Very happy with the performance versus cost. My gut says I'll get one eventually, when the third party models release and we get a better idea of OC costs and cooling, but I'll see how I go.
At the moment I'm using an OC'd 1080 on a 144hz 1440p Gsync display and it's a wonderful pairing, but I'm asomeone who despite my adoration for high framerate also buys high end hardware for the ability to crank game settings as high as possible. I'm not just in it for performance; I want my fancy bells and whistles and the nicest IQ possible. This is a massive draw for me to keep playing on PC and the reality is this path, while expensive, benefits from each and every GPU advancement.
As I've noted in several threads already my absolute dream is a HDR 4K 144hz Gsync display and a GPU that can match performance within the ballpark of my 1080 + 1440p. Pipedream for now, but we're getting there.