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NYT: House republicans gut independent ethics office

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I have only posted about Wii games and berserk anime for the last three or four years but i suddenly feel strongly that we should all talk about how Hillary caused this.
Old and racist people have been warning us for years of the evils that would befall us if we let a woman try and lead us.

To quote a prominent Trumper: "You reek what you sew".

Think about it.
If members did this on their own then their is already big money at play and these members are sending a message to the leadership and those who still believe they run "government" in this country that they better get in line or get out off the way of the brown shirts. We are heading for a fleecing of this country with no one in the way in fact its going to be the norm.


Wish I knew. I only see the political landscape of this country becoming more extreme and partisan going forward. For Republicans, politics might as well be total war now. Absolute gross power grabs like we see in NC and behavior we've witnessed throughout Trump's rise will become more common because Liberals Are The Enemy and anything is justifiable in the pursuit of their defeat. The GOP will be testing to see what they can and can't get away with and I suspect they'll get away with a lot. Democrats will either adopt this aggressively combative mindset, further widening the divide, or they will continue treating this "game" like an athletic competition replete with necessary sportsmanship.

Either way, whew boy the next couple of years will be exciting. I'm quietly hoping that the half of the country too apathetic to vote will awaken someday like Goku going SSJ, a sleeping giant the GOP might accidentally rouse by taking things too far, too fast, too boldly. But I can't imagine anything less extreme than a draft or a few nukes dropping making that happen.

Alternatively, maybe I'm just being too doom and gloom and the next 4-8 years will be surprisingly peachy.

And that, right there, is why I find it difficult to hate on the Democrats. What do you even DO in this kind of situation? The other side that originally entered the game with the understanding that they recognized each other as legitimate policy makers even if they may disagree has thrown that out the window.

When one party in a two party system insists that the other party is the Enemy, then they've already discarded democracy. Democracy is all about the understanding that one party will not always have power.

It seems like whatever the Democrats do in this situation, they lose. They can toss away the rules, too, but then what? Republicans own the narrative. They've already got a not insignificant part of the country believing that anything Democrats do is wrong and Republicans doing the same things are right. It's like agreeing to a chess match and the opponent flips the board and throws the pieces in your face while the audience insists that that action totally won them the game. How do you respond to that?

What continues to astonish me in this situation is that the worse the Republicans act, the more they seem to be rewarded. I can't wrap my head around that one.
Yeah my dad just said Washington is full of evil politicians and they deserve to be destroyed.


Consider the swamp drained guys

These people don't even give a fuck, they tune in every 4 years and vote for the one that likes guns and isn't liberal.
Yeah my dad just said Washington is full of evil politicians and they deserve to be destroyed.


Consider the swamp drained guys

These people don't even give a fuck, they tune in every 4 years and vote for the one that likes guns and isn't liberal.

Destroyed by rewarding them with all Branches of government? Next time your dad leaves his facebook open go in and delete his account.


The article doesn't make it very clear what's being changed.

Does the Office of Congressional Complaint Review get to decide which complaints are passed on to the Office of Congressional Ethics? Is that where legislators would be exerting more control?
Stop with the bullshit "we need to stop and thoroughly dispassionately study" arguments. You're the idiots who insinuated that (ignoring a shitload of investigations) a woman merely knowing any bankers basically meant she must be corrupt, evil, witch, hell bent on killing as many nine month old fetuses as she could.

The article does explain what's being changed. They say it in black and white. The committee is closed and replaced with a board that can't receive anonymous complaints anymore and can't actually investigate any complaints they receive.

Yes, putting ethical oversight in the hands of interested partisans is always a great idea.
It goes well with their "regulations are strangling businesses" line this election. How can they get any work done themselves with all these people watching to make sure they're being ethical (and proving that they aren't ethical fairly often). Also, they love Jesus, so why would we need to watch them?


What continues to astonish me in this situation is that the worse the Republicans act, the more they seem to be rewarded. I can't wrap my head around that one.

It's becuase the Republican Party's main purpose since Nixon has been to legitimize, at all parts of our government and society, the long held biases and prejudices that have been handed down from parent to child for generations.


Drain the, Swap was never anything but a whistle for removing any regulations and anything politically on the left.
EDIT: Or simply put to cull any opposition.
Honestly this is standard republican protocol. If you are old enough you probably aren't shocked. Its going to be up to real news to start digging again and keep these people in check because you cannot count on government to self regulate. Its pretty much back to business as usual for republicans.


2018 is going to be a fun year.

I hope the dems actually get out and vote in the midterms for once in their lives.


