Ugh. I think you'd be good to go with a pair of 980Tis personally.


Flip the Titans and get some kind of $$ for them. I can imagine that experience is pretty horrible. 3 OG Titans combined with terrible scaling when using 3 cards. Ugh. I think you'd be good to go with a pair of 980Tis personally.

At this point I'll be lucky to get $1k for all 3. Enough to get a 980Ti and I can save the rest for a 2nd. I'm definitely going to wait to see how AMD's Fury performs first before I decide tho.
microcenter is charging $720 for the EVGA SC while newegg has it for $680, is either newegg made a mistake on pricing or microcenter are greedy bastards

That's one of the ways Microcenter makes up for charging $100 less for the i5 and i7 processors. They suspect you'll go in the store and buy the rest of the parts at the same time. I've seen graphics cards as much as $100 more than what Newegg or Amazon charges.
Yes, I had to bring it up because it's yet another overpriced product that significantly underperforms and under-delivers for it's price point. In any case the 295 X2 is still running a train on it and it has gone down in price as well. Btw it is Nvidia that is the chief suspect for these underperforming GPU's relative to their insane prices, not the entire industry.

And now we find the crux of your point: *Nvidia* doesn't give good value for money, by your reckoning. Neat. Something like 70% of the market disagrees.

Yes 60fps with no AA at all, there's also the 53fps at 1440p, what is it you're hiding. What is up with this cropped picture anyway, it's lacking valid information.

Please, move the goalposts around some more. At this point, I need to edit an .ini file to get the necessary draw distance to see them. The picture is cropped, because I didn't think it was relevant to show what even lower cards were capable of, nor the other resolutions tested - you said you were looking for particular performance at a particular price...but that test shows that we're in the ballpark.

In any case, I believe the new AMD Single GPU will be able to max out Crysis 3 going by bits and pieces on the internet.

Which would be awesome! But we don't know. And it isn't here. And we don't know the price. Whereas the 980ti (you know, the card the thread is actually about) is out there, and clearly there are plenty of people who think it's good value for money. Your personal metrics don't really apply, and it comes off as "People! Can't you see that Nvidia is taking advantage of you?! CAN'T YOU SEE?"

Here's me not hiding any info.This is how the 295 X2 performed in Crysis 3 at 1440p with FXAA, at least it has AA and goes up to 72fps, you can get one for about $650 as well. Please note it's performance at 4K with FXAA, higher than that of the 980ti at 2560*1600. So I'm done here and I've supported all my claims with evidence so far, so take care for now.

Yes, you've proven that there is exactly one card that meets your needs. For people who don't want to deal with CrossFire, or a water cooler, or a larger PSU...there are other options.

I have no personal concern if anyone is stubborn enough to keep spending exorbitant amounts of cash on products that's clearly not worth it, (gauging lower priced products that perform much better in comparison).

Yet here you are.
Ok, pulled the trigger on the EVGA Superclocked reference cooler model !!!

Another one bites the dust. Hold strong guys for the non-reference coolers if you aren't running in SLI. Looks like I'm going to end up buying my 144hz g-sync monitor before I end up getting my 980 Ti. Maybe I'll give my 780 Ti one last hurrah if the Classified takes a month to come out.
When I buy a second 980Ti down in a few weeks do I want to buy an identical model(ie, EVGA SC ACX Cooler) or could I mix and match with a classified model? This is the first time I'll be dealing with SLI so I admit I'm not really sure of any potential issues.


Gold Member
When I buy a second 980Ti down in a few weeks do I want to buy an identical model(ie, EVGA SC ACX Cooler) or could I mix and match with a classified model? This is the first time I'll be dealing with SLI so I admit I'm not really sure of any potential issues.

You can buy a different version but they will run at the slower of the two cards. At least that's my understanding. My sli is with identical cards.
When I buy a second 980Ti down in a few weeks do I want to buy an identical model(ie, EVGA SC ACX Cooler) or could I mix and match with a classified model? This is the first time I'll be dealing with SLI so I admit I'm not really sure of any potential issues.

As the below poster said - you'll be limited by the slowest card. In the case you give, the Classified would be a bit wasted, since it's designed to be waaaaaay overclocked, and your current card would likely not be able to match it.
Ah ok, I'll save that for Pascal then and just get another one of the Acx coolers. What's a good resource to read up on how SLI works? Would be interesting to learn about.


Junior Member
Another one bites the dust. Hold strong guys for the non-reference coolers if you aren't running in SLI. Looks like I'm going to end up buying my 144hz g-sync monitor before I end up getting my 980 Ti. Maybe I'll give my 780 Ti one last hurrah if the Classified takes a month to come out.

I'm running in an itx hadron air, so reference was the way to go, the thing is smaller than a shoe box.
I see. I meant no offense. I'm very anxious to get one myself, but I must hold out for the version I want.

Right there with you. I'm tempted to jump on one of the reference ones from Newegg... but I'll be on my honeymoon for the next couple of weeks, so it would just be sitting in a box anyway.
UK pricing?

Edit: 550 pounds not bad.

650.00 USD = 423.816 GBP

not bad?


Assuming $650 is what you pay in the USA, you could give someone £50 to post it to you as payment from USA without original box and describe it as faulty / replacement parts etc. with a value of under £20 to get past customs and come out of it £75+
So I've narrowed it down to either the EVGA Classified or that Zotac with the huge 25% OC. Not sure which one I'll get of those 2 but I'm getting closer to my decision!!!!
A lot of people must want the evga 980 Ti Hybrid. I got the notification that it's finally available and I can't access the evga site at all.


Junior Member
I see. I meant no offense. I'm very anxious to get one myself, but I must hold out for the version I want.

No offense taken, the superclocked evga is the one I wanted. +~100mhz out of the box is nothing to sneeze at, I probably won't even tweak anything in afterburner.
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