Unconfirmed Member
Nice dude, good luck. SF is super pricey so hope you get a fat ass salary. Is it Palantir by chance? I heard those peeps love to fly people out for the later stages.
Hey, there are short white dudes in Williamsburg too Someone needs to stand up for them.
I'm sure NYC has a lot of GAFers. The site attracts a ton of lurkers too. I dont think I've ever met any other GAFer but I wouldnt be surprised if people came out of the shadows if I yelled out "GAF!" at Nintendo World or something.
I won't say the company, don't want to risk anything. Haha.
I will say that it offers a nice base pay 70k~ + Commission on top of that, so that's something. Full benefits too. Plus, I can pick up a good restaurant job in SF on some nights and weekends to bring in an addition ~600 a week, if I want.
If I can't survive on that then I have failed myself. Plus I'll probably just rent out a room in the less desirable lower nob hill area.