Beats me, I'll find out what the sitrep is on the first day. However, what's to stop cosplayers from going across the street from the venue to take pictures or into Times Square proper?
I don't engage with a lot of GAF members/people that I follow on Twitter (big problem I know) possibly because I use my real name and my Twitter handle does not say GAF on it. However, I follow a few peeps that post in this very thread funny enough. My Twitter is
@GeneYorkMorgan. although I tweet sporadically these days since I don't know what to tweet about. I mean, yeah there's my Analytics which I look at once in a while but still.
And not at all! We've done all kinds of stuff in past meetups which I have indexed in the OP. Korean BBQ, bars, board game stuff, pool, parks, but not beaches or park barbecues. I have a date tomorrow evening and possibly another one on Saturday that's being ironed out but I can probably do something on Saturday after I part ways with that date.