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Obama's Immigration Speech (BEST NEWS EVER!)

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Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.

President Obama's highly anticipated speech Tuesday outlining his blueprint for an overhaul of the nation's immigration system was perhaps most notable for the big issues left unaddressed.

Rather than wade into thorny territory, and potentially derail the bipartisan momentum in the Senate, the president struck an optimistic, populist tone as framer-in-chief.

"The good news is for the first time in many years, Republicans and Democrats seem ready to tackle this problem together," Obama said in Las Vegas. "The question is do we have the resolve as a people, as a country, as a government, to finally put this issue behind us? I believe that we do."

Obama was clear in calling for a route to citizenship for the more than 11 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. That question is expected to be the most contentious in the legislative fight looming in Congress.

Otherwise, it's precisely the message that many people on both sides of the issue had expected to hear.

"How could he encourage the bipartisan process without becoming a hostage to it?" says Frank Sharry, executive director of America's Voice, a pro-immigrant group. "He faced a pretty difficult tactical decision on whether he was going to introduce his own bill or stay back and respect the legislative process. I thought he did a pretty good job."

The president endorsed the proposals unveiled Monday by a bipartisan group of senators that included a path to citizenship for those in the country illegally. He also joined the senators in calling for strengthened border security, a mandatory system for verifying workers' immigration status and "bringing our legal immigration system into the 21st Century" with streamlined processes to handle future flows of newcomers.

Obama did warn lawmakers, however, that he'd "send up my own proposal and insist that they vote on it right away" if they steer negotiations on a bill into partisan gridlock.

Before Obama's speech, Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida took to the chamber floor and urged the president not to go beyond endorsing the principles outlined by the group of bipartisan senators:

"We have now a very common sense and reasonable set of principles, and I hope what the president will say today is that he hopes that that process succeeds. But if his intentions are to trigger a bidding war to see who can come up with the easiest process, this is not a good start."

Some of the issues Obama avoided will figure prominently in lawmakers' deliberations, such as the sensitive question about the length of time those in the country illegally could be forced to wait before applying for citizenship.

"Of course I wanted more. We want to hear, for those of us who have been working so hard for long, time frames, specifics of the legislation, exactly how we're going to get at citizenship," says Kica Matos, a spokeswoman for the pro-immigrant group Fair Immigration Reform Movement. "But we're certainly heartened that the speech happened in the first place and that the president finally, in a very public way, is taking this on."

Another matter Obama sidestepped is a proposal offered by the senators that U.S. borders be secured before illegal immigrants can seek green cards. The proposal is favored by Republicans in Congress, but is a major concern among pro-immigrant groups.

Tying green-card eligibility to border security isn't part of Obama's own plan, a distinction that Rubio later criticized in a statement reacting to the president's speech.

Critics also noted the president's decision to omit from his speech a provision in his plan to allow a foreign partner in a same-sex relationship to apply for the green card. The Senate plan doesn't include the provision. (At present, only married opposite-sex partners can sponsor a spouse for a green card.)

"That would be a poison pill that would guarantee the whole thing would collapse," says Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates for limited immigration and stricter enforcement. "How could the Catholic Church and evangelical groups support that?"

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., in a statement, praised Obama's speech as "courageous." Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he has scheduled the chamber's first hearing on immigration for Feb. 13, a day after Obama's State of the Union address.

The Judiciary panel oversees the subcommittee charged with drafting immigration legislation.



For those not in the know:


It's June 14th, on the 21st is my Birthday, I'll be turning 31

I came at the age of 6 (1986) to America, my parents came through earlier by various means, and I was left with my grandmother in Pakistan for 2 years before I came

I have no clue how my dad did it, but he got me here

From then till now, I have been in Immigration Limbo. Yes, FOR OVER 25 FUCKING YEARS my status has been "illegal"


My dad became a legal resident in 1993, he applied for me and my mom
My dad died in 1995 due to a massive heart attack while visiting Pakistan, after becoming legal, he went back to his home country after a 20+ year hiatus (to become legal)
Due to his death, me and my moms applications were considered Void due to person sponsoring is dead
I was just turning 15, my dad after becoming legal, had money saved up and bought us a building (to live in, hopefully become an income maker after mortgage was paid off)
I went from a typical devout Muslim boy who was held down by his fathers teachings and religious beliefs to a more liberal free rebellious kid
My mother went into full depression mode for 2 years, I became more of freebird and didn't realize my actions had consequences
My family started a war amongst themselves to leverage the building my father bought, and see who can grab that money maker for themselves
Luckily my mom's friends blockaded this hostile takeover, but the repercussions took a toll
I just needed 1 of my 4 uncles just to "adopt" me for 6 months, I could have been legal, my life would be completely different
It took my mom's younger sister to start the push for her sister to become legal, not me, they went "DESI" (pakistani/indian term for people of that heritage) logic of lets get mom legal, then you, but I knew it would be too late cause my age would factor in, but I was shunned away
Move forward to age 18, nothing, adoption not possible, sponsoring through family still available
Move forward to age 21, nothing, sponsoring by family not available, through work/company/business possible
Move forward to age 25, nothing, no sponsoring available, need to get married to a NBC (natural born citizen), has to be real, none of that fake paper marriage bullshit
My mom became legal through my brother, he was a NBC, when he turned 21 (was born in 1986), 2007, he filed papers due to someone else having same predicaments and helped us getting her legal
She became legal in 2009
My mom went to get me legal, but I was given the bad news too old, can't be done
If they want my mom to try to even sponsor, I would have to eat a 15 year out of the country penalty, I have no one in Pakistan, 0 family, all my family is here

