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NYTimes: For Trump Supporters, the Real Outrage Is the Left’s Uproar Over Comey


The script should be familiar by now. President Trump takes action that stuns the country, eliciting indignation and disbelief from Democrats and leading them to conclude that the vitality of American democracy is under assault.

Yet among those who are sympathetic to the president — a minority, to be sure, but somewhere around 40 percent of the country, according to recent polls — the outrage is that Mr. Trump is again being held to an unfair standard set by the very people and institutions that tried to stop his election in the first place: Democrats, resentful Republicans and, perhaps most of all, the news media.

Many conservatives see not just a reactionary left, but menacing forces in the form of an anti-Trump movement that uses hype as a pretense to undermine their political power. Such a visceral reaction from the right, analysts said, is something unique to Mr. Trump's appeal. And the more conservatives perceive the president as under siege from his political enemies — enemies they also see as their own — the more willing they seem to accept his version of events.

In this version of events, the ”alternate facts" emanate not from the mouths of Mr. Trump or his aides but from the ”fake news" mainstream media.

The way the Comey story played out in the conservative news media was a telling illustration of this divide.

The Conservative Review, an online journal, mocked ”the same fretting screeds that have accompanied nearly every move and measure conducted by this administration, regardless of severity." With each one, the website said, the president's opponents were ”whipping themselves up into full Constitutional Crisis mode."

On Facebook, Republicans shared the 1993 C-Span footage of Bill Clinton's announcement that he had fired William S. Sessions, the only other F.B.I. director to be dismissed, while the bureau was investigating why employees in the White House Travel Office had been involved in an episode that became known as Travelgate. (The conditions of Mr. Sessions's firing were much different, however, as he had abused his federally funded travel privileges.)

When Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, was asked on Fox News about comparisons that liberals and others have made between the firing of Mr. Comey and the ”Saturday Night Massacre" — the ouster of Justice Department officials who refused to carry out President Richard M. Nixon's order to fire the special prosecutor leading the Watergate investigation — he snapped, ”Suck it up and move on."

Democrats should recognize that reaction. For years, they accused Republicans of resisting Mr. Obama's agenda at every turn, of being spiteful and even hateful as they refused to accept the results of the presidential election. And now, Republicans seem to relish the opportunity to turn the tables.

Rush Limbaugh told his listeners on Wednesday, ”This kind of irrational hate — this all-consuming hate and derangement, delusion — it isn't healthy."

More here

For God's sake, this is not normal Republicans! Wake up! Look around! Obama never did this shit.
For God's sake, this is not normal Republicans! Wake up! Look around! Obama never did this shit.
We're not standing in the same place. We're not looking at the same things. The view is different. Everything you rely on to draw conclusions, they resent and distrust.

It's like shouting at a hermetically sealed bunker.
This is the same base that has a majority that believe Barack Obama is a Kenyan Muslim. At this point, I would much rather read a thesis on whether or not black is a colour than hear what this group believe.


This is why you don't waste and real time trying to get Trump voters to vote for you. They don't care. They only listen and believe any bullshit Trump says.


Trump fires FBI chief while FBI investigates Trump? No problem.

Obama puts Dijon mustard on his burger? Fuck that fuck!
It was the same thing with the Access Hollywood tape. They were more bothered by the fact the media was making such a big deal about it.


Who gives a shit what they think? They're idiotic traitorous fucks that would rather see our country turn into an authoritarian regime than live next to a brown person.


these people are willfully ignorant. Nothing could possibly happen to change their mind. Trump could shoot their firstborn in front of them and say it's Obama's fault and they'd believe him.


the outrage is that Mr. Trump is again being held to an unfair standard

Well fuck those ignorant shits. 45 could murder someone on TV and they "he's showing strength." How do you olive branch with people this ignorant?
Who cares about these people and why dedicate time analyzing something that doesn't really deserve deep analysis? Maybe they want to write an article on Jeffrey Lord's psyche and why he does what he does too?


I stopped giving a fuck what those people think a long time ago. They're living in a dream reality that's disconnected from ours.
This is why you don't waste and real time trying to get Trump voters to vote for you. They don't care. They only listen and believe any bullshit Trump says.

