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NY lawmakers propose legalizing and taxing marijuana

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Homeland Security Fail
Thankfully it won't happen and people at the top have already stated it will be dead on arrival. Medical marijuana is a different story, that should be available in all 50 states, but having both marijuana and alcohol legal where you can just grow your own and buy is insane.

Last thing NYC needs is more people high and drunk on the streets.

Come on america.

Yeah, NYC needs more frisking and harassing of minorities.

Thanks dude.


Thankfully it won't happen and people at the top have already stated it will be dead on arrival. Medical marijuana is a different story, that should be available in all 50 states, but having both marijuana and alcohol legal where you can just grow your own and buy is insane.

Last thing NYC needs is more people high and drunk on the streets.

Come on america.



Yeah, NYC needs more frisking and harassing of minorities.

Thanks dude.

Newly elected mayor seems to agree with Bloomberg and he won't fight the stop and frisk ruling. Same thing with raising taxes on the wealthy for pre-school, it's going to be hard for him to get his wish.

A lot of politicians make promises, get voted in and don't follow up on them. And people continue to line up and vote.


Newly elected mayor seems to agree with Bloomberg and he won't fight the stop and frisk ruling. Same thing with raising taxes on the wealthy for pre-school, it's going to be hard for him to get his wish.

A lot of politicians make promises, get voted in and don't follow up on them. And people continue to line up and vote.

A liberal mayor going back on some of his promises is still better than electing a conservative republican to any position of power.


A liberal mayor going back on some of his promises is still better than electing a conservative republican to any position of power.

Bloomberg has been a career flip flopper, first he was a Democrat, then a Republican and then an Independent.

It's clear how biased you are politically for you to say that.


“There’s unfair enforcement, particularly against minorities and minority youth, and also people are using it. The medical experts say it is not as dangerous as alcohol. Marijuana does not get people into a violent state whereas, unfortunately, alcohol does,” Liu said.

This makes me angry.
There was actually a ton of pot smokers/growers here in California that where against legalization back when it was up for the vote because they would start getting taxed. I think it's bullshit when legal growers say it's a medicine and they want to help people yet would rather keep it the whole thing shady so they can have their "clinics" and not have to pay taxes on their sales(which are a ton) well it failed and they feds closed damn near every shop around and those guys don't have to worry about paying taxes anymore.

I personally hate the scare tactics used by the government's :war on drugs" and the "we just want to help people in need" bullshit from medicinal growers. All I want is for this shit to be legal so we stop contributing money to cartels and so people that are truly in need of marijuana to help them with actual medical issues can start seeing it as a medicine and not some drug. It needs to lose the stigma. Potheads will smoke it regardless but I know a lot of elderly and people on pain medication would never take it because of how it's viewed.


What's your beef, Batman? Why are you against it? The tax revenue is sorely needed.

Kids will have much easier access to it, people would be getting high daily, alcohol is bad enough and having both would harm society in the US quickly.

Medical marijuana should be available in all 50 states as soon as possible, where a person that is suffering from pain and illness can get help to cope, not to just get a high because they feel like it or had a bad day at work.

For the tax revenue, the US should add more taxes to alcohol and cigarette's, it would help some people get off of it and would bring more money in eventually.
Kids will have much easier access to it, people would be getting high daily, alcohol is bad enough and having both would harm society in the US quickly.

Medical marijuana should be available in all 50 states as soon as possible, where a person that is suffering from pain and illness can get help to cope, not to just get a high because they feel like it or had a bad day at work.

The people you are afraid of getting high are already getting high. Ever been to a party? It's a joke how easy it is to get.

I agree with your medical marijuana statement but It's not my business if anyone else wants to smoke it as long as it's regulated.
Kids will have much easier access to it, people would be getting high daily, alcohol is bad enough and having both would harm society in the US quickly.

Medical marijuana should be available in all 50 states as soon as possible, where a person that is suffering from pain and illness can get help to cope, not to just get a high because they feel like it or had a bad day at work.

For the tax revenue, the US should add more taxes to alcohol and cigarette's, it would help some people get off of it and would bring more money in eventually.

here is a fact, people have enjoyed getting off there faces since the year dot, has making drugs illegal stopped people taking them? well no so let people do what THEY want and stop trying to tell other people what to do


Thankfully it won't happen and people at the top have already stated it will be dead on arrival. Medical marijuana is a different story, that should be available in all 50 states, but having both marijuana and alcohol legal where you can just grow your own and buy is insane.

