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NYT: White House Plans to Have Trump Ally Review Intelligence Agencies

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I'm seriously utterly confused as to why Trump went and declared war on the intelligence community. Where did such an utterly stupid move come from?

Because they can totally undermine whatever bullshit narrative the administration wants to feed to the public and expose all the skeletons in their closet. Trump isn't even denying the shit Flynn did, he's pissed that someone told the general public the truth. They can just as well tell lies and undermine them probably just as well.


We are currently dealing with a WH that believes every other government body, the media and more than half of the people in this country are their hostile enemies. Scary.

Yep. On a GOOD day this administration would be horrifically incompetent, even without the treason.


Here's a Reuters article from last Thursday that goes into more depth on Feinberg's likely new role...

Exclusive: Trump considers private equity's Feinberg for U.S. intelligence review

And of particular note...

Is streamline a more palatable word that you would use?

Again, indications are that currently IC employees are against 45 (in general)... streamlining won't necessarily change that. Them not being there definitely changes that.

Does this Cerberus have ties to Russia? Just wondering... Somehow i would not be surprised if they did.

Kevin Bacon says so.

Caja 117

By retaliate, what do you mean exactly? Who specifically is retaliating? It isn't this clear cut. IC is many organizations and fabrics. Also, they could care less about a scandal, as long as they get their funding and their operations aren't disrupted.

Sorry if my post wasnt clear, when I memtioned scandal and retaliate, Im talking about how the IC will get dirt on the person trying to damage them which will just mean a scandal for Cerberus, a scandal that Cerberus doesnt need.

And I dont know that much on how shady some of these agency could be, but I wouldnt dpubt that some of then operate as dirty as agencies from other countries like the FSB.
Here's a Reuters article from last Thursday that goes into more depth on Feinberg's likely new role...

Exclusive: Trump considers private equity's Feinberg for U.S. intelligence review

And of particular note...

Is streamline a more palatable word that you would use?

It's clear that they want to lobotomize the IC. Streamlining by an acquire and destroy business expert does not bode well.

At my high school English teacher's urging, I started reading Atlas Shrugged as part of a scholarship competition. I wasn't a complete fucking idiot though so I noped out of it about 200 pages into that trash.

Still disturbs me though that there's some society out there waving scholarships around, trying to indoctrinate college bound kids.

That is a damn shame. Teenagers are so malleable at that age :(


Yes, Trump can drain the 'swamp' but he must do this first or get eaten by the alligators

As President Trump begins the process of implementing commitments and draining the swamp through his executive orders and legislative initiatives, he needs to clearly understand that the swamp will undoubtedly fight back.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has already slow-rolled the confirmation process of the President’s new cabinet.

The angry left has mobilized and encouraged protestors to attempt to create the impression that his new policies lack public support.

Even some Republicans are proving to be less than helpful. These actions were all expected. Candidate Trump got a taste of this opposition during his campaign.

What is conceivably new and maybe somewhat unexpected in terms of its scale and impact is the fourth branch of the U.S. government – the bureaucracy.

Perhaps the most glaring example of the power of the bureaucracy was the decision by his acting Attorney General to refuse to defend the President’s Executive Order on a refugee pause as new enhanced vetting protocols from seven countries were developed.

The swamp now has officially claimed its first victim of the administration, Mike Flynn. Flynn made a mistake, no doubt about it. But he fell victim to the bureaucracy that was not fond of him or his reform agenda. It collected information secretively and then leaked it to a willing and eager media.

Team Trump will soon see that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The federal bureaucracy is full of employees who do not share his world view. From Foggy Bottom to NOAA to the IRS, they have become increasingly politicized. The bureaucracy would be happy to undermine and “resist”. Some have already begun and it will only get worse.

President Trump must recognize this threat to his agenda. He needs to gather his team and get them on the field. The president has the ability to fill roughly 5,000 positions. While that number may seem massive, it pales in comparison to the almost three million workers in the fourth estate. Many if not most of who are committed to maintaining the status quo.

Please excuse me, I have to vomit.


Sorry if my post wasnt clear, when I memtioned scandal and retaliate, Im talking about how the IC will get dirt on the person trying to damage them which will just mean a scandal for Cerberus, a scandal that Cerberus doesnt need.

And I dont know that much on how shady some of these agency could be, but I wouldnt that some of then dont operate as dirty as agencies from other countries like the FSB.

Ah! Makes sense now. I totally agree. This is a huge risk for them. Their entire operation relies on not being known or in the public eye.
Soon at the CIA and NSA


The Adder

Is there not a distinct possibility that this mercenary as fuck boss of a mercenary as fuck company with contracts in the military and If may not care to have the IC streamlined? Nor would he want the fight even if he could win. Because when the IC bites back it bites hard.

Could this not end up biting Trump in the ass?


