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NYPD officers pull a teenager into their van during drug a search, then rape her.


So EVERY cop EVERYWHERE is piece of garbage that deserves vileness and hatred towards their profession thrown out by so many on GAF? As hard it can be at times to accept, but not every single person within X is doing Y or Z.

They most likely already get a lot hatred, name calling etc. on daily basis by just doing their jobs so why they would ruin part of their hobby (GAF) by becoming targets for GAF's hate on police officers?

TL:DR; Not every single cop is garbage like ones in this article. Good ones actually should be thanked for doing good in peoples lives, not painted by same brush

They are thanked constantly, but if your supported organization is murdering people, your organization and all its members are going to get shit on. They also typically aren't doing good in people's lives for all groups equally. Police have decided some groups of people are more deserving of good works than others.
If you called out someone at your job and not only lost your job but also lost your ability to work in that career field would you do it? Or would you swallow your pride, keep your head low, and continue to take the paycheck that lets you live a quality life?

So are people becoming police officers just to draw a paycheck or to actually protect and serve? There's a code of ethics that you are supposed to abide by when you agree to put on the uniform. Turning the other way isn't ethical at all.
So EVERY cop EVERYWHERE is piece of garbage that deserves vileness and hatred towards their profession thrown out by so many on GAF? As hard it can be at times to accept, but not every single person within X is doing Y or Z.

They most likely already get a lot hatred, name calling etc. on daily basis by just doing their jobs so why they would ruin part of their hobby (GAF) by becoming targets for GAF's hate on police officers?

TL:DR; Not every single cop is garbage like ones in this article. Good ones actually should be thanked for doing good in peoples lives, not painted by same brush

If there were any good cops they would be speaking out, enacting change and denouncing bad actors. It literally is in their interest to do so because it restores trust in the institution if they can weed out wrongdoing and makes their job easier and more safe.

Instead they are silent, and close ranks to defend scum like this encouraging this behavior. Cops that do get fired get picked up by other precincts and the whole system is a negative feedback loop that supports bad actors. The entire system is corrupt so there are no good cops.


Disgusting. They should lose their jobs and get thrown into jail, but the pathetic reality is that they probably won't. Even worse, idiots will find some way to defend what they did.


For you.
If you called out someone at your job and not only lost your job but also lost your ability to work in that career field would you do it? Or would you swallow your pride, keep your head low, and continue to take the paycheck that lets you live a quality life?

Your fucking job is to uphold justice. If you aren't willing to actually do that, GET THE FUCK OUT. This ain't supposed to be fucking office work. If you are a police officer you need to accept the responsabilities that come with it.

The Kree

"Thankless job."

Like this country's constant cockgobbling of law enforcement isn't the reason they constantly get away with horrible shit like this.


So EVERY cop EVERYWHERE is piece of garbage that deserves vileness and hatred towards their profession thrown out by so many on GAF? As hard it can be at times to accept, but not every single person within X is doing Y or Z.

They most likely already get a lot hatred, name calling etc. on daily basis by just doing their jobs so why they would ruin part of their hobby (GAF) by becoming targets for GAF's hate on police officers?

TL:DR; Not every single cop is garbage like ones in this article. Good ones actually should be thanked for doing good in peoples lives, not painted by same brush

Not until the good cops stop circling the wagons around the bad ones.

Fuck 'em all.


By the point that you're tossing up how many rapes your job is worth you've long since lost the right to consider yourself a good person.


So are people becoming police officers just to draw a paycheck or to actually protect and serve? There's a code of ethics that you are supposed to abide by when you agree to put on the uniform. Turning the other way isn't ethical at all.

I'm pretty sure they literally swear an oath to protect and serve. this isn't some normal office job where you can keep your head down instead of whistle blowing on Karen from accounting. They are supposed to protect and serve even if there is a risk to themselves. But as I've learned, cops won't take even a 0.000000000000000000001% risk. They'd rather just blast someone or not report a rapist or a murderer within their ranks.


So what are the chances of them being registered sex offenders for life and being put away for 20 Plus?
Considering their response, it's pretty slim. Every step in the process for conviction is successively more difficult. First the prosecuter has to decide to go against the police department itself and bring charges against the rapists or convene a grand jury. The grand jury allows charfes to be brought against officers in an extremely small % of cases. Then in trial you need an unbiased judge and/or all 12 jurors to convict, which is difficult itself considering how many of our white majority population give police the benefit of the doubt in all cases, regardless of the evidence.

Hopefully this will be obe of the extremely few instances of a corrupt officer facing justice, but I'm not goibg to hold my breath.


Are they claiming these cops were off duty or what because even if it was consenual you don't get to take sex breaks while on patrol.


lol thankless job my asshole.

if you wanna be constantly publicly fellated in this country just join the military or become a cop.
But if you join the military just hope you don't get wounded in combat or suffer PTSD, because then the government will pretend you don't exist and let you sleep on the street. Ignored by the Republicans that those god fearing, supposedly military loving people that they kept getting voted in by.
Very disturbing and disgusting if the NYPD tries to protect them. Even if the sex was consensual I am sure it is not legal in any way or form to do what they did.


