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NYTimes: For Trump Supporters, the Real Outrage Is the Left’s Uproar Over Comey


Seriously, conservatives do not understand nuance. On almost every single topic they literally don't understand what the left is actually arguing. They don't hear what we're saying at all. It gets flattened to the most simple soundbite and then spit back out without any context. I'm not even just talking because of their news media, which obviously doesn't help. I've talked to and debated many conservatives and there's just something very different in the way they think about things that doesn't seem to accept gray or nuanced sides in most issues.
The unfair standard of doing hundreds (Literally hundreds) of things that would have tanked every other President before him.

Yet that standard still ain't enough because he WILL tank.
The one who you should wake up is you and realize that nothing will change the mind of Trump supporters, ever.

Yeah, Those people 'wanted America back'

If he had campaigned on getting elected, changing the rules, and breaking the constitution to literally put himself up as president for life, they still would have supported him.

They want 1800's America back.
Somewhere around 40 percent of the country

I never get these figures. 40 percent of the whole country yet he only managed to get 20 something percent of voters to come out for him on November 8th. Are these just people who are perpetually stuck on the "give him a chance" train? I would figure that the Republicans that hated his guts in November still hate him.


How do you get through to people who purposefully delude themselves like this and live in an alternative reality where facts don't exist?
Like stop talking to trump supporters. It's annoying as fuck. When obama won in 2008 and 2012 there weren't a plethora of articles saying "Well what do obama voters have to say about what republicans say about him? Shocking, they don't like it"

It's counterproductive bullshit to raise your bipartisan bonafides in the face of sheer incompetence and overreach by the executive branch. Maybe do some reporting that will actually help america?

Yes! People who write this kind of garbage should get fired and have their degree taken from them. Who the heck writes this garbage?

They can't even use the excuse that this article is an attempt at helping people understand the other side. There's nothing to understand and that's blatantly obvious in the article.
See, we moderates, liberals, and progressives have tried to have adult conversations and debates centered on facts in the past, but it is now very clear that these right-wingers are using the government as a means of subjugation, exploitation, and straight up war tactics to trespass against large segments of the population. There is no longer a guise or front of having a moral high ground or trying to do the right thing.

This is literally all out war to kill the "enemy" through legislation: by imprisoning, deporting, or banning minorities; subjugating women, and culling the sick, old, and disabled.

These adamant base assholes are on a spectrum of overt Nazi to diet Nazi (a.k.a. white evangelical nationalists). All these pigs can get fucked with their indignant gaslighting fuckery.
Honestly I don't give a flip what they think. Professionals and politicians should, but I don't. They are a number of things none of which I would describe positively.
I think republicans have always been deluded they shape it around their own delusions.

I'm not being brainwashed by "librul" media. It's pretty fucking odd for anyone who has even a slight capacity for critical thinking.

This isn't bengazi this isn't her e-mails. This is your national security adviser being an agent of a foreign power lol. and whatever else.

How many people did they have working in the bengazi hearings in contrast to the resources allocated for this scandal. a looot more.

and now you're firing Comey. They've been deluding themselves since Obama showed up, they couldn't handle the reality for 8 years.


It's good to know what the brainwashing program is making them believe. But there's no more room for empathy for them. They are too far gone. You have to want to believe really bad to be able to continue living in such a ridiculous and evil fantasy world at this point. These people and their masters cannot be allowed to dictate the future of our country and the human race.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
If they were really concerned with hypocrisy here, they'd start with Trump on this one. But they're not so obviously we just see more deflection.


Simple answer is you can't.
I know the reality is that we just have to keep getting Democrats and Independents energized in all states going forward (Hillary got a massive amount of votes but those votes didn't come from the strategic areas she needed) but it is just.. mind boggling and depressing that almost half the country lives in this make-believe world and isn't even open to having a discussion. It's both stunning and horrifying.
Has America been this divided since the civil war? This does not sound like they will ever change their mind.

Vietnam/Civil Rights era. But with 24/7 News, podcasts and social media it feels just as bad I imagine.

I don't know why, but it literally feels like we are in a new type of war. From Republicans obstructing the Obama administration to refusing to have hearing for a Supreme Court nominee to now trying to force through legislation. All while having a base that seems united, more than anything else, by decisions that upset democrats/liberals/profressives. It's shocking in its immaturity and callousness.

