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NYC GAF |OT| We get around in a hole in the ground

[Agent]ZeroNine;210869376 said:

I've got bed bugs.

Also been waiting 3 hours for the exterminator who is 2 hours late. Also my landlord is a complete dick and will fight having to pay for it.

Had to tell a girl who stayed over to look out for them now she's blowing up my phone saying she thinks she has them too.

so basically, bed bugs :(.
I don't like spicy food. Well not super spicy at least.

Spicy foods make up a fraction of their menu, but we can always go elsewhere. Maybe get some burgers or something.

I've got bed bugs.

Also been waiting 3 hours for the exterminator who is 2 hours late. Also my landlord is a complete dick and will fight having to pay for it.

Had to tell a girl who stayed over to look out for them now she's blowing up my phone saying she thinks she has them too.

so basically, bed bugs :(.

What area do you live in? Also, start sealing your clothes and record every conversation you have with your landlord.
[Agent]ZeroNine;210871095 said:
Spicy foods make up a fraction of their menu, but we can always go elsewhere. Maybe get some burgers or something.
Sure I'm quite simple, I love a good burger. I usually eat veggie burgers though.
I've got bed bugs.

Also been waiting 3 hours for the exterminator who is 2 hours late. Also my landlord is a complete dick and will fight having to pay for it.

Had to tell a girl who stayed over to look out for them now she's blowing up my phone saying she thinks she has them too.

so basically, bed bugs :(.

This is my nightmare.


JadedWriter said:
Look at you dating. I'm not holding my breath till my next one. Yeah I should just hang out in Times Square or at least by it. Who knows maybe I'll get lucky and get some cosplay stuff, though I hate Times Square.
It's my hair man. People find my hair alluring for whatever reason may be that I get compliments on it all the time. I took an additional half hour in the shower today to untangle it with my fingers and it's still tangled. Need to buy some satin pillowcases so my hair doesn't look like Buckwheat from The Little Rascals in the morning. =/

There is an Online-Dating thread and the Dating-Age thread where I post about my online dating adventures from time to time. I keep it cheap and to parks.
[Agent]ZeroNine;210868251 said:
Maybe you both should swing by tomorrow. If you guys like Indian, I know of a great spot not far from VideoGamesNewYork

Also, if you need some help looking good on your date, I'll let you save your date from my mugging, for a price ;)
Hahaha, I'm meeting the girl at The Met tomorrow at 7:30pm since I haven't been there in ages. I told her to download Pokemon Go on her phone because we're heading into Central Park afterwards to catch the fabled Vaporeon I heard so much about.

The other date for Saturday hasn't been ironed out yet since I have to head out to go meet with my old English professor at this place: http://www.yelp.com/biz/kavasutra-new-york

Will keep you guys posted.
I've got bed bugs.

Also been waiting 3 hours for the exterminator who is 2 hours late. Also my landlord is a complete dick and will fight having to pay for it.

Had to tell a girl who stayed over to look out for them now she's blowing up my phone saying she thinks she has them too.

so basically, bed bugs :(.

Oh no! I offer my deepest condolences to you since I had them several years ago. My brothers and I lost many nights of sleep for fearing those horrible things. Bed bugs are truly the stuff of nightmares. I don't wish it upon my worst enemies.

Bed bug paranoia is the worst thing to experience. We had to spray garbage bags full of clean clothes with alcohol and hire an exterminator (in retrospect, we didn't know the landlord had to pay for it). If anything, call 311 on your super until they do something about it. Good luck man!
Luckily for me I have no fear of bugs so there is no paranoia. I know that they are pretty much harmless. Minor itching isn't going to kill me. It's more the process of getting rid of them that I dread, as I know they are persistent.
Luckily for me I have no fear of bugs so there is no paranoia. I know that they are pretty much harmless. Minor itching isn't going to kill me. It's more the process of getting rid of them that I dread, as I know they are persistent.

I'd be more paranoid of the social stigma than the actual bugs.
Pretty sure I got them from a hotel. Never put your bags on the floor in the hotel. Put them on a hard slick surface that is elevated like a dresser. Don't learn the hard way like I did!


Kavasutra wasn't bad at all. It's a non-alcoholic, all natural place to get buzzed minus the motor functions impairment. I didn't feel it this time but it was solid. At some karaoke place called Sing-Sing now on Ave A and 6th I think. My English professor's friends want me to sing a few songs so I'm obliging.


Does anyone know a decent and decently cheap place to get a massage? Not looking to get naked or get a handy, just need someone to beat the shit out of my neck and shoulders area.


Fuck it's hot. After the day I had I'm done. I don't want to move, not even to take a shower.

