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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Joe said:
fulton st. station closed this weekend, ended up in a never ending subway chase and now im tired. will try again monday.

That is one of the biggest stations in the city, and a major transit artery. It's interesting that it is just flat-out "closed", especially given that it was just renovated. I wouldn't be surprised if more stations randomly "close" like this for as long as OWS is happening.


Purkake4 said:
According to occupywallst.org the protests will end when "politicians" have been removed from power. What?

They should specifically target Tea Party congresspersons who are up for re-election next year and organize against Republicans winning more seats in the Senate.

But I'm not confident they will have the self control to work with Democrats on this issue. I hope it's not another 12 months of impotent rage until President Romney comes for a visit.


akachan ningen said:
ever hear of sympathy? they are trying to show support for what is going on over here. it doesn't matter if they're well-off.

Actually, they probably have no clue. A lot of them have no idea what's going on and just want to be a pest. Every single person I've seen spoken to has just said stuff like "yeah greed is bad" or "we have to fix global warming!". They have no idea what's going on. I tried discussing it with people of them at the protests and couldn't get a SINGLE answer from them for any issue. They can go as far as "This is bad!" and that's it. They can't even explain why it's bad. They're morons and probably don't even know what the 99% thing even is. They probably think it's 99% of greed or something.


Darklord said:
Actually, they probably have no clue. A lot of them have no idea what's going on and just want to be a pest. Every single person I've seen spoken to has just said stuff like "yeah greed is bad" or "we have to fix global warming!". They have no idea what's going on. I tried discussing it with people of them at the protests and couldn't get a SINGLE answer from them for any issue. They can go as far as "This is bad!" and that's it. They can't even explain why it's bad. They're morons and probably don't even know what the 99% thing even is. They probably think it's 99% of greed or something.

That's one step ahead of apathetic kids. You have to give them credit.

But if you're interviewing young people, that's sort of the byline you'll get. A lot of slogans and little substance.

But I wouldn't use it to paint a picture of the entire movement, because as with any movements, there needs to be intellectuals at the top setting the framework and agenda. And the followers follow.

And I think you'll find it hard to ague that the short term thinking of Wall Street and Bankers hasn't had a negative impact on the economy.


Deku said:
But I wouldn't use it to paint a picture of the entire movement, because as with any movements, there needs to be intellectuals at the top setting the framework and agenda. And the followers follow.

And I think you'll find it hard to ague that the short term thinking of Wall Street and Bankers hasn't had a negative impact on the economy.

Yeah but there are pretty much no no head people. They saw it in America and thought "yeah, we'll do that! Greed is bad!". Unlike America I've heard NO reason behind it. No one saying "We're doing this because of X, Y and Z and this is why we have issues with them..." . The Australian economy is a lot better off than America, we've done no crazy bail outs and the reserve bank is government controlled.

And about wall street and the bankers. Most of them just say "greed" or something about global warming(which has NOTHING to do with these protests. Shut down coal power plants? WTF are they on about?!). If you asked them to explain what's going on with wall street or American banks they have no idea. I'm not doubting anyone that they have given a negative impact.


Darklord said:
Yeah but there are pretty much no no head people. They saw it in America and thought "yeah, we'll do that! Greed is bad!". Unlike America I've heard NO reason behind it. No one saying "We're doing this because of X, Y and Z and this is why we have issues with them..." . The Australian economy is a lot better off than America, we've done no crazy bail outs and the reserve bank is government controlled.

There doesn't seem to be much intellectual or political capital behind the American OWS, either (yet?).


kame-sennin said:
This is what I was hoping would come out of this movement. A lot of people have wanted a constitutional convention to end corporate personhood and fix campaign finance, but the political will wasn't there. Now we have the momentum.

I think you'll see proposals for an amendment or three, not a convention.
Joe said:
Has anyone been down there? Thinking about cheking out tomorrow not sure if its worth the trip to just check it out

I've been there twice. Most of the time not much is going on, if you go at a random time it will seem underwhelming.

If you are in NYC though there is no reason to not check it out.


Purkake4 said:
According to occupywallst.org the protests will end when "politicians" have been removed from power. What?

ErasureAcer said:
Lester Holt just said Occupy protests are anti-American. I quickly turned off the TV.
Lester Holt? Didn't see that coming.


Occupy Atlanta turning assy. Blocking streets, and giving the middle finger to the city by setting up fire-hazard electrics in the park and holding a concert with zero security.


Mayor's office denies Occupy Atlanta ordered to leave Woodruff Park

By Shelia M. Poole and Brant Sanderlin
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

8:33 p.m. Saturday, October 22, 2011
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed’s office denied an Occupy Atlanta leader’s assertion that protesters who have been camped at Woodruff Park had to leave Saturday or face arrest.

“There has been no such order,” Reed spokeswoman Sonji Dade told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “That is not true.”

