LOL you guys are morons!!
Control models are butt ugly u clearly didn't play the game then. Honestly it's even a downgrade from their last game. As they use the same piss poor engine with ray tracing slapped on it to sell it. It runs just as shit.
I tried to make a picture of its face, but it blurs out with the tool i use, so its hard but all the detail is in his face and no this aint no cutscene face. AC odyssey models are incredible detailed and shit all over control with and without ray tracing.
Control is straight up ugly without ray tracing because they nuked the visuals of the non raytracing solution massively. When i bought the game on launch day and booted it up i straight up thought the game was broken.
Here ultra settings by the way with ray tracing. Even the fucking floors lightning is way off without ray tracing, everything looks grainy and totally dog shit on purpose. The game is buttugly because it was ment to sell raytracing cards as it was heavily sponsored by nvidia. Sadly nobody cared which resulted in the keys now already selling for a 3rd of its price.
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