Weakening ethics oversight will surely strengthen it. It's common sense.Not even bothering to make logical sense anymore
Weakening ethics oversight will surely strengthen it. It's common sense.Not even bothering to make logical sense anymore
Weakening ethics oversight will surely strengthen it. It's common sense.
Not even bothering to make logical sense anymore
"overzealous efforts by the Office of Congressional Ethics."Not even bothering to make logical sense anymore
So do any of the Trump fans who liked "drain the swamp" want to try and explain why they voted to enable this?
Weakening ethics oversight will surely strengthen it. It's common sense.
Won't matter. GAF is somewhat of an echo chamber, whether it be from the site's moderation style or conservatives' noted unwillingness to engage in political discourse with those who disagree with them. You aren't going to reach any die hards here. This news will not deter any of them, either.Oh shit, you're right I should just bring this thread TO THEM in some other thread where they defend Trump.
All of this paints a bleak picture of online political discourse, said John West, a data journalist at the MIT Media Lab who worked on the study. It is one balkanized by ideology and issue-interest, with little potential for information flow between the online cocoons or between the loud and important cluster of exclusive Trump followers and the institutionalized media users that are supposed to be political discourses immune system.
* Unemployment: Under President Obama, job growth has been quite strong, and the unemployment rate has improved dramatically. PPP, however, found that 67% of Trump voters believe the unemployment rate went up under Obama which is the exact opposite of reality.
* Stock Market: Since the president was elected, the stock market has soared, nearly tripling since the height of the Great Recession. PPP found that 39% of Trump voters believe the market has gone down under Obama which is also the exact opposite of reality.
* Popular Vote: As of this morning, Hillary Clinton received roughly 2.7 million more votes than Donald Trump, but PPP nevertheless found that 40% of Trump voters believe he won the popular vote which is, once again, the exact opposite of reality.
* Voter Fraud: Even Trumps lawyers concede there was no voter fraud in the presidential election, but PPP found that 60% of Trump voters apparently believe millions of illegal ballots were cast for Clinton in 2016 which isnt even close to resembling reality.
* Soros Conspiracy Theory: A whopping 73% of Trump voters believe George Soros is paying anti-Trump protesters though in reality, George Soros is not paying anti-Trump protesters.
We are, in other words, looking at a political landscape in which much of the president-elects core base appears to be living in an alternate reality.
Eight-in-ten Republicans and Republican leaners say they approve of Trumps cabinet choices and other high level appointments. By contrast, just 11% of Democrats and Democratic leaners say they approve of these selections. Ratings among Democrats today are far lower than the 49% of Republicans who said they approved of Obamas initial cabinet choices in December 2008 and the 44% of Democrats who said the approved of Bushs selections in January 2001.
Respondents correct understanding of the popular vote depended a great deal on partisanship. A large fraction of Republicans 52 percent said Trump won the popular vote, compared with only 7 percent of Democrats and 24 percent of independents. Among Republicans without any college education, the share was even larger: 60 percent, compared with 37 percent of Republicans with a college degree.
These results align with something social scientists have long recognized: We choose facts to be consistent with our prior beliefs. In this case, Republicans are more likely to endorse erroneous claims about Trumps victory because it aligns with their partisanship. They do not, however, have any partisan motivation when estimating the size of minority groups.
If the Republican electors are anything like the party rank and file, they may think voting for Trump is in line with the choices of the American people.
It's official: Truth is dead. Facts are passe.
And this sentiment 😂 is so last year.
Oxford Dictionaries has selected post-truth as 2016's international word of the year, after the contentious Brexit referendum and an equally divisive U.S. presidential election caused usage of the adjective to skyrocket, according to the Oxford University Press.
The dictionary defines post-truth as relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.
In this case, the post- prefix doesn't mean after so much as it implies an atmosphere in which a notion is irrelevant but then again, who says you have to take our word for it anymore?
we're going to have a hell of a time rebuilding
Wait, how can they vote to remove their own oversight? Shouldn't that be handled by an external agency/branch? Aren't most oversight committees and agencies set-up by multiple branches and then left to operate independently so that they... you know... provide oversight?
I can I vote to remove laws from applying to myself?
We won't be able to.
The system set up by the founding fathers officially failed November 8th, 2016.
Onto the next super power.
There is also absolutely fucking zero reason to assume anything but the fucking worst considering the shit that has already been put into motion before that fascist fuck actually takes office. People have every reason to be pissed.Defeatism is dumb. You have no idea what will happen this year, let alone in four.
Wait, how can they vote to remove their own oversight? Shouldn't that be handled by an external agency/branch? Aren't most oversight committees and agencies set-up by multiple branches and then left to operate independently so that they... you know... provide oversight?
I can I vote to remove laws from applying to myself?
Americans, you know what's even scarier? The inevitable follow-up propaganda for normalizing these actions.
We investigated ourselves and cleared ourselves of any wrongdoing.
The Republican party: so obviously fucking corrupt beyond hope to anyone with a functioning brain. Americans: too many brainwashed beyond hope to fire the current Republican party.
You did well with your networks of asininery, Rupert Murdoch. Are you happy now?
Defeatism is dumb. You have no idea what will happen this year, let alone in four.
There is also absolutely fucking zero reason to assume anything but the fucking worst considering the shit that has already been put into motion before that fascist fuck actually takes office. People have every reason to be pissed.
Wish I knew. I only see the political landscape of this country becoming more extreme and partisan going forward. For Republicans, politics might as well be total war now. Absolute gross power grabs like we see in NC and behavior we've witnessed throughout Trump's rise will become more common because Liberals Are The Enemy and anything is justifiable in the pursuit of their defeat. The GOP will be testing to see what they can and can't get away with and I suspect they'll get away with a lot. Democrats will either adopt this aggressively combative mindset, further widening the divide, or they will continue treating this "game" like an athletic competition replete with necessary sportsmanship.So how does one go about countering post-truth?
I mean, equilibrium will inevitably return (it always does) when Republicans kill the country but what do we do before that eventuality?
For Republicans, politics might as well be total war now. Absolute gross power grabs like we see in NC ...
I'm quietly hoping that the half of the country too apathetic to vote will awaken someday like Goku going SSJ, a sleeping giant the GOP might accidentally rouse by taking things too far, too fast, too boldly.
I have only posted about Wii games and berserk anime for the last three or four years but i suddenly feel strongly that we should all talk about how Hillary caused this.
So do any of the Trump fans who liked "drain the swamp" want to try and explain why they voted to enable this?
Hillary would've done the same thing + war with Russia. It's obvious.
You will wake up one day and immediately be cognizant of everything that ended in November.
It's going to be like a train through everyone's living room. Just because those who have been passionate about politics since 9/11 and the financial crisis sound defeated, doesn't mean their knowledge is any less a realistic portrayal of what is actually happening in the world.
Sauron got his ring and we gave it to him. Defeatism...no. Reality.