Well said. It's the Saudis who have perverted Islam and indirectly caused the current phenomenon of Islamist terrorist idealogy.Wahabism is a direct contributer to the motivation and goals of many of the islamic terrorists.
Well said. It's the Saudis who have perverted Islam and indirectly caused the current phenomenon of Islamist terrorist idealogy.Wahabism is a direct contributer to the motivation and goals of many of the islamic terrorists.
The American presidents constant avoidance of identifying radical Islam by name is an act of arrogance as well. This enemy that can easily be grouped with other destructive extremist movements: Nazism, communism, and fascism. But to do this, it is absolutely crucial to acknowledge that radical Islam is an actual movement and a part of Islam. If we are afraid to name our mutual enemy, we will not be able to vanquish it.
What does this have to do with what Obama said in his speech? It's seems like you are trying to pick something to attack him for instead of responding to what he said.
What does this have to do with what Obama said in his speech? It's seems like you are trying to pick something to attack him for instead of responding to what he said.
Obama makes good points.
But also does this guy
" How Obama Is Failing Europe and European Muslims "
No, but it's used as a justification for terrorism, and it's used as a recruiting tool for terrorism, and it's used as a basis for selecting victims of terrorism....
Obama is the president of a nation with million of Muslim, plus many of the USA allies are Muslim majority nations. The idea that Obama should bash Islam or should not be careful with their words is stupid. Why people can understand something that is so obvious?
surely it is partially responsible, no?
Ask yourself: If religion didn't exist or stopped existing, would terrorism still exist?
What a load of crap. It definitely plays a part.
What people think we will gain if Obama brand these groups as Islamic extremists. Do ISIS is gonna cry because Obama insulted them ?
Wahabism is a direct contributer to the motivation and goals of many of the islamic terrorists.
Because Obama... that means he's failing taking ISIS seriously?
Is terrorism a natural outcropping of religion? Of course not. Are radical islamists bad representatives of a faith? Of course they are.
But if we can't even talk about religion in this context then we may as well all go home.
This guy gets it.
It kind of is a bit.
It's like saying racism isn't responsible for hate crimes.
"Obama told The New Yorker that he considered ISIS to be al-Qaedas weaker partner. If a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesnt make them Kobe Bryant, the president said."
That's not taking ISIS as seriously as he should.
Al Qaeda is barely relevant under Ayman al-Zawahiri (militant Islamic groups all over are changing their allegiance to the ISIS caliphate) and Obama thinks they're the Lakers to ISIS' jayvee team.
Pretty sure Bush said the same thing after 9/11.
Wonder how much hear he got from Fox at the time?
It has worked pretty well for the Republicans. Especially over the past 7 years.I'm not one to defend religion usually, but what exactly are the positive applications for racism?
Wahabbism started in 18th century not 7th
"Obama told The New Yorker that he considered ISIS to be al-Qaedas weaker partner. If a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesnt make them Kobe Bryant, the president said."
That's not taking ISIS nearly as seriously as he should.
Al Qaeda is barely relevant under Ayman al-Zawahiri (militant Islamic groups all over are changing their allegiance to the ISIS caliphate) and Obama thinks they're the Lakers to ISIS' jayvee team.
It has worked pretty well for the Republicans. Especially over the past 7 years.
Well he did eventually take them seriously by launching airstrikes and gathering the US led coalition
The leaders of European countries with far higher Muslim populations have no problem calling it what it is: radical Islamist terrorism. That is the threat the West faces, there's no point in hiding away from what it actually is.
Saved for every future ISIS thread....
Because Obama fails to use the word radical islam that means he's failing taking ISIS seriously? Was it not Obama who gathered the coalition and launched the first airstrikes on ISIS?
And yet, if you read that second excerpt from the article that I posed above, Obama's administration doesn't even understand what the differences are between Al Qaeda and ISIS. The rift between those groups is based on different interpretations of religious doctrine. Could refusing to acknowledge that they're both fundamentalist Islamic groups who base their ideology on religious texts, and bizarrely (and against all evidence) dismissing them as not-Islamic terrorists, be the reason for this dangerous failure?
Ted Cruz and Inhofe and right wingers are probably foaming at thier mouths with anger at such statements. Expect a statement from them very soon saying islam IS the issue
The article doesn't say this.
But it has nothing to do with religion!
Although tbf these Muslims end up killing plenty of other Muslims as well.
Iraq war doesn't fit the current narrative of any party. No one wants to talk about that.What failure are you talking about? If you want to talk about failure you might as well go back to when George Bush invaded Iraq which allowed ISIS to come about due to the lack of authority in the region.
I have no idea how anybody feels they have the authority on what is 'correct' Islam, and what is 'perverted'. For every verse that says 'A', there are two more that say 'B', each of which can be contradicted by verses 'C' and 'D'.
It's quite clear where ISIS draw their inspiration and the steadfast refusal to accept that fact is disheartening.
We also aid their recruitment, which is the bigger point.As the president said, daesh view is based off of a self created lie to legitimize and when we legitimize their view, we create a definition of islam outside of what it was in its inception and becsuse people Persue Daesh view as legitimate, it empowrrs them and disempowers moderates