Last thing NYC needs is more people high and drunk on the streets.

Come on america.

You, again? Weren't you in the one shitting up a recent thread where you were sticking up for Bloomberg, Kelly and racist police tactics (stop and frisk)? You're the last person on any message board that should have the name Batman. Fuck off, Worst Batman.

I don't smoke weed, but I'm fully in support. Too many cops harassing and arresting minorities for tiny quantities of marijuana, while rich white dudes in midtown snort all the cocaine they want. These anti-drug laws are not for anyone's safety.


The people you are afraid of getting high are already getting high. Ever been to a party? It's a joke how easy it is to get.

I agree with your medical marijuana statement but It's not my business if anyone else wants to smoke it as long as it's regulated.

Yes but when it's legal and widely available more people will be doing drugs.

I don't know why some of you are so hostile and telling me to f off, I think about the safety of kids and people in general who want to work hard and would like to walk peacefully in the streets.


You, again? Weren't you in the one shitting up a recent thread up where you were sticking up for Bloomberg, Kelly and racist police tacitcs (stop and frisk)? You're the last person on any message board that should have the name Batman. Fuck off, Worst Batman.

I don't smoke weed, but I'm fully in support. Too many cops harassing and arresting minorities for tiny quantities of marijuana, while rich white dudes in midtown snort all the cocaine they want. These anti-drug laws are not for anyone's safety.

Stop and frisk isn't racist, it's just the corrupt NYPD that's been practicing it. You are making me sound like a villain the way you wrote your two paragraphs. People who voted Deblasio in should prepare for a 4th term of Bloomberg, nothing is going to change.


For the tax revenue, the US should add more taxes to alcohol and cigarette's, it would help some people get off of it and would bring more money in eventually.

DUMB. One, taxes as an addiction deterrent has never worked. Second, people go out of state, through illegal channels or resort to theft when taxes are seemingly too high on those items, creating more crime than you're trying to prevent.

I don't know why some of you are so hostile and telling me to f off, I think about the safety of kids and people in general who want to work hard and would like to walk peacefully in the streets.

You're either a troll or you live in a bubble. There is no high level of violent crime associated with most legally sold drugs and substances. Your made-up fears only pop up when you have shit like Alcohol Prohibition and the War on Drugs.


Yes but when it's legal and widely available more people will be doing drugs.

I don't know why some of you are so hostile and telling me to f off, I think about the safety of kids and people in general who want to work hard and would like to walk peacefully in the streets.

I scoffed at your original post, and while I disagree, at least you make a point that makes sense.

Still disagree.
Yes but when it's legal and widely available more people will be doing drugs.

I don't know why some of you are so hostile and telling me to f off, I think about the safety of kids and people in general who want to work hard and would like to walk peacefully in the streets.

Being illegal didn't stop the mass consumption of alcohol.

Marijuana consumption will proliferate regardless of legality. The difference now is that the state can make some much-needed income out of people's consumption.

And, Marijuana being legal means that kids / smokers no longer have to deal with a shady drug dealer, which means there is no temptation there for a dealer to recommend them more dangerous substances.


Batman, it was easier to get weed in high school than it was to get alcohol. People who want weed are already getting it.


Batman, it was easier to get weed in high school than it was to get alcohol. People who want weed are already getting it.

It would become much easier to get weed, and the prices would go through the roof so people would still resort to illegal channels to get weed. Making it legal wouldn't change anything except for easier accessibility and people would still be looking for cheaper weed. You can't do that with alcohol since you can get a can for $1, there's no black market for that.

I am sure most people would agree that it would only be a problem for there to drunk and more high people in the street.
Yes but when it's legal and widely available more people will be doing drugs.

I don't know why some of you are so hostile and telling me to f off, I think about the safety of kids and people in general who want to work hard and would like to walk peacefully in the streets.

how exactly will kids and people in general not be safe around happy people?


With no illegal pot smokers on the streets, Batman will have less crime to fight. He obviously just needs something to do.

Please...think of Batman.


Kids will have much easier access to it, people would be getting high daily, alcohol is bad enough and having both would harm society in the US quickly.

