"move to another state with cheaper tuition"
what kind of solution is that? seriously?
Again, the point is to have University education be affordable everywhere, for everyone. I'm not talking free, i'm talking affordable. It's all i've been saying. $600-800 tuition and remove the book cartels so that we can simply afford the books. I don't think anyone denies that the American book cartels are a good part of the unaffordability of our education, the control they have is disgusting.
You're offering all these other options that are by the way STILL more expensive than most world universities and far more of a hassle. I'm more than willing to put the effort in, but these solutions work for few people at a time, not systematically spread for the entire populace.
I place such an emphasis on education because first, it is a right, every other civilized country has AFFORDABLE or FREE state University, Trade and every sort of educational institution. These are investments into the future, and gives each person the chance to better themselves without having to spend even a months wages on tuition.
It's really only in America, and seems to be only Americans who are disagreeing with me on this fundamental concept. And we are seeing how well unaffordable education has brought us into the future, a generation of monoglottal, unskilled labourers working minimum wage because even the thought of community college was far too expensive. It's tragic.
And even with that, individuals with educations will simply be better, happier people despite whether they are world class entrepeneurs or simply whatever they've chanced to be. Isn't this the type of society we want? isn't this the point of society? to create a common good among all?
I'm happy for those who trump so loudly how they've gone through this and that without debt, that's awesome, but clearly millions aren't so lucky, or fuck if you want, aren't so smart because clearly if we get debt in this system we're dipshits right? i wouldn't want to misinterpret. But again, simply, the point is that for everyone, everywhere, state University education should be affordable for everyone and not an organized racket that collaborates with cartels.
I'm seeing it work right now as I type In Germany, and they absolutely love it and I don't think a single german i've met would ever want it any other way. Why don't Americans deserve the same?
How can I live in a country where the thought of affording healthcare, education and simply to live isn't on the collective consciousness, and then go back to America where we have clowns trying to tell me that this shit is just fantasy and those in America not successful, who don't have this or that, are dipshit idiots who deserve it?