Wish I knew. I only see the political landscape of this country becoming more extreme and partisan going forward. For Republicans, politics might as well be total war now. Absolute gross power grabs like we see in NC and behavior we've witnessed throughout Trump's rise will become more common because Liberals Are The Enemy and anything is justifiable in the pursuit of their defeat. The GOP will be testing to see what they can and can't get away with and I suspect they'll get away with a lot. Democrats will either adopt this aggressively combative mindset, further widening the divide, or they will continue treating this "game" like an athletic competition replete with necessary sportsmanship.
Either way, whew boy the next couple of years will be exciting. I'm quietly hoping that the half of the country too apathetic to vote will awaken someday like Goku going SSJ, a sleeping giant the GOP might accidentally rouse by taking things too far, too fast, too boldly. But I can't imagine anything less extreme than a draft or a few nukes dropping making that happen.
Alternatively, maybe I'm just being too doom and gloom and the next 4-8 years will be surprisingly peachy.