Sorry for long life history post

Can't believe I have been in the USA for over 25 fucking years, I haven't lived a good "legal" day in my life

I'm too scared to do anything, 1 mistake = LOLBaiBaiPaki

Working = need papers, never flown on airplane (except coming to the country when I was 6), furthest I have ever gone from NYC is North = Connecticut (2 years ago), South = Washington DC (when I was 10), West = Pennsylvania (10 again), East (Halfway through Long Island)
I cant drive, no ID of any kind (fucking scary, no way to prove your you)

I am at the end, almost half of my life lost to some stupid decisions made by others which affected so heavily that every year just compounds it, fucking excruciating

It would be better just to end and kill myself that I can't do anything in a country "Where anything is fucking possible"

Sorry for the ramble, needed to vent, cant believe 7 days from turning 31, I'm still @ the status I was when I was fucking 6 in 1986....Fuck Me!


Oh Sorry (late reply and all), I wasn't trying to be one of those Drama Queens who uses the word Depression lightly
I invested a lot into my Denver Broncos this year, NFL-GAF can attest to this
(Hell I haven't posted that much in the thread after that week)

I have gone through some huge rough patches, some I have spoken here on GAF

I just try to mask it as much as possible

I have been physically and emotionally abused by my father since a young age (6-14 years old), a devout Muslim, who thought going strict religion was his salvation to achieving greatness in this and the after-life, wash away his sins, but forced his family to follow and any push to move away, would be dealt with force

I was sexually abused by a Masjid Fellowship-er (I think that the word, he's part of the system)

Was always fat through out 32 year life (I did fix myself up for a few years in the teenage years, which helped my Psyche, so that didn't help off-balance my Depression

I go through waves of it, sometimes, I sleep for days, not seeking light, just want to close my eyes and never awake
Sometimes I feel like I have overcome it and take charge of the situation, but it always comes back, and with a vengeance

I'm a Illegal immigrants on top of that, so that burdens me from getting any help, medication wise (Insurance for me is an absurd amount, I do mean absurd)
I feel like I'm Bi-Polar, I go up and down real quickly, things is I just keep swallowing and just ballooning it inside me

Seriously I try to medicate myself by keeping myself busy, earning Trophies, a virtual useless icon that has no merit to most, really cheers me up (Pavlovian Syndrome anyone? lol)
Earning them really brightens me up for some reason, the PING! noise alone makes me get excited

Sometimes my Trophy Whoring really does overtake my life, to keep me from going to Woe is Me mode, but rather than help fight it, it contributes and that is when I get overwhelmed and go full down

I just give up for a few days, just want to sleep, darkness to surround me, cool climate, just away from everything

Then there are times I go to family gatherings, where I get on such a high from my relatives and social interacting, that when it's time to leave, I get hit with such a huge crash of anti-socialness I'll have in my own house which then offsets to Depression
(I hope that sounds right, in my mind it does)

I feel like I'm in such a unique/weird position, that everything I do right, is miniscule, every thing I do wrong is the worst tragedy I have ever done to myself or some else


I will finally gain a life in the USA



If you want to live in America and be an American then that's all you need. It is about time something was done about it.


That's great for you, grats.

I was hoping, for some reason, that I'd hear something about making it easier to leave this country permanently, maybe developing better immigration relations or something with foreign countries or extending non visa visits past 90 days.


Obama has his problems and weaknesses like all politicans but man I can't help but love the guy, he is a fucking awesome President flaws and all. Really hope this goes through congress without much trouble.


I'm a consultant in Canada with a magna cum laude BCom, is it going to be easier for me to get a green card as well? (not that TN bullshit).


I hope the bill passes and your situation improves, X. I don't know if it can get by the Republican House though.

A lot of house members would get kicked to the curb after a vote for "amnesty", even if it had provisions for stricter employment verification (among other things). It all comes down to how much leverage the party as a whole has in terms of national and state elections (considering that the party just realized it needs the Latino vote).

Good luck OP.
How long of a timetable do you think we'll see for the path to citizenship, assuming it makes it through?

I'm thinking about the possibilities of 11 million new eligible voters.


Congrats GRX. Odd we were just talking about this weekend, and now you have some good news. World works in mysterious ways sometimes, even though it's probably been in the works for awhile now.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Even as a legal immigrant I can completely identify with the stress and terror the INS aura creates. Absolutely the most stressful thing I have ever done. And mine only took about five to eight years, depending on how you count. But I voted for Obama a month after I became a citizen and then again four years later. So you can thank me, technically.
I wouldn't celebrate until it passes. There are plenty of republicans afraid of voting for it, and willing to use any excuse to blame Obama for them deciding to vote against it.


wont fix anything , in another decade we will have another 10 million + illegal immigrants in this country and will face the same problem.


