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NYTimes: For Trump Supporters, the Real Outrage Is the Left’s Uproar Over Comey

And even if they did, they wouldn't care because they've been told that this Russian Investigation is nothing more than a political witch hunt.
All just Democrats trying to destroy the country, destroy the Constitution, and undermine the government. I know, it's maddening


This is because dummies don't understand that the problem isn't Comey specifically its firing the guy who is in charge of investigating you because you don't want him to find anything.

Actually it's not even that. It might not even be that. It's that in the entire history of the US only one president has ever fired the head of the FBI and that came with like a 160 page report of all the crazy shit he did. Other than that, the FBI is supposed to be independent of the presidency to a large degree. The stated reason for firing Comey doesn't make any goddamned sense because we have Sessions and Trump on tape praising him for what he did to Clinton, so there's obviously another reason. That other reason may not be him investigating Russia. It probably isn't. It's probably him not investigating wiretapping or some crap like that, but either way it's ridiculous for Trump to fire him for that. It breaks precedent in a major way, and they're lying while doing it. Of course it's nuts, even if Trump actually didn't coordinate with the Russians.
Basically, at the end of the day, republicans are people who are too fucking stupid to connect the dots so they live in a alternate reality where the dots don't exist.


It's over, guys, the experiment has run its course. Time to split into fifty different countries and let the old Confederacy devolve into the theocratic third world dystopian shitscape that its voters want so badly.
Democrats should recognize that reaction. For years, they accused Republicans of resisting Mr. Obama’s agenda at every turn, of being spiteful and even hateful as they refused to accept the results of the presidential election. And now, Republicans seem to relish the opportunity to turn the tables.

I really don't understand what this statement is suppose to mean. Like...what are they even trying to say? It's an entirely different situation.


It's over, guys, the experiment has run its course. Time to split into fifty different countries and let the old Confederacy devolve into the theocratic third world dystopian shitscape that its voters want so badly.
It's amazing that the states that contribute the least to the American economy and generally freeload off the rest of the states are the Republican ones. It's fucking surreal.
It's over, guys, the experiment has run its course. Time to split into fifty different countries and let the old Confederacy devolve into the theocratic third world dystopian shitscape that its voters want so badly.

I am all for this. Let's just split the US into the states of America. I rather not live with morons anymore.


These brown shirts got Trump enough electoral votes to win the election. What they think matters as long as their influence on elections is strong enough to give the GOP the amount of power they hold at the moment.

Trumps approval has dropped into the mid 30% range. These Trump supporters 100% behind him do not encompass all of the people that voted for him, and did not win the election for him.
They're right. Trump is being held to an unfair standard.

An unfairly low standard.

So you don't remember the time Obama:

- Was taken to court for defrauding people out of tens of thousands of dollars per person with a game educational facility?

- Was caught on tape admitting to being a sexual predator?

- Had almost everyone closely involved with his campaign linked to espionage/ treason/ white supremacy/ sexual assault?

- Thought Putin was a great leader?

- Defended Putin's annexation of Crimea?

- Gave his family members jobs in the white house?

- Lied about his inauguration crowds being the largest in history and for some reason even had to lie about whether it rained or not?

- Put forward a bill that would take tens of millions off of healthcare and issue a 30% premium punishment if they or anyone else who didn't have healthcare didn't find some in 60 days?

- Put whoever paid him the most in charge of education.

- Used his golf club as a "meet the prez" scheme at a newly doubled $200k a pop, while also charging the tax payer for his security detail and white house officials to stay there with him every weekend.

- Called the guy investigating Clinton crooked for no Benghazi punishment, then praised him when he reopened it which helped Trump become POTUS, then fire him once he learned he was also investigating his Russia ties.

- Stressed his press secretary so much that he was found breathing into a paper bag in some bushes.



So you don't remember the time Obama:

- Was taken to court for defrauding people out of tens of thousands of dollars per person with a game educational facility?

