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NY lawmakers propose legalizing and taxing marijuana

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Homeland Security Fail
Not everybody on weed gets mellow, some get extremely violent, some do extremely stupid and dangerous things that risk their and other people's safety, weed is like alcohol.

You are one of Gaf's best trolls.


Woah, skipped over this thread but $50 an ounce?

I would be in, bring this to MD.
It's a $50 tax on an ounce.
How long until Washington just gives up and says it's legal everywhere? Looks like there's no stopping this train.
I'll be surprised if weed is criminalized on the federal level by the end of the decade.
The majority of the population support it, and over time, the support is slated to only grown (since old people support it the lease).

And here's the thing about legalization, it really doesn't change things all that much (Batman imaginary friends notwithstanding), I've seen it personally in Seattle, and the more places legalize it, the less effective those old and tired scare tactics are going to be.
I always loved the argument that making something legal will increase it's usage. When most of the research has shown that usage decreases or stays about the same pre and post legalization. Look at a few of the studies from Portugal, The Netherlands, or other countries.

Hope this passes. It's another step in the right direction.

El Sloth

A liberal mayor going back on some of his promises is still better than electing a conservative republican to any position of power.
New York Republicans, especially New York City Republicans, can not be compared to national republicans at all. Joe Lhota was hardly all that conservative.


I always loved the argument that making something legal will increase it's usage. When most of the research has shown that usage decreases or stays about the same pre and post legalization. Look at a few of the studies from Portugal, The Netherlands, or other countries.

Hope this passes. It's another step in the right direction.
More importantly, who gives a shit if people smoke more weed?

Hunter S.

It is already decriminalized in New York... so they might as well LEGALIZE MORE THAN 2 GRAMS :-D They will not make much profit if legal retailers could only sell 2 grams. What have these lawmakers been smoking?!!?


You don't even know what a troll is, most people that use that word don't even know.

The definition has been morphed since it was first coined.

Okay, yeah. You got me, I was totally all mad and shit a second ago, I totally believed that you had watched Reefer Madness and thought it was a serious documentary or some shit. But yeah, no one's really that dumb. Good job, Bat-Troll, you can go back to your cave. Work on some new gadgets or bad jokes or whatever. Get Troll-Alfred to make you some dinner.


New York Republicans, especially New York City Republicans, can not be compared to national republicans at all. Joe Lhota was hardly all that conservative.

I know, but still I rather not give republicans any positive news to work with.

Ban Puncher

Not everybody on weed gets mellow, some get extremely violent, some do extremely stupid and dangerous things that risk their and other people's safety, weed is like alcohol.

I always loved the argument that making something legal will increase it's usage. When most of the research has shown that usage decreases or stays about the same pre and post legalization. Look at a few of the studies from Portugal, The Netherlands, or other countries.

Hope this passes. It's another step in the right direction.

I see your point on this, but the reasoning behind this is that the current laws are being used to target minorities, and to keep the prisons full for no other reason than to generate revenue.

Sounds like they finally figured out how to generate revenue and to decrease the prison population at the same time. They need to work unfairly targetting minorities, though.


Neo Member
The " It will be easier for kids to get" augment is such total B.S.

When the sale of something is regulated it can be controlled. Less kids will be able to purchase under such control. Is it really that much of a head scratcher?

When I was in high school it was easier to get HARD drugs like cocaine and heroine than it was to get a bottle of liquor or even a pack of smokes. The dope man doesn't care how old you are. The store clerk does.


Not everybody on weed gets mellow, some get extremely violent, some do extremely stupid and dangerous things that risk their and other people's safety, weed is like alcohol.

You have absolutely zero idea what you're talking about.


First time I've heard of ssomething being "factually stupid" itt.

Anyway I'm not a smoker anymore but I'd def light up one more 'gain if it was legal here.


“Marijuana is a dangerous drug,” said Dr. Harris Stratyner of Carron Treatment Centers. “Why would we want to make a dangerous drug available to the public? Now, I know a lot of people will disagree with me and say alcohol is more dangerous. Alcohol is the most dangerous, but that doesn’t mean we should put another dangerous drug on the market.”

Now, I am no expert or doctor, but that's fuckin stupid.
Kids will have much easier access to it, people would be getting high daily, alcohol is bad enough and having both would harm society in the US quickly.

Medical marijuana should be available in all 50 states as soon as possible, where a person that is suffering from pain and illness can get help to cope, not to just get a high because they feel like it or had a bad day at work.

