They're right. Trump is being held to an unfair standard.
An unfairly low standard.
So you don't remember the time Obama:
- Was taken to court for defrauding people out of tens of thousands of dollars per person with a game educational facility?
- Was caught on tape admitting to being a sexual predator?
- Had almost everyone closely involved with his campaign linked to espionage/ treason/ white supremacy/ sexual assault?
- Thought Putin was a great leader?
- Defended Putin's annexation of Crimea?
- Gave his family members jobs in the white house?
- Lied about his inauguration crowds being the largest in history and for some reason even had to lie about whether it rained or not?
- Put forward a bill that would take tens of millions off of healthcare and issue a 30% premium punishment if they or anyone else who didn't have healthcare didn't find some in 60 days?
- Put whoever paid him the most in charge of education.
- Used his golf club as a "meet the prez" scheme at a newly doubled $200k a pop, while also charging the tax payer for his security detail and white house officials to stay there with him every weekend.
- Called the guy investigating Clinton crooked for no Benghazi punishment, then praised him when he reopened it which helped Trump become POTUS, then fire him once he learned he was also investigating his Russia ties.
- Stressed his press secretary so much that he was found breathing into a paper bag in some bushes.