- Was caught on tape admitting to being a sexual predator?

- Had almost everyone closely involved with his campaign linked to espionage/ treason/ white supremacy/ sexual assault?


Let's see how long it takes people.
So you don't remember the time Obama:

- Was taken to court for defrauding people out of tens of thousands of dollars per person with a game educational facility?

- Was caught on tape admitting to being a sexual predator?

- Had almost everyone closely involved with his campaign linked to espionage/ treason/ white supremacy/ sexual assault?

- Thought Putin was a great leader?

- Defended Putin's annexation of Crimea?

- Gave his family members jobs in the white house?

- Lied about his inauguration crowds being the largest in history and for some reason even had to lie about whether it rained or not?

- Put forward a bill that would take tens of millions off of healthcare and issue a 30% premium punishment if they or anyone else who didn't have healthcare didn't find some in 60 days?

- Put whoever paid him the most in charge of education.

- Used his golf club as a "meet the prez" scheme at a newly doubled $200k a pop, while also charging the tax payer for his security detail and white house officials to stay there with him every weekend.

- Called the guy investigating Clinton crooked for no Benghazi punishment, then praised him when he reopened it which helped Trump become POTUS, then fire him once he learned he was also investigating his Russia ties.

- Stressed his press secretary so much that he was found breathing into a paper bag in some bushes.




Yep. If there is any unfair standard it's the one that let's Teflon Don get away with anything - including numerous things that would have sunk anyone else - for no reason.

Look how fast South Korea kicked Park's ass out of the presidential seat for bribery. And they voted something like 232/300 in favor.
So you don't remember the time Obama:

- Was taken to court for defrauding people out of tens of thousands of dollars per person with a game educational facility?

- Was caught on tape admitting to being a sexual predator?

- Had almost everyone closely involved with his campaign linked to espionage/ treason/ white supremacy/ sexual assault?

- Thought Putin was a great leader?

- Defended Putin's annexation of Crimea?

- Gave his family members jobs in the white house?

- Lied about his inauguration crowds being the largest in history and for some reason even had to lie about whether it rained or not?

- Put forward a bill that would take tens of millions off of healthcare and issue a 30% premium punishment if they or anyone else who didn't have healthcare didn't find some in 60 days?

- Put whoever paid him the most in charge of education.

- Used his golf club as a "meet the prez" scheme at a newly doubled $200k a pop, while also charging the tax payer for his security detail and white house officials to stay there with him every weekend.

- Called the guy investigating Clinton crooked for no Benghazi punishment, then praised him when he reopened it which helped Trump become POTUS, then fire him once he learned he was also investigating his Russia ties.

- Stressed his press secretary so much that he was found breathing into a paper bag in some bushes.




I think...

-Sued for raping a 13 year old

...should be included instead of being part of the etc.


Do they think people would be as combative if say McCain was elected? I don't doubt McCain's disposition towards the American Institution, whereas Trump you can't help but doubt everything about him.


Cancerous stupidity. It's hard to maintain my optimism knowing that so many hopelessly deluded people are walking around.


Trump supporters know no bounds of hypocrisy. I have relatives that frothed at the bit for years over obama. Minute trump gets president they are lecturing us about "coming together", "giving him a chance", "liberals shouldn't stand in the way". Etc etc etc.

Nothing obama EVER did compared to the shit trump tries to pull


Every time a Trump voter who loses their health insurance because of Trumpcare dies, the average IQ of America will increase.
I mean Comey should be fired, but this is like the absolute shadiest and worst timing he could have fired him. He didn't even handle the firing correctly, and is now contradicting the reasons for firing him. I'm not upset he fired him, I'm just tripping all over these red flags shooting up.
The extent that the GOP has been able to convince their base that they're right about everything and literally everyone else is wrong, no matter the evidence... It's amazing and sad at the same time.