For the tax revenue, the US should add more taxes to alcohol and cigarette's, it would help some people get off of it and would bring more money in eventually.

They already have easy access to it. There is no way it can get any easier. Any high school or even middle school in this country has access to marijuana. When I was in school weed was wayyy easier to get than alcohol, because we actually had to get someone to buy that for us.
Kids will have much easier access to it, people would be getting high daily, alcohol is bad enough and having both would harm society in the US quickly.

Medical marijuana should be available in all 50 states as soon as possible, where a person that is suffering from pain and illness can get help to cope, not to just get a high because they feel like it or had a bad day at work.

For the tax revenue, the US should add more taxes to alcohol and cigarette's, it would help some people get off of it and would bring more money in eventually.

(Yesterday, 04:20 PM)
Stop and frisk isn't racist, it's just the corrupt NYPD that's been practicing it. You are making me sound like a villain the way you wrote your two paragraphs. People who voted Deblasio in should prepare for a 4th term of Bloomberg, nothing is going to change.

If you were a joke poster all along why didn't you just say so?

BTW, it's easier for kids to get weed on the streets than it is to get their hands on liquor. Could that be because of strict age and license requirements?


Homeland Security Fail
$50 a gram can't be right. I'm paying just under $9 a gram here in Washington state. That would never fly.

Its $50 an ounce.


And it's irrelevant if New York legalizes it unless it gets legalized on the federal level anyways.

How is it irrelevant? More states legalizing it and more people being in favor of it is a good thing. Will help turn the tide to legalize it on the federal level.


Its $50 an ounce.
Oh. Well, that's far more reasonable. I'm not sure how I got $50 a gram, I even read the entire OP! Probably too stoned.

And it's irrelevant if New York legalizes it unless it gets legalized on the federal level anyways.
Not true. The more states that legalize it, the more pressure it puts on the Feds to decriminalize.

It's only a matter of time at this point. If this measure doesn't pass, you can bet a new one will be proposed at some point in the future. There is no stopping it anymore.


Not true. The more states that legalize it, the more pressure it puts on the Feds to decriminalize.

It's only a matter of time at this point. If this measure doesn't pass, you can bet a new one will be proposed at some point in the future. There is no stopping it anymore.
I can see this reasoning and agree with it, but I think some current politicians are gonna have to leave office before we see this happen, and some older voters are gonna have to stop voting. It's gonna be a few years, at least.


I can see this reasoning and agree with it, but I think some current politicians are gonna have to leave office before we see this happen, and some older voters are gonna have to stop voting. It's gonna be a few years, at least.
No doubt. The older generations are going to be the biggest road block, they were the ones targeted most heavily by the anti-marijuana propaganda and scaremongering of the mid-20th century.

I think that within the next ten years most of the blue states in the country will have legalized it. Twenty years from now and we're looking at Federal decriminalization. It's easy revenue, and once states start to see how much money there is to be made by taxing it, I think we'll see a lot of politicians change their tune.


Its $50 an ounce.

How is it irrelevant? More states legalizing it and more people being in favor of it is a good thing. Will help turn the tide to legalize it on the federal level.

Yeah, states like NY and California legalizing is what it will take to move the federal law. We already have it legal in two states and the feds are (sort of) looking the other way. Public opinion is there, and it's slowly translating to action. Only a matter of time really but state level action will only speed it up.
Not everybody on weed gets mellow, some get extremely violent, some do extremely stupid and dangerous things that risk their and other people's safety, weed is like alcohol.

You should get off the internet before you hurt yourself.

I can see this reasoning and agree with it, but I think some current politicians are gonna have to leave office before we see this happen, and some older voters are gonna have to stop voting. It's gonna be a few years, at least.

I know plenty of "older" people who smoke, it's not just a rebel youth hobby. And politicians all have the same goal- to stay in office- if they think siding with legalization reforms will keep them in office they'll do it, building pressure from within the state government is the best way to do that.

Dude Abides

Stop and frisk isn't racist, it's just the corrupt NYPD that's been practicing it. You are making me sound like a villain the way you wrote your two paragraphs. People who voted Deblasio in should prepare for a 4th term of Bloomberg, nothing is going to change.

Just recently you were saying Handout Bill was going to usher in a communist dystopia characterized by capital flight and packs of blacks rampaging through the streets. You should pick a story and stick with it.
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