I went jogging this afternoon. Stream of sweat was constantly running down my face.

I feel like i get a better jog when my entire shirt is trenched in sweat, and it was.


No Scrubs
lol chinatown's a pretty big place. I remember a guy i was working with once gave me the card for a chinatown massage parlor, definitely a rub-n-tug shop.

You wouldn't be the first Gaffer to accidentally wind up in one of those places thanks to a card from a friend.


Came out the shower and already sweating bullets on the train. Thanks MTA! Going to be soaked in sweat by the time I meet my date. Good thing I took a bottle of water.
Came out the shower and already sweating bullets on the train. Thanks MTA! Going to be soaked in sweat by the time I meet my date. Good thing I took a bottle of water.
Last Saturday I ended up walking through a good portion of Prospect Park trying to find the movie theater my date wanted to meet...I was soaked.
So glad I was able to work from home today in the A/C. Went outside around 4 to get some wine and it was unbearably hot. Don't know how I would've fared in the subway.


Last Saturday I ended up walking through a good portion of Prospect Park trying to find the movie theater my date wanted to meet...I was soaked.
The heat is on man but would you rather be cold and bundled up or hot and out and about? I like the heat/70s range. It's inevitable to be sweating bullets before meeting up with friends/dates.
So glad I was able to work from home today in the A/C. Went outside around 4 to get some wine and it was unbearably hot. Don't know how I would've fared in the subway.
It was the subway so you know, a wonderful sauna but it's much cooler now. I'm about to go have a quick drink at Heights Tavern before I go home. Tomorrow I have to go back out into the inferno again. Also, as someone who does work remotely with a crappy fan, I'm jelly since I'm too lazy to pull out the AC from my closet and set it up.
The heat is on man but would you rather be cold and bundled up or hot and out and about? I like the heat/70s range. It's inevitable to be sweating bullets before meeting up with friends/dates.
I'm an introvert, either way I'm home usually unless I have a good reason to leave the house.


I'm an introvert, either way I'm home usually unless I have a good reason to leave the house.
That's my rationale as well as a fellow introvert. I don't go downtown unless I have to meet with my boss or otherwise unless it's to the gym. Although there's times where I would be home for several days at a time and it drives me insane so have some extroverted traits. I didn't go outside for two days until yesterday and it felt good being out and about.

I'm at the bar alone. It's nice. Drinking a watermelon double IPA which is okay. Not a big fan of IPAs. Gonna draw for a bit and might have a Sam Adam's before I head out.
That's my rationale as well as a fellow introvert. I don't go downtown unless I have to meet with my boss or otherwise unless it's to the gym. Although there's times where I would be home for several days at a time and it drives me insane so have some extroverted traits. I didn't go outside for two days until yesterday and it felt good being out and about.

I'm at the bar alone. It's nice. Drinking a watermelon double IPA which is okay. Not a big fan of IPAs. Gonna draw for a bit and might have a Sam Adam's before I head out.
It's like if I don't have a date, work or some photography commitment or if I don't just want to leave the apartment to take pictures I'm just at home playing video games or watching an anime or something. I leave if I have to buy food or move my car though.
That's my rationale as well as a fellow introvert. I don't go downtown unless I have to meet with my boss or otherwise unless it's to the gym. Although there's times where I would be home for several days at a time and it drives me insane so have some extroverted traits. I didn't go outside for two days until yesterday and it felt good being out and about.

I'm at the bar alone. It's nice. Drinking a watermelon double IPA which is okay. Not a big fan of IPAs. Gonna draw for a bit and might have a Sam Adam's before I head out.

When you say you don't leave for several days at a time you mean you don't go out at night or you really just in your apartment 48+ hours straight

I'm an introvert, big one, but I can't stay in my apartment all day, have to at least be around others even if I'm just reading


It's like if I don't have a date, work or some photography commitment or if I don't just want to leave the apartment to take pictures I'm just at home playing video games or watching an anime or something. I leave if I have to buy food or move my car though.
Video games don't even interest me any more having a 360 and XBL Gold which expires next month. My 3DS got fried since that's what I mostly gamed on. I only play it once in a while. It's been Sniper Elite V2 and Dark Souls II. Screw Smelter Demon and Old Iron King since those mofos have been unbeatable.
When you say you don't leave for several days at a time you mean you don't go out at night or you really just in your apartment 48+ hours straight

I'm an introvert, big one, but I can't stay in my apartment all day, have to at least be around others even if I'm just reading
Yup, the most days I've gone without leaving my house has been about week and during the winter. Don't ask me how I managed to stay sane speaking to my brother and mom every day. The outside world was pretty much GAF and social media. Even had a hobo heard going on that got super long from how reclusive I was. I trim it down regularly these days and got a semi-beard for the fruits of my labor. Pro-tip: It feels amazing to see people who aren't your family when you live with them. Seeing friends was and is liberating just as much as it is being alone.

