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NYT: Trump Removes Anthony Scaramucci From Communications Director Role

What kind of laughter?

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Don't forget "fake news". My die hard Trump neighbor just yelled across the fence to me as I taking out the trash calling the Mooch firing "fake news by liberal jew media" and saying that none of the people supposedly fired have ACTUALLY been fired but rather they've all been shifted into different positions in the White House.

That's Trump's base. He knows I supported Clinton so he constantly yells shit across the yard every time he sees me outside. I feel bad for him. Late 60s and so full of ignorance and hate.

Your neighbor yells about the "liberal jew media" unsolicited to people he sees in his neighborhood? That's effed up

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Great question at the press conference about the hypocrisy of the US placing sanctions on Maduro yet praising Erdogan..


To put in the words of the late great Donald Jr.


The blink-and-you-missed-him former White House communications director is listed as deceased in the new Harvard Law School alumni directory, which arrived in alums’ mailboxes the very week that “The Mooch” became the most talked-about guy in politics. An asterisk by the 1989 graduate’s name indicates that he was reported dead since the last directory, which was published in 2011.



Your neighbor yells about the "liberal jew media" unsolicited to people he sees in his neighborhood? That's effed up

He flies a Confederate battle jack and has InfoWars bumper stickers on his car. As soon as he saw my Clinton yard sign during the tail end of the primaries, he's pretty much made it his mission to yell shit at me anytime he sees me. I'm almost certain he's also responsible for my missing Ralph Northam (VA democrat candidate for governor) yard sign.
The president felt his comments were inappropriate for someone in his position yet he regularly shitposts and spreads hate on twitter on a near daily basis?
I find it HILARIOUS that they are trying to pan this as he was let go because of offensive comments.

Really, grab em by the pussy?

Chaos, shits on fucking fire.
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