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NYT: Trump Removes Anthony Scaramucci From Communications Director Role

What kind of laughter?

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Schiff gives no fucks....



So much for the tolerant left...




Couldn't have happened to a more annoying douche. Actually, would be nice if someone could straight up remove Trump now too. Come on Mueller!

The Trump administration continues to show how much of an unprofessional, uncoordinated joke it is.


Kelly behind this according to Politico is bad news no? If the dude can actually clean shit up the likelyhood of Republicans actually getting stuff done increases.

You can't control Trump and Trump has a unpredictable and shifting agenda that he doesn't communicate with his staff. You can't clean that up.


This is like the political equivalent of smashing your Ferrari out of the dealership. Literally everything about this guy's life was incinerated in a matter of days.


Nooooope. I want the whole place to keep burning. Kelly is a semi sensible human being that the orange fuck is scared of. Kelly is gonna reign some of the crazy.

Yea, Kelly needs to be fired or resign. I can deal with Trump WH, competent Trump WH is scary.
I'm in the UK and I've switched on Fox News just to see how they react to this news and it is fucking staggering to see the spin they put on this.


This is like some reality show where Trump fires someone every week

'Don't miss the next episode of celebrity White House'


Holy crap. The guy gave up like everything to be there too. His wife. Missed the birth of his son. Kissed ass to the point of imitating trump's mannerisms (which I will assume was intentional).

All for a week and a half of a job.

He's filthy rich, so I'm not worried for him, but that just raises further questions about why he sacrificed so much for so little.


Remember when hearing someone was going to work in the white house was met with respect and awe?

Back in the before times?
"If I give special treatment to you, everyone will want it! Next thing you know, it's chaos! And I can tell you this: Chaos does not work for the Oval Office! Not as long as I'm running the show!"
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