The Autumn Wind
Honestly this is standard republican protocol. If you are old enough you probably aren't shocked. Its going to be up to real news to start digging again and keep these people in check because you cannot count on government to self regulate. Its pretty much back to business as usual for republicans.
Haha, good luck with that.

Let me tell you how it will go. They'll have a Democrat Representative followed by a Republican Representative on, then follow that up with some variation of "Both sides have a valid argument."


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
See, the problem with government is ethics.

Too much ethics.
We need to take these ethics out of the government and find someplace useful to put them. Has anyone tried to add ethics to gaming journalism?
2018 is going to be a fun year.

I hope the dems actually get out and vote in the midterms for once in their lives.

And then what? Lets says by some miracle dems actually take even one of the houses, what does it matter? With Trump and his goons mandating their agenda and the other branches following along and along with an idiot voter base that has the memory of a nat and a slew of fake news on their facebook feeds they will be once again convinced that the democrats are the ones stifling legislation and are the ones making government a gridlock mess and then 2020 we are back at it with the dems being the bad guys and again gop control. No, I'm sorry but I don't think 2018 is going to matter. This era of politics is at least 2 or more full terms of GOP controlled madness because things are going to have to hit real rock bottom again before dems ever have a chance especially because the current crop have zero chance.
Considering that apparently 1/4th to 1/3rd of the people in this great country are living in an alternate reality...I mean...how does one go about fighting that?

Trump could start WW3 and get half the country nuked, and Foxnews would still find a way to blame it on Obama and/or Hilary's emails.
Not being familiar with the OCE, I visited its website and have to say I'm impressed with how they've organized the work they've produced. It's broken up into easy to understand categories. There's an "Investigations" section. In it you'll find all their reports. In them you'll notice a brief summary describing the alleged ethics infraction, exhibits of inquiries and interviews, a statement of referral by the OCE to the Committee on Ethics to consider further steps, and one I found amusing, a "Committee Action" section which states what actions, if any, the Committee on Ethics have taken. It reads delightfully terse. In a considerably compelling referral for a Mr. David Bowser*, who is alleged to have "attempted to obstruct the OCE's review of Representative Broun", they simply state "The Committee on Ethics made no public statement regarding this matter." No bullshit, just the facts.

Killing the OCE and creating an inherently inferior office in its place which lacks the independent authority to perform its own investigations, without fear of congressional interference or political reprisal, makes this a complete sham.


*He was indicted on "theft of government property, obstruction, "concealment of material facts," and five counts of making false statements, including to the Office of Congressional Ethics."
It's not really a joke anymore.. I'm pretty sure even current elected Republicans chuckle about how goddamn evil they really are.
Yup. That sounds about right. They literally don't even care. It's that "fuck this" cat gif except the cat is the GOP and they're swatting away literally everything "in their way", which hilariously includes ethics offices and impartiality.

♪ Fighting evil by moonlight ♪

Winning love by daylight

Never running from a real fight

Uh... uh...

Everybody Wang Chung tonight?
"But, but, but... it's all Obama's fault, somehow" - Random Trump supporters.

I fucking hate the current Republican party. Cowardly and corrupt to the core and don't even try to hide it.

Not to mention greedy, and clearly only in office to support their own bank accounts. I'm baffled how people with such little human decency could even exist. It's baffling, and yet so scary.


Of course they do. No need for an ethics committee, they'd only call attention to everything that's going to happen the next 4 years.

What does this mean?
That Republicans just killed the independent body that could investigate misconduct by lawmakers and rolled back to the previous inhouse setup, which worked wonders :

The body was created after a string of serious ethical issues starting a decade ago, including bribery allegations against Representatives Duke Cunningham, Republican of California; William J. Jefferson, Democrat of Louisiana; and Bob Ney, Republican of Ohio. All three were ultimately convicted and served time in jail.

This is an actively pro-corruption move.


As an outsider looking in, I'm once again boggled. How do you vote against an ethical oversight board setup in the wake of large scale unethical behaviour with a straight face? You can't even use the excuse "there's nothing unethical happening here".

Stay strong, 'merica.
This really feels oddly familiar to the congressional shenanigans of any fascist regime that grew from a dominant political party.
This might sound hyperbolic but I don't see this administration coming to an end without at least one major instance of politically-charged bloodshed between Americans. And one seems conservative.

These are the new dark ages.
Republicans gonna be Republicans.

People should be directing their anger at Obama and the DNC for failing so spectacularly these past 8 years.


Republicans gonna be Republicans.

People should be directing their anger at Obama and the DNC for failing so spectacularly these past 8 years.

Obama had to handle Republicans with a majority for most of that time...

Or did you forget that they had a plan to have him fail?
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