Occupy Atlanta leader Tim Franzen emerged from a meeting with the mayor several hours earlier Saturday and said a livid Reed had demanded that protesters who have occupied the park for several weeks clear out.

“He was very angry, very upset,” said Franzen, who added that the mayor began “yelling right away” after they entered the mobile unit.

Franzen said Occupy Atlanta was given no specific time to clear the park. “He’s not being specific.” He said the mayor warned that protesters remaining will “get their wish” to be arrested.

Dade, however, said no deadline was given because none existed, other than a Nov. 7 date included in a recent executive order that allows the group to remain until that time.

“Nothing has changed,” Dade said Saturday several hours after the meeting between Reed and Franzen.

Dade said the purpose of the meeting with Franzen and promoters of a hip hop concert that was being held in the park was to break up the event because promoters didn’t have a city permit.

The mayor's office said promoters failed to pay the $2,500 permit fee for the concert and failed to submit a security plan. It also said a generator, which could pose a fire hazard, was being used in violation of city fire codes.

Seemingly in defiance of the order not to hold the concert, a stage was erected and hip hop artists were performing anyway in front of a crowd of about 150 people. But the music ended shortly after the meeting between the mayor and Occupy Atlanta leader.

Earlier in the week, Reed told Channel 2 Action News the protesters, who have occupied the park since Oct. 7, have cost the city at least $30,000 in police, portable toilet and other expenditures.

Dade insisted the mayor’s executive order allows the protesters to remain in the park until Nov. 7. The order also suspends a code that would have prevented the group from being in the park between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Dade also said no arrest order was issued for Saturday.

“Mayor Reed has not issued any command to arrest the folks in Occupy Atlanta, although he can make that determination at any time,” the spokeswoman said.

Occupy Atlanta has joined a national protest against what supporters call corporate greed and a lack of job creation. The group had hoped to expand its support base, starting with the hip hop concert.

“We are here until the civic problems that brought us here are changed,” Franzen vowed Saturday. “I wish he [Reed] would be more angry about the civic reasons why we are here.”

Possibly adding to tensions Saturday evening, marchers in the Downtown area protesting against alleged police brutality, made their way toward Woodruff Park and the area near Occupy Atlanta protesters and the police mobile unit near Auburn Avenue and Park Place.

The protesters with the “October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation” had been in the downtown area nearly all day but had not been connected with the Occupy Atlanta event.

Atlanta police officers and firefighters watched nearby as the 80 to 100 protesters blocked Auburn Avenue, chanting, “No Justice! No peace!” and “Whose park? Our park!”


AstroLad said:
The guy from 30 Rock?
He does the Weekend Today Show

Dead Man

kame-sennin said:
This is what I was hoping would come out of this movement. A lot of people have wanted a constitutional convention to end corporate personhood and fix campaign finance, but the political will wasn't there. Now we have the momentum.
Is this likely?


RustyNails said:
Your dad looks like the kind of dude who rides a Harley and in general is a badass.
Your powers of insight are astounding. Haha. It wasn't easy coming up under such a tough dude's shadow, but I gotta say my parents are simply the most awesome parents I or any of my friends have known.


Doctor_20 said:

hey, man.

the parties were great, and i can quote kirkegaard while bagging your groceries. MONEY WELL SPENT.


Dead Man said:
Is this likely?

Honestly, I think that might not be, but I think a constitutional amendment out of this of some sort is about 50/50 right now.

It will probably be something to try to get corporate money out of politics forever.

Dead Man

alstein said:
Honestly, I think that might not be, but I think a constitutional amendment out of this of some sort is about 50/50 right now.

It will probably be something to try to get corporate money out of politics forever.
That or getting rid of corporate personhood would be fine with me.


IrishNinja said:
hey, man.

the parties were great, and i can quote kirkegaard while bagging your groceries. MONEY WELL SPENT.

More facepalming at Student Loans = Slavery.

For such a privileged country you'd think people wouldn't equate an optional loan from their government to slavery.


ErasureAcer said:
Lester Holt just said Occupy protests are anti-American. I quickly turned off the TV.

I don't agree with OWS but protesting isn't un-American. That's a very unintelligent thing to say.
Zabka said:
Was this on the nightly news? I'd like to see what his problem is.


They just recently posted tonight's episode. The remark is made slightly after 10 minutes.

Start it at 9:33...he starts talking about OWS...then about protests overseas: Germany, Spain and Iran.

"And in Iran, where state television has given heavy coverage to the OWS movement. Dozens of students have picked up the the theme today. One more protest against capitalism and America."

The way he ties in OWS and "against...America" is simply the Corporate Conservative media for you.
Doctor_20 said:
More facepalming at Student Loans = Slavery.

For such a privileged country you'd think people wouldn't equate an optional loan from their government to slavery.
It's not optional when it is your only way to an education.


Rocket Scientist said:
It's not optional when it is your only way to an education.
Save your money.

