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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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I'm actually praying for a meteor to just take these idiots out, though Trump supporters would blame gays, muslims, and imigrants for it happening.


He's going off on the NYT now.


Glad to be a subscriber.

medias need to double, triple down, keep attacking him until his hairs fall out. use the page in his playbook.


I'm just so overwhelmed by all this news this week I haven't even really commented.

Just feeling so dark over all this, like the only silver lining I can think of is that I'm young enough to someday see Trump die.


This makes me so goddamn angry I want to riot. Fuck Bannon, Trump, their supporters, and anyone who voted for him. A bunch of vile, evil, inhuman garbage. I almost wish I wasn't an atheist so that I could believe these fucks would all burn in hell.

I feel so bad for the refugees. I hope Canada and others step up, because the USA is an unambiguously evil empire for the foreseeable future.
This makes me so goddamn angry I want to riot. Fuck Bannon, Trump, their supporters, and anyone who voted for him. A bunch of vile, evil, inhuman garbage. I almost wish I wasn't an atheist so that I could believe these fucks would all burn in hell.

I feel so bad for the refugees. I hope Canada and others step up, because the USA is an unambiguously evil empire for the foreseeable future.

Organize and start a protest, seriously.
This was a super quick turnaround from the signing. It's so sad seeing the US become like this. I'm absolutely disgusted with my country.


Nazi Germany moved much slower than this.

And yet look at the unprecedented mess the Nazis have created in just 12 years.

If Hitler became chancellor when Batman Begins was released in theater, World War II would be over by now.

Always reminds me that a lot can happen in a very short amount of time.
And here we are. An enthusiastic but sizeable minority propelled an authoritarian into office, whose actions in seven days have straddled the line between pre-fascism and full-on fascism, thus tarnishing the image of an entire country to the rest of the world, damning the efforts of the previous administration and leaving its achievements as a fleeting memory, and culminating in results with tragic personal consequences for countless souls. And concurrently, other groups around the world are taking particular interest and inspiration in these troubling developments and they too will galvanise their base and support as they appeal to ugly instincts of seclusion and hyper-nationalism, of rejecting people genuinely in need, to blame the little foreign man for actions beyond his control or comprehension, and to invoke natural suspicions of the "other" as a potential threat. It will likely get worse from here too.

These have been some of the darkest, most visible storm clouds in the sky. Not a single individual here should have been blindsided by their arrival, especially when the odious telling signs barely even needed to slightly hover over the horizon before it became abundantly clear what could happen ahead. Any individual who voted for Trump only to now express unease at these headlines and at these stories of personal heartache, you have no one else to blame but your own inordinate naivety and ignorant stupidity. Perhaps so motivated by selfishness that you nary stopped to think of the wider-reaching consequences of what voting in a man who transparently laid out his platform would be. Or perhaps you genuinely voted for all this to happen, and you can't care less about this, in which case I don't know if I can ever have a measured, rational dialogue with you.
Nope, I did my part with my vote. Elections have consequences, this is a lesson progressives need to learn.

And what, just roll over and let all that we done so far just go to shit?! All the progress we made, the lives that could potentially be lost in the coming years? But nope, I did part...please.

You don't wanna do anything, then that's your deal, but not everyone else's. I'm not ready to lose everything we worked hard to get up to this point, thank you.


Fuck everyone who supports this and I hope that everbody that doesn't fight against this shit will see their karma coming.


Shame on everyone who tried to suggest Hillary and Trump were equally bad during the election.

This is crushing my soul. I can't believe this is reality.


Donate, folks. I think I'm just gonna do monthly automatically withdrawals to the ACLU.

Don't lose hope!

I know this has been a rough week, but no need to get depressed. Engage.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Isn't this illegal?

Since the order doesn't impact US citizens, no. The president has the power to ban really any non-US citizen due to an act of Congress back during the Cold War.

Congress would have to basically take that power away from him.

Edit: seems the article I read wasn't as thorough as the one above...might be semi-conflicting laws on the books that will have to be tested in court

Edit edit: the article I read...thought the Washington Post would be a little more on top of their game but I guess the issue is murky

Nope, I did my part with my vote. Elections have consequences, this is a lesson progressives need to learn.

I'm glad you took part in the election to voice what you felt was right. History has taught us that sadly this is not always enough though. The cost of taking a wait and see approach to teach a lesson is far, far too high for too many people. Don't stand by and let this administration get away with these atrocious acts.

Clearly i'm being somewhat hyperbolic here when talking about revolt but do take action, call your congress representative as often as you can, take part in local protest and try to educate those around you.
While i do think Paul Ryan meant that, hes certainly shown himself to care more about his career than his convictions. Hes spineless, which is a shame. There are no reasonable members left in the GOP.

Blame the GOP who scared them with their bullshit xenophobic manipulation tactics for the last 30 years.

What makes you think there were any sane GOP members in the first place?
So whatever happens in the next 4 years is ok, so as long progressives learn their lesson, what a fucked up attitude to have...

Something has to kickstart people actually giving a damn about voting in EVERY election. Facts and figures won't do it, maybe this will. I'm not spending any time or effort solving this problem when it could have been avoided by taking an hour out of your day to vote.

I had it up to here trying to convince Bernie supporters and "both sides are the same" clowns to vote Hillary during the election. I'm done.
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