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NYC GAF |OT| We get around in a hole in the ground

So some person assaulted an MTA officer on the J train. I was on the train and everybody panicked can came rushing towards me yelling me to go to the next train car. I think people thought there was a fire

I thought there was someone harming people (unfortunately that's the first thing you think of today) but it was nothing.

Was 30 minutes late though
Are we in the 80's again?


Just saw this on my feed, Bill Murray is bartending in Greenpoint this weekend: http://www.refinery29.com/2016/09/123271/bill-murray-bartending-brooklyn

That place is going to be a madhouse.
Read about it on DNA Info. I would ask for a Manhattan myself. I imagine that a good chunk of the Taste WG audience would be happy to learn that their favorite Ghostbuster is in the city. But at the same time, it's a bit of a sad reminder on how heavily gentrified Greenpoint has gotten. I still like the area though and need to pay a visit to Peter Pan donuts for their dollar donuts.

Other stuff of interest that I wanted to share:

Here's a link to the aforementioned incident that NYCMetsfan mentioned/was in. Apparently the off-duty officer overreacted since he was in the way as the conductor came out of her cab: https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20160914/lower-east-side/conductor-attacked-aboard-j-train-mta-says

LinkNYC is going to disable web browsing on the tablet's kiosks since neighborhoods have been complaining about people using it to watch porn and masturbate in broad daylight, watch movies, and squatting among other reasons:

“The kiosks were never intended for anyone’s extended, personal use and we want to ensure that Links are accessible and a welcome addition to New York City neighborhoods.”


Users will still be able to use the tablets to make free phone calls, check maps, charge their phones, and access 311 and 911, and the kiosks will still provide WiFi even while the internet on the tablets is discontinued.

In a bit of somber news, the suicide rate continues to rise in the city.

An increase in overall suicide rates in New York reflects the trend across the country, but while rates among both men and women have increased steadily nationwide, the rate among men in New York has held with a rate of 9.7 deaths in 2014 — although rates continue to rise among white men, who also make up the majority of deaths by suicide.

Suicide rates among New Yorkers of Asian or Pacific Islander descent also rose significantly, from 3.3 to 6.1 deaths over the 14-year period.

New Yorkers were most likely to commit suicide by hanging, strangulation and suffocating, or jumping from a high place, according to the study published Wednesday.
What makes this study even more sadder is that I read an article about an 80 year old woman who threw herself in front of the southbound 1 train at the Dyckman St station a few days ago. She left a suicide note with her brother. But on the flip side, cops managed to a save a guy who climbed onto the Macombs Dam Bridge to commit suicide.

Lastly, I think Devil Trigger's newly minted tag came as a result of a man who's set fire to a Muslim woman and 3 other women:

The last victim, a 35-year-old dentist from Glasgow wearing a religious outfit, was window shopping on Fifth Ave. near E. 54th St. at about 9 p.m. Saturday when a man standing next to her used a lighter to set her sleeve on fire, police said.


Sonic handles my blue balls
You should all get Sticky's

The only thing is... their fries don't survive cooling down haha

i tried going over there yesterday but my Downstate friends didn't want to leave brooklyn, instead we ended getting eating here:


Sliver Rice offers raw fish over rice in a coffee cups, it's pretty neat:
the Lefferts Gardens location is becoming gentrified but it's still mixed. about a 5 min drive from SUNY Downstate


Weather looks to be a bit cooler than last weekend. Anyone know any cool things going on?
The San Gennaro Festival begins today and goes until next week; today is MoMA Free Fridays but it's going to be damn crowded with tourists; there's a Totally Public Karaoke happening from 6:00pm-10:00pm today at Riverside Park South; the Public Theatre is doing a live show of Hamlet at Marcus Garvey Park; The Met Breuer currently has a Diane Arbus exhibition until the 27th of November which I totally need to go check out.

The mayor was on his weekly 30 minute call in with Brian Lehrer today. He spoke of Bratton's retirement among other things.

And in the crazy crimes department, last night that a man attacked an off-duty detective with a meat cleaver on 32nd between 6th and 7th. The guy was trying to take off a parking boot off his car before he got disgruntled as cops approached and started swinging a meat cleaver; he got shot 18 times by 3 police officers.
I'm not surprised the cops shot a dude swinging a meat cleaver 16 times. Real question is how many rounds did they shoot?
This happened literally outside of my office building. I'm just glad I was able to leave early and wasn't there to witness it. Missed it probably by 15 mins or so. Scary shit.


For all you Batman fans out there, today is Batman Day. Every Barnes and Noble is having events to celebrate the event:

Batman Day” is back by popular demand! This Saturday, September 17th, all B&N stores nationwide are proud to offer activities, coloring and trivia sheets for the event! Plus: each store will offer 100 copies of the Batman #1 (Batman Day Special Edition) comic book to give away to customers while supplies last, and a poster with art by Jim Lee for the customer who wins the store’s Batman trivia game!



Is...is hoodie season back in NYC?

Can it be?


Nope, not even close. Although I've seen my share people who already wearing light jackets and/or blouses. Wake me up when September ends then we'll talk hoodies and jackets again.

I'm gonna go check out the San Gennaro Festival today to see what's up. Probably gonna end up in Brooklyn since I really want to check out the Brooklyn Bavarian Biergarten event in Park Slope.
I had to wear layers the last 2 days. Like button down + light jacket. I found Manhattan chilly the last 2 days, especially in the evenings. Maybe I just get cold easily.


So I don't know what happened but NYCC ended up sending me two press badges... I'm thinking I should tell em... I don't want em to blacklist me in the future or something.


Oxn said:
What about long sleeve or hoodie with shorts?
I think a long sleeve is fine IMHO. Then again people have different tolerance levels to temperature changes. Anything below 60 warrants a light jacket/hoodie for me.

So I don't know what happened but NYCC ended up sending me two press badges... I'm thinking I should tell em... I don't want em to blacklist me in the future or something.
I don't think it's that serious that they would blacklist you for having two badges instead of one. You can always give one to an intern for the website you write for or something.

It looks like tomorrow's event is going to be a washout since it's expected to rain which is no bueno for an outdoors event. I'll be keeping a close eye on the weather.
Tried out a new dumpling joint in the East Village called Drunken Dumpling. Had some crab meat dumplings and pork buns. Pretty good but I admit to being very inexperienced when it comes to dumplings so I can't compare it to any authentic dumpling place. I'm not too far from Chinatown so if any of you have any dumpling places to recommend then by all means do so!



So I'm planning on moving to New York in January (I know, probably not a great time to move)

Any suggestions for trying to find a place in manhattan?

Should I just stick with the usual apartments.com/craigslist?

Would prefer to live in manhattan, I know that'll make it extra expensive

Super excited about it though!


Bitches love smiley faces
Tried out a new dumpling joint in the East Village called Drunken Dumpling. Had some crab meat dumplings and pork buns. Pretty good but I admit to being very inexperienced when it comes to dumplings so I can't compare it to any authentic dumpling place. I'm not too far from Chinatown so if any of you have any dumpling places to recommend then by all means do so!


You didn't get the big ass dumpling?
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