Access to it will remain relatively unchanged regardless. The only difference is that dealers sell to anyone no matter their age whereas convenient stores will at least card you for that pack of joints you're purchasing. It's not a perfect system, but at least it's regulated and taxed by our government rather than the black market. Sure there might be an initial surge in marijuana usage, but it won't be the drug apocalypse like some make it out to be. This is marijuana we're talking about, not meth or heroin.

Medical marijuana should be available in all 50 states as soon as possible, where a person that is suffering from pain and illness can get help to cope, not to just get a high because they feel like it or had a bad day at work.

Why shouldn't a person be able to go home and take a load off by smoking marijuana? Why can't it be used both medicinal and recreational?


how exactly will kids and people in general not be safe around happy people?

Not everybody on weed gets mellow, some get extremely violent, some do extremely stupid and dangerous things that risk their and other people's safety, weed is like alcohol.


And, Marijuana being legal means that kids / smokers no longer have to deal with a shady drug dealer, which means there is no temptation there for a dealer to recommend them more dangerous substances.

Even better, you cut a part of the cartel's income.

Not everybody on weed gets mellow, some get extremely violent, some do extremely stupid and dangerous things that risk their and other people's safety, weed is like alcohol.

Now that's just factually stupid and false.


Bloomberg has been a career flip flopper, first he was a Democrat, then a Republican and then an Independent.

It's clear how biased you are politically for you to say that.

Well I hoped you would since my statement was pretty obvious, and I was talking about the choice between de blasio and the republican running against him.
Not everybody on weed gets mellow, some get extremely violent, some do extremely stupid and dangerous things that risk their and other people's safety, weed is like alcohol.

while i'm not saying there isn't the odd case here and there you're talking about an absolutely minute fraction of a percentage i'd feel safer in in a room full of a thousand people on almost any illegal drug (except maybe extreme stuff like crack or crystal meth) than in a room full of a thousand drunks

funnily enough I quite often spend nights in a room full of a thousand people on illegal drugs and there's never any fights


People that think marijuana is dangerous are not up to date on the science. Those Nixon-era, Reefer Madness studies are outdated and have been disproved by many modern studies. Marijuana is honestly more dangerous illegal for the reason that it is a cash cow for organized crime. Marijuana accounts for almost half of Mexican drug cartel revenue, the other half being extortion, kidnapping, heroine, cocaine, methamphetamine, prostitution, and pretty much any crime a crime syndicate can profit from. That's a multi-billion dollar industry we're talking about, funding violence and criminal activity.
Not everybody on weed gets mellow, some get extremely violent, some do extremely stupid and dangerous things that risk their and other people's safety, weed is like alcohol.

If ever there was a candidate for "neogaf shit posts" this would be it.


Thankfully it won't happen and people at the top have already stated it will be dead on arrival. Medical marijuana is a different story, that should be available in all 50 states, but having both marijuana and alcohol legal where you can just grow your own and buy is insane.

Last thing NYC needs is more people high and drunk on the streets.

Come on america.

I assume there will be laws against public highness just as there are against drunkness. Even if not though, it's still better than arresting entire minority communities unfairly.


Not everybody on weed gets mellow, some get extremely violent, some do extremely stupid and dangerous things that risk their and other people's safety, weed is like alcohol.

My brother died through sharing pot needles, Batman speaks truth.


Batman, I was able to get weed within minutes after making a simple phone call at the age of 16.
At age 20, I still can't buy alcohol.
I've never seen someone smoke weed and lose control of themselves to the point where they embarrass themselves publicly or start fights.
And I can assure you, if your "friends" were violent or outrageous, they weren't just smoking weed.


Most of them don't do drugs or drink anymore, they saw the light.

Must have been a tough time for them all trying to beat that marijuana addiction. Did they go to a rehab centre or did they have a friend lock them up and go cold turkey?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I'm down. Should eventually be the law of the land.

Not a smoker, but I'm fine with it moving to legal channels with much needed extra tax revenue.

Price will be an issue though at first.


I don't even smoke weed and I could still get some within the next 30 mins if the mood struck me to. Illegalization has done next to nothing to prevent distribution. That and the worst thing I've ever seen a high person do was fall asleep in the middle of a conversation.
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