Not to be a total dick but nothing is set in stone. Republicans wont play nice and we got fake asshats like Rubio trying to stirr some shit with their own "policies". I put it in quotes because they dont want any Immigration reform of any type, just trying to save face and get some latinos support.

GRX, why dont you apply for the new policy Pres. Obama passed? You know for students to get 2 years of a work permit while things iron out in the white house? You went to public US school and finished HS atleast with a diploma? If you havent done this already, do it brother.


Not to be a total dick but nothing is set in stone. Republicans wont play nice and we got fake asshats like Rubio trying to stirr some shit with their own "policies". I put it in quotes because they dont want any Immigration reform of any type, just trying to save face and get some latinos support.

GRX, why dont you apply for the new policy Pres. Obama passed? You know for students to get 2 years of a work permit while things iron out in the white house? You went to public US school and finished HS atleast with a diploma? If you havent done this already, do it brother.

I think he is too old for that. Went through immi for my wife. Super easy cause I was born here. Hoping it gets easier for those stuck in limbo!


Not to be a total dick but nothing is set in stone. Republicans wont play nice and we got fake asshats like Rubio trying to stirr some shit with their own "policies". I put it in quotes because they dont want any Immigration reform of any type, just trying to save face and get some latinos support.

GRX, why dont you apply for the new policy Pres. Obama passed? You know for students to get 2 years of a work permit while things iron out in the white house? You went to public US school and finished HS atleast with a diploma? If you havent done this already, do it brother.
He needed to be less than 31 years old by June 15 2012.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I think he is too old for that. Went through immi for my wife. Super easy cause I was born here. Hoping it gets easier for those stuck in limbo!

He needed to be less than 31 years old by June 15 2012.


Funny thing is I was 31 on June 15th 2012, but I have to be under 31, meaning 30, can't be equal to 31 ; ;
I was born June 21st 1980

My life has been fucked over by so many provisions =/
How long of a timetable do you think we'll see for the path to citizenship, assuming it makes it through?

I'm thinking about the possibilities of 11 million new eligible voters.

They won't be able to vote for awhile unless we see a major overhaul of the legal immigration process, which currently takes forever to finish (as the OP attests to). Luckily the legislation will be working on it but we'll see



Funny thing is I was 31 on June 15th 2012, but I have to be under 31, meaning 30, can't be equal to 31 ; ;
I was born June 21st 1980

My life has been fucked over by so many provisions =/

Holy shit, seriously?

Man, I hope this stuff goes through and can help you. That just sucks so much..


Hopefully they approve something in this legislative session. OP, Can they deport if you can prove that your life will be in danger in Pakistan, maybe a good immigration lawyer could help you find some loophole.
This is good news. Like the justice system I always thought of immigration as something that looked at from a distance seems passably handled but up close is a nightmare.



Funny thing is I was 31 on June 15th 2012, but I have to be under 31, meaning 30, can't be equal to 31 ; ;
I was born June 21st 1980

My life has been fucked over by so many provisions =/

Oh shit my bad man. All I can tell you is to not give up hope. I have confidence that our president will get this done in his 2nd term. Me and my family are so emotionally invested in this aswell because a lot of our family is undocumented. Some of my younger cousins finally applied for the work permit recently but older family like yourself need a proper immigration reform to help them out.

Hopefully they approve something in this legislative session. OP, Can they deport if you can prove that your life will be in danger in Pakistan, maybe a good immigration lawyer could help you find some loophole.

Nope, its really hard to prove a hardship and most of the time the judges (from immigration court caes) are A holes who wont believe it plus you do not want to be lying to the US government or doing shady shit like this regarding your status. Also the laws and the immigration system at this point are so fucked up that its hard to "find loopholes" to begin with because there is really nothing that can help an undocumented person except for special rare cases like TMP or whatever some Salvadorians can apply for, for work authorization.


Congratulations! Must feel good after all that time.



How does this change anything? They still have to pretend to get along, stab each other in the back, pound their chests and do it all over again and again.




How does this change anything? They still have to pretend to get along, stab each other in the back, pound their chests and do it all over again and again.

After the last election the Republicans can't afford to do that anymore, Latinos will be the majority by 2030 so that gives them about 4 cycles to gain some favor

They really do not have a choice, stay the course as they have been they will start to lose the SW and then the South


I think the republicans HAVE to do something to get the latino vote. IIRC Romney had less than GWB...

GWB had half decent Latino support. The really crazy anti-Hispanic stuff didn't get into full gear until he got elected and tried to do immigration reform. Then McCain had abysmal support, and Romney got even less than him. Even Cubans are voting less and less for the GOP.
Even Cubans are voting less and less for the GOP.

Doesn't most of this have to do with the fact that Cubans under forty understand that the American democrats are absolutely nothing like Communism nor will lead to it. I've noticed that for some who "switched sides" during the Cold War do not understand that left/= a road to communism.


I hope shit works out for you OP. Now I need to ask Obama on Twitter if I can come live in the US/NYC. It's all I want.
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