They're still an extremely influential block of voters. But they're impervious to reality, so you just need to lie to them effectively to get their votes. No point in playing clean.
Rush Limbaugh told his listeners on Wednesday, “This kind of irrational hate — this all-consuming hate and derangement, delusion — it isn’t healthy.”

This Limbaugh quote is spinning me into fucking orbit.

From him? Seriously?


This Limbaugh quote is spinning me into fucking orbit.

From him? Seriously?

I guess the right really are the masters of projection. Rush in particular kills me since holding a bitter grudge for years and bringing it up at every opportunity is his entire schtick. Well, that and casual, backhanded bigotry.
Screw Trump supporters anyway.

Who cares.

Trump supporters PRE election is one thing.

Trump supporters POST election ar ent even worth considering.

They don't give a damn about politics in the first place.


This is why you don't waste and real time trying to get Trump voters to vote for you. They don't care. They only listen and believe any bullshit Trump says.

He reaches out to them and meets them halfway. He says things in terms they can understand. He cares that he understands them. All he says is lies, half-truths, and bullshit, but he still cares that they understand him. He's no elitist, he made his billions the hard way.

In all seriousness though, the country will rip itself apart because too many abandoned critical thinking. People go on about Russia without realising that there is something rotten with the state of the union..

there's enough rot to go round, and the russians have more than enough incentive to catspaw vulnerabilities in foreign political systems.
Trump supporters don't care what's right and what's wrong. All they care about is exposing "librul" hypocrisy and doing anything to piss them off.

They're being manipulated and don't even care. There is no getting through to these people.


these people are willfully ignorant. Nothing could possibly happen to change their mind. Trump could shoot their firstborn in front of them and say it's Obama's fault and they'd believe him.


Trump is horrible but we should be wary of the people who voted for him during the primaries (election can be chalked up to party loyalty). Any of those people are almost as bad or worse than Trump.

They are a dangerous element that threatens everything we and even the few upstanding Republicans left have worked towards.


Drunky McMurder
Rush Limbaugh told his listeners on Wednesday, ”This kind of irrational hate — this all-consuming hate and derangement, delusion — it isn't healthy."

Healthy or not, I genuinely hope Rush Limbaugh dies in such a painful way that not even his mountain of illegally obtained oxycontin could do anything to dull it.


Let's say you don't think Trump is connected to Russia. Let's say that you think this is a media/big government witch hunt to take down Trump and keep him from pushing the agenda you voted into office.

How, then, can you excuse any of the extremely obvious lies and nonsensical moves they're taking to shut it down? If there's nothing there, wouldn't it be less expensive to just let the proceedings take place? Every time the White House tries to shut it down, it gets brought up again with increasing scrutiny. It extends the proceedings, it doesn't stop them or make them less expensive.

Not to mention the sheer incompetence in place. The quotes, the mis-managed statements, the back and forth arguments, the fucking child-like tweets. It's so embarassing that even if you were a republican and just felt the media was tearing down trump, there's enough evidence that you really should be ashamed either way.


Like stop talking to trump supporters. It's annoying as fuck. When obama won in 2008 and 2012 there weren't a plethora of articles saying "Well what do obama voters have to say about what republicans say about him? Shocking, they don't like it"

It's counterproductive bullshit to raise your bipartisan bonafides in the face of sheer incompetence and overreach by the executive branch. Maybe do some reporting that will actually help america?


I'd be in the dick
These people depress and anger me like no one ever has. Trump is so blatantly incompetent and corrupt yet they think they've won because he makes the "other side" mad. It's terrifying.
Oh, please. These are people who have been trained to outrage for 20+ years. They've completely lost the ability to process facts on political topics. Their brains wouldn't function, at this point, if they weren't mad about something. When there's not a convenient enough target on the left, they take aim at their own.

So yeah, no shit, they're mad. They haven't not been for decades. Last time the federal government was fully Republican controlled, they declared a monopoly on patriotism. This time, they've declared a monopoly on "real" news. They're scum.

The real outrage is that anyone has to care what they think.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I ran into this all day on Twitter yesterday. It's a fun pass time of mine to go on Twitter and talk shit to Trump die hards.

I know I'm probably messaging Russian bots but it helps me release my tension before bed.
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