Meh, I feel like they would have a safe guard in terms of a contingency plan for this particular scenario or a threat of a president. Probably have information backed up to a place unbeknownst to the white house even


Cerebus is classified as, "special purpose vehicles," a type of unregulated shell-bank which is generally created by a mother corporation to hide losses or possibly risky business ventures from appearing on the mother company's losses sheet at the end of the year. SPVs such as Cerebus are regularly used by individuals or corporations to circumvent taxes, environmental regulations, and investigations by governments outside of corporate tax havens that an SPV may be registered in. Shell-banks (or shadow banks) are also used by many shady countries and oligarchs to launder money through friendly tax havens like Ireland.

So essentially Trump is hiring another rich goon.


The IC has shown it is the biggest threat to Trump, his power and control over 'truth'. He and his handlers were probably aiming to slowly eat away at the IC's ability to hurt him, but now will look at speeding that up.

If Trump succeeds in gutting the IC of those who have the knowledge, ability, and resources to fight him, he will have full control. He would just continue to shrug off media attacks, which would be made alot more toothless without the IC, and probably even turn the lobotomized IC's abilities against his opponents to discredit and undermine them. He would have zero qualms about going right back to loving 'leaks' that hurt someone other than himself.

I very much hope the intelligence community wins this fight.


Its all over? Trump and team did it?

I mean the country, in general, is fucked. You could remove Team Easy D tomorrow and these morons would still be here and they would be emboldened and mobilized. Our politicians are starting a civil war between the citizens of this country.

I feel like Trump and co has convinced a large portion of the population that their neighbors are actively trying to destroy them. I wonder if he will become some sort of martyr to them. I could definitely see this getting ugly in the streets if Trump starts putting ideas in their heads.


Which is interesting because it feels like the more he prods the IC the more they'll release.
Can't properly assess who's loyal and who isn't if they don't leak anything.
You have to prod them into exposing themselves first so you can root out the undesirable elements.
It's not like the Republicans are going to act on anything that DOES come out.


I imagine they'll take their time, so then each one has impact.

As optimistic as I am in regards to the IC's work, I doubt this is case. It reminds me of the GE debates where many of us on GAF were saying that the Queen was playing with Trump and that she was strategically waiting to bury him in the next debate. It never happened. We can't always assume that there is a master plan when dealing with Donald Trump.

The time for stringing Trump along is over, and I doubt the IC has much more that they can risk sharing at this time. I would love to be wrong, though.

Caja 117

Can't Republicans pass legislation to disband the FBI, CIA and NSA? It would be in their best interest.

I think there are even assetts within those agency that cant even be fired. Im mot sure what kind of procedure is needed to remove a goverment organization, but the last thing a goverment wantss is a bunch of spy holding this country darkest and biggest secrets unemployed and pissed off.
I mean the country, in general, is fucked. You could remove Team Easy D tomorrow and these morons would still be here and they would be emboldened and mobilized. Our politicians are starting a civil war between the citizens of this country.

I feel like Trump and co has convinced a large portion of the population that their neighbors are actively trying to destroy them. I wonder if he will become some sort of martyr to them. I could definitely see this getting ugly in the streets if Trump starts putting ideas in their heads.

I fear that someone is going to get the bright idea of deputizing the more radical elements of his base to stoke the flames. The fact that they are trying to get far-right and white nationalist groups off of the terrorist lists (lessening any scrutiny) is a worrisome sign they may already be laying the groundwork.

Maybe they'll wear brown shirts.
Can't properly assess who's loyal and who isn't if they don't leak anything.
You have to prod them into exposing themselves first so you can root out the undesirable elements.
It's not like the Republicans are going to act on anything that DOES come out.

My depression has gotten much worse.


Can't Republicans pass legislation to disband the FBI, CIA and NSA? It would be in their best interest.

What? Do you really think Congress would be able to just disband our federal law enforcement/domestic security agency, foreign intelligence service, and signals intelligence organization at the drop of a hat?


I think there are even assetts within those agency that cant even be fired. Im mot sure what kind of procedure is needed to remove a goverment organization, but the last thing a goverment wantss is a bunch of spy holding this country darkest and biggest secrets unemployed and pissed off.

I recall a similar situation happened in Iraq. Just not with spies but former soldiers. I wonder how that went.


I really can't tell what is sarcasm anymore with regards to "disbanding" the CIA / NSA / FBI.

Seriously, guys?

He can not win this fight. There is literally no one he is interested in allying with. He has pitted himself against pretty much every arm of information collection and distribution in the world, aside from a select few right-wing news outlets.

Things would be a lot scarier if he was actually capable and showed interest in some kind of collaboration with insiders, but as it is he continues to send his billionaire friends in to do jobs they are certainly grossly incapable of. Simply firing a few people here and there is not going to solve anything, the "Intelligence Community" is a huge and decentralized group of people not limited to just the bureaucrats in DC.


Some pertinent news (from 2010) of Cerberus Capital Management:

Yeah... I'm sure there's absolutely no financial or other nefarious motivations whatsoever for this guy getting involved in Intelligence...

edit 2: Whoops, didn't see this bit from the bottom of the NYT article:

edit 1: Also, its Global Investments Chairman is former VP Dan Quayle.

Yeah, I'm sure it was totally just about "congratulations"...

We had a thread about this Cerberus group back in 2011:

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