Seriously, just save your money. Look for cheaper alternatives like community colleges, smaller schools, etc etc. You aren't going to die if you don't finish college by 26.


Unconfirmed Member
Rocket Scientist said:
It's not optional when it is your only way to an education.
I know several people that got their educations without taking out loans, and I know even more that are doing quite well for themselves without ever having gone to college.


lacks enthusiasm.
"I know blah blah did x y and z and so you're wrong"

Anecdotal evidence isn't very useful because it works both ways.
Doctor_20 said:
More facepalming at Student Loans = Slavery.

For such a privileged country you'd think people wouldn't equate an optional loan from their government to slavery.

do you understand structural slavery? it's similar to indentured servitude, another form of modern slavery.

College in the modern world is a RIGHT, and in the United States the costs for college are literally unaffordable for almost every single person. This is not so in most other civilized nations.

The tuition is high in order to get us to take more loans, its another market for banks, so yes, it is a form of slavery when IT CAN NEVER GO AWAY.

You lack any sort of understanding on the subject, don't assume shit.
remnant said:
Save your money.

Seriously, just save your money. Look for cheaper alternatives like community colleges, smaller schools, etc etc. You aren't going to die if you don't finish college by 26.

what? save money? the money we barely have leftover because we have shitty jobs becaue we don't have degrees? Degrees that are almost necessary to participate in the global economy?

You guys are Completely missing the point by thirty miles and a kilometer too, public University SHOULD NOT BE THIS EXPENSIVE EVER. EVER.

It was a collaborative manipulation between banks and the government to increase the amount of loans available, and then to artificially increase the tuition with that. It's taking advantage of people trying to better their economic opportunities, something you guys would say people should do when they're poor.

The point is that NO ONE SHOULD GO IN THIS MUCH DEBT TO GET A UNI EDUCATION EVER. literally ever, I don't understand how you guys can even roundabout defend this shit?

Americans are so willing to eat shit and like it, holy fuck.


remnant said:
Save your money.

Seriously, just save your money. Look for cheaper alternatives like community colleges, smaller schools, etc etc. You aren't going to die if you don't finish college by 26.

yeah man, all that left over money, i'll start saving it instead of blowing it all on hats!
it truly hurts my heart to see Americans just antagonist against eachother like this, like we're in a pile of shit and we just throw shit on eachother not looking at the shitter, ha. it's hopeless. Maybe I have been affected by Europe way too much, because the concept of having healthcare is no longer alien because no way in ten hells will i have coverage in the U.S., and the concept of going to University without selling your soul is just the norm.

but here in America we want to shit on those who are shit on, not seeing that the entire point is that University Education should be affordable for all, not manipulated in a way that it's unnatainable except without the help of entities that will hold you by the balls until you die. Is that really how we want to continue educating the American populace? what the fuck, dudes? you embarrass me


time to take my meds
XMonkey said:
Everyone should watch the latest Bill Maher episode. Lots of great points made concerning the Occupy protests.
Is there a way to watch this online? hbo.com or something?


Alpha-Bromega said:
it truly hurts my heart to see Americans just antagonist against eachother like this, like we're in a pile of shit and we just throw shit on eachother not looking at the shitter, ha. it's hopeless. Maybe I have been affected by Europe way too much, because the concept of having healthcare is no longer alien because no way in ten hells will i have coverage in the U.S., and the concept of going to University without selling your soul is just the norm.

but here in America we want to shit on those who are shit on, not seeing that the entire point is that University Education should be affordable for all, not manipulated in a way that it's unnatainable except without the help of entities that will hold you by the balls until you die. Is that really how we want to continue educating the American populace? what the fuck, dudes? you embarrass me
Yup. I'm pretty embarrassed to admit I'm American when it comes to our economic, health care, and education policies.
It warms my heart whenever I see sane GAFfers reply in threads like these. The Bill Maher video was good, watched some other videos of him with Maddow and Moore which were good too.
Alpha-Bromega said:
it truly hurts my heart to see Americans just antagonist against eachother like this, like we're in a pile of shit and we just throw shit on eachother not looking at the shitter, ha. it's hopeless. Maybe I have been affected by Europe way too much, because the concept of having healthcare is no longer alien because no way in ten hells will i have coverage in the U.S., and the concept of going to University without selling your soul is just the norm.

but here in America we want to shit on those who are shit on, not seeing that the entire point is that University Education should be affordable for all, not manipulated in a way that it's unnatainable except without the help of entities that will hold you by the balls until you die. Is that really how we want to continue educating the American populace? what the fuck, dudes? you embarrass me

well said
It sucks because it can not be this way, it really can, but it's really like many Americans don't even want the situation to be better. That we should be let to eat cake, while we carve statues of your achievements that you break into the lower middle class while those above you filtered what could have been your benefits into their own pockets. But they'll accept that, because well maybe that CEO really deserved that raise? If i worked hard enough, maybe he'll give us back our maternity leave or something?
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