Police unions will defend anything cops do. They're trash. Where all the good cops condemning this? Cowards.

It's the union's job to stick up for their members even if their members are shitbags.

The blame lies more on the municipal authorities who say "hey, the union's against it" and throw up their hands whenever there's any question of making changes to police policy. They need to respect/fear the voters more than they respect/fear the police union.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Every cop I have ever interacted with has been professional, courteous and surprisingly erudite. But I’m a white homeowner who called them.

As long as they pay union dues they are actively complicit in a meaningfully corrupt system. I’ve met cops who’re frustrated by the behavior of their peers, but they still pay their membership dues and they link arms at the slightest hint of discipline against bad apples.

So I feel bad for individual cops on gaf who feel victimized but as long as they’re supporting police unions and bad officers then they’re directly complicit.

I want cops to have unions but I want those unions to address their institutional flaws.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
I hope these monsters and brought to justice by the NYP.....oh wait



Tears in the rain
Did some news sources, really need to post pictures of the victim in a bikini? I mean, really? You fucks.
Considering their response, it's pretty slim. Every step in the process for conviction is successively more difficult. First the prosecuter has to decide to go against the police department itself and bring charges against the rapists or convene a grand jury. The grand jury allows charfes to be brought against officers in an extremely small % of cases. Then in trial you need an unbiased judge and/or all 12 jurors to convict, which is difficult itself considering how many of our white majority population give police the benefit of the doubt in all cases, regardless of the evidence.

Hopefully this will be obe of the extremely few instances of a corrupt officer facing justice, but I'm not goibg to hold my breath.

Dang man... Dang


How the fuck do you even deal with this as a woman

You can't go to the other police because you can't be sure they'll rape you too, or cover up their buddy's crime.

If you tell the nurse the police that just brought you in raped you, they'll probably go "oh sure they did" and not administer a rape kit because they're usually buddies with the cops


All interactions I have had with cops range from inept to insane. Most in my child-hood.

A crazy neighbor who took my basketball stabbed it then threatened to do the same to me. My mom was gardening at the time, called the cops, he did nothing. Refused to accept charges on the basis the the guy was old (he told him not to do it again).

Strangest was a fully uniformed guy walking a German Shepard(never had seen him before or after). I was playing with my cat in the front yard. The dog lunges at me, luckily it only got my pants. I was around 9 might have actually pissed myself. I fall backward and my cat (awesome little guy) jumped scratching at the dogs face, it tried to bite him by got the cop instead. The guy goes ballistic. Screaming that he is going to arrest/sue me for their injuries. Pulls out pepper spray, I grab the cat and bolt inside to get my mom. By the time she got out he was already in his cruiser driving away.

I know my anecdotes are small time. I dread to think what would have happened if I was a black kid. Shit needs to change in this country. The first place to start is is for the few good cops (if there is any at all) to call out the pieces of shit. Or you know stop shooting minorities.


At this point I'd like a study on the difference between the literal mob and the police.
I guess one difference is that the mob pays politicians and that the mob is a little more direct in collecting taxes...
Also this kind of rape would probably not fly in some mobs.


Did some news sources, really need to post pictures of the victim in a bikini? I mean, really? You fucks.

Thus the discrediting begins. Like i said above expect leaked info about any kind of police interaction in the past to make her look awful.


The NYPD, proving once again to be the smelliest turd in the pile of shit that is US law enforcement.
And some actually are puzzled by why any police officers posting on GAF don't reveal themselves to rest of GAF....

Really focusing on what's important here huh? Just have to protect the honor of cops in a thread about two of them raping a girl... not a good look.

I mean why would any police officer on gaf expose his neck? It's a thankless job, at the end of the day each officer is responsible for his own actions since he will be judged regardless.

There have been plenty of cops on GAF, those who are shit and defend indefensible shit have been banned but there are others who are actually reasonable are just fine.

You could say that about every other job.
Any other job doesn't employee people who are supposed to be upholding the law.
They don't get to pick and choose what is or isn't okay just because their fellow shit cops are doing it.


Thus the discrediting begins. Like i said above expect leaked info about any kind of police interaction in the past to make her look awful.

I guess that's another difference between a mob and the police.
You usually don't news media going to bat for the mob.


I want cops to have unions but I want those unions to address their institutional flaws.

this is utter fantasy. the interests of cop unions are entirely opposed to accountability and reform. there is absolutely no way whatsoever they can be turned toward good purposes.


The NYPD are sick pieces of shit. Fuck them and fuck every police officer who stands by silently allowing this shit to happen.


I just want to say hi to all the people reading this thread six months from now when it's bumped with the news that no charges are filed.

How y'all doing, future GAF? How's the new Farcry?
I just want to say hi to all the people reading this thread six months from now when it's bumped with the news that no charges are filed.

How y'all doing, future GAF? How's the new Farcry?

I'm from the future... They both got promoted, she was convicted of assault against them and is serving 2 years. America has moved on and is basically ok with all of it.
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