Last Sunday I had one of those moments where I had to get out of the house and went to go draw at the park across the street from my old elementary school. It's monstrous of being frugal/lazy. I don't have a full time job since I work cons and am trying to become a professional Illustrator.
Yup, the most days I've gone without leaving my house has been about week and during the winter. Don't ask me how I managed to stay sane speaking to my brother and mom every day. The outside world was pretty much GAF and social media. Even had a hobo heard going on that got super long from how reclusive I was. I trim it down regularly these days and got a semi-beard for the fruits of my labor. Pro-tip: It feels amazing to see people who aren't your family when you live with them. Seeing friends was and is liberating just as much as it is being alone.

Last Sunday I had one of those moments where I had to get out of the house and went to go draw at the park across the street from my old elementary school. It's monstrous of being frugal/lazy. I don't have a full time job since I work cons and am trying to become a professional Illustrator.

Nice, I know a couple, but they're in fashion though
Video games don't even interest me any more having a 360 and XBL Gold which expires next month. My 3DS got fried since that's what I mostly gamed on. I only play it once in a while. It's been Sniper Elite V2 and Dark Souls II. Screw Smelter Demon and Old Iron King since those mofos have been unbeatable.

Yup, the most days I've gone without leaving my house has been about week and during the winter. Don't ask me how I managed to stay sane speaking to my brother and mom every day. The outside world was pretty much GAF and social media. Even had a hobo heard going on that got super long from how reclusive I was. I trim it down regularly these days and got a semi-beard for the fruits of my labor. Pro-tip: It feels amazing to see people who aren't your family when you live with them. Seeing friends was and is liberating just as much as it is being alone.

Last Sunday I had one of those moments where I had to get out of the house and went to go draw at the park across the street from my old elementary school. It's monstrous of being frugal/lazy. I don't have a full time job since I work cons and am trying to become a professional Illustrator.

How's that going? You get any gigs yet?
I don't have A/c this heat sucks ans fans suck. I hate sweating

but I did get a job offer that starts Weds so that's good (I still won't believe it's real till I go in weds)
How do bushwick hipster survive?

They all have tattoos so I assume service sector jobs but they also spend absorbently at bars.

Are they just perpetually poor?


Nice, I know a couple, but they're in fashion though
I always find it jarring how fashion illustrators draw people so damn skinny. I can appreciate the fact that fashion illustration has a sense of motion to it. I'm trying to seek out Dominican illustrators since I know that they're out there. I found one lead through a friend of a friend that I contacted but he never got back to me. I know he's part of an artist collective based in Brooklyn so I'm due to pay a visit to their studio next week if not next month.

How's that going? You get any gigs yet?
Not lately it's been tough for me since I go back and forth on putting my art out on social media. I haven't updated my portfolio in over month and this month has been dry in terms of gigs. My old English professor is the only semi-regular patron who commissions me once in a while even though I feel like I undervalue the amount of money I ask for. I also did a watercolor abstract piece for free that I gave to my long time dental assistant. It's on display proudly in the dental room.

However, I started getting back into the habit of cross-posting art more regularly on my Instagram and my other social media accounts since I'm starting to apply what I learned in my social media internship to myself. The reception I've gotten has been incredibly encouraging and supportive so I will continue to make it a habit to post art at least 3-4 days a week in hopes of building up a modest following.

I have a few personal art projects that are on the back burner including illustrating a comic script that I wrote based on my life that I keep putting off. How's painting been coming along for you? I understand that you're not in the happiest place at the moment.

NYCmetsfan said:
How do bushwick hipster survive?

They all have tattoos so I assume service sector jobs but they also spend absorbently at bars.

Are they just perpetually poor?
Out of town trust fund babies and in my limited experience dating hipster-ish artsy girls, either young professionals who are paralegals, work in the non-profit sector, struggling freelance [insert job here], wide-eyed I-want-to-make-it-in-New-York folks, or a combination of everything. They also probably work two jobs at the very least to have disposable income. I follow way too many professional comic artists that live Bushwick/Williamsburg.


Welp, there goes my easiest access to Union Square and Drink N Draw since the L train stops right outside the venue. Making a note not to make the next GAF meetup near any L stops.


No Scrubs
Just got caught in that horrible down pour, soaked to the damn bone. Was gonna go hang out with friends right after work but now I have to go home and change.
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