These are the same people who thought the problem with "grab 'em by the pussy" was the fact that Trump said "pussy". The misogyny of the statement flew right over their heads.

So of course they completely misunderstand why firing Comey at this exact moment is extremely bad for democracy as well.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
The extent that the GOP has been able to convince their base that they're right about everything and literally everyone else is wrong... It's amazing.

They are also very gullible people. The GOP was aware and took advantage of it, the party would be fucked in modern society if those states chose to not correlate Jesus with politics decades ago. Alas, they are so indoctrinated at this point there is literally no hope for most.


It's times like this where I kind of wish these true believers could just... be warped into their own world, with their president and government representatives. Let them work through their madness by themselves and leave the rest of us the hell alone.

Though I'd like to see that anyway out as a social science experiment out of fascination anyway.


Wow that quote from Limbaugh - talk about hypocritical. Nothing but eight years of non stop Obama hatred from him.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
This are the moments where people criticizing Trump can't let up, a fire up Republicans' butts is needed to impeach this asshole.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
The shockingly high number of Trump supporters (along with Erdogan supporters, Duterte supporters, and all supporters of blatantly evil politicians in many societies around the world) have seriously eroded my confidence in humanity. Honestly, my faith in democracy has been shaken and I'm starting to view society as a ~30% core of sane, reasonable people surrounded by a majority of lunatics, dummies, or scumbags. Each of those three groups seems immune to reason in different ways.


Honestly, Trump voters would be a good study group for how dictators get elected, religious theocracies take hold. If you ever doubted whether the West would revert in terms of societal progress. Look to Trump voters and their election of Trump. Turning their back on science and intelligence, news media is called fake news. They buy what he sells, hook, line and sinker. The wool is over their eyes and they don't even know it. Can't wait until the wall isn't built, nothing changes except rollbacks for bankers and corporations. Wait till millions of poor white Americans struggle as magically all those promised jobs don't come back.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The shockingly high number of Trump supporters (along with Erdogan supporters, Duterte supporters, and all supporters of blatantly evil politicians in many societies around the world) have seriously eroded my confidence in humanity. Honestly, my faith in democracy has been shaken and I'm starting to view society as a ~30% core of sane, reasonable people surrounded by a majority of lunatics, dummies, or scumbags. Each of those three groups seems immune to reason in different ways.

And to think, this is an improvement compared to much of human history. At the end of the day, the truth is that the human animal struggles against its own self-destructive impulses and progress is captured and held an inch at a time.

One of the worst aspects of humanity is the desire to rally around a strong man and be told what group of other people can be bludgeoned to death in order to make things better. Ruthless sociopaths understand this well and take advantage of it, rising to great power and influence.
This is the Russian active measures at work that have been mentioned in hearings.

People brainwashed and pushed to fake news sites and fed more bullshit to the point where they won't believe the truth no matter how much evidence you show them.


Rush Limbaugh told his listeners on Wednesday, “This kind of irrational hate — this all-consuming hate and derangement, delusion — it isn’t healthy.”

Are you fucking kidding me? FUCK YOU Rush you piece of trash.
When democrats take back control, they need to just go all in on measures to combat this shit, including:

- Admitting some of these lunatics to mental hospitals for "political psychosis"

- pressuring social media sites to crack down on fake news

- demoralizing these people by throwing Trump in prison


When democrats take back control, they need to just go all in on measures to combat this shit, including:

- Admitting some of these lunatics to mental hospitals for "political psychosis"

- pressuring social media sites to crack down on fake news

- demoralizing these people by throwing Trump in prison

I wouldn't be opposed to taking away the right for confirmed Trump voters to vote. They obviously don't understand the power of their vote and chose to toss it away on fascism.

Well, yes I would. The stupid morons still fucked up though.
When you think everyone is wrong but you, maybe you're the one who's wrong.

But trump supporters can't wrap their head around such an idea. They will stand stubborn till the earth explodes.
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