I don't know how we fix this country.
Honestly in a vacuum Rush's comment is 100% correct and we've seen plenty of people on this very website whip themselves into a very unhealthy frenzy over every little news story. In context of course he's the last person on the planet who should be making that argument.
I am genuinely curious if there is any going back? Is the divide between the 40% of Trump supporters and the other 60% permanent?

Trump getting impeached with further that divide. Him staying in power will do the same.

And the media will do their best to make sure any sort of neutrality is never reached.

Short of a 9/11 type of attack which unites everyone for a while, you guys are sorta fucked.
Seriously, conservatives do not understand nuance. On almost every single topic they literally don't understand what the left is actually arguing. They don't hear what we're saying at all. It gets flattened to the most simple soundbite and then spit back out without any context. I'm not even just talking because of their news media, which obviously doesn't help. I've talked to and debated many conservatives and there's just something very different in the way they think about things that doesn't seem to accept gray or nuanced sides in most issues.
Oh they definitely understand nuance in specific, controlled instances where they find it to benefit them.
Let's say you don't think Trump is connected to Russia. Let's say that you think this is a media/big government witch hunt to take down Trump and keep him from pushing the agenda you voted into office.

How, then, can you excuse any of the extremely obvious lies and nonsensical moves they're taking to shut it down? If there's nothing there, wouldn't it be less expensive to just let the proceedings take place? Every time the White House tries to shut it down, it gets brought up again with increasing scrutiny. It extends the proceedings, it doesn't stop them or make them less expensive.

Not to mention the sheer incompetence in place. The quotes, the mis-managed statements, the back and forth arguments, the fucking child-like tweets. It's so embarassing that even if you were a republican and just felt the media was tearing down trump, there's enough evidence that you really should be ashamed either way.

Because they don't pay attention to Trump or bother to become informed about what he's doing. Their entire knowledge of the political landscape is acquired through extremely filtered far-right sources that carefully cull and color any information to paint a specific narrative, so what little they know has already been pre-chewed and fed for them. They don't bother to listen to the facts and make up their own mind through logic and deduction.
I love how they have dropped the charade of calling them Republicans and rather "Trump Supporters" in order to keep the separation in place...even though they are virtually aligned on everything.

The othering of Trump supporters is deliberate.
Exactly. They'll just parrot whatever they heard from Rush Limbaugh or on Fox News, like they always do.
Yep. I text back and forth with this guy I know who is an unconditional trump supporter and try to get through to him when shit like the Comey firing happens, and he needed to wait until the right wing news outlets could figure out their rationale and tell it to him before engaging in a debate with me over it.


This people have been dragging the country down for decades. Civil Rights was the last huge victory against them, but then Reagan, Bush, and this orange fuckstick set us back some more years. We just have to get through flaming hoop of Automation and then we should be able to shut these fuckers down with a few more presidencies.
So glad to see lots of people over giving a shit about what Trump supporters think.

So often when a report comes out, or he has a new embarrassing quote, or whatever, someone rushes to post something like 'his supporters aren't going to be swayed by this'.

No shit. We know it. Everyone knows it.

If they leave the fold, they will do so on their own accord and we can't drag them out. This drip drip drip will get through to a lot of them, but it's going to take a long time.


So clearly we're beyond "debate". Let these people suffer the consequences of their vote if the worst of the worst shit gets passed. Seriously, fuck 'em.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
This is because dummies don't understand that the problem isn't Comey specifically its firing the guy who is in charge of investigating you because you don't want him to find anything.
This is because dummies don't understand that the problem isn't Comey specifically its firing the guy who is in charge of investigating you because you don't want him to find anything.

Well, it's also because he hasn't shown 'loyalty' and embarrassed Trump over the wiretapping. And it's also in part I think because Trump is jealous of the status and respect Comey was being treated with.


This is because dummies don't understand that the problem isn't Comey specifically its firing the guy who is in charge of investigating you because you don't want him to find anything.

And even if they did, they wouldn't care because they've been told that this Russian Investigation is nothing more than a political witch hunt.
Democrats should recognize that reaction. For years, they accused Republicans of resisting Mr. Obama’s agenda at every turn, of being spiteful and even hateful as they refused to accept the results of the presidential election. And now, Republicans seem to relish the opportunity to turn the tables.

The difference being that the Republicans' reactions in a fair election were motivated by racism, and the Democrats' reactions are motivated by an actively unfolding scandal.

It's time Democrats stop wringing their hands over how they should reach out to these people who clearly can't be reached.
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